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09-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 81
Post ID: 20049
Reply to: 20048
Something Good May Yet Come of This!
No way I will bother to review Mike's "review" of Mike's "review", either, but this "situation" has the makings of a cracking Celebrity Death Match!

Paul S
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Post #: 82
Post ID: 20052
Reply to: 20048
I made the mistake of clicking on the first link. It is a dangerous thing to try to parody Stereophile or TAS articles or writers. At least I think that was what the writer was attempting to do. If he was serious then he is writing for the wrong site. He should apply to be on the staff of TAS and Stereophile.
09-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 83
Post ID: 20053
Reply to: 20052
All the same.
 steverino wrote:
I made the mistake of clicking on the first link. It is a dangerous thing to try to parody Stereophile or TAS articles or writers. At least I think that was what the writer was attempting to do. If he was serious then he is writing for the wrong site. He should apply to be on the staff of TAS and Stereophile.

Steverino, I do not think that Federated Mike tries to parody anybody and he does not need to apply to be on the staff of TAS and Stereophile as he is already there.  Mike is a dealer for many TAS/Stereophile promoted brands that made him very much part of the very same machinery. Opposing Mike Framer he is not truly opposing him but just he is just trying to defend his turf but the means and methods that only knows and has in his disposal - by being the same Mike Framer.

You shall not be a Nostradamus to see what happened with the Framer’s review and with Federated Mike’s review of the review. The Framer’s review was for all intended purpose a not particularly good review. If you read a very little between the lines then you will understand that Framer said that sine Lamm not giving him his amps as his “conquest donation” then  Framer’s not going go over his ways to advertise to the audio idiots Lamm’s amps. Vladimir might be a bit corky with his demands of payments so Framer’s pretty much pissed on Vladimir. It has happened before. About 10 years back Lars Fredal who was obedient Lamm subordinate and who was regularly oiled up were to “rebellion”.  Vladimir demeaned from Lars to pay for Lamm preamp that Lars has for 2 years and refused to return. In retaliation Lars published a “revolutionary” review denouncing Lamm amps and elevating other brand. This is how Canadian Tenor amps were born. To further piss Lamm Lars begine to run across deals and studios and actively sale Tenors, acting like Tenor US rep, being as the same time the Tenor reviewer. Funny, funny but the whole event took place just because Lars was requested to pay. Interesting that in case of Lars or in case of Mike Framer it has nothing to do with Sound but it has only to do with egos, desire to maintain status quo, power and control. Any person with actual audio IQ would very much understand the absurdity Framer or Lars for that matter arguments.

Then we have Federated Mike. Mike is a dealer who probably ether has ML3 for loan or sold ML3 to a local customer. Probably the customer is a Moron and Mike a bit uncomfortable that the customer will develop a buying remorse. So, the Federated Mike strikes back. I do feel that Federated Mike is honest with what he is saying and truly believes what he writes; even I did not read it. The problem is that what he saying, what is believes and what he knows is very restricted and astonishing limited. So, he tries to say something but being just a small gear in generally well-oiled machine that does nothing Mike does not produce any sane action.

Rgs, the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 84
Post ID: 20054
Reply to: 20053

  I wasn't referring to the specifics of the assertions in each article. I was referring to the writing style.
10-12-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 85
Post ID: 20143
Reply to: 1461
Interesting, somehow.

It is not Interesting-interesting but to a degree worth to read


I do not question the Federated Mike’s conclusions, it is what it is make up your own mind.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-12-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 86
Post ID: 20144
Reply to: 20143
Almost like Pearson, sort of, maybe right after a stroke...

Well, he is not a scientist, nor is he a critic; and though he struggles to, it seems he can't form complete notions nor write coherently; but their does seem to be a kernel of inspiration in there this time.  I guess he just could not resist the low-hanging fruit, the the word, "breakthrough".

Paul S

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Post #: 87
Post ID: 20145
Reply to: 20144
What I was trying to say so inelegantly some posts ago.
10-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 88
Post ID: 20146
Reply to: 20145

It is more or less in the same direction like any Product Placement ( some call it review) from that group who lives from sales. That means, it is always the same "direction":

Rule No 1: Compare the object with something similar which is much more expensive and you are always on the safe side.

No matter how crappy the unit is (or overpriced), in comparison to a much more expensive one you will always find something which is ok. Best example for that are comparisons among cartridges. an average cartridge, which is overpriced and from performance not worth to talk about, will be rated against something even more expensive....

