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About an "ultimate" turntable Analog: a reduction of surface noise. Audio Note Ginga new turntable The DD, Idler or Belt from 50.000 feet. The Foolishness of Analog People About the Chernobyl Spinnaker tonearm Active Tonearm Monitoring System. Adding a second tonearm vs. a second TT Micro Seiki MAX 282 User Manual Van den Hul famous FAQ compilation. About Ortofon SPU cartridges Allnic Verito MC Phono Cartridge Buying the last cartridge. Denon 103: myths and the reality Good summarizing file about SPU cartridges High-End Industry and cartridges. More: Shelter 90X vs. 901 The mystery of Koetsu Onyx Cartridges. The Shelter 90X: mystery or mastery Thorsten defending the Denon 103 Van den Hul famous FAQ compilation. What is the difference between the cartridges? How often to clean records and the way to say if it was durty Taking the mystery out of cartridge loading Tonearm/cartridge matching mechanics Van den Hul famous FAQ compilation. About use acCommercial Air Blower Ionizer for analog playback About the beauty of EAR 834PT phonocorrector Ah, the beautify of the passive EQ RC phonocorrectors: Lamm LP2 AMR PH-77: just another phonostage or more? EAR 834P Modification Guide EAR834PT: Are we looking to be right or happy? How my phonostage shall sound. Jim Hagerman modify the EAR-834PT Jonathan Valin smokes Lamm LP2 Lamm LP2 phonostage: review of review. Likhnitsky RX phonocorrector Multiple EQ curves of Arthur Loesch and Tempo Electric. Redaction of the surface noise at phonostages The K&K SE hybrid phono stage. The last phonocorrector: “End of Life Phonostage” The stunning sound of the Paravicini phonocorrector. Thorsten latest version of 7788/7721 LCR 600Ohm RIAA Stage Where are our good phonostages? Expressive Technologies transformers... Kenwood L-02T and the hype of FM tuners Rohde & Schwarz EU-6201 Tuner Sansui TU-X1 Broadcast monitor Data Reel-to-Reel Tape vs. Raw Better Digital A lucidly implemented digital? An audiophile grade server: The Linux Solution CEC TL0-X: by no means an in-depth review DAW drives configuration and backup High Quality Music Server / CD player Lost Wadia virginity: congratulations! NESPA Optical Disc Finalizer The commercial music servers. The commercial music servers. The contra-ridicules solution for a good DAW? The exaggerated boots under CEC-TL0. Today’s SACD - music for oscilloscopes. Zandèn 2500S CD player + some general attitude comments. A CD playing audio person must have 2 DACs A littlie D-War: Bidat vs. Lavry Gold About the “beauty” of digital crossovers. Analogue to digital converter comparison Bidat vs. Pasific Microsonics Correction: EMM Lab DAC-transport. Dream Hi-Eff Speakers for an “inmate”. Experience with the DEQ2496 Jean-Michel Le Cléach about DEQ2496 My view over Analog vs. Digital... without BS. Pacific Microsonics Model 2 Pacific Microsonics Model 2 Pacific Microsonics vs. Lavry Gold in D/A mode. Re: some thoughts on the avalable good DACs... Recording options: Pacific Microsonics vs. Lavry Gold. The LavryBlack DA11 Stereo DA Converter The Museatex Bidat pages. Recorders, A-D Processors (14) A need for Resolution /Sampling Assessment Test AES/EBU to S/PDIF adapters Analogue to digital converter comparison DC offset for A/D converters. Digital recorders: what the "big boys" use? Horns and digital crossovers. How to manage the digital files. How to record FM broadcasts. Metaxas-Wolfson ADC with Sound Devices SD744T Re: some thoughts on the avalable good DACs... Recording options: Pacific Microsonics vs. Lavry Gold. Reel-to-Reel Tape vs. Raw Better Digital Line-level Amplifier (13) “His name was Marc Mickelson he was a showgirl…” A passive linestages white flag. A new generation of full-function preamps. Audio Research Reference 3 preamp Bent Audio transformer-attenuator (passive) pre-amp CES: Meitner’s unexplained disaster. Lamm L1 vs. L2 comparative chart. More about the cross-source validations. Preamplifiers: keys to mystery. Reviewing preamps by imbeciles. Some transformer ranting. The ultimate buffer – light in the end of a tunnel Thorsten idea of line-stage “Harmonic Speed”- friend of foe? “Zarathustra II” amplifier “Zarathustra” amplifier: loosing of virginity. A new amplifier from Audio Note. A quest for a better SET. About DSET-driven multi-way acoustic system maintenance assessment. About the pre-warming of playback An amplifier for Tweeters An ultimate HF output transformer? Anatoly Manakov 6E5P - 6C33C SET CES: the best worst amplifier-WAVAC Class “D” amplifiers and the Audio Industry DSET is NOT a SET in context of this conversation. Further comments about the Lamm ML3 Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s Lamm Industries: a special interview with a special company Lamm ML2.1 survival guide. Macondo – Super Melquiades: few months later. Melquiades Input Choke and Power Factor Melquiades: too early for a verdict? More to the Melquiades release notes. One of many advantages of multi-amping. SET and speakers: disregard Volume Single Ended Triode distortions.... Small SET’s bass, besides everything- is it about power? Some thoughts about transformer for my MF channel. Some thoughts on amplifier - speaker interfacing Super Melquiades Amplifier. The “art” of multi-amping? The “Melquiades” Sound - beginning of the story. The David Berning amplifiers The DSET perspective examines the Herb Reichert article. The Krell’s cursed Sound: 25 yeas and counting…. The one-stage Melquiades. The single-ended pretense. The single-ended pretense. Thorsten Loesch’s article about DHT SETs Thoughts about Lamm ML2 SET To Melquiades builders: corrections, simplification, modifications. "Zaratustra II" to drive Macondo’s bass? Active biasing explained. Horns and digital crossovers. Multi-amping crossovering. On using Pro Audio Digital Crossovers (PADXO) in domestic HiFi settings Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio Digital Equalisers.... The “Water Drop” and the “Bessel curve”… 150V Gas Tubes survival guide. 5E6P vs. 7721/D3a as an amp for tweeters 6C33C as a well-behaving lesbian! 6C33C myths: audio Moronometr. 6C41C – the journey to nowhere. 6E6P-DRU Tube for Melq’s HF channel. A contemporary AD1 Triode by Emission Labs A full-range quality-triode? Does Size mater? About the AC on DHT heaters About the life-expectancy of the new production tubes. Bell Laboratories 320A tube Gass voltage reference 0A2 tubes. Herbie Hal-O Tube Dampers Hickok 600/800: Quick Reference High Gm Tubes and "Sound Quality" High transconductance saga... How long the 6C33C lives. More about the Plate Loading Plate regulation: bad idea. RE604, LK460 , E406 , KL71403, K435/10, P460, P4, O15/400, RE614, U4H Shock-absorbing tube sockets. Small SET’s bass, besides everything- is it about power? Some feedback on designing with the 45 and 2A3 DHTs. Telefunken RE604 and Klangfilm KL71403 DHT tubes The 6C33C regulation from different angles The 6E5P/6E6P data for Hickok 580/580A The DSET perspective examines the Herb Reichert article. The Melquiades bias: some history. The noise-free gas regulator tubes. The short "6C33C Survival Guide". The Sylvania 2A3 NOS report Thermal hysteresis of 6C33C Thorsten Loesch’s article about DHT SETs What the hell is going on with 6C33C? YO-186 as the output tube. +1dB effect form basshorn. 45Hz Bass Horn on Vitavox AK151 A beter attempt to deal with Klangfilm. A phase plug for upperbass horn. A slightly crazy idea for a new approach to LF A sober view on Cogent "True-to-Life" Sound. A tribune to Transient Evenness or … A tribute to a properly implemented honk. A wonderful write up about ribbons. About beauty and ugliness of horn speakers. About importance of time-coherency About midbass-horn equalization.... About restoring the magnetic field of compression driver About selection of the crossover point. About the “beauty” of digital crossovers. About the compression driver bug-screens About the elliptical mouth upperbass horns. About the JMLC horn curve. About the tweeters phase alignment. Adding one Horn. Some revelation of Macondo. Adding one more spherical to Macondo. Again and again: the upper bass channel. An amplifier for Tweeters An objective tool to trace gap better horn rate and crossover? An ultimate horn profile? Another electromagnet driver: Great Vintage Loudspeakers. Audio Gravity force and drivers’ integration Azura 204Hz and 340Hz Le Cleac Back chamber of Vitavox S2 and Sound Bass Horn vs. Sealed Enclosures. Basshorn vs. non-Basshorn, further talk. Battling stupid Horn Criticism as a concept Beware of the monophonic honk. Canadian Speaker Proposal Center your drivers, boys. CES: New horn guy in town. Compression drivers and the “clean signal”. Crossover point: no abstract intellectual values Denouncing of idea of Bass Horns. "Different" way to use Vitavox S2 Dream Hi-Eff Speakers for an “inmate”. Dukane 5A540 Compression Drivers Electro-Voice T350, T35 tweeters. Engaging the David Haigner’s idea Evaluation of tractrix curves based on visual surface reflections. Eventually - reasonable midbass horn from GOTO Exceptional loudspeakers drivers: 14-inchers Exceptional loudspeakers drivers: 15-inchers Fostex new magnesium Tweeters . Fostex T 500A MK 2 Horn Super Tweeter From an experienced TAD (TD2001) user... George Orwell and loudspeakers. Getting more from MF channel: AMI™ solution Heil’s Air Motion Transformers Horn-loaded acoustic system: the Macondo Horns and digital crossovers. How to select mid/upper bass horn drivers. Invention of Tractrix Curve Japanese Cone Suspensions: YL1250, YL75000, YL55000 Jean Hiraga’s cooking of Altec 604 Jeffrey Jackson: midbass horns Johan Dreyer on Goto drivers Johan Dreyer’s comments on basshorn Kilimanjaro compression electromagnet drivers Klangfilm: sometimes actual knowledge is better then a fetish imagination Learned from S2 electromagnet: Lowthers Look at horn upperbass drivers sincerely Macondo – Super Melquiades: few months later. Macondo Acoustic System Frame design. Macondo copying: Horns troubleshooting Macondo’s MiniMe or about Pilot Acoustic Systems Make your own copression driver Midbass Horns and Real Estate. More about the EdgarHorn Bass More speakers attitude... Moving to the SET/Horns world Mystery of Vitavox S2 resolved! New Macondo and “absolute tone” Null-set dipole tweeters. Ocean Way Audio HR2 loudspeaker Perfect HF and the “kinky” Electro-Voice T350. Practical Guide for Back Chambers Tuning. Problems with horns: mid-range drivers Problems with horns: mid-range horns. Problems with horns: tweeters. Problems with horns: upper bass Proximity of horn’s crossover and it’s ability to care over-amplitude. RAAL “Water Drop” tweeter for Macondo. Radiation patterns matching with horns. Resonance Damping in Horns Roundup: RAAL, “Water Drop”, Ribbons, Vitavox, generalizations. Silbatone Acoustics speaker Some basics of the horn equalization. Some conical horns anti-propaganda Some horn writing by Thomas Dunker. Srajan, 6Moons, sex industry and sapphire horns Staging Acompany SA8535 tweeter Stop having a fear of horn vignetteing TAD PT-R9 tweeter: love and hate... The “absolute tone” in drivers The “choking sound” of upperbass horns The bottom limit of the Vitavox S2 driver. The CH Audio Design drivers. The Edgarhorn RTA response. The EdgarHorns: the new old business plan The Macondo’s Upper Bass Channel: what is next? The midbass throat considerations. The state of High-Efficiency Loudspeakers. The tapped horns: cons, pros and Sound The ways to delay horns channels. Tractrix vs. Exponential curve for lower frequencies. Tractrix vs. others for LF Transition : Driver to throat, when throat is smaller than driver Tweeter for Vitavox S2. High-sensitively ribbons and Linaeum Tweeters Upperbass 115Hz by Dominik Vertical tilt adjustment for horns Vintage Altec drivers / horns lingo. Vintage JBL products lingo. Vitavox S2 field-coil: after a few hours. Vitavox S2 revelation: follow up Vitavox S2 with Electromagnets Vitavox S2: notes to dairy… Vitavox, RAAL, EV T350 and SA8535 Western Electric 15A horn Why elephants do not jamp a rope Why horn-loaded loudspeakers are bad. Why I do not like La-horns. The tomatoes… YL audio, ALE , GOTO , and Onken. A quest for a better monitor. About the largest Wilson Audio Loudspeakers About vowelness and bubbleness of Sound Another reasonable article about Wilsons and more.... Bass from a vented box... Bass Horn vs. Sealed Enclosures. Constructing LF modules to the limits Do not use your tube amps with SL600! Exceptional loudspeakers drivers: 10-inchers Exceptional loudspeakers drivers: 18-inchers How to USE “Resonating Oops” in loudspeakers Kharma Loudspeakers reach further!!! Kharma Speakers as pH-indicator of the worst in Audio. Magico Mini or Jonathan Valin maxi? Magico Model 6 loudspeakers. McCauley vs. Aura bass drivers NOhorn channel for “the melody range”. Notch filters remedy - the the ultimate illusion Observations and Thoughts from the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest SET and speakers: disregard Volume Speakers: a hi-fi disaster. Superior Electric binding posts... Tannoy Red 1960s: some sober reality The leather-suspended drivers. The sound compromises of high efficiency direct radiators. Truth stretch out via Feastrex prism. Understanding Line Array Systems What the “genius” did: the Injection Channel Where tone in Bass comes from. Beware of the "dipoleness" at LF. Beware of the "dipoleness" at LF. Do Lowther, but do it right MDTunes™ from SoundLab loudspeakers by… prescriptions. Misery of the midbass baffles Monosodium Glutamate Bass What lives in Symmetric Sound? Why I hate the “Japanese Sound” A new 'chic' foolishness about mono systems About DSET-driven multi-way acoustic system maintenance assessment. About speakers Imbedded Macro-Positioning. Be careful: Imaging vs. Compression First Order on Bass channels: Designed for Sound From psychoacoustical point of view How to "flood" the crossover point Macondo and not only Macondo positioning Measuring distance in decibels. Phantom pain of speaker placement Prerequisites for making audio. Some deeper analyses of the subject Something that a loudspeaker must have. Speakers positioning and listening objectives The “dead points of live sound” The art of ULF volume adjustment. The contra-compression tool – the Injection Channel. The nature of "soundstage" in audio. The nature of "soundstage" in audio. Time Alignment : Live Performances vs Audio Tweeters: the most misused elements. Use absolute polarity as an early speakers test. Wisdom of making a good frame for horns About bass horns by Johan Dreyer About speakers Imbedded Macro-Positioning. About the Ultra Low Frequency resonators... Bass Horn vs. Sealed Enclosures. Can a bad floor be cured by gain/power? Do not over-damped your rooms and particularly…. Do not reproduce extreme frequencies. Don't evaluate audio by sound of "live" music. Fundamentals vs. Injection Channels. Midbass Horns and Real Estate. More about the EdgarHorn Bass Suggested target curves and setup techniques for Pro Audio Digital Equalisers.... The “dead points of live sound” The art of ULF volume adjustment. Tweeters: the most misused elements. Use absolute polarity as an early speakers test. What does make a playback to stop? A long tail of “formatting misery”…. A ridicules speaker cable Horns and silver: NO WAY! The problems with Smart Grids Power lines and supplies (10) A half-ass cure for bad electricity? APS Purepower 2000 Comments DC Offsets in mains power supply & using toroidal transformers Dmitri from Running Springs Audio Grounding might be a factor The APS PurePower 1050 regenerator The Avicenna failure is the great Avicenna success! What lives in Symmetric Sound? +1dB effect form basshorn. A new 'chic' foolishness about mono systems About a "consciousness of a playback system" About Darwinism of Music and audio assessments. About DSET-driven multi-way acoustic system maintenance assessment. About my listening habits. About the “beauty” of digital crossovers. About the Audio Neutrality. About the mysery of audio DIY enthusiasm About the tweeters phase alignment. About TTH characteristic in Audio About vowelness and bubbleness of Sound Absolutely Transparent Stage and Audio Events An important thing about listening practice Are You On the Road to Audio Hell? Audio and Music: four levels of unity and separation or… Audio critique – open your mind! Audio must not use none-presentational evidences Critique audio performance before acquire a new element. DBT - a signature of listening ignorance Deficiency of a sensible attitude in playback. Do not “compare” audio equipment. Do not pursue full-range without being ready. Don't evaluate audio by sound of "live" music. Further guidelines for Audio Neutrality... Here is where the key of High End High End Audio and musical content. How to build the best audio payback How to evaluate playback... or the Six-Leveled-Listening Benefits™ I would shade some light about “abstract audio” Immediate Gratification by Surrogate Sonic Effects It is imposable to “hear distortions”. Learn to listen your listening rooms Macondo and not only Macondo positioning Matching audio to music: false Melquiades: too early for a verdict? My Audio Reviewing agenda. My old Fi-Hi gear associations... Naturally suck-sounding playback or Karaoke Playback Assessment Playback evaluations made easy. Position your speakers anal-retentively. SET and speakers: disregard Volume Some explanations about "Engineering of Audio" Soundstage vs. spatial reconstruction via Soundstage’s inner-dynamic. Speakers: a hi-fi disaster. The “absolute tone” in drivers The “Implied Sound” in Audio. The “Inverted High End” ™ The Active High Frequency Solution - AHFS The best audio system: my secrets are partially out. The corrupted listening culture. The nature of "soundstage" in audio. The realty of UHF and LF relation The Sound and How We Hear It The sound that could not be "sold". The trade show listening rules. The unintended consequences of the binaural things in Hi-Fi. Time Alignment : Live Performances vs Audio Upper-Sound of Upper-Importance Use absolute polarity as an early speakers test. Verify that you sources do not underperform. What does make a playback to stop? What you loose about tweeters... Why I hate the “Japanese Sound” You should expect to hear just the music Collection Organization (5) About my listening habits. About the misery of the today's SACD releases Audio and Music: four levels of unity and separation or… How to build the best audio payback Seven phases in the life of a hard-core collector.
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