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07-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 381
Post ID: 11062
Reply to: 2931
The LessLoss Solution for filtration.

I do not make any claims just inform about the LessLoss standing. I do not know how much BS in this and HOW they removed the “outer layer” of conductor from the pass but who knows… might be they are up to something… It is said that begin all those claims no one publishes the screenshot of spectra analyzer with before and after pictures… It would be so simple, would it be?

"The LessLoss …. is a very unique solution to power filtering. It filters the electromagnetic bandwidths which are most destructive to high quality playback. Lower harmonics in the mains are not as detrimental to electronic audio purity as higher frequencies. Input transformers and standard filtering schematics work very well to alleviate the effects of lower frequency interference, but are hopelessly incapable of dealing with high frequency interference. Therefore, this noisy interference should not enter the audio devices at all. At extremely high frequencies, even the enclosures themselves act as resonators. Unpredictable reflections and resonations occur within the gear, not unlike the concept of exciting room modes in the physical science of acoustics.  We want to avoid any and all bottlenecking of the power itself while at the same time attenuating all the unwanted high frequency energy before it even enters the destination gear. The elegant solution LessLoss offers is based on a few known properties of electromagnetic signal propagation -- skin effect and resistance.

Traditional power filters using coils and capacitors cannot block the multi-Gigahertz range as effectively, since electromagnetic wave behavior at this range is unpredictable and more highly reflective in nature. It can travel through the capacitance of a coil and of a capacitor. This high energy nature of low-level noise is very effectively dealt with by the LessLoss Dynamic Filtering …. "



The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 382
Post ID: 11067
Reply to: 11062
More about the LossLess filtration

Did anybody care to try it?

This LossLess idea do sound interesting…. if it works…


"In the DFPC Original, we utilize the naturally accurring skin effect to its own detriment, in order that the cable be inhibited as an antenna while connecting the gear with the power grid or power filter / distributor. The development of filtering via a purposefully lossy skin treatment has proven a great success with many satisfied users worldwide. We incorporate this same skin treatment in the DFPC Signature. In addition to this, we implement further skin treatment featuring overlapping high frequency absorbance and reflectance spectra to maximize this high frequency noise suppressing faculty. The result is not simply a "poorly conductive" skin, but one which combines poor conduction with refined and highly tuned high frequency spectrum manipulation to inhibit electronic noise more than in the Original and to bring the nature of music more to the forefront. Something as simple as a cheap transistor radio thus becomes an almost holographic sound source, due to lack of noise normally associated with electronics.

Noise always works from the top down. That is to say, low frequency noise does not really exist, apart from the 50 or 60 Hz fundamental power frequency, without which we can't power our equipment. The harmonics (going up) from 50 or 60 Hz exist because the power encounters non-linear loads, because it goes through transformers with hysteresis, because it was created with generators which have non-perfect flux distribution, not to mention things closer to home which buzz and hum, adding harmonics to the 50 or 60 Hz. These are all harmless to your audio quality, as they are effectively filtered out by the filters built into your audio gear's power input electronics, which is exactly what they are built for. But going from the top down, we have the real source of noisiness which intrudes upon the natural sound of music. This is the non-linear, non-predictable interaction of the audio signal or digital clock and data retrieval system with high frequency radio and even light waves. Not all light is visible, and most of it is in bandwidths which we cannot see, but when you add it all together, the spectrum and energy is enormous and has profound influence on the quality of the resulting audio signal. The reason: in an electromagnetically non-controlled environment, you will always have haphazard electromagnetic ambient fields at all frequencies going in all directions at all times. Indepth discussion of this can be found in my discourse on the LessLoss Blackbody."

I do feel that many comments they made in here and across the site are very questionable and some of them are just false but still the concept of UHF filtration via skin effect might be interesting if to know how to use it. Why LossLess do not publish the actual data of the filtration is behind me.  I want to see how many dB and at which frequency, I what to see how the cable length impact dB/frequency ratio. If they clams that it is a filter but do not give the curves then does it makes the whole claim very strange?

If it work then I might be interesting to try it after PP2000. They have 30 days money-back do I need to try?  Did you see anybody try it and published the curves of HF filtration?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-14-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 383
Post ID: 11068
Reply to: 11067
The Thrill of Discovery; the Bliss of Ignorance
What a great rap!  At first it triggered my gag reflex, but it did not take long for my eyes to roll back in my head while I began to run the numbers: how many cords, which models, etc.

OK, it filters out certain orders of noise.  So how does it do with truncated AC waves or current or voltage fluctuations?

