Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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fiogf49gjkf0d Hey, people chill out. The guy provide just information, I do not think he makes any adjudication comments and if he would then why not. For sure the TG Lee Audio generator does look interesting. The separation of the chasses on 3 sections is very right approach; it might be done by proper shielding. The fact that PP has a lot of unnecessary stray digital noise all across the circuitry was mentioned me many times. I do not say that it has impact on sound however, I just do not know but it presume that it has.
Anyhow, looking at the pictures of the TG Lee Audio’s devises I see some interesting things, The PIR5000S unit is 5kW, has no hit radiators and one small box. PR2000SPH is 3 serrate boxes and the last image has the picture of output stage with no lid. This is kind of strange. It has too much heat radiators to be class D output stage, It is rated for 1200W but to despite hear at this power then would need 1/8 of the heat sinks. So, I wonder if it is a class A/B output stage? For sure if I got for 3 chassis power devise then I would like to have at least 5K power and many receptacles. Anyhow, it would be interesting to hear about it. Thegooddoctor, care to bring the guy you use the unit to the site?
BTW, Thegooddoctor, if you had recharging circuit which produced high frequency switching noise, audible from across your room then you just had a defective unit as it was never a problem in my experience. I had at this time probably over 10 deferent PP units and have seen probably 6-7 more and never heard any high frequency switching noise. The units do have high frequency switching noise via the pulse transformers (that I wish were shielded and potted anyhow) but this HF noise is confined in the box of the unit. And, yes feel that I do hear very well into HF. I do admit that some people do have hypersensitivity to HF, perhaps it is not me. Anyhow, the HF mechanical noise from the unit that you report I never experienced. The only noise I hear was when the buttery is completely discharged then for a first few minutes the charger sound very loud but it never during the normal operation.
Anyhow, someone needs to bring those units in US that we could try them. Does anyone want to have an import business with China?
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche