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01-08-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 241
Post ID: 9364
Reply to: 9361
The “dark matter” and sound of electricity?
I always was wondering about it – it we have a no-distortion and no-noise stable sinusoid and the sound still not right then how much distortions are mater. We surely would like to have a perfect sinusoid but is it possible that it is only because we can easily measure the distortion of sinusoid. Is it possible that the methods of sinusoid construction are mater, or perhaps the methods sinusoid construction create some other “dark matter” that we do not know now how to handle with objective control but the matter that is primary responsible for the sound quality? In PS audio Power Plant, the unit that outputs a perfect sinusoid I comfortably blamed output isolation transformer for worsening of sound. In Avicenna that also outputs a perfect sinusoid there is absolutely nothing in output – so where is the causality?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-08-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 242
Post ID: 9365
Reply to: 9364
Different power distortions
 Romy the Cat wrote:
IIs it possible that the methods of sinusoid construction are mater – so where is the causality?
There are at least two possibilities:
1. The perfect sinusoid unmasks the compensation of the system for imperfect power -- it is like when the car stereo comes on when you start the car, way too loud, because there is no road noise to adjust for any more. The sound of the capacitors might be polished and bloated, like a man in a finely tailored suit treading water in a large pool.

2. Of course the method of sinusoid construction MATTERS, but how much? It is an indisputable fact from quantum physics. The effect is more subtle. The music is not as relaxed, not as open, the dynamics seem "disconnected." The music does not flow easily and the connection to the Sound is more removed.

01-08-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 243
Post ID: 9367
Reply to: 9365
The apples and oranges of electricity sound

 drdna wrote:
1. The perfect sinusoid unmasks the compensation of the system for imperfect power -- it is like when the car stereo comes on when you start the car, way too loud, because there is no road noise to adjust for any more. The sound of the capacitors might be polished and bloated, like a man in a finely tailored suit treading water in a large pool.

An interesting take, I never thought in this way. So, you feel that with a perfect sinusoid if sound gets worse then it not the fault of the powers source but rather the refection of imperfection of the rest playback. I personally do not think that it is the case but it definably a perspective that might be taking under consideration

 drdna wrote:
2. Of course the method of sinusoid construction MATTERS, but how much? It is an indisputable fact from quantum physics. The effect is more subtle. The music is not as relaxed, not as open, the dynamics seem "disconnected." The music does not flow easily and the connection to the Sound is more removed.

Actually I do not know as I did not see the connection between the shapes of sinusoids as sound. When I have an “another” type of sinusoid shape I do not feed the system with different shape but with different methods of construction of sinusoids. It is possible that one method is sonically better than other and it is just happen that the “one method” has perfect sinusoids. To tell something defiantly it would be need to have let say am amp (A/B or D) that is driver from a generator and then feed the amp with different sinusoids – perfect and distorted. Then it will be objectively auditable is the shape of sinusoids (both current and voltage) is the factor in sound.  Otherwise we compare apples and oranges…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-08-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 244
Post ID: 9369
Reply to: 9367
Supply and Demand

Are we all in agreement that up to now "the best power" in terms of sound has been the best wall power?

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that on a good day there is a LOT of current pushing the "best" wall power into a system that was literally designed for it.

I have also noticed that on the best power days the system is much quieter, which I have attributed to quiet ground as much as "correct", quiet "power".

Could any of Avicenna's problems be ground related?  It seems like every component and every combination of components has it's own best ground solution.  Why would a conditioner or regenerator be any different?

I also wonder if system backwash and/or inter-component crosstalk are factors.

At this point I am inclined to think that if the conditioners and regenerators do not sound good, then they are "doing something wrong" to the power vis-a-vis the load/system, "perfect sinusoid" notwithstanding; we just don't know exactly what they are doing wrong yet, or why, whether it's fixable, or how to fix it.

Curve balls?  Some conditioners hate inductors; some hate big capacitors; some hate both.

But the simple balanced "test" load is an abstraction, basically irrelevant for predicting sound via music.

Romy's tests are the only ones I have seen to date that show actual traces of the output of a system-loaded regenerator.

No wonder we are still trying to figure this out; no one who builds and markets these things actually bothers to test them using relevant criteria; all they ship are Betas.

If "perfect sinusoids" don't sound right, then I think there is either more to it than that or we should be looking elsewhere for symbolic cues that actually signify good-sounding power.