But we all know that some of these weirdos come up with some useable stuff despite themselves.

And they give the money-back-gurantee!  Whoopie!

Never mind the frenetic mix of generalized "truth", outright, speculative BS and off-the-wall extrapolations...

What could possibly go wrong...

Ironically, the way the wire is sleeved and braided looks EXACTLY like my own home-made AC cables.

Best regards,
Paul S

07-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
upper left crust united snakes
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Post #: 384
Post ID: 11069
Reply to: 11068
The Agony of ignoring.....
So, what you would have to do is buy a bunch of #9 AWG solid copper wire from China, so it is only 99% pure,
acid etch the surface, paint it with tar and wind it up in a snake sex twist. Or pay them to do it for you.

The idea is sound, the application questionable and the comments about signals under 400 Hz, ones not part of
the power wave form, not being any sort of problem because the power supply of electrical equipment will
filter that noise out, is laughable. If you have power transformers, they will pass anything under 400 Hz
and the steeper the rise time to the noise signal, the better. If you add caps and common mode chokes you
choke your power supply. If you have a big mother, true noise isolation transformer, with extra secondary
windings you can use to provide a feed back to a snubber winding in the primary, with appropriate signal
shaping M&M's and Tootsie Rolls, you have a chance of stopping that stuff. But that transformer had better
be twice the power you need and 3% regulation, or it will choke your power too.

If you have some spare money floating around Romy, try one of the cables and use it from your PP2000
to the amps, just to see if it will strip the grunge that EVERY switch mode power supply, applies to all
available antenna surfaces.

Just for fun I have provided the official skin effect loss ratio's by wire size as it relates to frequency, as an attachment.

07-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
upper left crust united snakes
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Post #: 385
Post ID: 11070
Reply to: 11069
The additional agony of Romy's Site rules

Here is the attachment I promised.
07-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 386
Post ID: 11071
Reply to: 11069
The irrational Smalltalk?

Bud, yes and no. They are right and the ultra high frequencies do pass any capacitors, indictors and transformers and I am attractive to the idea of filtering somehow by using the skin effect, I fins it is VERY elegant. The problem is that I do not know if it is possible. The LossLess peoples look like believe that by applying some kind of special isolators right next to the outer layer of conductor they can remove the outer layer from the cable and consequentially the higher frequencies. It makes theoretical sense but I do not think that it is possible.

My major problem with LossLess is not with their claim but with the fact that they provide as a prove of their filtration method the comments of dozens uses from web. I am sorry but it is idiotic! This cable might of not might sound good for zillion other reasons, my interest is about the filtration effect. If the objective filtration effect does exist by LossLess know-how then I would not mind to order from LossLess a couple meters of hook up cable to rewire the PP2000’s feed from amplifiers to output sockets. All those conversation would be over if to drive the LossLess cable with let say 100-800mHz generator and to see on a fast scope if any filtration effect exist compare to the zip cord with the same connectors.

I have to say that LossLess explanations do sound a bit amateurish and more design for pop-culture consumption.  For instance then forget to address the facts the current does not flow in conductor at all but in the magnetic field around the conductor. It does not change the rule of the game – we still treat the outer edge of the field differently then the inner edge of the field. How do it that is the really big question. I thought about it in past when I was experimenting with feedback techniques and used for open loop a shielded cable where the center core was forward signal and shield cared feedback…

Anyhow, I have no idea what LossLess in fact does and how valuable their claims. I read a few comments LossLess use as “review” at their site and it was a typical audiophile’s non-responsible and irrational chitchat.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 387
Post ID: 11073
Reply to: 11048
Let's clear things up
 PurePower wrote:
The PurePower batteries provide power to the AC regeneration whenever it is required. That could be during a black out, it could be during a brownout, it could be for a fraction of a cycle it could be for 10 minutes. The simple fact is the incoming Utility AC can have voltage sags of very short duration - of very long duration and they can be very deep, or very shallow. The batteries provide available power in all of the above. Without its own source of power it would be impossible to truly isolate the PurePower output from the incoming utility power. That is why there is no difference in sound when the PurePwoer is on battery or it is on utility supply. The output of the PurePower is not dependent on the incoming AC in any way - so the output is as if it was always running on battery.

   My initial inquiry about the operation of the APS unit was not because I was interested in running the unit during a blackout...I would have much bigger concerns than just listening to my stereo when the AC voltage were to be cut...so to me this is just a marketing gimmick, as I can always buy an UPS at a fraction of the cost if I were interested in back-up power.

