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09-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 5438
Reply to: 5438
A great conductor - but almost unknown - Anton Nanut
Does anyone else here share my passion for Anton Nanut?  Long-term conductor of the Ljubliana SO.   Now deceased.

His Beethoven is superb.  Nanut's is my fave version of the 7th.  I've only ever found 1 to 8, never seen a 9th by him.

Sadly he only recorded one Bruckner symphony, as far as I am aware - the 8th.  Stunningly good.  2nd rate orchestra, 1st rate performance.

Mahler 6th sym? - look no further.  Exciting, tense, dramatic - and great sound too.  OK, he could relax a bit more at times, but well worth acquiring.

His recordings are usually to be found on super-budget labels.  These really are too good to miss!

09-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 5439
Reply to: 5438
See Nanut's photo!

Nanut is the guy in my Avatar!

rgds, Jerry

09-28-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 5447
Reply to: 5438
Mahler 6th by Anton Nanut?

A good new Mahler 6? You should not tell me any longer. Is it the recording from “Zyx Records”?


Yep, the small budget labels can be a pain in ass but they also can care some really treasures. I have seen it so many times. The Nanut’s Mahler is in order.

Rgs, The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-28-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 5449
Reply to: 5447
Nanut's Mahler 6 label etc
Yes, that's the one.   I look forward to hearing what you think - but I am sure you will not be disappointed (remember to fasten your seat-belt before pressing 'play' on your CD player!!).

It is also very well worthwhile looking out for the Nanut Bruckner 8th - on Stradivari CD SCD-6059 - it occasionally comes up on eBay (none there at the moment though).   Once you hear the Mahler 6, I am sure you will want this!

Rgds, Jerry

10-03-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 5505
Reply to: 5449
Who is that Anton Nanut and where the hell is Ljubliana SO!!!

I got the CD least night. Wow! The obscure Slovakian orchestra and THAT play of Mahler 6th?! Jerry, how did you even find it!!!

It was truly wonderful, I was listening it and was wondering when they “slip” but they did not. Playing Mahler 6th orchestras frequently are loosing them in the pay, diving into overly-staged drama or into overly-dancing presentation or into overly-expressive bombasticism. The Nanut’s orchestra did it all during different episodes but in a very moderate and in a perfectly balanced way. That gives very-very pleasant feeling from their play – it was very intelligently balanced all together with all necessary quanta of the Mahleria….

The Nanut’s Mahler Six  perhaps does not have that stunning “textured” tone of Karajan with Berlin, it has no “contemporary” bold touch of the Sanderling with Leningrad Philharmonic, it has no classicism glory of Horenstein with Stockholm Philharmonic and it certainly it has no psychedelic hypnosis of my beloved Barbirolli and Philharmonia. The Nanut’s Mahler rather has all those little bits of greatness as glitter spared all across the symphony - very interesting feeling indeed.

I did not listen the Nanut with Ljubliana performance on my “big” playback (it will show off much more) but the initial play of the recording on my table radios was EXTREMELY pleasant.

What else Anton Nanut did interesting? Now I what it!
Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-03-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 5507
Reply to: 5438
Nanut's Bruckner 8th
Long have I admired this performance, which I acquired on cassette about fifteen years ago. I always took it with me on long trips, although nowadays rental cars do not come equipped with tape players, so I do need the CD.

Once, taking a sidetrip from CES to visit the Hoover Dam, I had it on and just as I came over the rise that allows a first glimpse of that magnificent valley, the music of the third movement arrived at its glorious climax of full-bore bright sunshine. I just pulled off the road and thrilled at the coincidence of beauty.

It was one of my most memorable musical experiences ever.

And the tour of the dam itself did not diminish by comparison; it too was a life highlight.

10-03-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 5511
Reply to: 5505
More Anton Nanut recommendations
Hi Romy and other Nanut thread followers!

Yes, the Mahler 6 is wonderful, I agree.

Nanut's Beethoven 7th symphony is the best I have ever heard.

His Bruckner 8th is the best I have ever heard - and I have nearly 40 recordings of the 8th on my CD shelves!   If I could only keep one of them, it would be Nanut's.

All of his Beethoven symphonies are wonderful, although I have never seen the 9th and I doubt that he recorded it.

