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07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1601
Post ID: 24974
Reply to: 24968
Regarding my terrible experience with Richard Janzen and PurePower, purepoweraps, or audiophile APS Inc
hi folks, especially drdna,

Has anyone actually bothered to read my bad experience with Richard Janzen and PurePower, in https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/bad-experience-with-purepower-of-canada, before calling me a email spammer?

I have no doubt that PurePower works, and maybe works great, in some people's environment.  But it did not perform in my environment.  I did not blame Richard or PurePower for things not working out.   Something on their circuit board buzzed (vibration, oscillation noise?) so loudly that I turned it off just after few minutes of attempting to audition it.   Richard claimed that they found bad batch of parts and are fixing them, found ways to shield out noise of the coil, etc, etc.  I gave him all the time and chance to do what he claimed he can fix, but after waited 15 months and 3 units, I simply told him that it looks like PurePower and my gears are simply not meant to live together, and I returned his unit for a refund.

And after he received the returned unit, and for the next month and half, I did not get any refund, and all through out this time, Richard never pro-actively contact me to informed me why there is no refund coming my way.   I don't want to repeat the story here but I urge you to read the audiogon thread, and especially at the things that Richard said to me.

Why did I mention ProPower?   Because after my experience with Richard, I am beginning to believe that ProPower is the real one (including that they were the original engineering designer who created the AC regeneration circuitry).

And if you are so bent on sticking to battery-backed AC regenerator, as opposed to direct AC-backed AC regenerator (like those of PS Audio), and you simply dislike ProPower simply because they may be made in Taiwan (I don't see proof of that .. all I see is people making judgement that it is made in Asia because supposedly the original designer, Zak Yeh?, is an Asian name), then you should consider IsoTek.   It is British-made I believe, and this past summer I saw in a Japanese hi-end audio magazine reviewing and comparing most of the well-known, reputable AC conditioners, regenerators (including PS Audio, IsoTek, but PurePower was NOT in that review).    Review for the IsoTek was very favorable.

Someone denigrated ProPower, saying website incorrect grammar, this and that.   I think that is silly.   Ok, that person then says something bad about that company's address or something.

Folks, I urge you to Google Maps (or Google Earth) any of the 3, 4 addresses that Richard Janzen, PurePower Partners LLC or Audiophile APS Inc. have listed online and you will be surprised at what you see (or not see).

Why did I started trying to audition PurePower?  I explained in my Audiogon discussion, but I'll repeat here.  I know two people in my local audiophile society (club) who own PurePower and are happy with it.  One of the person I highly respect, and that was the main impetus for me and what set me on my journey to contact PurePower for an audition.

The coil buzzing sound had been reported by many people online.   Had Mr. Janzen told me right after I informed him of the buzz, and simply tell me that, unfortunately, that is one tough and mysterious problem plaguing their equipment but that they have been unable to fix it, and promptly refund me my money, that would have been totally fine with me.  And I would have nothing but respect and praise for him as a person and as a businessman.

But that was not the case.    Some of you want to believe that he went out of his way and tried hard to fix the issue.  Your are entitled to that belief.   That was my belief for 15 months, but now in retrospect, and after pouring through the voluminous email exchanges (plus countless phone conversations), my belief is that I had been fooled.

Finally, let me just pose a very basic question to all of you, and you decide what is right and wrong.   You ask for home audition, with 100% money-back guarantee.  You have the equipment in your possession for no more than 10 ~ 15 minutes (actual use time, and equipment promptly put back to boxes and shipped back to manufacturer/distributor), and then the manufacturer tells you that he does not have money to pay you.   You went along and waited for a month and half and still no refund.   Then out of the blue, you are then told that they have to sell 'YOUR UNIT" before they can have money to refund you.

Regardless of how Richard and PurePower came to the condition of not having money to pay me (assuming everything he said was true), the only right thing, which is the business norm, is for him to find money (borrow if he has to), so that he can fulfill his business obligation to his customers.

Oh, I also read some posting claiming it's worth long wait, and how lucky you will be to get hold of a PurePower.

Great, to that person, please contact Richard Janzen right now, as he has many units that he can sell to you.  Then you post your experience here (I hope your experience will be the opposite of mine), and we all know that Richard's got some money now, and I'll let all of you know if Richard send me the refund or not.
07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1602
Post ID: 24975
Reply to: 24972
A Closer Look at Quiet
Bill, thanks for that information.  I am curious primarily because it is very rare to hear of a system as complex as yours that is electrically quiet!  I suppose that the 100A sub panel is nominal 240V and the 30A legs are nominal 120V.  Do you know if the 30A hi-fi circuits are matched for phase?  Do you know if the neutral and ground wires are electrically joined at the sub panel, or are separate neutral and ground buses run back to the main box through separate wires?  If the latter, a 4th, separate ground wire between the sub and main panels is a very rare thing, indeed!

Do you use balanced connectors?

Best regards,
Paul S

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Post #: 1603
Post ID: 24976
Reply to: 24974
And yes, I have dedicated 20-amp circuits for audio use
And just in case some of you question my AC wiring, I have a separate panel with dedicated 20-amp circuits, all 'in-phase'.   In fact, I put even put in a 30-amp dedicated circuit just in preparation for use by PurePower+ 3000.
07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1604
Post ID: 24977
Reply to: 24976
Ah, the PurePower events.... :-)
 drdna wrote:
BUT will the PP2000's and the PP3000+ still make the interference even if not in the same system, even if just plugged in for a completely separate stereo system (or toaster, etc.) in another circuit breaker?

Yes, it is what I discovered: they do affect each other even in case of another circuit breaker. The only way how I did not hear impact was to set 2 PP to run on the different sides of 220V line, of as we call it in US on the “another phase”. The problem with it that one of my 220V sides do not sound good, so why to bother. I am not too serious to sell my PP2000 unit. I do not use it at all and it sits in there just because it is tested and it sounds perfectly. In case my something happens with my PP3000+ unit and PP got for another “episode of randomness” I will have a PP2000 to fall back.
 Lx_ wrote:
Interesting. It has always been my experience (as reported here already) that as outstanding the PurePower is at improving sound, it still is sensitive to input AC. This is contrary to what the product description would have you believe

Lx, if you read this site that I will see that I made very many comments on the subject. Of cause the PurePower is sensitive to input AC, like anything else. The improvement the PP does might or NOT be related to the AC distortion corrections, after all we have devised that generate no distortion AC and that sound like shit. It is might be a very stimulating to investigate but I am not so much prepared to spend another 30 years of my life to think about it. To the best of my knowledge there is no definitive answer why PP sounds as it sounds, in fact why any of AC correction devised sound as good or bad as they are.

 OracleAV wrote:
Why did I mention ProPower?   Because after my experience with Richard, I am beginning to believe that ProPower is the real one (including that they were the original engineering designer who created the AC regeneration circuitry). 

I do not think it is the case, OracleAV. If I am not mistaken, PurePower adopted some kind of existing commercial unit, was it by the Chinese company of not I do not remember. The Chinese company you refer ProPower in past had different names and they were the company that build the units for PurePower. A few year they separated and PurePower assemble the things in house, while the Chinese company keep producing audio regenerators. I am pretty sure they hardly know what their products might be used for in audio and I would extend too much credibility to what they do. They are perhaps a good electronic company and do wonderful toasters for Walmart but I do not think that they have any audio objectives.
Regarding the rest of your straggle, OracleAV. I do sympathize you but try to understand: this is site has audio sonic objective and your frustration with PurePower is neither entertaining nor enlightening. Most of the people who dealt with PurePower had “issuers” so, what? I do not ask you to stop badmouth PurePower, if they did wrong things then they dese own share of negative publicity and you feel free to post anything you want. Still, you will not surprise anybody at this site with the fact you have “issuers” with PurePower. However, if you do get the properly working PurePower and do understand the sonic benefits it offers then you might understand where drdna  and another are coming from.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1605
Post ID: 24978
Reply to: 24976
Potential PP buyers should realize what Romy stated
This component seems to have some serendipity to its development so I would lean that way in answering Romy's question about brilliance or luck. The  poor trouble shooting skills of the PP developers (both in fixing and in redesigns) is one bit of evidence for that. Thus people need to be prepared for extended money loans to PP. The odds are moderately good you will receive a working unit. But if you don't you will enter into a long term relationship with PP that exceeds many marriages.
My free advice :

