I do not know whether it is allowed to post contact details of commercial entities (especially when they can be so easily found) but the company in question, Rixrax, is very easy to find:
The company's contact details can be found there as well.
Glad you found something of interest on this website. It might have been interesting to know what it is about this design that appealed to you so much and how it compares with solutions you have tried in the past. I have tried BCD audio, Wilson Benesch, Atacama, Elemental Audio and Arcici with varying degrees of success, none of them unqualified. In my opinion, your best bet, if you have the inclination and time, is to design your own so it will function exactly as you intend given your system requirements (and ought to be considerably cheaper than the starting price of the Rixrax which starts at around $4000 if I read correctly). By the way, I think that Romy also uses some specific air suspended isolation for his turntable and that not all turntables will respond in the same way to his chosen solution here.
Good luck.