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12-27-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 21428
Reply to: 21428
Melq 6e5p driver stage for ss?
Delet if not proper topic.  Was wanting to experiment with 6e5p driving lifeless speakers.  with possible 100v swing i'm guessing way to much for regular garbage amps. What are peoples ideas for lowering output v (to like >5v?) with out destroying sound to much, besides all other problems with boring speakers and ss. All signiture features of melq must be kept(gas bias, 15k loading, 200v etc.)  Is it not even possible?
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 21429
Reply to: 21428
Do I Even Understand the Post?
Shannon, from your questions I "understand" that you want to drive lifeless speakers with a hybrid amp that features a 6E5P first stage. Is that what you want to do? What do and don't you like about your present set-up? What do you hope to change and/or gain?

Best regards,
Paul S
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 21430
Reply to: 21429
You understand. that is what i want to do. This is not exactly for my present playback.  I hope to gain more understanding the 6e5p. Also experiment with higher power Lf. 
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 4
Post ID: 21431
Reply to: 21428
Why change anything?
The question is: why mess around with untried concepts before you try something that already has a track record. If the sound were not good would it be the driver, your output stage, the match of amp to speaker - or something else that you don't understand?
My idea is that if you even have to ask the question, you aren't ready for any answer. Romy has done an admirable job of describing what he has done and why as well as making it VERY clear that there is a process behind his system choices. An itchy trigger finger for a soldering iron was never part of his process. There is ALWAYS a reference to context when he does something.
If I were to build a SS Melquiades, the first iteration would have a simple "no gain" or very "low gain" MOSFET output stage just to lower impedance. I just don't know why I would want to.

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 21432
Reply to: 21431
I would not call it ss melq.
I do not think that 6e5p driver stage withh ss could be useful for proper playback.  or would it somehow be melq.  I am familiar with the proven method. in the case of melq it should be followed 100% exactly. I am very greatfull for all the discoveries and philosaphy romy has provided.  I try to follow his simple guidlines to good sound.  I have no desire to change amplification on my playback, unless some day i fell dset would help.          
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 21433
Reply to: 21432
Gains from 6E5P
I am not the person to speak about the 6E5P but I have messed with hybrids. If you want LF power, I can say I've heard some pretty simple plate amps that "work" at LF. It would be helpful, and it might even be necessary for you to tell more about your situation and your ideas if you want to to get a conversation going. FWIW, there is already a thread about "high power SETs", if that would be of interest to you. I also recently read that the Ayon Titan has 1000V on its plate, puts out 75W, and I already wrote about the Nat SET/SS hybrid in a thread where I am looking for amps.

Best regards,
Paul S
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 21434
Reply to: 21432
Are your talking about SS drive?

I am not 100% sure what you are asking. If you want to drive SS with a single 5E6P stage then you have some difficulties.  Dima had his version of SRPP with 5E6P to drive his SS and it "worked" very fine.  


The same amp was eventually augmented with Milq-like bias for driver stage with very positive outcome.  I have seen that some people used a transformer and a single gain 5E6P but I did not hear it.


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 21435
Reply to: 21434
Yes that is what im looking for
I figured there would be difficulties.  Thanks for the link, 117 pages of Russian, wow.  Transformers came to mind. i did not know if such transformer could be made. 30:1? with wide bandwith. amorphous?  I think i have ribbon mic transfo with ratio like that. and maybe i saw mc ones with high ratio. 
12-28-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 21436
Reply to: 21434
Thought Out
Well, that's a mighty interesting hybrid! And talk about current! I'm going to look into that further, myself.

BTW, yes, some MC SUTs are "like that'", but - obviously - they are "LV".

Best regards,
Paul S
12-29-2014 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 21437
Reply to: 21435
The opportunities are there.
I have very little familiarity with SS and with the need of the SS stage to be driven. If you want then talk to Dima directly or over the linked site, he is comfortable in English. 
I would still employ the Milq gass bias but I would not go PP for the driver stage. Well, whatever I would do it less relevant, you can do whatever you want, the opportunities are there.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 21518
Reply to: 21437
No choke gas tube supply
Had a small amount of free time tonight.  150vac secondary, fred, 100uf, 500r, 1000uf, 30k, 5k, (like melq schema 4.4)  no load voltage(b and c test point with no gas tube) 226.2vdc both lines. 
secondary is actually putting out 171.6 so 226.2 makes sense. wall ac is 118.9 right now.
01-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 21519
Reply to: 21518
No gas no fun
Well, as a prototype it might work but as the Milq sound that I was implied the amp with no gas tubes in bias supply is not good in my view. I never was satisfied the way how a regular 6E5P driver 6C33C. To me it was very perfunctory and much unsophisticated. If I had this sound from Milq then I would never leave the Lamm ML2.0 realms. The whole interest I feel the amp gets with this grid bias and gas-tube-damped PS. BTW, you will have also substantially better  in structure and deeper in extension bass if you go gas tube regulation in bias on 6E5P

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-29-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 13
Post ID: 21520
Reply to: 21519
Sorry for the confusion.
I will be fallowing the proper formula, except no chokes on gs tube supply and 30h on b+. I got that far and couldn't find the gas tubes.  So untill later thats it. 
02-20-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 21548
Reply to: 21520
A small step forward
couldnt get "insert iamge from gallary"  to work so i attached it. 
Had it working for a couple weeks.  Single stage 6e5p testbed.  The B+ rcore and output transformer is underneath.  In the end r23 of 30k worked with 30h choke.  no choke on gas tubes.

