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Started as a music performances-centric site: October 14 1999
Continue in current "audionized" version: May 27 2004
Server and administration location: Boston, MA USA        Contact Admin
Site Statistics Forum Statistics
Unique human sessions since May 2004:   45,079,282 Total Club Members:   1533, with no posts -951
Yesterday: visitors-new visitors-pages:   77215 - 7716 - 370690 Total Forum Threads:   2124,  average 0.277 per day
Max visitors per day:   347324 on 9/27/2023 Total Forum Posts:   26412,  average 3.473 per day
Average pages-seconds spent per visit:   8 - 3373 New Posts within 24 hours:   1
Real Time Top Trafic Lists for the last 180 days
Top visitors countries Top search engines keywords Top referrences (self & search engines excluded) Top requested pages
United States  9694
Canada  6728
Germany  2489
Belgium  763
Sweden  680
United Kingdom  651
Japan  522
France  446
Australia  397
Netherlands  352
Russia  325
Good Korea  294
Indonesia  254
Uruguay  156
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Altec 1505 Mdf  1
Skema Encoder 16x Sampling  1
Silbatone 755 For Sale  1
Sg17s Goto Unit  1
Px4 Ac044  1
Maxonic Sit Amplifier  1
Maxonic Loudspeaker Review  1
Jmlc Horn 200hz  1
haslcrc  1
Goto Unit Sg 17s  1
Goto Sg06  1
gm70se  1  87
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PopupEmail.aspx  337
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SiteStatistic.aspx  241
Real Time top site content for the last 180 days
Most read Threads Most Visited Links (sine June 2006) Most read Posts
It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.  10316886
Single-stage Melquiades vs. DHT amps  3718671
Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown...  3064050
Romy The Cat's new Listening Room  3027248
Midbass Horns and Real Estate.  2200857
The last phonocorrector: “End of Life...  2043669
Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acous...  2033113
The most promising “best” commercial ...  1877615
Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s  1791191
Jessie Dazzle Project  1602682
How to USE “Resonating Oops” in louds...  1580425
Macondo’s lowest channel.  1433800
Vitavox’s S2 Survival Guide.  1395526
Ultimate Turntable  1383689
Lamm Industries: a special interview ...  1359324
6 Channel Version of Super Melquiades  1287662
Eventually - a reasonable midbass hor...  1222423
Problems with horns: upper bass   1198381
... again on GOTO Unit drivers...  1171027
How to record FM broadcasts.  1170908
High Quality Music Server / CD player  1168635
Vitavox S2 with Electromagnets  1095513
Bye-Bye, Fane  1091766
A listening room for a domesticated Cat?  1008652
Adding one more spherical to Macondo.  984662
A quest for a better monitor.  984325
Aporia - Silbatone Acoustics speaker  978827
RAAL “Water Drop” tweeter for Macondo.  945405
A different breed of 6C33C amplifier.  927191
Another time aligned 5-way horn project  921130
How to get a LOT of SET power.  913025
Tweeter for Vitavox S2. High-sensitiv...  860518
Buying a last cartridge.  831056
Crossover Design  807280
Planning my DSET  767677
Pacific Microsonics Model 2  751248
The LCR RIAA correctors  737238
Who builds horns?  736312
Living Voice Loudspeaker  709937
The tapped horns: cons, pros and Sound  709141
Macondo's Axioms: Horn-loaded acousti...  708061
The one-stage Melquiades.  704598
Bruckner, me and the Seventh  684456
Where are our good phonostages?  683053
About EAR 834P Modifications  654005
To drive the 6C33C...  650086
Michael Fremer Continuums…  627445
Lowther Driver  619149
Performance of a week.  606564
The Foolishness of Analog People  599286
Tubecad publication  28310
The Gustav Mahler Board  14019
Daily Audiophile  11219
Opera America  8007
Hi-Fi Speakers Design  7304
Japanese's HiFiDo  6878
Boston Philharmonic Orchestra   6759
Audiofederation's Blog  6642
BostonSymphony's Channel  6439
Tuner Information Center  6359
Graeme's Speaker DIY Pages  6310
High-End Audio  6287
Classical Music Network  6184
GS Tube  6163
Marston Records  6056
High-Tech Hi-Fi  6000
Vintage Audio Trader  5930
Loudspeaker Designer's Guide  5894
Electron Tube Data sheets   5852
WHRB Radio Station  5834
Jong Woo's Site  5803
Japanese CDs store  5783
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment  5780
Russian Records  5771
Jammin' Jersey  5738
The Opera Critic  5728
Twogoodears' Blog  5712
Tube World  5701
Classical Composers  5691
Clemens Krauss Archive  5681
The Handelmania Podcast  5669
Exotic Audio  5633
Russian Music in 20th Century   5632
DIY SET  5622
Polish GM70 Poject  5612
Audio Spot Kamani  5579
Jogis Röhrenbude's Site  5552
MetManiac Opera Archive  5526
Toccata Classics  5516
Recording Technology History  5512
Audio Anthology   5511
Hub Arts  5485
The Tape Project  5467
Professional Audio Calculators  5462
Berkshire Record Outlet  5444
Subito-Cantabile  5441
Dr. Bruce Edgar Interview  5436
Good-Music-Guide  5431
Value of Records Tool  5414
The Victor Victrola Page   5404
EAR 834P Modification Guide  121663
Sun Audio SV-2A3  55593
Roundup: RAAL, “Water Drop”, Ribbons,...  52269
Micro Seiki air bearing.  51471
The APS Purepower 2000: Introduction  50186
Lamm ML3 – 3LAMA worth SET  46262
Lamm ML3 review.  45305
Here is a good tapped horn reads by J...  45100
Fostex T 500A MK 2 Horn Super Tweeter  42826
Further comments about the Lamm ML3 (...  42074
A sober view on Cogent True-to-Life S...  42043
Bass horn and crossover  39654
EAR 834P mods  38369
6C18C vs. 6C33C?  38243
The “strange” YO186  35523
A wonderful write up about ribbons.  35522
A proper commercial midbass horn, sor...  35520
Some shades of the Micro Seiki’s bonsai.  34729
“Second-type” phonostage: DACT CT-100?  33723
Continuing the debate….  33565
The different views about Celestion S...  33232
Korvet turntable.  32963
Is it all that Ortofon SPU can do?  32225
Some guesses about modular constructi...  31994
Good examples prove there are ways to...  31894
Cessaro Horn Acoustics drivers?  31872
Lamm ML2: 6N6P vs. 5687  31642
The APS PurePower vs. good electricity.  31547
Edgarhorns & DEQX  30979
More Horns propaganda  30798
The pocket size 20Hz tapped horn.  30392
Some unconfirmed story of Japanese dr...  29790
Thomas Mayer's WE 437A + Tango EQ-600...  29631
Building Melquiades: questions and an...  29242
6SN7-2A3 amps?  29013
How to use Vitavox’s S2  28440
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Lo...  27848
The SA8535: final conclusion.  27731
Bass horn resonance... & fruit  27447
Tractrix vs. Exponential curve for lo...  27442
Electricity and different compression...  27118
Thorsten's preamp idea  27052
Tweeters: a new round.  27008
Denon 103  27004
Some thoughts about EV-T350 and the t...  26978
Construction plans of Altec 1505  26954
Perfect HF and the “kinky” Electro-Vo...  26941
The ALE Acoustic midbass solution vs....  26896
Building a midbass horn...  26574
EC8020/437A/3A-167M -price-tag vs. pe...  26505
Currently alive human sessions in descending order.
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