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04-14-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 21
Post ID: 4207
Reply to: 3339
Ok, the Macondo Frame: eventually!
I got yesterday the new Macondo Frame.

As you see I went for a monopod, the strong one and I love a lot what how it turned out to be. What the horns are stuffed into the frame then the frame is unusable at all. The footprint of the frame is very small as well. The frame is hollow, thought the walls are quite thick; I will be filled with sand. What I did not epact is how strong the thing will be. When I put 250 pounds upper bass horn, the 80 pounds upper bass frame, 150 pounds MF + HF + ballast assembly then the frame became so strong that it was perfectly possible to add exactly above the vertical poll another LF channels of 300-400 pounds. It might be some people a very interesting configuration….

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-14-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 4208
Reply to: 4207
God, kill, kill, kill Denon UD-M31…

I hope these friends of mine who clamed that that stupid Denon M31 might play music will read this post.  After of a 3 weeks or living with Macondo I found myself having no radio. My portable playback, that does very well, is on my work. I do not listen musk in car since sound system in there is horrible. So, I stacked to that mini Denon to go by.  It hard to explain how bad it was and in the ends I began to develop apathy to music, literally apathy. I got last could weeks some interesting CD that I was trying to spin but the Denon made them so revolting that I have no vocabulary to describe it….

I spent today a better part of the day trying to set up Macondo back and I more or less succeeded with one channel. It was fun - I turn one Super Melq on and connected it to a new left Macondo channels. They were 2-3 first accords that instantaneously let me know that we are back in business. Macondo demonstrates completely different sound and completely different inters to listening experience. I actually was sitting, listening for the new wonderful Decca re-mastering of Solti with Chicago on 1980 rolling through whole Bartok program and was contemplating if I would like to continue listening of it would be better to spend this time and to assemble the right channel. Eventually the authentic Solti’s Bela Bartok has won. The right channel I will be setup tomorrow….

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-18-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 4227
Reply to: 3339
Macondo Frame modification: what might be next?

Sure, I’m very much done with Macondo and the late frame is the last straw that I load to this camel. It took 60-7 years come up with where Macondo is now and I do like how it turned out to be. In a week or so I will be done and I will post the pictures.

However, a question is popping in my mind: what would be next if I have motivations to go. The next would be a midbass horn of I would say 55-140Hz. I would current my current upperbass horn and do not drive the resonance frequency all the way up and would make it to do the moderate 150Hz but those 150Hz would come form crossover, not from the horn mouth. Then from the bottom I would add the midbass horn, putting it atop of the current frame and loading it to ceiling, utilizing the entire height of room. Then I would drone the crossover point of my lower bass section from 65Hz to I would say 35Hz….

Frankly speaking: if I know how to implement delays for the rest of the channels when I use midbass horn than I would have no problems to do it. I have stored drivers, I have frame that will be able to care it and if I have the delay position and some motivations then I would not see any impediments…

So, far I am all set and content with Macondo, those this empty space between the “Fundamentals Horns” and ceiling looks…. tempting.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-18-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 24
Post ID: 4228
Reply to: 4227
Superb... Now, about that pair of Mid-Bass horns!

Your frame looks nice, clean, and minimalist ; very Zen. Superb.

I hope that once you get the horns installed, you will light up a fat Cohiba, sit back and conclude that, yes, damn it, a pair of good straight Mid-Bass horns is exactly what you need.

My reasons are of course somewhat selfish... as I won't like being alone in needing a non-digital delay solution to use with my own Bass horns once they are done.

So go for it... Leave your mark on the planet for having contributed to the betterment of mankind... The result would be a sort of reference effort, and I am convinced the world would benefit from more references of this sort.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
04-19-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 4230
Reply to: 4228
Macondo and the midbass horns
 jessie.dazzle wrote:
….. sit back and conclude that, yes, damn it, a pair of good straight Mid-Bass horns is exactly what you need. My reasons are of course somewhat selfish... as I won't like being alone in needing a non-digital delay solution to use with my own Bass horns once they are done. So go for it... Leave your mark on the planet for having contributed to the betterment of mankind... The result would be a sort of reference effort….

Ironically what you said it is exactly how I feel: I would like to leave my mark, at least with my own awareness, and to explore and to experience the reference efforts in using of a PROPERLY DONE midbass horn. There are number reasons why I fell that properly implemented 55-140Hz midbass horn might be very useful. However, with all my interest to the subject I clearly recognize that I will not be moving to this direction anytime in observable feature (they are many reasons why) and Macondo will live “as is” for a while.