NO one will ever compare such a unit to a cartridge which is 1/3 the price, even when that one is better (for example Lyra Kleos/Delos/Atlas, Benz carts... compared side by side or Lamm LL1 to Lamm LL2.1...) the "reviewer" will look desperately for any kind of difference which will save his "report" (especially when he bought it) and the usual sentence is: The cheaper unit will give you 90% of the Performance from the more expensive one, but these 10% are the holy grail, or to get these last 10% you have to pay way more for it...blubber....

Of course the reviewer will get in touch with the designer and he gets the information why this or that unit (cartridge for example) is technically more "advanced"( the coil is downside up now/the coil was made from Mars dust we got from NSA via Edward S./new coil angle is 43,2° and glued via ultrasonics)....it is ok when you can really hear it in the first 5 seconds, but different sound is not identical with "better sound"...

Kind Regards
10-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 89
Post ID: 20148
Reply to: 20146
Worthless Part II
In the last 10 years I had some chances to visit owners with very expensive Systems (>500.000,-- $) and all they had the same in common: Absolutely no idea about real High End or Music reproduction and I mean non, nada, nothing, they went to a dealer will the strong idea to spend 100K, to get a serious rebate and all of them wanted to be taken serious in an audiophile community (their home is what's Best Forum where they offer their brainless comments and congratulate each other when someone bought something stupid-expensive-cancer-sound-unit, the ultra Stupido thread there is the ML3 thread with its brain cancer "recommendations"Tube amps with low efficiency speakers, no problem, ask WBF and when it is expensive enough, it is a top match...). Also, they are all very, very thin skinned when someone rates their hyped stuff negative. Btw. same way for Turntables, Cartridges, Phonostages, Arm geometry...ever made a simple Speed Test? 33,333 / 45 with Sutherland Timeline?? 80% fail...

Example: The 10"+12" Graham Arm is wrong in its geometry and such an owner prostituted himself as an proud audiophile of that rare units who heard things :-) he never heard before, with all the typical moron applause and the conveyor of news who gave the advice about that wrong alignment got hate until the rest of his days. And, of course, those Stupidos write, that this conveyor of news has a personal problem with the manufacturer..Triplanar 12" has the same "problem" btw. 

Anyway, but even those wealthy desperate want something like a report, a review, something where they think they can rely on, something which is taken serious in that "community". 

Any they get it of course. They want the report that they can listen better because they can spend more money. That's the background. Nothing more. Dealers live from that btw. They would die when they would sell you the final tonearm...what's next? The Stupido who bought it 2 years ago without any knowledge is ready again to give some money for being king of the hill. Again...

You find the same route when you get in touch with EMT-Garrard-Shindo-Linn-Raven-Koetsu-and so on-owners, they wrap you with their stupidness and they win based on majority   ... the intelligent will fail in this business. 

Btw. I think the ML3 is a good sounding amp :-)

Kind Regards
10-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 90
Post ID: 20149
Reply to: 20148
An ultimate sounding M70 machine?
 Stitch wrote:
Btw. I think the ML3 is a good sounding amp.
I do not think that the absolute quality of ML3 is a subject or a question. This quality is not known to people out there, very much like it is unknown to the most of ML3 owners that I heard publicly from; very much how the deep quality of sound that ML2.0 is not know amount audio masses. There was many ML2.0 sound out there and many audio people had it but I know only two people among all my audio acquaintances who mare feel are qualify to understand what ML2.0 was able to do with sound. I do not know many ML3 public users and among all that I do know and did hear from I can testify that they were Morons.

Now is the more important subject that I have stressed before. It is not about ML3 being good of bad sounding amp but rather about ML3 being as good as it could be. If money and objectives is not the factor and the amp is GM70 3-stages SET then does ML3 is the ultimate sounding M70 machine. Well, I do not have an answer to this question. I do not even know if Lamm I today version is able to deliver the pushy sounding amplification. For sure for the person who did ML3 the bad shall be very high and expectation to be superbly high. However, after LP2 and ML2.1 I truly do not know what expect. Vladimir is not full and he knows that he make electronics mostly for incredibly ignorant and undiscriminating clientele so his ML3 might be not the ultimate sounding M70 machine but just a regular ordinary Krell sounding tax collection ceremony. I do not know the answer and it is very possibly that it will not be known.

