Romy the Cat's
personal site dedicated to advanced audio and evolved music reproduction
Everybody !
I am looking
for information regarding the Altec cabinet: 815a, particularly with 416
Anyone is using it?
Now I a...
Can I have some opinions on a potential mid-bass driver for my Altec 515s, as pictured in the attachement? What are the obvious or potential problems I should address?see attached photo: 120 Hz - @800 Hz.For the Altec 515 such a horn should be ...
Chirag, First off all you have to define what do you want from them. If at this moment you’re looking for something within $700 then very next year, when you finish you medical school you will be searching in very different price range… :-) Now a lit...
[quote user="Romy the Cat"]audiofilofine, you need to form a question in a format that would indicate you do the your do some homework. To bulb or even to design 20Hz horn is complex task and it usually made to the specifics of the given circumstance...
"Like live" is a statement I really like to stay away from but seeing that someone else also misunderstood me there makes me feel I did a bad job describing my views on that. Last statement in that direction: live music and recorded music are two com...
Hi Keith,Interesting experience you have as I have found running my 505TT with the 160hz le'clech horns between 320hz-1200hz (with first order slope) works best for my setup and using my 15" goto sg-38wn woofer to play under 320hz (which sounds very ...
[quote user="Romy the Cat"]audiofilofine, you need to examine your room and your entire domestic environment in order to see where and how you might make your pair of bass horns. Also, if they will be 20Hz horn then are you planning to use next chela...
[quote user="ArmAlex"]The price is 167,000 Euro I was told. The material they used for bass cabinet at least looked like MDF. Sound was much better than any speaker I've heard in show, expect Cessaro which was wonderful. BTW Marten, Kharma, Focal, Ma...
Charlus,As you expressed here this would be an End of life speaker project, and I am sure you will not fancy any other speaker once you start with this, even Vox Olympian etc. Yes it will take a lot of money and a lot of time, but you will have fun...
I was there and heard it a while and then came back the next day to see if what I heard was true... it was.I talked with Allen Sides who was there showing his speakers and having a good time. It is a 3 way speaker, It has a 1" JBL compression driver...
Hi i am a new forum member and recently i built some speakers using Altec model 19 components 416-8b & 802 G. I built some 7.5 cu ft cabinets with two 4" diameter 5" deep ports this is the optimum cabinet size for the 416 i ditched the 811 horns ...
Hello Macman,Nice horns, I like that you finished everything properly! I am getting tired of seeing piles of horns.I think the ringing you are getting from your midbass horn is that the throat reactance is not balanced. How did you calculate the ba...
Hello Romy,
I understand the difference between the kind of "basshorn" pictured here and the proper compression-horn that you use. It is true that many DIY-types like to make basshorns in their garage without much thought to technical consideratio...
Happy Holidays, Everyone! First time poster...
Does anyone know where in the US I can purchase a new Electro-Voice DH3 high frequency driver (tweeter) and matching horn (perhaps the HP94--any suggestions?)? I can't find any vendors online that s...
[quote user="nl"] However, these sorts of basshorns with twin 15" drivers and a very large mouth (larger than the cones of the drivers) have a long history. The Altec 210 cabinet, as used in the Altec A2 systems with two 515-type woofers, is a prime ...
A six year ago or so when I played with different compression drivers I bought a pair of Dukane 5A540 and at that time I was not able to find any information about them. Nowadays I was pointed out that an eBay sealer “ bayleafs” actions a pair of Duk...
[quote user="mats"]Too late now for points, but just the other day I tried to imagine your plan. and I was pretty close.Actually, it is a bit like what I have going now; 15" Eminence bass guitarr woofers in a sealed 3 cu ft cabinet,Oris 150 with...
I was rushing when I made the last post. Wanted to share a little more about my thought process and how I arrived at doing another large-scale masochistic audio project. Making a bass horn is a huge risk - the results can vary from exceeding expect...
de Charlus, this “are not afraid of cabinet resonance per se” is complicated subject. I have raised the topic in the “How to USE “Resonating Oops” in loudspeakers” thread:
hi romy
idea of a 4way speaker system. not time aligned, but in compensation mid-bass horn and mid-high would create a one point source.
30hz - ~ 120hzBass cabinet similar to bassmaxx
[quote user="angeloitacare"] Of course, Avantgarde with their price tag never will be for mass consumption. I offered Holger then to see If I could commercialize his horns in japan, Do u know how much was the dealer price for a pair of trios at that ...
The other day I was listening to a friend´s system with nice Avalon speakers, only one 10" seemed to be enough, of course it seemed we were playing house when listening to music, everything was small and very nice and pretty...Now when matc...
Hi Romy and all,
first of all, my name is Henry, with a "Y". due to an Irish grand-grand-grand father called "O'Henry". the O' was deleted when my grand-grand father was born, due to a silly servant of registry office. :-) all my horns uses the calc...
Hi Romy
a good sound in a room does not depend only on the speaker chain, but essencially also of the room acoustics. Probably many of the Trio systems didn’t sound right just because of that…. I was at Holgers Home in Lautersbach back in 94. He ha...
At CES there were Viagra-junkie sized power cords everywhere for $5000. Around our room were $10k and $20k speakers that sounded like a wet jukebox. It was the land of delusion.Value per topology is one way to measure but let's instead start with a p...
Another particle of a good Horn Propaganda. It was published in Sound Practices in 1994 and written by Joe Roberts. I disagree with quite many of the author’s statements but his strategic view that the majority of the horns and the horn installations...
(Note: I've neither seen nor heard these speakers)
Cessaro ALPHA:
TAD TD-4001 2" driver on tractrix horn with 56cm bell (approximately 250Hz). TAD claims response from 600-20KHz. Given that the midbass is essentially a direct radiator (theref...
[quote user="Marc HENRY"] For this Musique-Concrete horn system called "Grande Castine" (it was developped in Saint Cast Le Guildo, Britanny, France, from were females inhabitants are called "Castines" ) i prefered a modified 60Hz Le Cleac'h cylindri...
CATEGORIES: 2100 - Mid and mid-bass cone transducers 2200 - Low frequency transduc...
Dear John,
I hope you don't mind me writing directly to you. I've been posting on Romy the
Cat's audio boa...
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