Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Audio system: my path to dynamics
Post Subject: "LOI"Posted by Paul S on: 9/12/2024
Who remembers the old Linn idea, "LOI"? If I recall, Linn said it would help Linn product users avoid "loss of information". This seems like a good idea to me, given the information in question is critical to the (re)production of Music at home. In the case of "front ends", I have tried for many years to get as much information off records and CDs as I could, which has resulted in recordings that sound like recordings. And who wants this? Speaking only from my own experience, I found I had to cross this particular Rubicon before I could begin to mine the Music that's in the recordings I have used. I think my results depend on starting out with "more detail than I can use" and then "shifting the focus", as Romy described, until the Music comes to the fore. I have opined before that softening/limiting one's source(s) is a popular/common way to deal with sonic problems; but I know from experience that there are topological ways to deal with "source issues" that better retain "critical detail". I particularly include speakers and phono cartridges here, but it extends to CD playback, as well. I do believe in the idea of "exaggerated irrelevance", such as we find with SACD. But I have had good luck with increasing clarity in order to liberate detail and dynamics, alike, so I know it can be done. By "increasing clarity" I guess I mean a sort of doubling down on dynamics and detail. I hope that makes sense.

Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site