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02-22-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1561
Post ID: 23017
Reply to: 23016
"Common Sense" OCD
Like Romy said, the best route is something that's actually, practically useful and sustainable.  I use Onix parts (also labeled NeoTech), and there is also FuruTech, and a couple of others.  I think I gave you links to Chris VenHaus (US; he's also the VH Teflon/V-Caps guy) and PartsConnexion (Canada; Chris Johnson and Victoria Switzer), but there are also Hi-Fi Collective (UK), and Michael Percy and SonicCraft (also in the US).  If you are after something in particular, as opposed to a particular brand, be sure to keep reading until you understand what you are buying, since most of the mfgs offer a wide range of alternatives, not all of them meeting my criteria, anyway.

By the way, lifting a ground might be a code violation; but we know to be safe, right?  Search GSC for discussion of 1960s commercial service boxes with all-copper busses and connector screws!

Best regards,
Paul S
02-22-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Rio de Janeiro, BR.
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Post #: 1562
Post ID: 23019
Reply to: 23017
Neutrik powerCON.

Have you tried Neutrik powerCON? Do you have any opinion about them? I personally like the locking system idea.

EDIT: not power cord but digital, ANUK have a Palladium plated SILVER foil cable (Black  Pallas). Have you tried anything palladium?


Think for yourself, do not be sheep.
02-22-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1563
Post ID: 23023
Reply to: 23019
Not Brand, But Specs
Not specs, but sound.  To that end, like I've been saying, pure copper or pure silver, no plating.  There is also a cable thread.

Best regards,
Paul S
02-23-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1564
Post ID: 23025
Reply to: 23004
Today I connected a vacuum cleaner to my dedicated lines to burn them in and I immediately noticed its smoother, quieter operation with increased sucction power!

.....Big Smile......

Sorry, couldnt resist Big Smile

To the boutiques: Paul thank you, I've known all those butiques and Furutechs etc, but none of them seem to have pure
UNPLATTED Cu IEC inlets and power outlets. But plugs yes...go figure why. Pure "red" unplatted Cu I've seen only from China on e*ay  but no idea whats that worth.


02-23-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1565
Post ID: 23027
Reply to: 23025
Time For Shopping
Jarek, I don't have as much time to look for stuff as it might seem like.  If naked Cu is not available, directly applied (no intermediary metal) Au has been my next (reluctant) choice, in terms of sound.  I've gotten China stuff, too, some OK and some not; options appear and disappear.  One thing "audiophiles" tend to forget is, it's often NOT good when the connectors (or conductors, for that matter) are big and thick. The "flimsy" China outlets are fine, IF they are snug.  Some are not good if you frequently remove and replace plugs.  In fact, this is one reason why mfgs add BE or use bronze, for "spring"; Cu has no "spring".  The naked IEC inlets (chassis mounted) have been elusive, and I need some more.  I might grind the coating off some plated Cu ones that I have, but one also needs to wind up with tight connections.  I would not bother to swap in the usual "boutique", double-plated IEC inlets.

Something seldom discussed on audio forums is that improving connections improves relationships.

Best regards,
02-23-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1566
Post ID: 23029
Reply to: 23027
Two examples



But how much copper is in this copper God only knows


02-24-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1567
Post ID: 23031
Reply to: 23029
Unplated Version of AC Outlet?
Too tired to follow up, but it seems to say (at the bottom) that there is an unplated Cu version.


Buyer beware: I bought some China "gold plated copper" that had gold colored something or other (not Ag) over copper.  Technically, "eutectic Cu" can mean brass or bronze.

Paul S
02-28-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1568
Post ID: 23041
Reply to: 23004
No cigar
Paul, I've taken the pains to redo all the connections I could. Washing Deoxit away was a horror.
I polished everything I could polish with a jewellery green polishing paste on a polishing cloth, and flushed the remainings with isopropanol.
I then used this Si dielectric grease:


similar to yours. Unfortunately while cleaning the toneram connector, the inner cabling broke and I lost one channel....The arm goes to a repair
with possibly a rewire so I had no chance to hear the effects.

Since the the repair obviously requires re-connecting the tonearm cable, I wanted to ask you if you reapply the grease when reconnecting or you leave what you've initially put (I did it rather sparingly, the layers were hardly visible)?


02-28-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1569
Post ID: 23042
Reply to: 23041
Par for the Course
Jarek, sorry to hear the job has been a PITA! When in doubt, I use magnifying glasses to do this sort of work.  For (now) obvious reasons, I try to leave tonearm wires alone, as much as possible.  Alhthough I don't like the idea of plug-in headshells, this might be a case where the practical facts of actual useage swamp my OCD concerns about "best connections".  Anyway, if it's been a while (a year...), I re-clean and re-grease the connection.  If it's not been long since the previous cleaning, I either just plug it back in, or I MIGHT apply more grease, VERY sparingly. Since I don't use pre-amp switching to change sources, I swap input ICs fairly often. The Si grease actually holds up pretty well.  Dust will stick to it, however, so keep this in mind when you are working with it, or if you leave it lying around. Darkening of metals means oxidation, which means cleaning is in order. Likewise, "stuffy" sound or "static" from poor connections means they should be cleaned and re-greased.  The worst case is removing DeOxit that has fried on HV connectors, like tube pins! I've never encountered this with Si ignition grease.

Best regards,
Paul S

02-28-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1570
Post ID: 23043
Reply to: 23042
No pain no gain
That's ok, I took it with humbleness-I've applied to much force without thinking. I'll use this occasion to change the EMT arm connector to normal 5din to have flexibility with phonocables.                      

