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» A resistor between scree»
» Denon 103: myths and the»
» About DSET-driven multi-»
» FM and … cables…
» There is no need to say »
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» Lamm introduced LL1 Sign»
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» Klangfilm: actual knowle»
» Simpson Microphones thre»
» Bach by Ormandy’s Philad»
» Josh: My visit to Romy t»
» The best audio source EV»
» The Multicells HF Horns.
» It is Miracle
» Holly Proscenium idiocy!
» Harmonies for Bosch’s Ga»
» Order your own music….
» New Horn Speaker Manufac»
» Fuck you, the Shunyata's»
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» New Motor for an Old Sot»
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» Kharma Loudspeakers reac»
» Hammond?
» The FM Radio. What a Hel»
» Fun with transformers?
» Garg wants more horns.
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Romy the Cat's personal site dedicated to advanced audio and evolved music reproduction techniques

Audio Knowledge Tree - hierarchical collection of Club's audio content. Click a subject to expand articles
Analog source and analog related accessories
 Turntables (8)
 Tonearms (9)
 Cartridges (14)
 Analog set-up (5)
 Accessories (2)
 Phonostages (18)
 Step-up transformers (1)
 Tuners (6)
 Tape machines (2)
Digital source and digital related tools
 Transports-Players (17)
 D-A Processors (18)
 Recorders, A-D Processors (14)
Line-level and power electronics
 Line-level Amplifier (13)
 Power Amplifier (49)
 “Harmonic Speed”- friend of foe?
 “Zarathustra II” amplifier
 “Zarathustra” amplifier: loosing of virginity.
 A new amplifier from Audio Note.
 A quest for a better SET.
 About DSET-driven multi-way acoustic system maintenance assessment.
 About the pre-warming of playback
 An amplifier for Tweeters
 An ultimate HF output transformer?
 Anatoly Manakov 6E5P - 6C33C SET
 CES: the best worst amplifier-WAVAC
 Class “D” amplifiers and the Audio Industry
 DHT vs. IDHT experiment
 DSET is NOT a SET in context of this conversation.
 Further comments about the Lamm ML3
 Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
 Lamm Industries: a special interview with a special company
 Lamm ML2.1 survival guide.
 Lamm ML2: 6N6P vs. 5687
 Lamm ML3 SET
 Macondo – Super Melquiades: few months later.
 Melquiades Input Choke and Power Factor
 Melquiades: too early for a verdict?
 More to the Melquiades release notes.
 Moscode 401HR amplifier
 One of many advantages of multi-amping.
 Out-impedance and "bass"
 SET and speakers: disregard Volume
 Single Ended Triode distortions....
 Small SET’s bass, besides everything- is it about power?
 Some thoughts about transformer for my MF channel.
 Some thoughts on amplifier - speaker interfacing
 Super Melquiades Amplifier.
 Tenor 350M amplifier
 The “art” of multi-amping?
 The “Melquíades” début.
 The “Melquiades” Sound - beginning of the story.
 The David Berning amplifiers
 The DSET perspective examines the Herb Reichert article.
 The Krell’s cursed Sound: 25 yeas and counting….
 The one-stage Melquiades.
 The single-ended pretense.
 The single-ended pretense.
 Thomas Mayer’s Triamp
 Thorsten Loesch’s article about DHT SETs
 Thoughts about Lamm ML2 SET
 To Melquiades builders: corrections, simplification, modifications.
 Training amplifiers
 "Zaratustra II" to drive Macondo’s bass?
 Crossovers (7)
 Vacuum tubes (58)
Acoustic system and listening room
 Horn loaded (160)
 Boxed (34)
 Opened baffle (8)
 Speakers setup (27)
 Listening Rooms (17)
Secondary audio devises and trivial Gizmos
 Cables (7)
 Power lines and supplies (10)
Listening Practice
 Evaluation methods (70)
 Collection Organization (5)

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