He also has recordings of Mahler 1, 4 & 5.   They are all worth getting.   His Song of the Earth is not so good, IMO, but I am not that keen on the music.

He really was one of the world's great conductors.

Have fun searching for Nanut recordings - there are lots of them!

Rgds, Jerry

10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
guy sergeant
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 5514
Reply to: 5511
Beethoven 9
10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 5515
Reply to: 5514
Not by Nanut, I think!
Hi Guy - yes, that Amazon link does imply that Nanut conducts the 9th - note though the 2 orchestras listed.   I am fairly (i.e. 99.9% !!) certain that the 9th is NOT conducted by the great Anton Nanut, but by another, lesser conductor - probably Alfred Scholz.

10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 10
Post ID: 5517
Reply to: 5515
According to a Slovenian web site

Below is the text from Slovens Website that presumably knows Anton Nanut. According to them Mr. Nanut did record the Beethoven Nineth. Interesting is that Nanut also record Dvorak’s last symphonies, Jerry, are they interesting in Slovenian rendering?

From: http://www.proartes.si/en/node/40

The musical gift of one of the most renowned Slovenian conductors became apparent early in his childhood when his father had been taken by the enemy to a concentration camp and the son replaced him as choirmaster and organist at age eleven. His status as one of the world’s top conductors has been confirmed by numerous awards and frequent collaborations with exceptional solo artists, such as: Mstislav Rostropovič, Nikita Magaloff, Henryk Szeryng, Svjatoslav Richter, Dubravka Tomšič, Aldo Ciccolini, David Ojstrah, Leonid Kogan, Natalija Gutman. From 1975-80 he worked as the leading conductor of Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, from 1981-88 as chief conductor and artistic director of RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. He took both central Slovenian orchestras on many concert tours of Belgium, Poland, Germany, Italy and the Soviet Union, several times to the USA with widely praised concerts at the prestigious Carnegie Hall. His lasting career includes performances and recordings of the better part of symphonic opus by Slovenian composers and the entire opera Črne maske by Marij Kogoj with the Ensemble of SNG Opera in Ljubljana. 250 albums of classical repertoire are the result of his years long collaboration with RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, receiving high appraisal by professional critics. Special appreciation is shown for Nanut0s recordings of Mahler’s, Beethoven’s, Berlioz’s and Šoštakovič’s work. For eighteen seasons straight he put together the programme for RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra’s concert cycle with great inspiration and musical taste. A number of important scores performed with an orchestra premiered in Slovenia under his conduct. In addition, he conducted many executions of great works of musical art, giving each and every one a seal of his great personal energy and musical creativity. His collaboration with the orchestra continued even after retirement. In 2002 he accepted the position of honorary conductor. Anton Nanut is the most recognizable Slovenian conductor outside its borders. He conducted over 200 foreign orchestras, among them the distinguished St. Petersburg Philharmonics, Staatskapelle Orchestra from Dresden, Suisse Romande Orchestra from Geneva, the Warsaw Philharmonics, the Prague Philharmonics, the West German Radio Orchestra, South German Radio Orchestra, the Monterrey Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Budapest Philharmonics, the Valon Radio Orchestra, the Colon Theatre Orchestra from Buenos Aires. He conducted every symphony orchestra in Italy. He is the artistic director of Philharmonic Orchestra Udine and a regular guest conductor of German Chamber Orchestra from Frankfurt. As a distinguished interpreter of works by Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler and Bruckner, his latest occupation includes regular collaborations with the newly founded Orchestra sinfonica di Roma and Orchestra Brasileira in Rio de Janeiro. In the town of Kanal, he founded and for 25 years lead Kogoj’s days, one of the more cosmopolitan musical shows in Slovenia. He was also artistic director of Slovenian Octet in its most successful period. As professor of musical conduct at the Music Academy in Ljubljana he has educated a number of excellent young conductors, successful in Slovenia and abroad. Important acknowledgments: Prešeren Foundation Award, Bevk, Župančič and Bettetto awards. He received Milka Trnina award for his work in Croatia, the award of the city of Dubrovnik, Svobodna Dalmacija award (for execution of Mozart’s Requiem), the high national medal of the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavian award Lira. He received Carnegie Hall medal for his concerts and the gold medal by Milan audience in 1998. Smetana medal was awarded to both him and Milan Horvat for execution of Czech music. In 2004 he received the Papandopoulos award for a performance of Rossini’s Turk in Italy. He shares the Order of the Republic with Gold Wreath with Slovenian Octet and was presented the Order of the Republic with Silver Wreath for his work as a conductor.