Never buy multiple units from them at the same time. Never send the unit back to them for repairs but get someone reliable and local to try and fix. (Note that PP seems to have absolved themselves of maintaining older pre Canada units anyway.) Consider buying used units and fix locally with the savings. They are likely to be working at time of sale. Smile
07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Kensington, NH
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Post #: 1606
Post ID: 24979
Reply to: 24975
Reply to paul
My main 6 speakers are modified Edgar horns with 105 dB/ watt sensitivity, and the others are overhead emotive speakers with standard 90 dB/ watt sensitivity. There are two JL self powered f12 subs, and 4 self built subs with a sherbourn five channel amp. The only noise from the system is transformer vibration on the five channel amplifier used for the five subwoofers when it is turned on, and fan noise from my Sony 665 projector.The 1500 the subs attached to has a pot on the front that can be adjusted to decrease and it helps a little, but the transformer noise doesn't completely go away and can vary over time so the pot has to be readjusted. As I only use the subs for video the volume of which masks it. I haven't tried out another power amp there.
The sub panel was wired only for one leg of the ac from the main panel about 40 feet away in the basement, thus using only one phase. The ground and neutral wires are separated right back to the main panel. Thus the wire back to the main panel is run as hot, neutral and separate ground.By the way, when setting up each piece of equipment, I test each for minimal voltage from chassis to ground by ac plug reversal. Have found that three pieces of equipment require cheater plugs with reversal of ac input. 
I do have one friend who is a dealer of very high end equipment, primarily tube equipment, who also had trouble with a purepower unit and did return it for full refund, no questions asked. Whole love to know why the United do such great things on most systems, but act horribly on others. Also why romy, I and others have nothing but praise for purepower and others seem to be treated so poorly. It’s a riddle.  Alberta Richard can give an explanation for. His side.

07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Ayr, ON
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Post #: 1607
Post ID: 24980
Reply to: 24974
Some facts about Oracle AV's problems

The situation reported has been presented unfairly we believe and includes completely false information regarding PurePower.
We were working to solve a problem with a PurePower installation in California for over a year providing three replacement units and various solutions which were not effective.

The customer reported to us that the sound when using the PurePower output was extremeley good - and just what he was trying to accomplish - but when he ran it from his house power it had a buzzing noise coming from inside the unit. When he ran it on battery mode it was absolutely perfect. 
All three units we shipped to him functioned perfectly - and silently - on initial build and later on return inspection. 

In addition we designed and built a specialized outboard filtering device to test for noise in either the incoming utility AC, the house ground lines or possibly the AR amplifier. The filter did not resolve the issue, eliminating electrical noise. We explained to the customer that the only other cause we could imagine to create input filter coil noise was severe harmonic distortion. We provided a detailed explanation of the causes of harmonic distortion in utility power. 

After over a year, the customer finally disclosed that he had a full solar installation with inverters attached to his home, generating extremely high harmonics.  Had we known he had a solar install, we would have had a solution almost immediately instead of trying to find a fix for something that wasn’t broken inside the PurePower unit.
There was no claim that the PurePower units did not provide perfect and isolated regenerated AC, or that the desired performance improvement of the connected components was not met. The entire issue was the off grid solar power causing loud resonant harmonic buzzing in our input filter circuits at a level we have never before heard - ever.  

We did not get an opportunity to resolve the problem once it was finally correctly diagnosed and that the power problem was not from the utility power - but from faulty solar power. (By the way - we have provided a number of sucessful solar power installs to improve solar power inverter power for audio systems.)
Regardless, we will ensure that the customer receives full restitution as warranted. We did not refuse to refund his purchase price at any time. We simply promised to accept his return - after a full year - resell that unit to another customer  and provide a full refund the minute it is sold. We feel that is eminently fair for a custom built product. 
p.s. The unit in question, a PurePower Gold 3000 model with lithium battery pack and gold/ silver power path and internal wiring is available for $5995 - compared to its MSRP of $10,700. It is fully tested and is fully warranted.

On the matter of “The Real” PurePower:
- PurePower began in 2003 with 100% North American parts, manufacturing and assembly with 1st Gen models.
- In 2006 we outsourced some board production to Taipei for the 2nd Gen models with the remainder of production and assembly in Canada.
- We slowly increased outsourcing of parts over the next 5 years until most of the unit was produced and assembled overseas.
- In 2011 our primary supplier attempted an outrageous brand and product theft. This is fully documented in the court papers made available on our web site and was resolved completely in our favor (against the ProPower people) by the 6th Circuit in Florida with an award of $650,000. This award remains entirely outstanding. We maintain no relation with the former supplier in any way and they remain under permanent court injunction. 
- 2012 was occupied with the above legal issues, and a full year of design of our 3rd Gen “Plus” models as well as bringing all production and assembly back to Canada.
- A long and difficult period of recovery ensued. The disruption to the company caused by the attempted hijacking of our brand and products were severe with years of lingering effects.
- 2017 through this year saw our development and release of the new 4th Gen. PurePower Gold product line – also with North American production and assembly in our Canada facility.
PurePower makes great AC regeneration products. We believe we deal in good faith and try to provide good and timely service to our dealers and customers. In this case we went well beyond normal support and incurred significant expenses, that it turns out were unneccessary.