In realty to make a proper upperbass horn is relatively simple as it would be rectangular and the demand to horn’s profile would be less critical. However, It will be a bunch of other problems that would require some attention (crossovering, delays, accessing the high order crossover devastations and so on) that might convert the upperbass project into a long-lasting pain in ass. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I have enough pain in ass in my life right now in order to bring another ...  midbass-horn-inspired pain….

Romy the caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-25-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 4265
Reply to: 4227
Macondo Frame modification: six month later...

OK, the new Macondo frame is over as well. Eventually after 6 years of learning how to make the damn horn speaker to sound good, after numerous incremental successes and failures, stupidity and brightness, moves to wrong direction and mistaken assessments, after quite a lot of money and time invested and after quite many interesting and exciting discoveries the Macondo is shaping up it it’s new and hopefully it’s last apostasy…

I very much like how it feels now. In particularly I like that a one person could easily (despite of the total mass: 250 pounds upper bass horn, the 80 pounds upper bass frame, 150 pounds MF + HF + ballast assembly + 60 Pounds Fundamental Channel assembly and 120 pounds of frame = 660 pounds) slide the entire speaker across the carpet in it’s search for DPoLS. The only next step that I will consider will be budding inside the frame between the MF horn and upper bass horn a 4 channels single-stage Melquiades (thank God all 4 channels are 109dB sensitive) It will be fun to plug the RCA form my preamp right into the Macondo’s frame….However, it will be another thread….

In the end I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who provided help and advisement in conception of the idea of a new horn for Macondo. “It is raining in Macondo.” sent the comendant the telegram… So, it is in Boston….

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-25-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 4266
Reply to: 4265
I'm surprised..
..how slim and non-invasive it looks. I know it must be huge but one wouldn't tell from the picture. Very gracefull form -almost vintage with all that dust ;0) Good luck finding those DPol's. Regards, W
04-29-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 4292
Reply to: 4265
Mahler VI and the “new” Macondo.

I spent today couple hours starting to search the DPoLS for Macondo. So far I am far from target but the experience was quite amassing. The “new”, properly aligned Macondo, with the bells and Water Drop and whistles does quite well. I have some “tested” recordings that I usually use for DPoLS experiment but here the Macondo did so nice that I decided to play something very complex and to see how Macondo will swallow it.

I took Mahler VI by Karajan and Berlin. Karajan is hardly my most adored conductor but I need to pay the dues where it warranted. Karajan was able to convert Berlin Philharmonic into such an ideal playing machine that it is scare. The Studio recording of Mahler VI was from my point of view one of those many performances. Sure it is not the psychedelic and hypnotizing live performance of Barbirolli with Philharmonia but from another hand it still have own very high merit.

The Berlin orchestra on this recording sound so interesting that it is possible to dive and swim in that Sound, razing on waves of the Mahler’s frenzied bombastisizm and sinking into the valleys of Berlin’s amassing ability to play pianissimo. The discipline of this performance is extraordinary and it requires a very high discipline of playback to play it, and particularly to play it at realistic volume levels.

I very much appreciate what Macondo did today. I detected some minor problems but I know how to address them. However, all together it was a perfect sensation to surmise this thread declaring the last modification of my Macondo as a great success…

The happy Pussy.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 4362
Reply to: 4292
Updated Macondo Images.
I updated Macondo information in “My Playback” section and there here is the posted images:

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 30
Post ID: 4366
Reply to: 4362
Macondo critique: ignite better musical interest?

I never thought this way but it might has own merit…

A local audio guy stopped by toady to listen the “new” Macondo. He is not too heavy in classical repertoire but he quite tolerable with classical range and “get” good music quite well. So, spending some times with Milqed Macondo he said something interesting. I played for him some unknown to him classical recordings and he was listening them attentively and engaged. After the session he observed that the music I played to him he did not know and would hardly pay too much attention to it if he heard it on radio.

However, he felt that Macondo during the pay that new for him music made so many sonically interesting “things” that he as audio guy was very much attracted initially to the sonic “freakishness” of Macondo and then, while he was observing the details of the pure Sonic presentation, he developed his interest to the musical piece itself…

I never thought this way. If so, then could some purely audio tricks (that Macondo does well in this case) be a gateway to ignite better musical interest?

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 31
Post ID: 4367
Reply to: 4366
I'm surprised that you say this

And here I've been thinking that this was one of your fixed tenets all along.  It makes perfect sense to me, anyway.