- J.S. Bach: 4 suites, St. Mathew passion, The Brandenburg concertos
- J. Haydn : 25 symphonies
- W.A. Mozart: symphonies 1 - 41, Requiem, masses…
- L. van Beethoven: symphonies 1- 9, Mass in C major (Missa solemnis), Fidellio (opera)
- J. Brahms: symphonies 1 – 4, German requiem, 2 serenades
- P. I. Čajkovski: symphonies 4, 5 and 6, Overture Manfred, the overture to Romeo and Juliet
- A. Dvorak: symphonies 8 and 9
- G. Mahler: symfonies 1 - 10, The song of the earth
- A. Bruckner: symphonies 1 - 9
- B. Bartok: Concerto for orchestra, Blue-Beard (opera), The Miraculous Mandarin (opera)
- V. Lutoslavski: symphonies 1 – 4
- I. Stravinski: The rite of Spring, Symphony in C major, Pulcinella, The Firebird…


Maestro’s discography includes over 350 albums/cd’s, which have been published at record labels such as: ZKP RTV Slovenia, Helidon, EdDSS, Stradivari Classics, Paganini Classics, Mediaphone, Metropolitan, Phoenix and many others.

His interpretation of Mahler’s and Beethoven’s symphonies, the 5th Symphony of Tchaikovsky, the last symphonies of Dvorak, and Berlioz’s Phantastic Symphony have met with excellent response from experts in the field of classical music recordings.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 11
Post ID: 5519
Reply to: 5517
250 Albums!
That's interesting Romy - I had not seen that website before.

250 recorded albums - I had no idea!   I have a lot of his work on CD, but nowhere near that many.

I have his Dvorak 8th symphony - very good, but perhaps a little fast.  I am playing it at the moment - Wow!! - the 1st mvt is so exciting!   I must look out for the Dvorak 9th.  I would imagine his 7th is fantastic, too - but I have never heard of a recording.

I have never seen a Beethoven 9th, and I am on the lookout for his work all the time.

I have a CD of Nanut conducting Vivaldi concertos with an 'authentic instrument' orchestra - very good also!

Did he ever make a bad or boring recording?  Maybe not!

I will go thru my collection and do a list later of all the Nanut recordings that I have.

Rgds, Jerry

10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 12
Post ID: 5521
Reply to: 5519
Jerry's Anton Nanut CDs
Here's a list of my current holding of Anton Nanut CDs ....

Beethoven symphonies 1 to 8

Beethoven overtures: Leonora III, Coriolan, Fidelio, King Stephen, Ruins of Athens

Beethoven Mass in C

Berlioz Harold in Italy & Roman Carnival ov.

Brahms piano concertos 1 & 2 (with Tomsic)

Bruckner 8th symphony

Dvorak 8th symphony

Fererro - orchestral pieces

Mahler symphonies 1, 4, 5 & 6

Mozart piano concerto No. 13, KV415

Mozart Clarinet and Bassoon concertos

Rimsky Korsakov Scheherezade

Schubert 8th symphony

Shostakovich 7th symphony

Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra

Tchaikovsky symphonies 4, 5 & 6

Vivaldi assorted concertos

.... hmmm, I think that is all.


For some reason I find myself less enthusiastic about some of Nanut's concerto recordings.  There is a complete set of the Beethoven piano concertos, but I don't find his usual soloist, Dubravka Tomsic, much to my taste - she often sounds a little 'clunky' to me. Also I recently obtained and then threw away a Dvorak cello concerto that didn't seem very special.  The Brahms PCs listed above are OK, nothing more.  Nanut is best when he is in complete control - just Nanut and an orchestra.

I would love to hear his Brahms symphonies, but have never come across any recordings.  Also more Bruckner - the site Romy found says that all 9 were in Nanut's repertoire, but I somehow think he only recorded the 8th - I would love to be proved wrong!

Rgds, Jerry

10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 13
Post ID: 5522
Reply to: 5517
I'm surprised no one's seen this


Which also reveal a wealth of recordings possibly available in full length.

