Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006
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Mats, I am not so sure about where this may be headed, because the last thing I want to do is start an AA style pissing contest or suggest that any given product or design is the one to have, mainly because I just don't believe that any product simply plugged into a system is going to make a positive contribution. So please consider my remarks as abstract and related to the technological ramifications of each design rather than brand or genre loyalty, which I certainly lack, anyway. Since I know these threads can get heated from here out, please feel welcome to make me wrong, and I'll thank you and move on. I don't remember you ever introducing isolated stats or theories or dragging in witnesses as proof of anything, and I hope no one else will do this either, because where would that get us?
OK, I said that. So, I had an old SP10, which I simply did not care for. It just never sounded right to me either in terms of noise via playback or the speed - in terms of music - despite the fact that the built-in strobe looked great. So, naturally, I wound up with an SP12 and, naturally, it was not much better in terms of speed but way worse in terms of noise via playback. FWIW, I had the same issues with a Dennon I played with, and also a friend's friend's Kenwood; they all had the same problems. You must have had a reason or reasons to go to batteries. I never tried that, but the "perfect" speed control I was getting sounded more like original CD to me, and I never could solve the breakthrough issues, either, despite exotic coatings under the platter, isolation measures, etc.
And that's where the Sota Star (vacuum) came in. To the point, I am NOT saying the Sota Star is a world beater, but - once set up properly - in terms of sound via playback it is in another class altogether where it matters to me, simply more musically coherent and a lot less noise via playback. While I would not say that speed is my old Sota's strong point, it's problems are yet more tolerable to me. Also, I imagine I could improve it significantly by replacing the 20 year old drive motor. I'll tell all if I ever get around to it.
If I were designing from scratch I would try to find my bearing and levitation components first, then make the platter as heavy as I could given the beaings/suspension. I'm guessing around 25-35 kilos. Then I would find the drive system, meaning a no-larger-than-necessary AC motor, minimal analog regulation and a suiltable whimpy belt. Then I'd do primitive and reliable vacuum, having allowed for it as I went along.
If nothing else, DD seems to work against a heavy platter, and runout becomes so damned critical, in practical terms. Also, and also critical to me, DD seems to preclude the vacuum, because why would you couple the disc to the motor? Lastly, what about the "perfect speed control", anyway? How come that never seemed to work in the first place, at least in terms of sonics?
Basically, I don't understand why anyone would put a great deal into solving DD problems when it appears to me that relatively cheap, simple technology is already available to do the job more effectively, based on my own experience, anyway.
Best regards, Paul S