I personally feel that in context of Wilson-level audio the ML3 might be a good “much” as it do not need to me anything special for those type of speakers. Take a look the Federated Mike- he run his ML3 with the Marten Coltrane crap. Anyhow, I think the ultimate sounding M70 machine would be no feedback DSET with DH drivers but I doubt that anybody, at least publicly,  go for it at more decent level.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 91
Post ID: 20150
Reply to: 20149
Pushy Sound and Pushy People

Yes, the GM70 is very much unknown to most of us, especially in its "pushed"/HV version, and it is not likely to be properly explored by the average DIYer, either.  Lamm did choose to use some of the driving ideas from his proven SET amp, but it appears that he also chose to change the feedback somewhat, if nothing else.  Still, I have supposed that he also used his "patented" ideas about audible distortion while developing the ML3 circuit and finalizing its sound.  Meanwhile, it seems like the people who use the Wilsons do like the "pushy" sound.  I also suppose that VL remembers this before finalizing a "signature" amplifier design.  Of course I suppose this because I also suppose that the majority of ML3 buyers will be pushy sound people.

Is it good or bad that Lamm does not actively "consult" with the audio people about his designs?  Would  other, perhaps "western" driver triodes make better/more "interesting" sound, and would they make it longer before needing to be swapped out?  I suppose we'll never know.  I do know the ML2 can be a very excellent, highly intelligent amplifier when used sensibly, and I say this even though I would never have supposed from its design (as I "understand" it) and componentry that the ML2 could deliver the sound that it does. By all this I mean to say that the ML3 may well have the "potential" to be an excellent amplifier, which is more than I will grant to the other amps I listened to over the past 50+ years.

Paul S

10-14-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 92
Post ID: 20151
Reply to: 20150
Some thought about Lamm ML3 desing.

 Paul S wrote:
Lamm did choose to use some of the driving ideas from his proven SET amp…
Yes and no. ML3 design wise, as I understand is, in fact is not as interesting amp and it might be otherwise. Vladimir went for the target market of the Wilson dealers with his design which not necessarily the target market of “interesting” sound.

The ML3’s input stage around two plates of 12AX7 is fine, it is a very good sounding tube, particularly if it chosen a right brand and vintage. Still it is tube with very low bias and any more or less strong line level signal will send the tube out A1.  When 12AX7 tube deals with phonostage signal then it is fine but line level signals nowadays are 3-5V that would melt the 12AX7 grid with classical bias. So, to deal with it you need to inject a feedback into the 12AX7 cathode to raise the virtual grid voltage. That was what Lamm did in ML2 with global feedback and it worked fine. In ML3 he claims that he changed something with input stage. Well, I personally feel that when manufactures make such statement but do not elaborate on detail then they always lay and make the statement only for marketing purposes. I have no idea what was changed in the ML3’s input stage it was most likely some absolutely trivial thing. Most likely Lamm ran not global feedback into the 12AX7 ass but from the second stage. It even most likely did make sound better but it did not eliminate the fact that the amp input stage is IDHT and flows on feedback…. Hmmm… it is not horrible thing itself but I would like have in there a good tube with let sat 4V-5V on grid that would not need any help from feedback. This is too far from an idea of ultimate amp design in my view.

The ML3’s driver stage looks like a massive buffer or gain stage (I do not know how the tubes are connected) but it is very self-evident that Vladimir went for a very strong current producing with 8x6H30 plates. It is very obvious what Lamm was trying to accomplish – to let the people with 93dB sensitive acoustic systems and to use his amps. Because GM70 is IDHT and it to a degree might work on negative side of curve, however as it goes there it run with grid currents and it need a very strong push from the driver stage to be able to operate with grid currents. Here is when 8x6H30 plates come to live and sustain the amp driving ability, making all of those Wilson, Marten Coltrane, Kharma and the rest folks to feel that ML3 has “better bass”. Well, that all fine but it ML3 looks from the pictures have driver and output stage couple with capacitor. As the amps run at near max power, the GM70 dives in A2 and driver stage pumps a lot of current to keep the GM70 happy the voltage over the coupling cap before the out stage change polarity. Before it was positively charged and then it goes over zero and become negatively charged. The re-charged cap works fine but changing the cap polarity by re-recharging is while it handles the signal is not a very good idea in my view. All that dialectic in the cap needs to be re-polarized – it sound too unattractive for in idea of an ultimate power amp.

