Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Audio system: my path to dynamics
Post Subject: I was not taking about it for 37 years...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/31/2024
Hasselblad used the very same Western Carl Zeiss optics at that time. I know Hasselblad optics, but I do not particularly feel that CF Zeiss should be better than Zeiss lenses for Leica rangefinder cameras. Leicas were 24x35 vs Hasselblad 60x60; you can’t compare them. Theoretically, Hasselblad’s square format is more optimized for a circular focal window, but I could argue that on the perpendicular window, a lens works more by the center on the short side.  The specification for 35mm Lense was much more rigid. I remember correctly the 35mm lenses we calibrated for 0.01 mm and the 60mm lens for 0.05mm. One way or another, you can't compare the results from 35mm and 60 mm formats; they are just different species.

Anyhow, if you appreciate what Western Carl Zeiss with on Leicas and Hasselblads, then you will be shocked at what they did at the end of the 30s. They are not “better” lenses, but they have very different characters and cultures of image. The post-war lenses were different, more than what we are accustomed to today. It is a separate conversation as to why, and there are multiple theories about it, which are obviously out of the scope of this site.


Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site