Can there be any doubt that "difficult" music is mostly unbearable "reproduced" electronically?

My daughter used to love Ives, Hindemith, etc., when we had charter seats at the symphony where we used to live.  But she ran out of the room when I played the same stuff on my hi-fi, and I was pretty much forcing myself to listen, for that matter.

I now have things set so deeper music is actually more "interesting" and "desireable" than lighter fare, most of the time.

I am guessing that with your musical taste and OCD approach you have a great "portal" into even the most troubling works.  This has to be very cool, and no doubt you could make some converts, if you have the patience for it.

Like your guest said, "serious" music rarely gets so much as a nod from average folks who hear it obliquely on the radio or TV, and who can blame them!  It is only on rare occasions that I can listen to complex material, even things like late Beethoven quartets, on a crappy little system, and it only gets worse on the average big crappy system, with the worst torture being those effing "mega systems" that double as HT sound effects generators.  Gott im Himmel!

I long for the day when there is more general interest in the arts, literature, and real music.

I'm not holding my breath.

Maybe you could offer to let groups of school children come by your place for a listen twice a week...;>}.

They're not allowed to read "Catcher In The Rye" anymore, but maybe they could take in some Franck?

Best regards,
Paul S

05-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Sydney Australia
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 4368
Reply to: 4366
musical interests and macondos
 Romy the Cat wrote:

while he was observing the details of the pure Sonic presentation, he developed his interest to the musical piece itself…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

I had a similar experience about 2 years ago when I was just beginning to actively develop my audio (rather than just enjoy my father's system).

To evaluate the various merits of a particular piece of equipment, I put on a Karajan/Concertgebouw Shostakovich, and the amount of classical music I listen to has since steadily increased..

Of course as to how much a given audio experience may or may not widen or develop a persons musical appreciation or understanding, would be a question of degrees and predispositions. Not dissimilar to how increasing quality of performance may correlate with increased enjoyment or understanding.

Back on topic, the Macondo now appears to have a much calmer aesthetic than previous. The previous stands with their counterweights looked busy and tense by comparison. I suppose the difference is much more dramatic in person.

I hope to hear your impressions of the extent of the differences between the Macondos with the waterdrops and new stands to how they may have sounded previously.



05-06-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 4369
Reply to: 4368
The speaker positioning things….

 Simon wrote:
I hope to hear your impressions of the extent of the differences between the Macondos with the waterdrops and new stands to how they may have sounded previously.

Yes, there are differences between the “tripoded” Macondo and what I got now but they are not because the speaker but because the ease to move the entire horns section as one single entity. It is very convenient and very affective for precise speaker positioning. It allows the shape the “imaging curve” very precisely, along many other speaker positioning things…. 

I do not see any other advantages.
The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-24-2008 Post mapped to one branch of Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 34
Post ID: 7001
Reply to: 4362
Wisdom of making a good frame for horns

Considering the conclusions of my recent experiences that I described in the following thread:


I would like to share some of my observation that the people who would go multi-way horns might find useful. Since this is a there about the Macondo Frame here are some conclusions that I ended up with Macondo. I know that I need to go for fine-positioning but my wondering was how to arrange it in context of the entire frame. What I concluded is that in context of Macondo I need to precise-position only one horn.

First I thought to precise-position tweeter. I got very cool .001mm slide table but then I changed my mind and figured out that a positioning of the MF channel is the keystone for Macondo time alignment.

Take a look at the image below


The red number indicates the importance of alignment between the channels. As you can see if I hard-bolt the MF and slide the tweeter then I would have 2 the most critical dimensions (1 and 2) that I need to position precise. In case if I hard-bolt tweeter then I have 2 less critical dimensions that I need to align (1 and 3).

Generals it is absolutely the best to have the Injection Channel precise-positioned but the Injection Channel runs 10-15dB down of MF channel so it is not as critical as it might feel. (Pay attention that I draw the diagram above running the Injection Channel at minus 3dB to MF Channel)

Anyhow, keep in mind that if you make a frame that does not need and alignment … then you are a genius and designed very good frame…

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
11-29-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 12368
Reply to: 3339
A way to sell horns
There is a pair on eBay of Vitavox S2 drivers with 400Hz Tractrix StereoLab horns, the item 300372010439. I usually do not like to make comments about eBay things but I think it begged to be said. The driver and the horns looks fine for 1000Hz channel but a success of MF channel hugely depends from how it used in context of other channels. So, I feel that horns must be sold accompanied with the ideas how the given horns are mounted and arranged in context of whole system.


