Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Consistency is good, but…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/17/2009

Yes, the consistency is good but I have to admit that with all flawless operation of PP2000 I still observed some variation of Sound at time.  I intentionally did not bring this subject up as it looks as none of the users of PP regenerators at this site have yet a comfortable operation from PP2000. Still the fluctuation of quality does exist and I hope after people got more comfortable with updated PP2000 operation this subject might ne discussed.

The residual fluctuation of quality is small, not even close to what it was when playback was plugged into a wall.  I cannot even stress how much “not even close”. I would estimated that if the fluctuation of quality when playback was plugged into a wall might be measured on the scale of 100 then instability of quality after PP2000 might be measured on the scale of a half of a single present.

It is possible that PP2000 still, when some odd evens in power grid took please, is semi-transparent to “some” electricity problems. Or it is possible that PP2000 does sometimes internally something improperly (I do not monitor the PP2000’s output). Or it is possible that the residual fluctuation of quality has nothing to do with electricity at all.

Generally the sound I got from December what I stated to use PP2000 is very stable… but I has one day (juts one day) what I was forced to turn playback down as it was unmanageably bad. I do not insist that it was due to electricity… but then what was it?

The Cat

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