07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1608
Post ID: 24981
Reply to: 24980
Richard Janzen's distorted facts and altered reality

what a boat load of crap from you, claiming to be 'facts'

I did not withhold anything from you.  If you had been such an expert as you claim to be, and have had such experience with dealing with customers with solar, you would have asked me back in March 2017 when I told you about the buzzing noise.   If anything, it goes to show the patience and the trouble I've gone through and taken to help you figure out what was causing your coil to buzz so badly.  

It was only after you repeatedly failed to fix that buzz problem (even though you claim that you have reproduced after putting it under certain load, after you claim you found batch of bad parts, after you claim you encapsulated in better epoxy, after you claim you got new vendor to make coil, etc, etc), and that we were running out of idea as to why it still buzz so badly, that I brought it up to you for consideration.

The 'specialized outboard filter' is a piece of garbage and not meant to do anything other than to fool me.   Maybe I'll open it up and take picture and post here.

I never told you "the sound when using the PurePower output was extremeley good".

As I've stated in here earlier, and in other forum, the buzzing was so loud that I turned off the 1st unit after 5 minutes, the 2nd unit after 1 minute, and the 3rd unit after 5 minutes.   During all that 10+ minutes I didn't play any music.   Just my equipment on and your load buzzing noise.   During all that time I was busy recording audio and video clips which I later sent you.

Regarding your quote:  "There was no claim that the PurePower units did not provide perfect and isolated regenerated AC, or that the desired performance improvement of the connected components was not met."

Are you kidding?  What is the purpose for any of us audiophile spending thousands of dollars for dedicated AC circuits, for clean power through AC regeneration?   It is to have improve the quality of the sound - be it through bringing the noise floor down so that micro details are more audible, or be it through enhancement of dynamics, etc.   What your unit did - making a racket of buzzing noise, goes directly against the idea of providing a quieter musical background.

