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Thread WITH the new posts.

Legends: "Week" - last week posts, "Bold" - entered last 48 hours.
A listening room for a domesticated Cat? 3243 
Big 3243 
Old house? 3243 
To be invisible and to be time-aligned are the keys. 3243 
Invisible and time-aligned idea. 3243 
For a Given Room 3242 
House Inspections & Warranties 3242 
A min Room size.... 3236 
Charging the Large Room 3236 
A bit deeper. 3236 
Idea of Midbass in new room and time-aligment 3235 
Comfort 3235 
Choices 3234 
Value 3234 
Property line setbacks & local building codes 3234 
"romantic" illusion... 3234 
Do not need to be isolationist. 3234 
My kids... 3234 
Bingo 3234 
Interesting discussion indeed 3234 
The High Demands System 3233 
Paul S -- 3233 
Social Life vs. Private Life vs. Family Life 3233 
Losing my listening room virginity? 3230 
Somewhere about 2yo... 3230 
Happiness 3230 
Various Stages of Young 3230 
Hm, another midbass horn idea in new listening room? 3229 
Bent Bass and Double Doors 3229 
Using the real estate 3229 
Through the roof 3226 
Sideways 3225 
If not a midbass horn? 3223 
What Comes Naturally 3223 
It will be probably two bass channels. 3223 
In That Case... 3223 
The game is on. 3221 
Mazel Tov! 3221 
Great news 3221 
Wonderful! 3221 
I think it will be better with time. 3221 
Gaddis House 3221 
Congratulations! 3220 
View vs. Practicality 3217 
Multi-Tasking 3217 
Exactly! 3217 
Equipment between speakers... 3217 
Top Gear 3217 
I see no problems with "between". 3217 
Oh well... 3217 
Wall of nature 3217 
Big Window 3217 
Shades and Night Vision 3217 
...they do image wonderfully... 3217 
Another attic project? 3216 
Infinite baffle 3216 
IB 3216 
Mold 3216 
Attic Ventilation 3216 
Possible 3215 
Just strategizing 3215 
Normal orientation 3215 
Confusion. 3215 
Specifics 3215 
Driver Orientation 3215 
That all need to be though out. 3215 
It nigh be a problem 3215 
Ideas 3215 
Opposing woofers 3215 
Cabinet Size for "Subs" 3215 
Blow hard 3215 
Phoenix Gold arises from the ashes 3215 
Couple of things 3215 
So many thing I need to take under consideration in new listening room... 3203 
That's not a problem :) 3203 
A LF solution for a new room 3146 
Another midbass?!!? 3143 
Another option to consider 3141 
Room comfort upgrades 3140 
Small-blood Macondo 2016? 3138 
The color of the listening room. 3124 
This would be nice...... 3121 
That is it. 3111 
Congratulations 3111 
Well, 3111 
The last week of moving... 3102 
We are home! 3098 
Congratulations! 3098 
We found a new room in House.... 3092 
Bass in bass-ment? 3091 
True, but. . . 3091 
Sometimes basement is not just a basement, stlil.... 3090 
Well it's good that you've considered the humidity. 3090 
It took for a while. 3053 
Time/Change 3052 
In regards to chairs... 3052 
This week. 3050 
What the most intriguing me in the new room is where the LF will roll off. 3050 
The first day. 3048 
Quick thoughts on beginning of system assembly 3048 
Sounds like a nice time... 3048 
For now.... 3047 
Soft Bass 3047 
Getting somewhere. 3046 
Virtual visit to Romy's setting up (part 2) 3046 
Diffusion 3045 
Waiting two other shoes to drop… 3044 
Space behind 3044 
Slowly going back to the business. 3029 
Keep on truckin' 3029 
New kids: Charlie and Abbigail 3027 
Audio vs Video playback. 3024 
Audio and video separate or combined? 3023 
AV 3023 
Yes, I will need to experiment with it. 3023 
A good configuration. 3022 
Injection Channel 3022 
It will come later. 3022 
Going there.... 3020 
Toddler Listeners 3019 
I wish I had a toddler forever. 3019 
The honeymoon night. 3017 
Proximity 3017 
A chicken and egg situation 3008 
So far so good. 3003 
A ULF solution for my new listening room 3001 
Ok, a first objective look. 2996 
Some room dealing basics 2995 
Thinking about the forthcoming experiment. 2994 
Slighly mad suggestion! Ignore accordingly 2993 
Bass trap 2993 
I will see... 2993 
Pure arrival time minus reflection or.... 2993 
Other absorbtion methods 2993 
Converting acoustic problems into acoustic payback... 2992 
Evolution of my rooms sound quality. 2985 
Why not pentode or push-pull instead solid state. 2985 
I do not know powerful pentodes in output. 2983 
I thought on tetrodo and write pentodo. 2983 
Zarathustra 2979 
