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01-17-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1081
Post ID: 18915
Reply to: 18876
Happy without PP
 Paul S wrote:
Any updates from users/sufferers on the "new", lighter/cheaper-to-ship APS stuff?  Mani?
No, not from my end. I've kind of given up on 'upgrading' to a PP+. I've gone around in circles with my current PP2000, sometimes liking it and sometimes not. But I've consistently preferred it running from battery vs. plugged into the wall. Right now it is confined to powering my TT in battery mode when I make vinyl recordings in the small 'studio' I've set up in my basement.
Perhaps Romy is correct and my PP2000 is defective. In any event, I'm happy having it well away from my replay system.
01-23-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1082
Post ID: 18926
Reply to: 18915
Sold my PP2000+
Well after getting little communication from PP I decided to sell my unit. The last communication from them was on 1-7 here is their response:

Hi Steve,

The reports you have provided are giving us valuable clues to the cause of the
noise, but are not definitive.

We do not think it is a fault in the unit you have. i.e. your unit is probably
operating properly. The problem is that there is an interaction or connections
somewhere that exists when you plug your phono equipment into the PurePower
that allows ground noise to enter your pre-amp.

We are running some simulations here to try and reproduce the effect and
develop a way to ameliorate it.

We hope to have a definitive answer mid next week. (We are scheduled to visit
CES the last half of this week.)

So now it's Jan 23rd and have heard nothing from PP. Maybe my unit is working as designed but I've heard from 2 other customers of the same scenerio while the original worked fine until the new 2000+ was installed and they got a hum. Very strange but unfortunate. Oh well time to move on. Suggestions?

01-23-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1083
Post ID: 18927
Reply to: 18926
Power options
I'm only aware of PS audio as an alternative. I wasn't crazy about the original power plant but they introduced new models recently which may be better. (I did not get favorable results running my turntable through the PurePower and I have one of the older models. I did not get hum but there was some oddness or coloration to the sound with the turntable plugged in.)

If you are through with AC regenerators some inexpensive options I have found beneficial are the Emotiva power cords and the old PS Audio passive Ultimate Outlets (Baluns). The Emotivas are about $70 dollars for a 2 meter run. Their claim to fame as far as I'm concerned is that they are tonally neutral. For the first time I was able to replace all my stock power cords with these. Previously I only could use one after-market power cord at the wall in any of my 3 systems because they affected tonal balance too much when doubled etc.  (Yes I tried half a dozen types.) YMMV but the Emotivas are cheap enough to try out. When All the cords were replaced by Emotivas there was a noticeable difference in detail resolution and quietness.
01-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1084
Post ID: 18928
Reply to: 18926
And what did you expect?

 SOS wrote:
Well after getting little communication from PP I decided to sell my unit. The last communication from them was on 1-7 here is their response:<BR><BR><EM><STRONG>Hi Steve,<BR><BR>The reports you have provided are giving us valuable clues to the cause of the <BR>noise, but are not definitive. <BR><BR>We do not think it is a fault in the unit you have. i.e. your unit is probably <BR>operating properly. The problem is that there is an interaction or connections <BR>somewhere that exists when you plug your phono equipment into the PurePower <BR>that allows ground noise to enter your pre-amp.<BR><BR>We are running some simulations here to try and reproduce the effect and <BR>develop a way to ameliorate it.<BR><BR>We hope to have a definitive answer mid next week. (We are scheduled to visit <BR>CES the last half of this week.)<BR><BR></STRONG></EM>So now it's Jan 23rd and have heard nothing from PP. Maybe my unit is working as designed but I've heard from 2 other customers of the same scenerio while the original worked fine until the new 2000+ was installed and they got a hum. Very strange but unfortunate. Oh well time to move on. Suggestions?<BR><BR>
…and what did you expect? There are absolutely no “simulations” they might run in order to “ameliorate” the problem you had. No one could rebuild the installation you have and to connect it in the way how you connected it. Juts be reasonable in your expectation. I am pretty sure that under normal circumstance there is no hum from the unit, juts because there is absolutely nothing in the unit that might be responsible for making ground loops more or less prominent. I am absolutely convinced that outputs of the units are grounded; I am sure that impedance of that ground is very low and this ALL the PP can or cannot do. Anything else is the external problem of the unit. Just be responsible with your expectation. You can’t not expect them to fly to you and to fix the problem with you own system ground loop. It might have “some” sense if you had hum with anything you connect to the unit but if you have absolutely normal hum-free operation and only develop hum what you use your TT motor then it a clear indication that it is your problem, not PP.