   The real reason is this:

   Purepower claims their units can always provide a rock solid voltage without any minor fluctuations such as a fraction of a volt AND, the most important claim, can OFFER a bigger output in amps than regular wall socket if the demand from the amplifier is to great for the electrical wiring of your home (too thin wires that cause compression for very short periods of time): http://www.purepoweraps.com/regen.htm (see the Bryston 9B SST amplifier experiment).

   Now, one would consider that these impressive features can be achieved by running the unit ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY from the batteries and the power cord connected to the wall simply replenishes and prevents the batteries from discharging.
   Think of this as your regular cellphone...it ALWAYS runs from the battery even when you connect its charger to the wall...

   Is this the case with APS units ?
   So far I have no definitive answer as a lot of people claim they hear differences between conected to the wall and running from the batteries, AND the most disturbing fact is that there are also claims, such as Romy's, that THERE ARE differences in operation and thus in SOUND between the 1050 and 2000 models.

   I had in mind the possibility of trying the 700i model in October but now I'm quite reluctant since I hear there are so many construction problems and differences in SOUND between units...
   Please let me be clear... I for one DO NOT give a damn about the lame reviews that sadly audiophiles make these days, as most of them NEVER say what was wrong with the playback of their systems in the first place, and what BENEFITS and COUNTER-BENEFITS the regenerator introduces to their system, instead they make bogus claims like "blacker backgrounds" (expression which frankly I do not understand) or that their system is "louder" now... What do you mean "louder" ? Is it more dynamic ? (has nothing to do with loudness). Has the AC voltage at the amplifier output increased ? Shit like that...you know what I mean...
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Post #: 388
Post ID: 11075
Reply to: 11073
Charging and Using
Not sure if SLA batteries can be charged and used at the same time. After all there are just two wires connected to the battery and
voltage will either flow to or from the batteries. Not 100% sure about this but I think it's right.
07-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 389
Post ID: 11076
Reply to: 11073
APS PurePower operation
Anyone who has questions about the operation of PurePower models should not waste time and space posting here about it. Just simply call over to the APS company and talk with the technical support staff who are quite nice and can answer all your questions. There is no better way that getting the information directly from the manufacturer. Make sure you talk to a technician and not someone in sales and marketing as they have different areas of training and knowledge.
07-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 390
Post ID: 11077
Reply to: 11073
I was talking about it many times…


I perfectly understand your sentiments. There are unquestionable differences in operation between 1050 and 2000 but I do not know if it is the differences due to the topological differences or due to implantation differences. Topologically the APS never was clear what they do and their explanations I found in some case very confusing or even illogical.

I less care about the APS be able to give more than power line can handle, most of my electronics run in class A, has a stable current draw. But you are absolutely right – if this is correct then it is a semi-indication how the buttery if being used in the APS unit.

I said the semi-indication because it is not clear what the ASP software does. It is possible that when the wall power in palace then ASP’s oscillator and amplifier runs from the wall power and secondary circuit just changes the battery. Then when ASP software recognized that the wall power was lost for let sat 1/20 of period then it sources the power from buttery. Not owe would know what is going on and the APS is very not clear about it.

My interest to know it following. If the APS works as I described in the paragraph above then the buttery does not filter/buffer the source of ASP’s oscillator and amplifier. In this case I would like to get rid of the buttery and do not let the APS circuits (allegedly faulty made) of the buttery charging to affect my sound. I do not care about the blackout – the fear of them is just APS marketing fantasy. If the APS do source oscillator and amplifier from buttery regardless if the buttery is being charged or not then the buttery acts as a perfect capacitive tank and the buttery is good think. In this case we just need to wait until APS will finish to purify what they currently do, hoping not introducing any new problems…

Rgs, Romy

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 391
Post ID: 11078
Reply to: 11077
This is the interesting part
 Romy the Cat wrote:

If the APS works as I described in the paragraph above then the buttery does not filter/buffer the source of ASP’s oscillator and amplifier. In this case I would like to get rid of the buttery and do not let the APS circuits (allegedly faulty made) of the buttery charging to affect my sound.

   Exactly !!! This is the sensitive part that nobody want's to talk about !!!

 Romy the Cat wrote:
   If the APS do source oscillator and amplifier from buttery regardless if the buttery is being charged or not then the buttery acts as a perfect capacitive tank and the buttery is good think. 

   Right again ! In my opinion this should be by default... I don't know why PurePower would do it otherwise...