For sure is a person use let say 105dB sensitive acoustic system and if room if too large then and power the LF section by a different amplification then a person would not overdrive the ML3 input stage into the actual use of feedback and will not send GM70 into plate current. However if so then why do we need 35W of GM70? The point is that if a person pays $130K for power amp then he is in the realms where very different architectural designs are available and there is no need to have “one feet all bills” and in a way compromised power amp. It would be interesting if Lamm would make a pure “for sound only” amp with moderate power with only IDHT, preferably vintage, some sort of “sonic jewelry” vision of amplifier, something similar to what Shindo used to do. The problem is that who would buy them. How many people out there would pay for 2-3W amp the money that Lamm want to change for his electronics? For sure Vladimir did not and would not go this way and he made a powerful SET with idiotic feedback adjusting toy, specifically to entertain the people with a lot of money, with a lot pomposity and a lot of desire to blub online about own supremacy. I do feel that it was right move for Lamm’s business but it was no event in my view in advancing the idea of better amplification.

I personally feel that ML3 "died" when a few years back I was visited a famous industry persons who was driving his 90dB sensitive speakers with pair of ML2 into very auditable clipping. The pure guy was oblivious to the sonic problem he had, not to mention that it was all together very bad sound. The person base upon what he heard published a stunning review. For the audio intelligence of that type of people the amp like ML3 was made.  The same “famous industry persons” will hear 35W of Lamm ML3, feel that something is better but he just too audio-wise intellectually retarded to understand what is going on.  From what I observed: the people who use ML3 today are the only types that I described above.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-14-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 93
Post ID: 20153
Reply to: 20151
Selling Bi-Polar
Excellent points about the A2, and especially the possible result of a "swinging" capacitor, if this is, indeed, how the stage works.  I cannot offhand think of a single gain stage where a coupling cap is used just like this, but at those values, and at those voltages, that must be one hell of a cap...

Back to the A2, I have said before that my own A2-capable amps worked very well... until they went into A2.  I also had a "double-plate" 6922 pre-amp that was biased this way by the maker, and it actually gained its fame based on that sound.  However, I found it sounded much better after I re-biased it way down to match the original factory tube specs, with the bonus that it stopped needing new tubes every 3 months.

Ironically, Wilsons I have heard might benefit from 350W, or, even multiple 350W amps. IMO, this does raise the importance of "sales efforts", in terms of "packaging" the "Class A" speakers with the ML3s.

Best regards,
Paul S
10-14-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 94
Post ID: 20155
Reply to: 20151
GM70 and interstage capacitors
 Romy the Cat wrote:
The re-charged cap works fine but changing the cap polarity by re-recharging is while it handles the signal is not a very good idea in my view. All that dialectic in the cap needs to be re-polarized – it sound too unattractive for in idea of an ultimate power amp.

According to a friend of mine, who has a lot of experience with GM70, this tube starts to sing only with (very high quality) interstage transformer coupling. He told me that when it is used with coupling capacitor (as is the case with ML3), no matter how good the capacitor is  - the sound loses energy and tone density from the midrange down. Later, when I heard his GM70-based amplifiers - I can 100% confirm his words.