Come on, Steve! If you sell step-up transformers to for many customers who have no noise problems and then one of them report that with his cartridge your transformer has hum then would it be reasonable to suggest that the problem is not in your step-up transformer but in the way how this transformer is your in that specific installation?

You buy or sell PP - that is completely up to you. Frankly, dealing with ground loops is not the PP’s prerogative and if I run PP I would not promise to you a fix on PP side but would flat deny the complain. I still feel that you did not invest your own efforts to find the source of your ground loop but it is your rights to do or not to do.

BTW, if you report that you have 2 other customers with the same scenario then it might be indicative of slightly different problem. You are a dealer and I very much presume that your customers sue some kind of equipment that you sold to them. Most likely it is the same equipment that you use in your own installation. I give you 99.99% probability that the very same analog component that you all share between all 3 of you is the guilty party in your ground loop problems. It might be cartridge, TT, arm, phono cable, STU, phonostage or a way how everything is connected. This is common for passive and particularly balanced phono devises that they might have internal grounding problems that might be highlighted or reveled only under certain operation conditions. Perhaps PP is the condition that let this defective component to indicate your ground problems. 

All that you need to know that you did NOT provide the specific of you problem and that PP with grounded output, even theoretically could, not be a SOURCE of the loop. I am very confident that if you call me when you were dealing with the problem I would find your loop but as you sold the PP not it is not necessary. If you find another power devise that works for you than let me know but I am afraid that to find another active devise with PP-level sound would be orders of magnitude more complicated then to fix your ground loop.

Saying all of it I need to mention that I did not have the new PP+ but if they have low impedance ground on outputs than there is nothing to see in there in order to rule out their responsibility for your problem. 

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1085
Post ID: 18929
Reply to: 18928
Response to Mr. Cat
First the other customers of PP that are having a hum problem are NOT my customers and use different components than I. Second it is not just the turntable motor but also get the hum from the phono stage when plugged in. Again plugging these components into other conditioners do not give me the hum issue. Finally not receiving timely responses from PP to me is unacceptable. Customer service is as or if not more important than the product itself. My own motto goes something like this: customer service is like making love to a gorilla you don't stop when you're satisfied you stop when the gorilla is satisfied!
01-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1086
Post ID: 18930
Reply to: 18929
Ok, it is what it is.
 SOS wrote:
First the other customers of PP that are having a hum problem are NOT my customers and use different components than I. Second it is not just the turntable motor but also get the hum from the phono stage when plugged in. Again plugging these components into other conditioners do not give me the hum issue. Finally not receiving timely responses from PP to me is unacceptable. Customer service is as or if not more important than the product itself. My own motto goes something like this: customer service is like making love to a gorilla you don't stop when you're satisfied you stop when the gorilla is satisfied!
SOS, I do not advocate PP’s customer service. Whatever they do is what they do and the conclusions your draw as a results is what they harvest as the final customer appreciation. My response was to help you with your own methodological understating of the problems you have. Trust me: to be able to properly name the problem that you have is 50% of addressing the problems. I do not think that you understand what the ground loop that you got since you begin to use PP units.  From the way you describe the problem it is very clearly observable. It is not to mention that it is tricky and to chaise or even understand the loop problem “over internet” is kind of complicated.  In the end of the day you decided do not invest yourself into addressing your hum problems but to instead to discard PP because they had not responsive customer service. I do agree that PP’s promises might be “vague” at best but there is an interesting aspects in all of it: where will you find a re-generators that sound as good as PP? THAT is the question and if you did not ask yourself this question then you might not like the PP sound and did not see needs keep it. I had much more aggravations with PP then just 20 days delay. I chose to let them to do their incredibly negligent time management. The reason is that I have absolutely no interest to judge them as trade entity and the only thing that I care is what Sound PP produces in my own playback.  All that I know that the Sound that you got from PP was not worthy to you to pick up a phone a few more times, well it is what it is but I warn you that very unlikely you will be able to find out there another devise that sound like this. I would be very happy to learn that I am mistaken however.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1087
Post ID: 18931
Reply to: 18929
Phono Hum Meets Stark Reality of "Choices"

SOS, as a starting point, it does not seem at all odd to me that adding an "other" piece of equipment to the electrical chain might require a reconfiguration of the system ground scheme.  Of course, the phono stage is the worst case for hum, PP or no.  May we suppose that you used well-shielded phono cables that are well away from the PP unit?  Did you "dangle" the "downstream" shield connectors and ground the "upstream" shield connectors?  Do you use a dedicated, low-resistance ground rod/wire for the phono gear?