Best regards,
Paul S

01-09-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 245
Post ID: 9370
Reply to: 9367
Sinusoid shape and Sound
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I did not see the connection between the shapes of sinusoids as sound. When I have an “another” type of sinusoid shape I do not feed the system with different shape but with different methods of construction of sinusoids.

 Paul wrote:
Maybe this has something to do with the fact that on a good day there is a LOT of current pushing the "best" wall power into a system that was literally designed for it.
On a quantum mechanical level, we have to remember about entanglement (and of course, this is the simplest and most obvious level, of which there are many): the sinusoid waveform represents a flowing wave of electrons of different energy levels, origins, etc. Look at it like this:

You can cut out a shape of a bird from a single piece of cloth. Shine a light to cast a shadow on a screen and you see the silhouette of a bird. This is like the sine wave on the oscilloscope. You can also make an identical silhouette by piling up odd bits of clay, yarn, and meat. Now try to make the bird dance upon the screen. With the cloth, it will flap gracefully. Not so with the other! It is the same with electricity.


01-09-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
guy sergeant
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Post #: 246
Post ID: 9371
Reply to: 9370
Sinusoid shape
Maybe it has been referred to previously here but this Kemp regenerator has the facility to change the waveform shape by adding third harmonics.


It'd certainly be interesting to try one.
01-09-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 247
Post ID: 9372
Reply to: 9364
Another day another mystery.

OK, after some experiments I did find something that reduced dynamics what Avicenna was on line. Avicenna has two power transformers. First one is a low voltage (6.3V/1A) transformer to feed Avicenna’s distortion analyses, oscillators, frequency PLL, reaction delays and logic generation circuits. He second is high voltage (12V-35V/20A) transformer to feed Avicenna’s unique “hanging” amplifier. This amp is for processing the wave correction. So, what I found out was that the polarity of the primary of this big ass toroidal transformer was the key that eat the Avicenna’s dynamics. Why would know that the polarity of primary in this circuit worked be so critical, particularly knowing that the primary electricity stream that feed load does not go over this toroidal transformer.

So, the problem is resolved? The Avicenna does not screw sound anymore? Yes, the Avicenna does not worsening sound anymore but it did not resolved problem but only escalated the problem. Now Avicenna in bypass and operation modes has absolutely identical sound despite to the fact the in operation mode outputs absolutely perfect and no-distortion sinusoid (look to images a few post back). How the hell this possible? Flipping the bypass swatch very dramatically changes the waveform on the scope but has no effect of any kind to sound. I am officially confused!

The Cat

PS: Guy, interesting find about the Kemp idea of third harmonics injection. Is any more information about it anywhere?

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-09-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 248
Post ID: 9373
Reply to: 9372
Ok, it’s time to put Avicenna aside for now.

I do not know, the Sound of Avicenna is mystery for me and I have no idea by outputting no-distortion electricity but at the same time it has no impact to audible character of the plagued into it components.  Still, the Avicenna is a very slick design idea and beautifully implemented.  It‘s operation is flawless but I have to admit the with all flexibility of operation modes it is very dangers to use it as a prototype. I had already a few “near death experiences” with Avicenna and the only brilliantly engineered self-protecting circuit saved Avicenna from flame (Dima claims that it is imposable to damage this power processor).

So, since Avicenna does what it intended I decided to put my sonic experiments aside and convert the Avicenna into a non-prototype version, putting in a secure utilitarian box and compliment it reasonable thermo sink for proper heat dissipation. After then will continue to play with it trying to get sound out of it. I will not do any sexy enclosure, juts enough to make the operation secure… I think it might take a month or so what all things arrive… Until then the Avicenna project will be on hold.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-22-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 249
Post ID: 9491
Reply to: 9373
Picking and Choosing Endorsements
Of course APS would want Romy's endorsement to headline their flagship product on their website.  And why not offer such an unqualified endorsement, if that's just how one feels about it?

But I have to say it still pisses me off that APS have never officially recognized or joined in the dialog regarding any of the ongoing issues that have been raised here , let alone come up with an explanation or a solution for the "nervousness" issues that, as far as we know, continue to "plague" their rather expensive flagship model.  Yes, they are reported to have said, "It shouldn't be that way."  And Romy has said it still sounds OK.  But do they at the same time continue to crank out and offer for sale presumably exactly the same model, "tested" exactly the same way?  Or have they once again "improved" it with no mention of why?