Simon GM70 stereo.JPG

Simon GM70 mono.JPG

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." -A.E.
10-14-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 95
Post ID: 20157
Reply to: 20155
I do not think so but I migh be wrong.
 haralanov wrote:
According to a friend of mine, who has a lot of experience with GM70, this tube starts to sing only with (very high quality) interstage transformer coupling. He told me that when it is used with coupling capacitor (as is the case with ML3), no matter how good the capacitor is  - the sound loses energy and tone density from the midrange down. Later, when I heard his GM70-based amplifiers - I can 100% confirm his words.
I can’t argue this point as I do not have my own experience with GM70 and my hearing the already made by somebody GM70 amps would not qualify me to be an expert as I have no idea how those amps were designed and made. Still, what your friend says does not make any since to me. The presence of absence of coupling capacitor in case of amp enter grid current has absolutely nothing to do with the tube. Any tube that might work deep in A2 would from point of view the coupling capacitor to behave identically and I do not feel that GM70 would demand anything different then let say 211.
The interstage transformer is a fine solution and most of the GM70 amps use it. It is VERY difficult to make/buy a good interstage transformer but possible. Do not forget that the interstage transformers are not a panacea and also has theoretical problems not different then the capacitors. The caps when the grid bias goes mover zero begin to re-chard the dialectic and this is bad we all agree with this. The transformer it looks like free from this problem but it is only on surface. In reality transformer have inductance and as the polarity is changed the transformer inductance acts like a choke filter, trying to stabilize current and eating the minute current transients. There are ways to deal with it in case of cap and in care of transformer but this is a whole another subject.
Still, I would like to stress that the preference of interstage transformer vs. interstage cap I do not think that would be something specific to GM70.
My personal recipe is use higher sensitively acrostic, lower power and do not run output stages into grid currents.  From a different perspective the guys who use 90dB sensitive speakers do not have drivers capable to react to low driving currents to begin with, so they might not be feeling any interstage coupling difference to begin with.
Again, that all theory. All that I personally trying introduction a cap to Milq MF channels filter.  No matter which cap I tried I was not able to find anything transparent and went for RL subtraction filter. In my case it was filter constantly polarized. I am sure that if it was a cap that change polarity constantly then it would be 100 times worse.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-11-2022 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 96
Post ID: 26770
Reply to: 20157
R.I.P Vladimir Lamm
Vladimir Lamm, founder and guiding light of Lamm Industries, maker of some of the best-sounding and unique audio electronics, died.


www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
05-11-2022 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 97
Post ID: 26771
Reply to: 26770
Very sad.
Very sad to hear it. My condolences to his finally. I hope Vladimir eventually got peace in the end of his life. I did not talk to him for over 1o years and I do not know what he was all about last years. The last contact I had with him it was I believe right after New Year of 2013. At one of those days something absolutely spectacular happened with my playback, read electricity,  and I had one of the best sounds I ever experienced from audio. I still remember that sound, it was beyond anything I believed. In couple days I sent an email to Vladimir and told him that although we have obvious differences but purely from epistemological perspective I think it would be very interesting for him to hear the results I got. In my view it's clearly defined anything that I felt imaginable in audio, with no excuses to sound reproduction. Vladimir reply that it's not going to be good idea for him. Initially I was upset and then I was happy as I never had that sound again. For sure it would be nice to have some kind of reconciliation with Lamm before his death as I feel that my intense involvement with him over 2 years was extremely positive for me from numerous perspectives. Well, it is what it is...

I do not think that company will continue successfully without Vladimir. The members of his family most likely will be doing something with company but I would not bid on it too much. The ml2.0, vintage of 1999 to 2001 in my view is the most remarkable amplification Vladimir build and it will be for very long time very much reference of what is possible in audio.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-11-2022 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 98
Post ID: 26772
Reply to: 26770
A Signature Product that Mattered
I have to say, I learned as much with ML-2s in my system as I have with any audio component I ever used. Truly a game-changing amplifier. This is no exageration.

Sorry to hear he is gone; he did leave an Audio Legacy.

Paul S
10-12-2024 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 99
Post ID: 27625
Reply to: 1461
Lamm Ml3

I  had a chance to listen recently to listen a very interesting installation with Lamm ML3. It was the first time when I was listening this amplifier in a very controlled environment. I previously in my website expressed concerns about some of its design ideas and the most important my concerns that Vladimir build ML3 in a period of his life when he was mostly driven by cynicism. So I have prejuded feeling about capacity of this amplifier. After spending if you are with this amplifier I am with all my honesty did not detect any red flags that I was anticipated to be able to detect. In fact, the amplifier behaved valley commendable and well exceeded my expectations. In my view there were some moments in that installation that I found questionable but this very high certainty I can assure that it was not the fault of ML3 and it was certainly very much not the biggest component of the chain. I feel now that among of the shelf commercial amplifiers it is a very interesting choice. I would love to hear it again in context of an installation where amplifier would be the weakest link and I would like to be able to push it in performance to its boundary. If somebody feels that you were able to furnish this opportunity then please invite me.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Iran Tehran
Posts 343
Joined on 02-11-2009

Post #: 100
Post ID: 27626
Reply to: 27625
David Karmeli
I am distributor of Lamm in Iran and I have ordered Lamm ML3 but they do not have Lamm ML3 in stock.I am waiting for that and if they produce ML3 I will get it.

David Karmeli has Lamm ML3 and Bionor in Utah , it is ready for demonstration.My friend visited him and listened to David’s system.

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
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