I have found it is normally the case that all gear has to be plugged into any ONE "power conditioner" or "regenerator", or - at least - "other" gear must be on a totally separate circuit (eg, not the other 1/2 of a 220 line, sharing a neutral).  Properly designed amps, in particular, should generally have their gound wires "lifted".  In any case, the PP (or any switching device) is best kept at a distance from other gear (and leads), since it also broadcasts its filth over the airwaves.  

Taking the foregoing into consideration, yet, one would not expect the PP itself to "add" typical AC "line hum".  I agree with Romy that it "sounds like" the hum you've experienced is the result of some sort of ground-related mishap that might be/might have been solved by due diligence in the course of system-specific ground sleuthing and by re-configuring the grounding scheme, "as necessary".  In your specific case, you probably know that it is often a good idea to run a ground from the TT motor straight to the dedicated ground line.  I can share that this is the only thing that works in my system.

If you read back over this very long thread you will quickly gather that I have expressed putative disappointment as contempt for PP's ridiculous "QC", and I have literally waited for years for some sign that PP have finally developed and integrated a viable QC program.  Meanwhile, during the course of my waiting, I have come up with no alternatives to the PP.

Best regards,
Paul S

01-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 1088
Post ID: 18932
Reply to: 18931
Plug polarity
After reading this thread I can't help but wonder whether y'all are familiar with the concept of AC polarity. The topic has been addressed in numerous locations (most thoroughly in Bound for Sound), but perhaps not recently. In short, which way the plug is put into the outlet can make a great difference in the hum loop -- and in the sound! But I won't waste anyone's time with unnecessary explanation.

01-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Ayr, ON
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Post #: 1089
Post ID: 18933
Reply to: 18931
Steve's hum problems
I am sorry that Steve is unhappy with the inability of PurePower tech support to resolve his phono hum. It is not because we did not provide adequate support. We brought the unit back to our plant and gave it as thorough a series of QC tests as possible. It passed them all. We explained as carefully we could that his problem was not related to the quality of the AC output of the PurePower 2000, but was a result of some kind of ground noise issue that could not be diagnosed without a visit to Nashua New Hampshire. Both Paul S and Romy have mirrored our advice. Our after sales support did include the retesting the unit at our shipping expense, but it does not include resolving ground faults in New Hampshire.
If Steve cannot find the particular wire or connection where the noise is entering his signal path, and if he is philosophically unhappy with the apparently successful expedient of simply plugging his phono stage into an alternate outlet, then we suggest his only solution is to not use our product. He purchased the unit in his capacity as a audio dealer, so I'm sure he can resell the unit without difficulty and without financial loss. 

01-24-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Ayr, ON
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Post #: 1090
Post ID: 18934
Reply to: 18931
PurePower QC
I want to let Paul S know that if he found our QC to be not up to his standards in the past, that he give us a second look. Many of our response timing issues of the past few years were the result of time delays between our Canadian personnel and our Taiwan builder. Sometimes the delays in implementing revisions were glacial. If you are familiar with the total breakdown of our offshore relationship in 2012,  you will know we suffered from our decision to outsource our production to China in 2008 after years of manufacturing in Canada.   
The good news is that the distance between design, engineering, manufacturing and service is now less than 50 feet. It has taken us almost a year to re-implement full North American production, but we have completed the task and there will never again be a delay between design and manufacturing. We can discover a need for a change, design it, test it, and put it in production in hours or days - not months. As an example, we discovered a problem with a fan mounting in our PurePower+ 3000 that could be dislodged by over exuberant handling early last week. We had confirmed the exact cause by Friday, designed a new, more robust mounting system on Monday and built the new parts and begin installing them in production units by Wednesday.
We have much more stringent QC procedures in place, immediate access to service parts, and more personnel on hand. We think you will like our new supply chain, engineering and manufacturing capabilities.
02-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1091
Post ID: 18967
Reply to: 18934
My unit gone and
I fully disclosed to the new owner what issues I had only with analog, which he also uses. Well he received it late last week and he also has the buzzing sound with analog! The is confident he can solve the issue and I wish him all the luck but now this is the 4th person with a 2000+ unit that has the same issue. I truly believe it is now in the design of these new + units because the original units did not have this problem, either at my place when Romy brought one over or at another guys place (not my customer) who has the original non plus PP 2000 unit and all is great but when his dealer lent him a + unit the buzzing started and he could not solve the issue. If this issue was ONLY my issue I'd tell all it was my system and ignorance that was at fault but with 4 systems with the same issue.......well you decide or can speculate what the issue is.Again I wish PP can figure this all out b/c it is a wonderful unit and will do very well in the market but at the moment not as is.
02-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1092
Post ID: 18968
Reply to: 18967
You are confused.
 SOS wrote:
I fully disclosed to the new owner what issues I had only with analog, which he also uses. Well he received it late last week and he also has the buzzing sound with analog! The is confident he can solve the issue and I wish him all the luck but now this is the 4th person with a 2000+ unit that has the same issue. I truly believe it is now in the design of these new + units because the original units did not have this problem, either at my place when Romy brought one over or at another guys place (not my customer) who has the original non plus PP 2000 unit and all is great but when his dealer lent him a + unit the buzzing started and he could not solve the issue. If this issue was ONLY my issue I'd tell all it was my system and ignorance that was at fault but with 4 systems with the same issue.......well you decide or can speculate what the issue is.Again I wish PP can figure this all out b/c it is a wonderful unit and will do very well in the market but at the moment not as is.