Perhaps the many cited problems were peculiar to the several APS units (over several months) tested here.  Who could know from the silence on APS's part?  But it still raises concerns, because in this case the "best case" is that their QC is no good.

I admit that I regard most of my gear as "Happy Accidents" that I have been lucky enough to stumble accross and adapt for use in my own system, and I see no reason, really, why it would be otherwise respecting products from APS.  But recognizing this reality and liking it are two different matters.  At the same time, I always hope there will come a time when a manufacturer seems to actually understand, care about and do something to facilitate what their products are used for.

I think QC in this case should mean products are up to spec in actual use in real systems before said products are shipped.  And I would stretch QC requirements in this case to include in-house aural evaluations, unless products are offered as nothing more than Happy Accidents to begin with.

Paul S
02-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 250
Post ID: 9772
Reply to: 9491
The Dream of a Plug-and-Play Remedy

One way or another, Time has a way of putting things into a different perspective.  So I'm wondering how things are going for the bold explorers who forked over their expectations for a whack at the PP2000.  Have the things turned out to be Plug and Play along with All That, or is this yet another case where Romy has managed to get the Only Good One they ever produced, which only He could ever manage to adapt for acceptable use?

It's not that I don't trust the Manufacturer to Walk the Talk...

OK, it is that I don't trust them.  Why would I, especially since they are still Officially Silent as the Grave on all Pertinent Issues.  Apart from posting only and exactly the parts of Romy's lenghty, ogoing commentary that sells it best, you'd never know there was any feedback about their products.  Also, I still wonder if the "Nervousness", condemned by the Mfg. (as unique to Romy's unit...), has turned out to be the (dithering?) Key to it's very singular success in One Man's application.  They don't seem to know, themselves, that's for sure (or, they are not saying...).

Judging by the traffic numbers, this is one of the most shopped threads on the Whole Board.  There have to be others who have dashed out and bought the PP2000 based on the sterling "recommendation" proffered here, and surely there is someone who bought one he bought it has some objective sense not only of why but also how to evaluate it in terms of audible results.

Adrian, you mentioned a while back that you'd taken The Plunge.  How goes your own test?  You've never mentioned it again.  Was it Plug and Play Paradise, or are you still battling QC issues and/or finding things more complicated than you'd wished?  Also, I'm wondering if the recent spate of remarks regarding the 2241s is in any way connected to the PP2000...

Any crumbs from The Table would be appreciated.

Paul S

02-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 251
Post ID: 9773
Reply to: 9772
PP2000 test
 Paul S wrote:
Adrian, you mentioned a while back that you'd taken The Plunge. How goes your own test? You've never mentioned it again.Paul S
Paul, before I had a chance to take the PP2000 out of the box, I had to have surgery for a knee injury that incapacitated me for a few weeks. As a result my work also fell fall behind. Physically I am finally back to the point where I can bend my knee and maybe now I will be able to get it out of the box. I literally have had it sitting in the box in the living room the whole time because I could not move the box due to the injury. On the plus side, the cats seem to love to sleep on top of the gigantic box it came in.

Maybe now, I can hook it up. I was thinking about doing it today, if I can catch up on work a bit more to feel comfortable. I am dying to hear it as much as post the results here. I knew you would be interested since electricity is a big concern.

02-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 252
Post ID: 9774
Reply to: 9772
I am a conscious and sane egotist.

 Paul S wrote:
So I'm wondering how things are going for the bold explorers who forked over their expectations for a whack at the PP2000.  Have the things turned out to be Plug and Play along with All That, or is this yet another case where Romy has managed to get the Only Good One they ever produced, which only He could ever manage to adapt for acceptable use?

It's not that I don't trust the Manufacturer to Walk the Talk...

OK, it is that I don't trust them.  Why would I, especially since they are still Officially Silent as the Grave on all Pertinent Issues.  Apart from posting only and exactly the parts of Romy's lenghty, ogoing commentary that sells it best, you'd never know there was any feedback about their products.  Also, I still wonder if the "Nervousness", condemned by the Mfg. (as unique to Romy's unit...), has turned out to be the (dithering?) Key to it's very singular success in One Man's application.  They don't seem to know, themselves, that's for sure (or, they are not saying...).

