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11-30-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post ID: 12377
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Flac 16bit/48Khz streaming internet radio broadcast
I came across this classical streaming station while searching out the net for new music enlightenment. I believe it is in an experimental stage and the only one of it's kind. It makes available 16 bit 48khz signal streamed. It does need a high bandwidth connection with your provider. I have this but it still runs out of buffer occasionally. Hopefully it is evidence of great things to come for those with limited FM broadcast available.

12-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 12381
Reply to: 12377
If they go for 20bit/48Khz feed then it would be even greater.

This sound like a good news but what kind streaming is it? Do I need to use any special stream consumer to get it? I was looking in your link and I was not able to find any 16bit/48Khz feed. The tendency is great however if it was true. If they go for 20bit/48Khz feed then it would be even greater.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-02-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 12394
Reply to: 12381
The bandwidth is there we just need the sources
Any player that recognizes .m3u file can be used. m3u file is a computer file format that stores multimedia playlists. It was initialy started as a WinAmp file type but since then it has expanded to be recognized and played by many applications. Off the top of my head I will mention XMMS for Linux and JRiver, VLC, Foobar, Winamp, and others for Windows. When you go to the above link select the FLAC under ČRo D-dur. I then save the cro-d-dur.flac.m3u file to desktop. I then can play the stream with a compatible player of which I am using VLC for investigative purpose for now.

I do like the idea of 20bit/48Khz even more and think it might be a possibility in the future as broadband has more than enough capacity to stream this. In the beginnings of internet radio it was very low byte rates but now 320kb/s is everywhere and now this Flac stream which max's out over 1000 kb/s. The quality of material or what they do to it in the mastering room is another story.
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