Discovering them would be an excellent project.

And here all I know of Nanut is, a stellar Bruckner 8th and a couple of fine concertos with Dubrovka Tomsic, herself a stunning artist.

10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 14
Post ID: 5523
Reply to: 5521
Regarding the Brahms PC #2
I find Tomsic to be stellar (that word again!). Often I've played it to people to demonstrate how the thing should go. Unfortunately the orchestra is not up to it, them or the conductor, hard to tell.

I've heard Tomsic twice in Boston and so far as I'm concerned, she's the new Annie Fischer. Which is to say, the best!

10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 15
Post ID: 5524
Reply to: 5523
Tomsic ... really?
OK Clark - I'll try her again!  Thanks for the encouragement.

Rgds, Jerry

10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 16
Post ID: 5525
Reply to: 5521
The Anton Nanut CDs pressed by domestic Japanese labels?

Yes, Jerry, thanks,

I would like to pick some Anton Nanut CDs, not everything from you list but juts some of them. What I would be interesting if the Japanese folks ever pressed Nanut CD/LPs. In SOME cases the Japanese CD mastering is much more interesting than western. Yoshi, if you read this then could you please check out your Japanese sources if Anton Nanut CD are available by domestic Japanese labels, in particularly:

Beethoven 3
Bruckner 7, 8, 9
Dvorak 8, 9
Mahler 2, 5, 9
Tchaikovsky 4, 5
All Bartok
Brahms 4


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-04-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Jefferson (MA), United States
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Post #: 17
Post ID: 5529
Reply to: 5525
No luck there
I've been following the thread with interest.  I just checked Japanese HMV and Amazon.  Anton Nanut search in HMV brings no result.  Zilch!  The name is not even included in their very comprehensive conductor search.  There's 177 listing in Amazon but they are all US imports and no Japanese release.

10-05-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 18
Post ID: 5535
Reply to: 5525
The visitors from Ljubljana.
I have seen in past my site made some waves in some kind of Slovenia audio forums. I know also that even today there were visitors from Bohinj Ljubljana….

So, the Slovenia folks, could you help me to find your local shop where I can buy the Bruckner 8 of your cousin Anton Nanut? Perhaps your local gift-shop of Ljubljana Philharmonic still has the CD available in stock? Feel free to contact me directly – I am opened for offers in any format or shape.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-05-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Forest of Dean, UK
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Post #: 19
Post ID: 5536
Reply to: 5535
Nanut CDs in Slovenia ... ?
Romy - A couple of years ago I was in contact with a guy in Slovenia who bought some CDs from me on eBay.  We kept in contact for a while and discussed Anton Nanut.  I had to send him copies of many of my Nanut CDs because they were NOT obtainable in Slovenia!!   .... I could always send you a copy of the Bruckner 8 if you let me know your address.

Rgds, Jerry

10-05-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 20
Post ID: 5538
Reply to: 5536
The son of a shoemaker with his shoes...

 JANDL100 wrote:
Romy - A couple of years ago I was in contact with a guy in Slovenia who bought some CDs from me on eBay.  We kept in contact for a while and discussed Anton Nanut.  I had to send him copies of many of my Nanut CDs because they were NOT obtainable in Slovenia!!   .... I could always send you a copy of the Bruckner 8 if you let me know your address.
Well, I thought that it might be opposite in case of the Slovenia folks and Nanut but it looks I was wrong. I remember when I was in Czech republic I have seen a bunch of their domestic labels CD that I did not see a lot outside of Czech capital.

Anyhow I would greatly appreciate if you can share with me the Nanut’s Brukner 8. I would like do not have in on CD but in a shape of row WAV file extracted by EAC. It will not be killed by WAV-PCM conversion and by the following CD formatting.  Can you put it in some kind of web servers that I might download it from there? Surely, if it continent to you then you might mail it to me on CD but in this case do not burn the AUDIO CD, instead juts burn a DATA CD and copy the  extracted WAV file to the disk. If it is more suitable for you to mail it then let me know and I will send you my address.

As the talking of appreciation I would like to offer you in exchange something “interesting” from my selves, not available commonly. Tell me a composer/s or a period that your are interested in and I will pick something for you.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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