 Romy the Cat wrote:
 In this case we just need to wait until APS will finish to purify what they currently do, hoping not introducing any new problems…

    I don't think we will ever solve something this way. The solution is quite simple really ! All there is to do is to remove the batteries and start the unit. If it works than the answer is obvious... the unit IS NOT 100% ISOLATED FROM THE WALL and the battery acts up only when the voltage is too low (or absent) to guarantee the output of 120V (US) or 230V (Europe).
    My feeling is the unit will work without the batteries but when the voltage will sag the APS unit will sag. I say this becouse I heard someone say that when one of the batteries of his unit got defective (he couldn't start the unit from the battery mode) than unit kept going connected to the wall.
    To be sure of this we have to check. I plan to purchase a 700 model in October. My system is Class A also and draws a steady 500 W so I think it would do. Anyway my budget doesn't allow me the 1050 model and the money lost on a bad purchase is lower this way.
     If nobody tries it until then I'll remove the battery tray and see for myself...

Best regards,

07-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
upper left crust united snakes
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Post #: 392
Post ID: 11081
Reply to: 11078
An isolated example of misunderstanding isolation

All switch mode power supplies that receive a CE, UL or CSA approval have complete
isolation from the wall voltage, across the dielectric barriers of a transformer, from primary
to secondary.

The isolation of noise occurs because the incoming wall voltage is converted to DC before
anything else happens. Then it is chopped up into high frequency pulses, fed through the
transformer and reconstructed on the other, secondary side, into a sine wave.

This is then fed to your down stream equipment. Also rectified, from another lower voltage
tap from the transformer, is the DC used to charge the battery and to float that charge to the
battery until the wall voltage disappears.

When the wall voltage disappears, the chopper circuit, which only ever sees DC, is fed from
the Battery rather than the rectified voltage from the wall. The actual DC voltage is immaterial here,
the only important thing is that there is enough total VA from the battery to allow the unit to provide
the rated power as a reconstructed AC wave form, from the output.

The units will run just fine with a completely useless battery, as a noise isolation device, but not
as an APS device. I would not guarantee they will run just fine without any battery and I STRONGLY
suggest you contact tech support before you attempt to do this.

07-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 393
Post ID: 11086
Reply to: 11078
The different debugging philosophy


If your system draws a steady 500W, do not use LC filtration and if you would like to buy 700 model then you might reconsider it and look at 1050 mode or 2000 model. The more load you have on this thing is the better result is, I personally would like to load the APS with 25%. That is why I lobby them to conceder 3kW or even 4kW units as then I will be able to run my .8kW-1kW with better result.

I do not think that “money lost on a bad purchase” is a factor as APS has 30 day trail pres during wish you can make your mind. With all my bitching about many aspect of APS confusion I need to point out that since the last December my PP2000 works flawlessly and sound wonderfully.  The ASP even promised in a couple weeks to send some kind of fix for the “fussiness problem” that I described before. Well, they promised “in couple weeks” six months ago but it is how it goes with them. My own positive experience with positive results I got from PP2000 might not be demonstrable to you, as you might recognize from the comments of others.

However, the main purpose of this there is not product evaluation but finding a solution. I think that is the ASP devises are done properly then they might be a very god tool to fight bad electricity. How to make the ASP to make their regenerators with fewer bags… I do not know. They do get better, in my view not at the level what they shall be. In a normal engendering world they shell compile the list of all know problems, heir an experience consultant to review the whole design, fix up the flows that it had and released the next bugs-free version. Employing the design with service packs is a legitimate way to do business as well but personally would not chose to do it in case of hardware.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 394
Post ID: 11087
Reply to: 11086
Thank you
Thank you Romy, I wasn't aware of the 30 day trial...I though only PS Audio had this policy with power regenerators...

The 25% load is a nice tip, thanks again, I trust you judged this value according to personal tests and measurements. The sad news is that for the moment I can't afford the 1050 so the 700 model will be the one. No problem, I can test this model on another Class A amp which has a current draw of aprox 100W. If the results are promising I'll buy a bigger model for the big system. The thing is I have to decide if APS power regenerators are really worthwhile since my past attempts with different PLC's weren't so encouraging...

A small question Romy !