Regardless of what is really to blame for your coil buzzing, when customer return your unit back to you because customer was not satisfied (doesn't matter what reasons), you have an obligation to return customer's money.   To say that you have no money and customer have to wait and wait and wait is plain illegal, ridiculous and outrage.
07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1609
Post ID: 24982
Reply to: 24980
Solar: a very interesting subject !!!
 PurePower wrote:
After over a year, the customer finally disclosed that he had a full solar installation with inverters attached to his home, generating extremely high harmonics.  Had we known he had a solar install, we would have had a solution almost immediately instead of trying to find a fix for something that wasn’t broken inside the PurePower unit.
By the way - we have provided a number of sucessful solar power installs to improve solar power inverter power for audio systems.
Richard, leaving aside the debate about customer satisfaction and how presence of a solar installation might be related to the PP internal buzzing I would like point out something interesting. I do feel that multiple PP regenerators in the same household do impact sound destructively. At least I clearly heard it in my old listening room. I did not makes those experiments in my new listening room. The rooms are different from electrical standpoint. The old room had 100A power feed and was more or less in an urban environment. The current listed in room has 400A feed and in very much rural setting, my town has no stores or traffic lights. I do think I need to try the second regenerator in another room to see how it will work.  
Saying that I do have a few APS regenerator in house running, including some commercial on-line 2kW regenerator, which is from electrical perspective the same PP. I also have 13kW solar system. The inverter of the solar system is the same PP generator. I did not use micro-inverters as I was afraid that they return back more noise than a good single SolarEdge inverter with optimizers. Now, I do not make claim that my solar installation do not impact sound adversely, I think it should as much as second PP would as the SolarEdge inverter is not different then PP inverter. It might be different inverters react to each other different in case the use different sampling frequencies. I think PP works at 25kHz and I wonder of the other inverters use the same and how it impact the sound. This all would be a good to test but frankly for 2 years that we live here, even my setup is up and running it is not up to the level of the satellites when I would be able to pick up any single electrical fart. Also, with 3 small kids and the rest of the things that are going on I have enough on my plate now to be busy and even I have a lot of curiosity on the subject I do not do a lot of practical experiments lately.  
So, my question is: what is you beef with solar installations and what solution you offer to rectify it? If it possible then can you in subjective term describe the problem with Sound you heard, or your customer heard, in context of solar installations. I was sitting on fence for very long time with solar and the sonic objectives was my main objections but last year wify made me to do it, primary because Trump and her green paranoia. So, I would be very welcome to have a conversation about solar systems impact to sound.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-25-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1610
Post ID: 24983
Reply to: 24981
Oh, come on!
 OracleAV wrote:
Are you kidding?  What is the purpose for any of us audiophile spending thousands of dollars for dedicated AC circuits, for clean power through AC regeneration?   It is to have improve the quality of the sound - be it through bringing the noise floor down so that micro details are more audible, or be it through enhancement of dynamics, etc.  
Man, you need to get life, man, as you, in your reasonable and judicious rage to PurePower, are throwing the baby with water. Of cause the companies that well power treating devises claim that they provide “perfect electricity” but it is all that they know and it is all that you will understand. The reality is so much more complicated, the PurePower clueless what its, I do not think anybody knows what it is, including me and my wife claims that I know everything. You can but a very good regenerator, let say Power plant and to have sub 0.1 harmonic distortions and perfect sinusoid, still you might have a very bad sound. The situation might be vice versa. Please, before unleash your anger and making ridicules statements educate tour on the subject. This site is not Audigon and no one use here facades of lies and fears. Your mercantile business with PurePower is one subject but your self-confident but superbly light-weighted statements about nature of electricity and how it is related to sound is a completely different matter. Juts for sake of your benefit stop to think about PurePower as some kind of electricity improving devise. This bout them as a fancy power cord witch somebody improve sound without making any specific claims how it does it.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1611
Post ID: 24984
Reply to: 24983
Never complained about quality of power from PurePower - just the excessive noise made by the unit, making it unusable in listening environment
Romy, not sure what beef you have to pick with me in my statements

I did not make any claims about quality of the power from PurePower.   In fact, it should be clear from all the reading that due to the buzzing noise, I really didn't get a chance to really audition the unit for its effect on sound quality.    All I said was that it made excessive noise (mechanic noise, as we are talking about something mechanically vibrating/oscillating on their circuit board) to the point that it was too intrusive to be used in my listening room.

I did not attempt any 'educate tour on the subject' nor any explanation, discussion or such with regards to 'statements about nature of electricity and how it is related to sound'.    As I said, I only complained about the mechanical noise that the unit was producing.

If what I said was too hard for you to understand, then let me put it in a more easily understood scenario.

Let's say you audition a audio gear and it has a fan that makes quite a bit of noise, so much so that you could hear the fan 'noise' during quiet musical passage or low volume listening.   Even if that audio gear gives you great sound, you would probably want to remove it from your system and try out some other brand that can produce the same (or better) sound quality without the noise.

Is that too difficult to understand??

07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 1612
Post ID: 24985
Reply to: 24980
The Buzz About PurePower
It is always entertaining to see a story about PurePower. I say simply that Richard should make good on the refund as quickly as possible.

I am always surprised to hear about customers who are surprised about this sort of thing happening with audiophile companies. Do they somehow think they are dealing with Best Buy. It is not the case. These are all tiny companies working on a tiny margin and generally barely surviving. How often do we see brands win "Best Class A+ Sound" award of the year, and next year they are out of business? Quite often they take whatever money they earn and it is spent immediately, sometimes before the sale is final. That is a mistake they should avoid, to keep from getting into messes like this when they have to refund someone.

In any regard, the Buzz is a real phenomenon, and Richard's mention of difficulty with solar power suggest to me this may be an issue with coil buzzing. it would be a load-dependent phenomenon, which would be consistent with variable current flow through a ground loop, which would occur with a solar installation. It would also be consistent with the phenomenon occurring only in some systems, which would reflect the variable load-dependent state.

I'm not at all suggesting the input coil topology be changed, as this may actually have something to do with the "magic" sound of the PurePower -- something like the special sound of Fender single-coil pickups on a Stratocaster. However, introducing a artificial variable load to the system may be a way of shifting the coil buzz to an inaudible frequency or significantly dampening it.