Valid shaping of the question, I would o the same. I do not have answer. Since I started to use the PP2000 and the HF dived and the returned, I not only have a single complain about the PP2000’s operation but also have no single negative commentary to make about my sound that I would associate with the “electricity problems”. What I experiencing is the PP2000 doe it’s job flawlessly, hey, it did not even blow yet!!!

Is it the characteristic of my unit only or the new trend of Pure Power production? How would I know? Well, let put in this way: why do I care? All that I would say is that if Pure Power let me know that they resoled the defect with the “nervousness” (that they promised me to do!!!) then I will get another “fixed” unit, and only after I confirm that it does not screw up sound I will return my current one. I will not accept the Pure Power’s new releases or modification on “the faith”.

To come clear I have to note that I did suggested to PP to increase the price twice as it would differentiate them from the similarly priced but way less capably performing audio devises. Also, I informed them that if they do 4kW-5kW unit then I would be the first who would like to be a first who would signed in.

What else? Over the course of the last 3 months I have a few people who contacted me informing that they bought the PP2000 after my feedback. Few them report beyond expectations result and two of them report problem, if not sound them with operation. I have no idea how accurate they are in their commentaries; in fact I do not particularly care. The strange people feel that if they and I use the same power regenerators then we are the best friends and it gives them rights to send me emails and ask me question about which I do not care. I asked them to stop sending anything talks to the manufacturer about all their frustrations.

Now, Paul, about your frustration with your electricity. I do not see that you express a frustration about electricity but you rather express a frustration about a lock of sanity from Pure Power or the companies like Pure Power. Ok, I understand it but why do not play the game that have already the redden path.  If not all then most of the companies that sell power devises sell honestly – 30 days money back if it does not work for you. They take care about shipping and everything ease. So, if you feel that a permanent cure of electricity would worth to you let say $5K then why doesn’t no waste those $5K into the trails program? Call up and order all imaginable power devises from anyone you with (there are over 2 dozens of companies out there), taking advantages the free trail. Soon or later you will come upon something worthy, after all that was how I discovered for myself the PP.  You might discover something valuable and you might begin to build up upon the positive finds. Do not forgets, all of those companies mostly are clueless about what they sell in terms of sound and the only one way to educate them is to try and then to explain them what it was and what you would like to do with it.

Anyhow, until you will turn the stones they will lay on the field undisturbed and unused…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-15-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 253
Post ID: 9775
Reply to: 9774
The Various Ways to Play It (Honestly)
Yep, I am frustrated with APS, all right, since they seem to be in a perfect position to actually get this under control, once and for all; yet...  Meanwhile, I have been through enough of the "money back guarantees" that I no longer relish that game, and particularly in this case.  Why?  If you think about it, it speaks volumes that 2 out of, say, 5 people just reported "problems".  Or was it 2 out of 6?  I mean, come on...  Assuming these folks are fuzzy about what sounds good, still, one can't turn that on its head to say they don't recognize problems, especially considering APS's track record.

Of course I understand that sooner or later I will have to cough up the coin and get out on the (taxi) dance floor again.  I am simply trying to understand what I can via due diligence/reconnaissance, to increase my chances of success before I'm stuck in The Embrace of it (again).  My present schedule and budget both currently leave less room for shenanigans than I might have done a year or so back, and either could serve alone as an excuse for preliminary caution.

And there are no good reasons to try all imaginable power devices, since it is clear enough by now that most are conceptually flawed, right out of the gate.  Yes, I have joked here about trying some of the krank gear, purely out of frustration; but I hope everyone realized I was (mostly) kidding.

I have also identified another possibility, which I will discuss, apropos, if and when I have more to say about it.

Best regards,
Paul S
02-16-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 254
Post ID: 9776
Reply to: 9772
PP2000 early results
Okay, today I hooked it up and have spend some time listening. The change in my system was very dramatic and positive. First of all, it seems suddenly like a good electricity day. The noise floor dropped out. The timbre of the music and the body and presence of the music became correct and full. The presentation changed very much. There is no audiophile soundstage: any ideas of artifice of imaging created by the process of recording disappear. The presentation is simply correct as it would be in real life and there is no concern with an imaginary soundstage. This is the thing which impresses me the most immediately: I am simply listening to the Sound and I for the most part suddenly am not obsessing about wires and capacitors and tubes. The only thing, as with Romy's experience is the blunting of the HF. It is not incorrect or distorted. It is simply that the liveliness is absent. Hopefully it will return during the next week.