If you were to describe in a few words:
     What didn't you like about the SOUND of your system without the regenerator but was eliminated or improved dramatically with the APS unit in place ?
In my system for instance I generally don't like 2 things:

    The presentation of the upper bass and inferior part of the lower midrange (aprox 120-500 Hz). I can hear clearly differences in the tonality of music being played between several moments in a day, in the evening beeing the worst and after 1 a.m. the best. This is apparent both in speakers and in headphones. The sound tends to be either muddy in the bass and the low mids tend to "ring" when I have really bad electricity. I have a scope and I can confirm the sinewave is more like rectangular wave...
    There are some rare occasions when the "presence" of the frequency range (4-6 kHz) is really messed up and the sound tends to be edgy... call it upper mids-low higs harshness if you like


   Yes, it's quite hard to believe but I do experience a lack of dynamics in several moments of the day because the sound is very dull (some may call it excessively "polite") and seems to be boring with no involvement in music.

When I have "good" power (it's a relative term) I have the opposite of what I have mentioned above with the most striking part beeing the excelent portrayal of the upper bass and lower midrange frequencies...think the beautiful representation of the harmonics of an acoustic guitar !

Thanks and I hope I haven't bored you to death...
07-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 395
Post ID: 11088
Reply to: 11087
I would like do not accept the premise of you question....


I would like do not accept the premise of you question and do not convert the problem with electricity into bumper sticker slogan. One of the biggest problems is that electricity found the ways to destroy sound very inventively and differently with different playbacks and an different locations. If you have interest about the subject then you might find useful to read the thread from beginning. I am sure that the thread already has a lot of what you would like to read about.

Regardless what you consider the “electricity problem” are you have sometimes have good sound from the playback, when any of the problems you for instance described does not manifest themselves? If so, then let label the sonic delta as the “electricity problem” and let find a devise that would convert the sound of you playback during the bad electricity into the sound of you playback during the good electricity.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 396
Post ID: 11089
Reply to: 11088
I occasionally read this thread, but I guess you're right and it would be fair to read it from the beggining. Will do !

As a general rule and I guess it applies to everybody else, the playback of my system is better late at night although there are some exceptions when even at night the quality sucks.

I monitor these changes in electricity for about a year and since I always take great care in listening at the same levels to a series of songs that I intimatelly know and try to replicate the same conditions every time, I can definitelly say that electricty DOES affect the sound in my system.

The device I'm looking for now is the PP 700 ! I hope is a sound one. I'll see very soon...

07-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 397
Post ID: 11091
Reply to: 11089
What the APS does right
To recap what I have said before, the issue is bad electricity, which makes your stereo much like aliving thing with tempermental moods. The same way that a steak can change from a sizzling, juicy tender delight to a cold greasy lump after being chilled in the refrigerator, or any flavor can awaken or disappear with temperature, the stereo can change with the quality of electricity.  It is as if some days you just cannot seem to tune in the station on your receiver and it is just a bit (or sometimes a lot) off.  The PP2000 gives consistency to the system like a glass of wine that is eternally served to you each time at exactly the right temperature and after just the correct time left to decant and breathe.
07-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 398
Post ID: 11092
Reply to: 11091
Consistency is good, but…

Yes, the consistency is good but I have to admit that with all flawless operation of PP2000 I still observed some variation of Sound at time.  I intentionally did not bring this subject up as it looks as none of the users of PP regenerators at this site have yet a comfortable operation from PP2000. Still the fluctuation of quality does exist and I hope after people got more comfortable with updated PP2000 operation this subject might ne discussed.

The residual fluctuation of quality is small, not even close to what it was when playback was plugged into a wall.  I cannot even stress how much “not even close”. I would estimated that if the fluctuation of quality when playback was plugged into a wall might be measured on the scale of 100 then instability of quality after PP2000 might be measured on the scale of a half of a single present.

It is possible that PP2000 still, when some odd evens in power grid took please, is semi-transparent to “some” electricity problems. Or it is possible that PP2000 does sometimes internally something improperly (I do not monitor the PP2000’s output). Or it is possible that the residual fluctuation of quality has nothing to do with electricity at all.

Generally the sound I got from December what I stated to use PP2000 is very stable… but I has one day (juts one day) what I was forced to turn playback down as it was unmanageably bad. I do not insist that it was due to electricity… but then what was it?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Post #: 399
Post ID: 11093
Reply to: 11089
PP benefit
It is a good idea to try it. At least to ensure that you can live with the noise it makes. By day, it is not really an issue but if you are a big fan if late night session listenings it may be a bit intrusive.

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Post #: 400
Post ID: 11094
Reply to: 11093
 Meiko41 wrote:
It is a good idea to try it. At least to ensure that you can live with the noise it makes. By day, it is not really an issue but if you are a big fan if late night session listenings it may be a bit intrusive.


What noise are you talking about ? Is it the 2 fans or an electrical whine or a high pitch noise ?

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