Iran Tehran
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Dynamic , Harmonic , Transparency , Image
Romy, Thank you for very interesting Videos.
My English is not good so if you see any wrong thing please let me know.
I think there are some difference between your experience vs other audiophiles (like me) experience.Actually I never designed/build any loudspeaker or amplifier so what I do is not voicing a complex amp/speaker system and I just listen to different amp/speaker systems.It means you are like machine code (assembly) programmer and you have access to most basic elements but other audiophiles are like MATLAB programmer.I was absent in your audio journey so I have no idea about your subjective listening experience and also your countless decisions when you designed/build and voiced Macondo/Melquiades project.I am just an audiophile who listen to different audio systems and share his ideas about the sound. You can shape the sound so much better because you have access to machine codes. I think the most important/challenging part of an audio playback is amplifier/speaker and other equipments like transport, dac, pre, cables are beyond that.
I have said “dynamics” is the key for advancing playback but I did not say wrong dynamics is the key for better sound.
tually the meaning of “dynamics” to me is not just wider dynamic range, I think we can look at “dynamics” in each frequency range: bass, midbass, mid, upper mid and high. In each frequency zone I can define dynamic as 1- macro dynamic (like wider dynamic range, less compress/easy breathe, fast jump/transient, slow decay, pure music energy, pace and right flow like wider and more calm river) and 2- micro dynamics and also 3- dynamic rightness. The example about 3-dynamic rightness is digital sharp filters in dacs (time domain overshoot and ringing) or ported bass topology, in my idea those are wrong dynamics. The dynamic behaviour should not change in different frequency area for example ribbon tweeters are not similar to dynamic drivers in midrange. The example about killing micro dynamics is like using ac filters or virtual grounds or so much filtering is psu. The example about macro dynamics is 6way horn vs 2way dynamic driver speaker. Multi channel amping is also give us better macro dynamics.
There are some amplifier and speaker manufactures that claim their equipments are very fast and dynamic, yes some of them are fast but their dynamic shape is not correct, for example MSW or Ribbons are fast but they do not give me proper dynamics. Dynamic quality/rightness is important.
If you changed the transformer ratio to decrease the load (less amplifier current / higher speaker impedance) and you get faster dynamics it does not mean the dynamic was ok. Fast jump slow decay is the proper shape of dynamics not fast jump/fast decay. Boomy bass, zippy high, puffy sound are not proper dynamics.
I did not listen to your playback but I guess the 95% priority of you system is “proper dynamics” , you choosed high efficiency horn + DSET topology + high current solidstate pre + purepower 3000 + avoiding ac filters + 6way not 2way + …
You even not used any tube/choke in DAC or Pre.
All of those equipments have highest dynamic so
I think you just trade off 5% dynamics for better musical experience not more. Am I wrong?
Why I hate most modern expensive playbacks? Because they trade off over 50% dynamics, those are dead sounding playbacks.
About Tone , harmonics, Musicality :
I think tone or harmonics are not equal to musicality (our reaction to music experience not the sound) but my reaction to the sound is more related to harmonics so I use these terms as one but it is better to separate them.
About transparency, contrast, real sound :
I think transparency is equal to have more real sound, it is equal to get more information from records and the proper method of judging “transparency” is the “comparison by contrast method”. More transparent playback shows more contrast between different music albums, More transparent playback shows more contrast between different transports/dacs… A transparent system has less coloration and can play all types of music very well. If the system is very impressive just for very limited types of music it means it is not transparent.
I think sometimes we trade off transparency for more musicality specially when we have many awful digital records. You may prefer less transparent transports like TL1 to TL0 3.0 .
About Wilson speakers:
Big wilsons was very dynamic in two series :
Alexandria X2 series 1
Alexandria X2 series 2
I did not listen to old WAMM but I think old WAMM speaker is very dynamic.
Wilson audio decreased efficiency more than 7db after 2010 so I think new big wilsons like XVX and Alexx V are not as dynamic as old big wilsons.
I did not have new WAMM but My friend listened to New WAMM and he think it needs power.
I think wilson decreased efficiency to sell more because most audiophiles prefer those type of sound.
I had wilson alexandria x2 series 1 and it was very dynamic. I think it is not more dynamic than good horns but it was close. I also think dynamic rightness of my alexandria was not 100% perfect.
There was some issue there but overally X2 series 1 was very good.
Finally I think no dynamic driver speaker can outperform good horns in this market. Now I know two good dynamic driver speaker in this market that are better than new big wilsons.
About DPOLS and perfect electricity quality :
Romy, do you think you will change the setting (camera zone) if you voice your system in DPOLS ? I guess your answer is yes.
Romy, do you think you will change the setting (camera zone) if you voice your system in perfect electricity ? I guess your answer is yes.
Perfect dynamics:
I think the bass is very important for perfect dynamics.
Extended proper bass is the key for perfect dynamics.
It is very hard to have perfect bass.
Finally I think music is energy so the key for advancing playback is highest proper dynamics.
Proper dynamics is more important than other aspects of the sound.
www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir