Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: Another day another mystery.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 1/9/2009
OK, after some experiments I did find something that reduced dynamics what Avicenna was on line. Avicenna has two power transformers. First one is a low voltage (6.3V/1A) transformer to feed Avicenna’s distortion analyses, oscillators, frequency PLL, reaction delays and logic generation circuits. He second is high voltage (12V-35V/20A) transformer to feed Avicenna’s unique “hanging” amplifier. This amp is for processing the wave correction. So, what I found out was that the polarity of the primary of this big ass toroidal transformer was the key that eat the Avicenna’s dynamics. Why would know that the polarity of primary in this circuit worked be so critical, particularly knowing that the primary electricity stream that feed load does not go over this toroidal transformer.
So, the problem is resolved? The Avicenna does not screw sound anymore? Yes, the Avicenna does not worsening sound anymore but it did not resolved problem but only escalated the problem. Now Avicenna in bypass and operation modes has absolutely identical sound despite to the fact the in operation mode outputs absolutely perfect and no-distortion sinusoid (look to images a few post back). How the hell this possible? Flipping the bypass swatch very dramatically changes the waveform on the scope but has no effect of any kind to sound. I am officially confused!
The Cat
PS: Guy, interesting find about the Kemp idea of third harmonics injection. Is any more information about it anywhere?Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site