Those are the initial impressions. More to come. But to me so far it seems like everything I hoped for and more.

02-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 255
Post ID: 9785
Reply to: 9776
PP2000 and the positioning.
 drdna wrote:
Okay, today I hooked it up and have spend some time listening. The change in my system was very dramatic and positive. First of all, it seems suddenly like a good electricity day. The noise floor dropped out. The timbre of the music and the body and presence of the music became correct and full. The presentation changed very much. There is no audiophile soundstage: any ideas of artifice of imaging created by the process of recording disappear. The presentation is simply correct as it would be in real life and there is no concern with an imaginary soundstage. This is the thing which impresses me the most immediately: I am simply listening to the Sound and I for the most part suddenly am not obsessing about wires and capacitors and tubes. The only thing, as with Romy's experience is the blunting of the HF. It is not incorrect or distorted. It is simply that the liveliness is absent. Hopefully it will return during the next week.

Those are the initial impressions. More to come. But to me so far it seems like everything I hoped for and more.
After HF return (and the will in a week or two) start moving the speakers. Some advantages that PP2000 throws will allow much bolder, incisive and more critical speaker positioning. I would not be surprised if after the PP2000 settles you will be doing some rearrangement and rearming.

THe Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 256
Post ID: 9788
Reply to: 9775
Pp2000 the next day
Using the PP2000 has been a very interesting experience. Immediately listening I am NOT struck that it is the most wonderful improvement ever, which I have said before is a GOOD sign. Usually the seductive sound changes are colorations that are enjoyed for their novelty. To fall into this trap is to become the perennial upgrader. So the fact that I do not experience this is very encouraging, as it typically indicates a change that will endure.

What is very dramatic is the sheer increase in true neutrality of the system. As I said before, the perception of the audiophile imaging and soundstage is really gone. The sounds present themselves much on the scale of the live performance and the notes unfold in a correctly "soft" manner, I would say with entirely unforced motivation. As with any live performance, you are aware that it is taking place with the musicians sitting or standing on a very definite floor in a very definite room, but the space is not artificially forced on you.

What occurred today was really great. There is really a seamless, seemingly infinite resolution of the system. Not that you can hear the "rosin on the violin bows" or anything like that. Instead, you can hear more deeply into the music. Very easily I was able to focus on the bass player and think "what is he doing here?" or next to focus on the trumpet player and so on, was able to focus on each of them and reflect on their parts like a hummingbird flying and hovering in three dimensions in a garden moving with precision and ease from flower to flower. It was entirely effortless and was not even a conscious plan on my part. It simply happened very naturally, the way that during a performance you might be watching the string section and then your gaze might drift over to the oboes or to the kettle drums. When I realized what was happening, it was surprising and delightful.

The magical HF is still absent, so there is a sense of absence of involvement compared to the pre-PP2000 state, but the ability to go more deeply into the Sound in many other levels is exciting.

02-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 257
Post ID: 9789
Reply to: 9788
Missing Parts (Good Riddance)
Thanks, Adrian

I am also dying to know if this thing obviously cleans up the sound, like the difference between good and Bad Electricity (from the wall) days, when there is simply no doubt about it.  Maybe you (and we) will have to wait until the HF returns to make this determination.

Funny, but one of the things I love most about the Good Electricity is that the "HF" goes bye-bye, leaving only the "Sense of HF Potential" in its place.   While live HF is "thinly populated", mostly "space", hi-fi HF is so "crowded".

By the way, what do you suppose happens to all the component "parts" when the electricity is good, that makes us forget all about them?

Best regards,
Paul S
02-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 258
Post ID: 9790
Reply to: 9788
Flexibility of Imaging and electricity.
 drdna wrote:
As I said before, the perception of the audiophile imaging and soundstage is really gone.
I think you might revise your view about imaging in future. No one cares about soundstage but with imaging it is a bit tricky. One of the great advantage of better electricity, would it be PP2000 or one of those few days of natural good electricity, is the flexibility of imaging. The presentable space events become super flexible, very bendable and extremely elastic; it is like all sharp corners are done…. I think it opens a good chance for an opportunity to USE this new elasticity of imaging. The question is HOW to use it and the answer might open a very big door. As I said above you might find useful to start moving the speakers as with new flexibility of presentation some things might be done very different and much more affective.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 259
Post ID: 9793
Reply to: 9790
Pure Power

With interest I read the posts about the mains / power and the effect on hifi gear.