A question.  There is a drift of +-10mv on the input.  Do you think that is just my meter is not very good(it drifts on open air)? Is that a problem, it seems to work fine. 
02-20-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 15
Post ID: 21549
Reply to: 21548
The drift.
 shannon wrote:
couldnt get "insert iamge from gallary"  to work so i attached it. Had it working for a couple weeks.  Single stage 6e5p testbed.  The B+ rcore and output transformer is underneath.  In the end r23 of 30k worked with 30h choke.  no choke on gas tubes.

A question.  There is a drift of +-10mv on the input.  Do you think that is just my meter is not very good(it drifts on open air)? Is that a problem, it seems to work fine. 
Good project. I never was able to get any good full range result from a single stage 6e5p, it was always too stiff sound to my taste but it might means nothing as there is infinite way to do it and you might do something different. It is also a gorgeous Cat, just super cute Cat, congratulations. 
About the drift. This is very interesting. Are you sure that the drift does not come from the front end (preamps if you use it). Check it.  If not then pull out the positive gas tube and run it only with negative tube while do not disconnect the connection cable to your preamp. See if you have drift then. If you do then trash the negative supply tube and use another one, if you do not then replace the positive gas tube. Make sure you load the tube with 15-25 mA. If you load the tubes too little they have stability problems and if you do too much then they do the same + they run hot to touch.  Generally you shall not have any drift. I set the balance with +-1mA precision and it stay there for months and months. You might have 1-2mA per year, I never had more. Saying that I need to admit that a minor DC at input affects nothing but very small auditable click when you stitch the cable or in my case change volume (my preamp is DC coupled all the way though). If you have cap or transformer coupled front end or preamp then a few mA at amp input shall not be a problem, even though I would still trace the reason just because my anal retentiveness…

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-21-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 16
Post ID: 21553
Reply to: 21549
Bonkers says thanks for the compliments he is always been interested in audio pursuits.  Been a while since he's had anything interesting to rub against.     I wasnt paying enough attention. The gas tubes never made me feel the same way as Melquiades did to look at.  I could stare at melqs gas tubes for a long time.  These tubes the pink wasn't as nice or bright. I remeber a let down when i first fired it up.  
Only less than 9ma before.  Now over 22ma nice glow, to bright maybe. voltage drift gone.     
02-21-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 17
Post ID: 21554
Reply to: 21553
Sexism among the gas tubes.
 shannon wrote:
Only less than 9ma before.  Now over 22ma nice glow, to bright maybe. voltage drift gone.     

I think you might have closer to 5mA before.  I did see that with low load I had voltage drift. Interesting is that this effect only for 150V gas tube, the 105V gas tube are most stable at low currents for some reasons. As I said above at 15-25mA they do just fine. Feel free to play with tube rolling, particularly the negative supply tube – it will affect sound to a degree. BTW, I hate to say it but the best sounding tubes I found have the sexiest glow….

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-04-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 18
Post ID: 21579
Reply to: 21554
Mindless finger burning
Had some fun experimenting with 6e5p driver stage.
playing with difrent output transformrs and resistors found that the stage can drive a speaker with ground connected to air.  mabye this is widley know i did not know. + of speaker connected to bad output transformer - not connected to anything, sound coming out of speaker.
Main thing was 6n1p "buffer?" to lower input signal, then 6e5p stage connected to ss monoblock with 3uf 950b.  sounded interesting enough to encourage me to build Zaratustrawith proper 6e5p set gassed driver stage.
Zaratustra what a beast that thing is.  Is this the most powerfull fully pure class a amp in existance? i think maybe.  This will take some time, something i have little of. side note:  I dont think any high power, utra lf drivers, with proprer tone exist. bass array is still the only option.
03-04-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 19
Post ID: 21581
Reply to: 21579
It is not to mention that 6n1p is not very good sounding tube… It is interesting that you have built Zaratustra with gas driven 6e5p. I do not feel that it is “most powerful fully pure class A amp in existence”. Power is power and it is defiled the current you output stage can handle. I have AB version of Zaratustra for a while and I loved it, even though I do not know how to compare it to other amps out there. I kind of like the gas biased 6e5p sound and I feel that Zaratustra, even there it had SS output stage did have the similar type of sound as I appreciate in Milq. I think to say anything more definitive it would be necessary to render Zaratustra in good final version in pure class A1 of over 150W and let it to drive some truly great full range speaker of 95dB. Dima made for me a superbly interesting version of Zaratustra that might run from 100 to 350W in A1 and at the same time to be very small and compact package. It shamelessly sits in my basement, I have tone of the things to finish it up and another day then my life will be free from sleepless nights, crying babies and formula mixing I will make it to work… send you a picture of your Zaratustra, it would be very interesting to see it. 

Rgs, Romy

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-04-2015 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 20
Post ID: 21582
Reply to: 21581
More confusion by me
My wording was bad.  I am building zarathustra but am a long long way from completion. I do not have the capabilities to just whip one up.  
Yes the 6n1p was from the old days when i thought i had discovered good sound, i'm sure i still don't know(but im happy).  It and 6n2p are the start of the journey to finding your site.   
I needed something to lower the sorce line level voltage. I was just using junk i had in storage to test the possibility of my idea.  I should have read your site more. I would have found that, of course, you have already done hybrid 6e5p to the extreme.
Yes this 150 to 350w a1 version i read about in the vega lab.  If not the most powerfull, very powerfull at any rate.  And it can heat your house.
Its a massive project. You have a life and spectacular playback already. No shame in it sitting in your basement. 
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