Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Audio system: my path to dynamics
Post Subject: Photography may provide the explanation...Posted by rowuk on: 8/31/2024
I used to sell Minolta, Pentax and Hasselblad. I own a Leica M4 and a Minolta CLE. The CLE and the M4 had the same bayonet mount and I often compared them and their lenses. The reproduction of color from the Minolta lens, was best on a sunny day (something typical for Japan). Here it produced its maximum color dynamics and its highest color density. The Leica lens gave its best on a cloudy day with diffuse light (something typical for Germany). The Leica lens was better in almost every respect - including the focus slightly to the left and right of "perfect" - a technique that was taught in the day. With the Minolta, slight defocussing generally reduced contrast and color density. Everything was less interesting. With the Leica, there did not seem to be a connection between focus and contrast/density. Your attention was directed to something else in the picture.
When taking pictures with the Hasselblad, it was like the Leica - but on steroids. The artistic ability to steer the viewers point of interest was INCREDIBLE.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site