SOS, now you describe your problem as “buzzing sound with analog”. That was exactly my point – a certain lack of focus on YOUR part. The group loop hum and buzzing are very different issues. In addition you might not experience buzzingfrom speakers but mechanical buzzing from your components that you mistakably take as speakers buzzing. Again, the lack of exactness of you complains is an indication to me that you are not sure what you are complaining about. If you have buzzing then it is most likely a mechanical buzzing of your units magnetiks and it has nothing to do with ground loop or with listing grounds. That would also explain why you and other have it only with analog. Digital PS are usually cheaply bile with RC filtration but analog frequently have RLC or LRC filtration where transformers and chokes are more prone to buzz if PP sends too much DC in output. I know that in old PP they have a manual adjustment of DC present and if I am not mistaken the new unit it has automated DC compensator. IT is possible that this DC compensating circuit is malfunctions and this would be consistent with what you report. To fix it would take no efforts and it is very simple, however if your presumably malfunctioning DC unit goes to PP plant then they not necessary can catch it as in their tests, against their loads the same unit might not send DC(it is load specific). I know that they have no high current input choked PS to teats PP as I had the problem to drive it and they were not able to replicate it. So, if you do have buzzing then the very first think you need to do it to figure out if it is acoustic or mechanical and inform them that it is DC problem. Buzzing and hum are VERY different problem and you can’t confuse them.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1093
Post ID: 18970
Reply to: 18967
Does the sound start out faintly and then gradually or suddenly get louder?? I think there's a psychoacoustic point where a buzz could become faint enough that it resembles a hum (ie not hearing the transients).
02-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1094
Post ID: 18971
Reply to: 18970
A "Bad Power System"?
First they eased off and finally closed an old gas-fired plant, then they shut down the problematic nuclear plant.  Who knows anymore if it's Smart Grid digital messaging, local "noise sources", or low current that's mucking up local power, but I can report that the sound here is seldom at its peak anymore.  If this condition persists (as it appears it will), it may be time to re-think the system's presentation, or at least to concoct a "bad power system" of some sort.  I wonder what characteristics a system like this should have...

Since this power-defeatist thinking does not exactly involve a "solution for bad electricity", perhaps it should be in it's own thread?

Paul S
02-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 1095
Post ID: 18974
Reply to: 18968
Buzzing and hum
"Buzzing and hum are VERY different problem and you can’t confuse them." But of course you can!

Generally speaking, however, hum is 60Hz and buzzing is (half-rectified) 120Hz.

Also it seems to me that people on this board would be able to distinguish between noise from the speakers and noise from the unit itself.