07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 1613
Post ID: 24986
Reply to: 24983
Everything and Nothing
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Man, you need to get life, man...This site is not Audigon and no one use here facades of lies and fears.

Aha! There's the Romy we know and love!

 Romy the Cat wrote:
and my wife claims that I know everything.

Wow! Don't underestimate your good fortune! My wife always tells me I know nothing!

07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1614
Post ID: 24987
Reply to: 24984
Not now...
OracleAV, I am not sure you understand where I am coming from. For you, at this point, the relationship between sound and electricity is circled around the bad PurePower company that took your money and refuse to varnish coils or to enclose coils in wax-sealed pods. It is understandable and you are free to indulge yours believes. For me the relationship between sound and electricity is much more intricate and complicated subject to which, in one way or another, I dedicated years much more money that you can even imagine. What I am saying: I presume that I have more experience then you on the subject of sound/electricity and from my high horse I assure you that PurePower as a product has very minor relation to the ultimate answer of securing electricity for sound. A properly operating PurePower does has a positive impact to sound. You and other might convince yourself that it is because the PurePower “cleans electricity” but unfortunately it is not accurate. I have much more say on the subject but frankly you are to abscessed with you PurePower’s mechanic noise that you do not hear what I am saying. It is understandable and I have no “beef” with you but with your but I also would like to defense the supposition, the supposition that you do not acknowledge for now.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Joined on 02-11-2009

Post #: 1615
Post ID: 24988
Reply to: 24967
4 years delay
The first order from iran (2013) was 4 unit (4 pure power 3000) and Richard delivered 2 units after 4 years .
after over 1000 email/phone call Richard not delivered those 2 units yet. I do not know what is going on but I hope he deliver those units.

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 378
Joined on 05-23-2009

Post #: 1616
Post ID: 24989
Reply to: 24988
Easy solution Amir
Send the two you have back and then PP will ship the 3rd and 4th units to you.
07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
Posts 375
Joined on 02-11-2009

Post #: 1617
Post ID: 24990
Reply to: 24989
What you mean?
 steverino wrote:
Send the two you have back and then PP will ship the 3rd and 4th units to you.

please let me know what you exactly mean?
4 years ago we ordered 4 unit and we paid in advance completely but we just get 2 .

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 60
Joined on 10-18-2010

Post #: 1618
Post ID: 24991
Reply to: 24990
It is good to see so much action here
But this is not what anyone comes here for.
I think Romy has been unbelievably tolerant of this since the last thing I think he ever intended this site to be was some kind of audio Dear Abby.
Things go wrong.  At this level of the hobby things do not always work in every system.
I do not see why a specialist manufacturer should have to take responsibility for someone who has a rather arcane electrical setup.
Were PP told about the solar installation to begin with?  I admit I find this stuff tiresome so I did not read it all.  Maybe he did.
I think anyone in business, especially a small business, dreads this kind of situation.
Why doesn't he complain to the company that sold him the solar panels?
Amir's situation sounds terrible.  I think Steverino was being funny.  I thought it was funny since it is so possibly true.
Romy you have been very nice but it might be time to draw this to a close.  I tend to think Richard is more credible.  AS if that matters to anyone!!!
Take care,
07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 378
Joined on 05-23-2009

Post #: 1619
Post ID: 24993
Reply to: 24991
Magical powercord??
 rickmcinnis wrote:

I think Romy has been unbelievably tolerant of this since the last thing I think he ever intended this site to be was some kind of audio Dear Abby.
Things go wrong.  At this level of the hobby things do not always work in every system.

Actually Amir's situation is the more typical one with PP rather than Mr Solar. Anyway this has been an interesting development since it confirms my growing suspicion, as Romy has suggested before,  that the PP unit is far from isolating. His funny but dismaying joke that the PP device is really a magical aftermarket power cord may turn out to be the best description of it. I have noted fluctuations in performance as to time of day and I had an odd electrical problem in one device which only surfaced when the PP unit was on. I don't know if it is relatively effective because it is not isolating or this is a fault that could be corrected and make the device audibly better.
07-26-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
Posts 375
Joined on 02-11-2009

Post #: 1620
Post ID: 24994
Reply to: 24993
I am not against Richard
we have no problem with purepower sound , it just has delay , richard should have better lead time .I am not against Purepower and i just hope richard deliver us those orders.
We are happy with pp3000 

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
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