Very very nice. 2960 
OB (etc.) at Midbass 2960 
Theoretically possible? 2958 
So True 2957 
This kid has a strange genes or “Papa, how to measure twins impedance?”. 2946 
Are they Brucknerised yet? 2941 
7 moths and one event... 2820 
The next day 2818 
I don't understand the video problem. . . 2818 
Choose your poisons 2818 
Thank you 2817 
It is very nice. 2816 
Great day 2815 
Macondo and wife satisfaction. 2814 
A truly peaceful feeling. 2809 
Macondo listening distance. 2725 
Measured from? 2724 
The Listening Room July 7 2724 
8' all around 2723 
Some comments... 2723 
I am looking for inspiration. 2721 
Vent that woofer 2721 
I do not know yet what to do. 2721 
Port vs. Not Sealed 2720 
Ported 2720 
No port for me, if possible... 2720 
Might...... be.... 2720 
K-Horns? 2720 
K-Horns… hmmm very interesting… 2720 
They do appear 2720 
Path length of khorn 2720 
The memory lane. 2720 
Outside 2720 
KHorn facts and truth 2720 
Khorn extension 2720 
The options available.... 2720 
The last night looking… 2719 
LF Circuit Mysteries 2719 
About the use of reading my own site. 2718 
Another option, very interesting. Martinshorn speak up. 2718 
Could be, could be not :) im not you... 2718 
Just thinking out loud... 2718 
Room Mode Gain vs. Speaker/Amp Output 2718 
Driver? 2718 
Two separate individuals 2718 
Not a fan of weak magnets 2718 
Hm, who would believe that I might be happier now? 2718 
One more simple idea 2718 
A good thinking. 2716 
A next day. 2716 
Deja vu 2715 
It is all depend of your roo 2715 
What the holly garbage. 2705 
What about at a lower volume... 2705 
I do not know why. 2704 
Changing Macondo Configuration 2651 
SSET ;-) 2650 
Thank you, I might need to look into it. 2650 
More of the same? 2649 
Yes, this is an option too. 2649 
Actually… 2649 
The Scanspeaks 2649 
The Scanspeak woofers. 2649 
Ah, Winnie... 2649 
Last version 2649 
I wrote about it. 2648 
Layout 2648 
Kind of LF depression… 2645 
The one that got away 2645 
Updated. 2645 
Respect! 2644 
There are plenty things to think about. 2644 
Devil invented the room :) 2644 
The way how I see it… 2644 
A semi-temporary solution for now. 2643 
One more theoretical solution 2642 
Almost familiar 2642 
This weekend 2638 
Sum and Difference 2638 
It is in the picture... 2638 
Nice bias 2638 
DSP is too intrusive and defeats the purpose. 2638 
The grilling analogy 2638 
Some listening today. 2637 
Back to the drawing table. 2631 
Bring them forward 2631 
Promising.... 2631 
Aligned how? 2630 
Elementary, Watson. :-) 2630 
Nice but need more work 2623 
Getting there... 2618 
It all looks very nice... 2618 
It is still all for grabs. 2618 
Great Morning!!! 2617 
Wagner AND Family, at 7 am?!? 2617 
Some thinking required… 2616 
I never done anything like this… 2615 
Still have no idea why it works as it does. 2614 
Phase and Room Modes 2614 
What a remarkable idiot!!!! 2613 
I am back. 2612 
I need some volume… 2611 
Line Gain 2611 
What a brilliant idea! 2611 
The full monty 2611 
Yep. I know. 2610 
Just like a clockwork!!! 2610 
Macondo calibration check sheet 2017 2610 
I do not like it this arguing ... 2607 
You know the voices are right... 2607 
Some freaking magic. 2606 
Explanation 2606 
11 feet apart 2605 
Juts a proposal. 2605 
Stronger preamp 2604 
A stronger preamp and sick Paravicini? 2603 
Sick? No. 2603 
Strong pre 2603 
I think it will be no 312.... 2603 
The new room is officially open. 2590 
A picture… 2576 
What a beautiful set-up! 2576 
Dream place 2575 
Headphones sound from playback 2574 
The headphone analogy 2573 
Sound in a head vs sound in space 2573 
Wrong way 2573 
Sounds like an insult to me 2573 
Imaging. 2573 
Some odd pleasure with no memory. 2567 
Learn to forget 2566 
The infrabass injection. 2456 
The number 20 2456 
Undertones? 2455 
Resonance distortion 2455 
There are many options 2455 
I want it... 2455 
Music vs, Sound Effects 2455 
Clarity in the murk 2455 
The gentle exit 2455 
I understand 2455 
Low frequency dithering 2455 
Nearfield Listening vs. Performance Weight and "Space" 2455 
Eventually! 2271 
All context of this site except the Forum's posts Copyright © Roman Bessnow 2004-2024
All messages within the Site’s Forum Copyright © by authors of the posts
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