02-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1096
Post ID: 18975
Reply to: 18974
Buzzing / hum
Tomato vs tomaaato. All noise has come from the speaker, the PP unit itself made no noise, even the 3 fans inside could not be heard unless your ear was within inches of the unit!
02-03-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1097
Post ID: 18976
Reply to: 18975
SOS, DC from PP output would not make PP unit itself made noise but will make some PS of the components connected to PP to have buzz, mostly mechanical.  This type of noise would not fluctuate with volume. If you claim that you have buzzing then after a few weeks of complains it is not truly know what kind noise you have. In case of your phonostage that most likely use tube rectification it might react to PP DC in any imaginary way. It is not to mention that your tubes in photo might have some kind of unmanaged leakage between cathode and heater that very frequently cause buzz with DHT tubes. Again, I highly doubt that it was PP problem but rather I feel it is your environments problem and PP just highlights it. If PP outputs no DC, proper sinusoid, has low impedance of output and proper ground then there is absolutely nothing you might blame them. If you still have the unit I would propose to damp it at my place and we could look into it together (I also would like to try the new unit in term of sound) but since you got rid of your new PP the further discussion are pointless and we never know what had happened.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-16-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1098
Post ID: 19236
Reply to: 18927
A new double conversion power unit
Some very sensible-sounding people have produced this:
They do not pretend that it is anything more than a double conversion ups with quieter cooling, possibly less magnetostriction-induced noises, and disabled bypass. I have just tried one, and it is good, but we shall have to see in the long run.
04-16-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1099
Post ID: 19237
Reply to: 19236
Who knows how does it sound.
Nice unit but truly nothing special.  The reality is that there are huge amount of online double conversion units out there use for medical, information and many other industries. Unfortunately none of them are made or tested for audio. It is not that such a situation is impossible: somebody would take one of those units, plug audio and learn that it sounds great. However, it is mostly not the case. 

The silent operation that they claim under less than 50% load is absolutely irrelevant. The inversion of output not and neutral is idiotic in my few, in fact it is illegal. The bypass that they eradicated is very questionable. I disagree with it and I disagree with their reasons.  All together it might be fine unit but it need to be tested how it works for audio.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-16-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1100
Post ID: 19239
Reply to: 19237
PurePower+ - new units and customer service (!)
I’d like to post some information about my own experiences with the new PurePower+ 2000 unit, and the customer service (or lack thereof) experienced under the new regime, so that people can be advised.  I ordered and paid for my unit in October last year, along with an extra power strip and cable so that I could extend the number of outlets used.  The PurePower team recommended the 2000 as being sufficient for the appliances I intended to use.

Issue 1: After numerous promises for quick delivery, the unit took a number of weeks to be delivered.  On arrival, I found that the box did not contain the extra power strip and cable I had paid for.  PurePower advised that they would refund this – but as at mid April, I have still not had this money repaid.  Additionally, the unit did not contain the aerial and network cable inputs/outputs as promised in the initial email dialogues.  This was apparently because they hadn’t gotten around to putting these features in their new + models, but hadn’t altered their literature and correspondence to reflect this.  They promised to send components for this when they became available, but as yet I have seen nothing.

Issue 2: Immediately I experienced two technical issues.  The unit was constantly overheating and shutting down the battery, even though it was not above 50% capacity.  Additionally, hooking up my tv receiver to the unit on battery power scrambled the aerial signal.  For the first of these issues, PurePower advised that it was a design fault, as they didn’t think the 2000 model would need additional heat sink capacity.  They decided to change their design based on my experience, but instead of providing a replacement unit, asked me to organise a technician to cobble another heat sink to the first one, to provide a solution – which they promised to pay for.  The aerial signal issue was unable to be resolved, and I have been unable to put my whole system (music and tv) through the unit as intended.

Issue 3: When getting a technician to add the extra heat sink, he advised that the unit did not meet local electrical standards for grounding, and posed some risk.  He also noted that the circuit board had multiple holes for no apparent purpose, and appeared to be some kind of prototype.

Issue 4: I have provided PurePower with an invoice for the additional work undertaken to carry out the repair work/poor design in their new unit.  Despite ongoing reminders, and numerous broken promises from them, they have not refunded my money for the goods not provided, or paid me for the repair work I was forced to do on their new unit I bought in good faith.

I have to say that the change to local production does not seem to have done much for either the quality of the goods provided, or their customer service.  The unit itself has helped somewhat in my system, but is also by no means the most effective tweak I have ever had.  Consequently I would have to advise people only to buy these units if there is absolutely no other solution available – and to do so at their own risk, knowing that they are completely on their own if any issues are experienced.  The delays and inherent dishonesty in not paying funds owed after months of reminders (despite admitting their liability) is simply beyond belief in a supposed commercial enterprise.  I have given them multiple opportunities to resolve these issues before posting on a live forum, but due to yet another agreed deadline passing with no resolution or correspondence to explain why, I cannot stay quiet any longer.  Be wary!!
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