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Romy the Cat's personal site dedicated to advanced audio and evolved music reproduction techniques

“It was then that she understood the vicious circle of Colonel Aureliano Buendia’s little gold fishes.”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

This site came to live because of multiple reasons:

  • As a software engineer I enjoy and in many cases I find it practical to have a community-based content-filled site where I might play with off-the-wall solutions, which I might not, necessarily might utilize with my clients. Therefore this site is a convenient technical playground.

  • I appreciate music and value music reproduction; I appreciatively spend substantial amount of effort and time on them. I feel that I possess some critical mass of realization on the subject that might be presented or exchanged at public domain. Also, I do enjoy the process of collaboration and swapping, not to mention - the thinking - about the audio/music related subjects. Therefore, this site is a wonderful source for those dual-explorative opportunities.

  • Over the course of the last few years I spent some time socializing with various audio people on-line. It reveals to me that unfortunately the dominating majority of them were remarkable idiots. Furthermore, those on-line individuals , for whatever reasons drived them, found necessary to spread lie and deception about me. Therefore, this site is my statement who I am and what I think, without me being edited, impersonated or censored by the frighten and fraudulent audio human waste.

In other words this site is sort of a public diary about my own and perhaps others journey among the jungles of Music and Music reproduction. This is the place where I might share some thoughts, objectives, methods and ideas with whoever comes alone or across.

Neither this site nor I, thank God, are associated with any audio or music industry entities. I’m on my own and I have no other agendas besides:

  • My pure and natural interest to the subjects of music and music reproduction
  • Opportunity to tease my corrupted ego
  • Opportunity to mock the Audio Morons™, illusory ideas and mistaken concepts that deserve to be ridiculed
  • Opportunity to learn and to teach
  • Opportunity to have a entertainment while I’m engaged in less-exciting projects


I welcome you at Roman Bessnow's – the Internet home of Romy the Cat

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AUG 1 Borromeo String Quar»
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