The conclusion why and how electricity thus have an impact and the overall sound of our system is influenced by it is actually quite simple.

Generally the mains is 110 - 240 VAC 50 - 60 Hz
The mains shut supply’s a near perfect sinusoidal waveform with a stable frequency of 50 or 60 Hz and low distortion.

The Current the mains supply shut be in phase with the Voltage.

Where thus it go wrong? And what can we do to solve this problem!

In fact we only need pure power, meaning a clean sinusoidal waveform with the supplied current in Phase delivered out of the wall, as simple it is. (Is it?)
So we spend big bucks and by us self’s a Power Regenerator and think we are in haven! Wrong

If you look deeper into it then we know that all the gear we use have some kind of build-in internal power supply’s to operate the internal electronics at there different levels. This usually is a Transformer or switching power supply. The internal AC-voltages are converted into DC Voltages with Diodes, Capacitors and DC-DC Converters.

These internal used components and the quality of them to have a huge impact on the electronics and eventually on the Sound as we here it from our repro system.

Generally the better the internal supply the les it is influenced by the external mains power; this is why (pure) battery operated systems are less effected by the quality of the mains power.

Now we go back to where all started; The mains Power and Power Regenerators.

Can we improve our overall system sound in a stable way meaning we can enjoy our music day by day at the same high level as we heard it the day before? 

Answer NO we can not.

To keep it simple there are more technical issues involved as discussed in several technical papers and here in this post.

I will make a small summery and then u can make up your own mind:

Harmonics: a big issue and completely underestimated by the producers of Power Regenerators.

Internal Impedance: shut be as low as possible in the whole system, here we have to keep in mind that all the connections from the equipment to the power source shut be as short as possible.

Jitter: Yes also the AC-Power line / Source is influenced by this phenomena.

Grounding and RF: Lots of studies have proven that the Ground connection in our homes is loaded with all kind of unwanted e-smog.

The best solution here is to have a separate single Ground pin that shut be at least 6 meters of length into the earth.

Still we have the RF problem; here it gets difficult because the optimum situation wood be the have a faraday gage. Most of us are not able to do something against RF Shielding because of cosmetic reasons having the Stereo system setup in the living room for example.

What we can do is not using ore shut down the Wireless stuff, this already helps a lot.

So we need a Power Plant that delivers pure undistorted AC Voltage - Current and this jitter free wit low Harmonic Distortion. The Power plant itself shut not act as an RF radiator as many do.


Analog Field Application Engineer
30 years of experience in the Analog and Power field

PS: I own the Pure Power 1050 and use it for about 6 month now.

02-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
Posts 2,727
Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 260
Post ID: 9794
Reply to: 9793
"Separate Single Ground"
The neutral/ground appears to be one of the most commonly misunderstood aspects of the ordinary AC delivery system.

In a normal US residential system, at the main service panel, there are two power bus-bars, each of which gets 120V, for a typical 240V, single-phase service.  There is only ONE bus-bar at the main service panel that goes to ground, and BOTH "neutral" and "ground" wires are ALL connected to this bus, from everywhere served by the main panel, including any "sub" panels.

The typical "Ground" wire in this country is a REDUNDANT function, electrically, meant to get any stray current to ground via a wire instead of via a person or pet, etc..

I have NEVER SEEN a hi-fi system served by "dedicated circuits" where the "hot" came from the main service but the NEUTRAL went to a "dedicated" ground instead of returning to the mains ground bus, also, and it would be a code violation if the neutral did not go back to the mains ground.

Every case of a "dedicated ground" I have seen, including my own, involves only the redundant "ground" wire.  The "ground" wire may not be useful for every component, and it can actually introduce noise in some cases.  I have gone into why at length, above, on several occasions.  In some cases, an additional quiet "dedicated" ground that's just or the hi-fi can help to bleed off stray current, or some components may actually be designed so the additional "ground" becomes necessary for the circuit to function per design.

Paul S 
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