Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Steve's hum problemsPosted by PurePower on: 1/24/2013
I am sorry that Steve is unhappy with the inability of PurePower tech support to resolve his phono hum. It is not because we did not provide adequate support. We brought the unit back to our plant and gave it as thorough a series of QC tests as possible. It passed them all. We explained as carefully we could that his problem was not related to the quality of the AC output of the PurePower 2000, but was a result of some kind of ground noise issue that could not be diagnosed without a visit to Nashua New Hampshire. Both Paul S and Romy have mirrored our advice. Our after sales support did include the retesting the unit at our shipping expense, but it does not include resolving ground faults in New Hampshire.
If Steve cannot find the particular wire or connection where the noise is entering his signal path, and if he is philosophically unhappy with the apparently successful expedient of simply plugging his phono stage into an alternate outlet, then we suggest his only solution is to not use our product. He purchased the unit in his capacity as a audio dealer, so I'm sure he can resell the unit without difficulty and without financial loss. 

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