So, if somebody own a machine shop and looking forward to do audio products then here is an opportunity:  develop and sell elegant and practical framed for horn installations.  I do not how many people would go for it. Many horns people are Morons and they prefer to pile up the channels as the where placed by UPS guy but if to invest into a good design and provide some minor education then I think it is possible  to develop a good product.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-01-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 13247
Reply to: 3339
The Macondo would need to have a wider frame
List nigh I was trying to move Macondo around the my new listedning room trying to figure out where the Macondo's main components would stay. Nothing is connected yet and there is no Sound yet. The initials sentiment is that the room is perfect – even better than I expected and Macondo will fit in it marvelously, still I can see a few problems with which I would need to deal.

My old room had a very thin short-hair carper and narrow Macondo frame was very firm on it.  The new room has a long- hair soft carper and it is not rigid enough. The Macondo frame itself stays fine but what I put the Injection channel atop of Macondo frame then the construction become a bit too unsteady in my view. So, I would need to design some kind or horizontal stabilizers attach to the bottom of the Macondo’s frame that would extend the frame’s footprint. It is not hard to do but would like do not weld it but instead to bolt it. I will slowly move with the modification….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-01-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 13248
Reply to: 13247
Live Load/Dead Load/Breaking Bad
No doubt you've given some thought to the relatively large load you will be placing on your new floor joists.  From pictures you have shown on this site, and guessing at the weight of all that equipment in it's racks, I figured your Back Bay set-up must have been on an industrial concrete floor section.  Be that as it may, I can tell you it is virtually certain that that sort of weight will overload the typical residential floor design.

And beware of carpet spikes under stuff that heavy; that kind of weight could slowly drive them right into wooden subfloor.  It might be better to put down some [stone] slabs under the equipment.

Best regards,
Paul S
12-23-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 38
Post ID: 15271
Reply to: 3339
Macondo new Frame 2011

Back in the thread “Adding one more non-spherical to Macondo” (linked) I was bitching that t make accommodations for the new Multicell in the Macondo frame will be too difficult. However, I had a revelation two days ago. I spoke with my machinist about it, described the changes, the difficulties to bring the frame to him and the difficulties to come up with a proper design ides how to mount the horn. Then my machinist told me something that absolutely shocked me as it one more time informed me that I am inertia driven idiot.  He told me: “Why you need to pay me a few hundred dollars and to breaks your head how to make all those harnesses if you can but own welding machine for even less money then you will pay to me and do all that you need yours at home.”

I honestly go absolutely shocked with it. All my live living in City such a luxury as own welding machine was absolutely out question but now I am a suburban asshole with a dedicated 870 sq feet working shop in basements. How come that I forgot it?!!! Of cause I will buy a welding toll and will do it myself, I juts need to find out how welding progressed in US since I welded last time 25 years back. I was looking and I saw a lot of wonderful MIG welders, including gasless, so it is so simple after all.

Yes, I will buy some kind of own welding too and I will do what I need with the frame. I have so many little things that I would like to do with Macondo frame, equipment stand and even with Milqs stand but I never did it.


With my own welding all those projects would be very simple to render. I have next doe to me a metal shop that cut any profile of any metal I wish. What a great discovery! Of cause I will tweak the Macondo Frame now!

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-16-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 39
Post ID: 17017
Reply to: 7001
Vertical spacing between channels of Le Horn
 Romy the Cat wrote:

Considering the conclusions of my recent experiences that I described in the following thread:


I would like to share some of my observation that the people who would go multi-way horns might find useful. Since this is a there about the Macondo Frame here are some conclusions that I ended up with Macondo. I know that I need to go for fine-positioning but my wondering was how to arrange it in context of the entire frame. What I concluded is that in context of Macondo I need to precise-position only one horn.

First I thought to precise-position tweeter. I got very cool .001mm slide table but then I changed my mind and figured out that a positioning of the MF channel is the keystone for Macondo time alignment.