04-01-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1571
Post ID: 23090
Reply to: 23042
Im back
Paul, my system is back to the operational mode after the EMT tonearm disaster. Actually the biggest disaster was not the lost connection in one of the pins but....the bearing gave up according to my EMT tech (!!!) I must say I've never heard of a tonearm bearing giving up from a normal operation, but I was presented a convincing video with my bearing response to gentle movements and how it should look like. Mine responded like if it was filled with sand. This is actually a warning to EMT users: EMT929 can give up on its own!

So all in all, after cleaning with your method almost all of my chain (all connectors, all tube pins, etc) I ended up with a couple of new variables: my burned in Vandenhul silver litz changed to fresh Cardas + the new bearing. This obviously makes the before/after comparison senseless. All I can say is that there is no night/day difference, maybe indeed some of the HF halo is gone.

I can however comment on the physical state of Deoxited surfaces. First of all I have not seen burned deoxit anywhere, but my only tubes are small signal. Second, the surface below deoxit layer was faaaaaar from perfect to put it gently, esp on copper. It was dark with and any liquid deoxit leftovers were green from the copper corrosion.

I'm still to dismantle and clean the dedicated power panel, but first I let the new tonearm wire burn in a bit.


04-01-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1572
Post ID: 23091
Reply to: 23090
Piling On
Man, that's a whole lotta extra stuff to contend with!  As for the DeOxit, I hope I never said it "burns", rather it just gets worse sounding over time, and HV connections are where it's happened fastest in my system, very fast on tube pins.

Regarding the EMT arm bearings going bad in a couple of years from normal use, WTF?  That's absurd!  Is it a 997?  There has to be a better explanation!

Best regards,
04-02-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1573
Post ID: 23092
Reply to: 23091
Offtopic: EMT 929
 Paul S wrote:

Regarding the EMT arm bearings going bad in a couple of years from normal use, WTF?  That's absurd!  Is it a 997?  There has to be a better explanation!

Me shocked too! The arm is 929. According to the tech, he has to change bearings from time to time and it sounded like a normal thing for him to do.
The arm was serviced by him some 7 yrs back, he reported some prob then but resolved. He says perhaps dust accumulates (??) Mine is always under dustcover. Anyway, -300Eu


07-12-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1574
Post ID: 23308
Reply to: 23092
DIY Cu Mains Boxes?!?!?
Here's a link to set fickle, OCD hearts aflutter:


Now you can have pure copper main busses!

Paul S
07-12-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1575
Post ID: 23309
Reply to: 23308
Too soft!
Unless they process it somehow (cry?). I was going to order copper bus bars from a machinist friend but I realized copper as it is is way too soft for reliable screwed cable connections.
M4 or M5 screws hosted in copper will not stand much torque and hence the metal to metal contact will be compromised. I went with the std brass
busbars but "PaulS treated": polished, cleaned and covered with a thin layer of the silicone dielectric grease.

07-12-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1576
Post ID: 23310
Reply to: 23309
Yes, soft, but...
Not sure why you went with brass.  Agree that copper is soft, and it corrodes, but there are thousands of old, commercial boxes like this still in service all over the country, probably all over the world.  Not sure what this fact "proves" in terms of Audio, but I know the Cu to Cu connections were not typically "buttered", like Al to Al connections absolutely need to be.  The old boxes used brass screws, and it's just like tightening most machine parts, "enough" torque is enough, don't over tighten any connection.  Have a look at any big power company installation; it's all copper.  Have a look at electrical conductivity of several metals:


Best regards,
Paul S
07-13-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Warsaw, Poland
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Post #: 1577
Post ID: 23318
Reply to: 23310
Not convinced
Big power installations use big screws. M4 or M5 will not reliably tighten - the thread is to small, will not bite into the copper enough IMHO. So I went with brass. If chasing conductivity, why not silver than?


07-13-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 1578
Post ID: 23320
Reply to: 23318
28% Solution
I think you know why not $ilver.  FWIW, I never had trouble with the set screws in a copper bus.  In fact, despite I've seen and heard about trouble with set screws in aluminum buses, I've never had trouble with installations I've done myself.  Why did you choose brass over aluminum?

Best regards,
Paul S
07-17-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Rio de Janeiro, BR.
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Post #: 1579
Post ID: 23327
Reply to: 23320
Just in case nobody saw, here says the Stromtank uses LiFePO4 batteries.

Think for yourself, do not be sheep.
07-18-2017 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1580
Post ID: 23330
Reply to: 23327
It is complicated...

Yes, it is an interesting idea. There are a few uncrown points in there. The lithium iron phosphate are fine as a storage but how they impact sound? If you look at the experience of the people who use batteries for grid biasing then you will see that each battery’s topology has own impact to sound. I am sure that iron phosphate has it is sound, not that it is better or worse then led but the sonic property of led batteries is kind of known…  
The price is another point. The $35K per unit? Hm, this is kind of way out there. Any IT regenerator of the same class will be around $5-$7K. The fact that they put more expensive butteries in there would do great for automobile but I am not sure that it is necessary for audio regenerator. I am not so huge in the idea to run playback from butteries. If you do run it from butteries then do not need any regeneration but run your electronics directly from butteries’ DC. You do not need any generation of sinusoid, amplification the voltage, transformers, rectifiers, filtering and the rest of crap. If we do use AC then I would rather prefer the generator would not have any sonic difference if it work in connected or disconnected mode to mains.  
The third thing is that comment they have in their web site. They said that they lower distortions by real time harmonics correction and this is a bit problematic. To notion is not new and it looks spectacular what you measure but the reality is a bit more sinister. To implement the harmonics correction there is no other ways then to introduce a low pass stunt capacitor at input. There is no other options topologically. The presence of the parallel capacitor at AC die if killing lower bass, no matter what you do. This is my observation at least. 
Rgs, Romy

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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