Take a look at the image below

Rgs, Romy the Cat

Hi everyone,

I have spent hours coming up with all sorts of weird and wonderful, but at other times too rigid systems to support the various components comprising what I modestly choose to call Le Horn (AKA Rakeshorns). I have more or less decided on the final design but would like some thoughts on the issue of positioning the MF channel (400Hz tractrix - possibly 550Hz tractrix or 550 Lecleach after experimenting) with respect to the Upperbass channel and the tweeter in the vertical plane. My initial view was that I needed to leave about 5cm between MF (Vitavox S2) and my 96cm diameter UB115 horns and similarly between the MF and the ribbon tweeter (Lazy ribbon from Raal initially). I was prepared to leave a certain amount of overlap between tweeter and Injection channel (250Hz tractrix - possibly 320Hz Lecleach, if I decide to include this).

However, my latest view is that I need to reduce these vertical distances to the bare minimum and I am considering to have the UB115 and MF channels with no vertical gap whatsoever and likewise between MF and Raal tweeter, and have the Injection channel so low it covers upper part of Raal Lazy ribbon by 2-3 cm. The main constraint is that although the ceiling height is approximetely 235cm, there is a 40cm thick beam going across the room in front of the area where I want to position the horns which leave a floor to beam height of 190-195cm. The frame I have designed (not yet built) gives me a fair amount of adjustability but it would be great if I could position the supports more or less where they will end up being eventually. Any thoughts anyone?

Best regards

09-16-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 40
Post ID: 17018
Reply to: 17017
Do not do it now.

 oxric wrote:
I have spent hours coming up with all sorts of weird and wonderful, but at other times too rigid systems to support the various components comprising what I modestly choose to call Le Horn (AKA Rakeshorns). I have more or less decided on the final design but would like some thoughts on the issue of positioning the MF channel (400Hz tractrix - possibly 550Hz tractrix or 550 Lecleach after experimenting) with respect to the Upperbass channel and the tweeter in the vertical plane. My initial view was that I needed to leave about 5cm between MF (Vitavox S2) and my 96cm diameter UB115 horns and similarly between the MF and the ribbon tweeter (Lazy ribbon from Raal initially). I was prepared to leave a certain amount of overlap between tweeter and Injection channel (250Hz tractrix - possibly 320Hz Lecleach, if I decide to include this).

However, my latest view is that I need to reduce these vertical distances to the bare minimum and I am considering to have the UB115 and MF channels with no vertical gap whatsoever and likewise between MF and Raal tweeter, and have the Injection channel so low it covers upper part of Raal Lazy ribbon by 2-3 cm. The main constraint is that although the ceiling height is approximetely 235cm, there is a 40cm thick beam going across the room in front of the area where I want to position the horns which leave a floor to beam height of 190-195cm. The frame I have designed (not yet built) gives me a fair amount of adjustability but it would be great if I could position the supports more or less where they will end up being eventually. Any thoughts anyone?

Hm, the Injection channel via Lecleach? The MF via Lecleach? I wonder why people then are complaining about the vertical limitations. Anyhow, closer to the point.

If I were you then I would not do what you are doing now – I mean to design frame. I know it sounds odd – I am advocating thinking about frame but at the same time I am persuading do not make frame. Ironically there is no conflict in it and if to look deeper then I see a lot of rational in my position.

What kind frame a person can come up with if he does not know what configuration of playback he will end up with? Yes, you can make the very flexible frame that can accommodate many setting buy why do you need a flexible frame if in the end the frame will care only one final configuration? The specific and non- flexible frame will be better anyhow, I hope we all agree with it…

Also, it is about a lifestyle. I do not know in what British castle you live but my experience with all folks who go for large multi-sell, including my own, indicate that soon of later they all move to larger listening rooms. I think it is some kind of virus….

So, I would advise to not be in hurry. Build the bone – the MF and Upperbass. Do not do any tweeters or and any ridicules Injection channel. Put your MF and Upperbass “on the books”, ad some LF and play them as is for a few months. Set the crossovers, find an amp that you like, discover Bruckner, get married and bring your company to public offering. Then play with tweeters while your pregnant wife is searching for new a house where your new twins and your new horns would live in peace and harmony. Then, having a larger room with having own experience, own expectation and own reference (instead of following the idiots online) your will compliment your playback with right final frame and with the rest channels that you might or might not find necessary.

Rakesh, I know that internet audio people are looking for specific recommendations formed in inchers, decibels and brands.  I assure you that audio is not only about technologies but also about self-discovery of moments of realization. From what I know about audio the upperbass channel and MF channel that you looks like will built will be phenomenal music exploration devises, good enough to last most likely to the rest of your life. The rest that audio that you plan I think will be variable.  I do understand that you have a tendency to get all together right the way. You most likely not a teenager, so tell me how much “all together right the way” have worked in other aspect of your life?

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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