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10-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 11885
Reply to: 11885
Lamm ml2 voltage 110v to 220-240v
I just bought a pair of Lamm ML2`s. I live in Norway, so I have to convert the amps from 110v to 220v or 240v. The offical voltage in Norway is 230v, but it varies a lot. Does anybody know how to convert the amps?. The should be a wheel to select the voltage. The unit will be shipped soon, so I have not had a chance to see for myself. 
Should I select 220v or 240v?

10-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Joined on 04-23-2006

Post #: 2
Post ID: 11886
Reply to: 11885
Voltage selection instructions

Its very simple, and can be done without opening the amps.

If you receive the manuals with the amps, you will find that they include clear instructions for voltage selection.

If not, do as follows:

There is a voltage selector built into the IEC socket (where the power cord connects)... You should see the voltage for which the amp is currently set, showing through a little window (for example "120V").

If you have the original ML2s, the socket will look exactly like this:

You will need to open the cover of this socket, which is hinged at the bottom (there is a little notch in the top designed to accept a small flat-blade screwdriver, with which you can gently pry the cover open).

Once open, remove the cylinder that bears markings for various voltages.

Remove the fuse (pay attention to the white arrow... It comes out sideways) and, referring to the table on the rear panel of the amp, replace it with a fuse of the value corresponding to the voltage where you live, as indicated by the table (you will likely be removing 6 Amp Slow-Blows and installing 3 Amp Slow-Blows... 3 Amp SB are good for 220-240V... You'll of course want to have these on hand before the amps arrive). You write that you have around 230V; If you bought the original ML2, you"ll have to decide between 220 and 240, as there is no option for 230, so go with what's closest.  

Insert the cylinder so that with the cover closed, the selected voltage indication is legible through the window in the cover.

Close the cover.

Make sure the power switch is off, and connect the power cord.

If the amps are packed in the original crates, you will find that they are wedged in very tightly by all the foam. When uncrating them, you may find it easier to romove the screws securing an end or side panel as well as the top of each crate.

If they've been in storage, or are coming via sea transport, don't expect stellar performance for at least the first few days. If it were me, I'd start with all fresh tubes.

You'll want to have on hand an accurate volt meter and that same small flat-blade screwdriver to set the bias.

Good luck,


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
10-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 11887
Reply to: 11886
Lamm ml2
Thank you JD for all the information. It was most helpfull. I will get the amps in the original crates, the instructions manual anf a few sets replacement tubes. Do you know the physical size of the fuses?. Seems like I have to buy some. I have already ordered a Fluke 87-V voltmeter to set the bias. I have ordered the original ML2, so I will  most likely use the 240v option. Thank you again. I look forward to replace my Audio Aero Capitole power amp used to with my Avantgarde Duo`s.

10-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 11888
Reply to: 11887
Fuse dimesions
The fuse is held inside the IEC socket by a removable plastic holder with metal contacts; it is designed to accept a standard 6X32mm fuse, with some allowance for variation in length. My spare fuses measure 31.5mm long x 6mm diameter (nothing unusual - easy to find around here).


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
10-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 11890
Reply to: 11886
I void any responsibility for further actions….

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
  Make sure the power switch is off, and connect the power cord.
Unless you are a republican. If you are then you need to change voltage with power switch on and power cord attached.

 jessie.dazzle wrote:
If you have the original ML2s, the socket will look exactly like this:

In the ML2 that I used I got rid of the common mode filters behind the power entry. I felt that I did give me SOME added dynamics. It was not a lot but I thought it was auditable. I can’t confirm it now as it was 9 years back – who knows what I was thinking then. In any case the identical power entry that Lamm use with no common mode filters cost a dolor or two and whoever with might to try juts to replace one with another.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-02-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 11892
Reply to: 11890
some help from a non-republican :-)
1. the fuses you need 2- or 4 see below- and 2 spare:2A-250V /(313) slow-blow
2. Internally there are another 2 fuses:1,25A fast-act
3. Remove the bottom plate and check/replace those fuses first
4. Replace the 2 fuses in the IEC socket with changing the voltage
5. I am not up to date with mains in Norway but when you have 3 pins with ground, it can be possible that your
    Amps will hum. When they do, use a power cord without connected ground.
6. Adjustment: it is written in the manual, do the first adjustment at the beginning and let it run for 6or7h and do the next adjustment.     

Kind Regards
10-02-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 7
Post ID: 11900
Reply to: 11892
Just to be clear

Stitch wrote :
"...some help from a non-republican :-)
1. the fuses you need 2- or 4 see below- and 2 spare:2A-250V /(313) slow-blow
2. Internally there are another 2 fuses:1,25A fast-act
3. Remove the bottom plate and check/replace those fuses first..."

I'm not sure what Stitch means here... Maybe he's suggesting that you verify the internal fuses, which you may want to do, but this has nothing to do with mains voltage selection.

Vladimir Lamm wrote
(scanned from Lamm ML2 "Operating Manual", so you'll have to imagine that its in blue) :

Yes, "externally adjusted" 


The value of fuse required is indicated by the table printed on the rear panel of each amp, as shown in the above image.


This is the only part of the ML2 that will need to be opened when selecting an alternate mains voltage.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
10-02-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 8
Post ID: 11901
Reply to: 11900
Lamm ML2 110v to 220-240v
Thank you for all the advice. It`s been most helpfull. Thank you jd* for the illustrations. I look forward to try these amps in my system.

10-02-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 9
Post ID: 11902
Reply to: 11901
Avantgarde Duo and Lamm 2.0

I do not what to caps on your little celebration, and to play with old Lamm 2.0 is a pure celebration, but I would like to pass two observations.  The ML2.0 with Avantgarde Duo will work fine BUT will be a weak element. I do not want to criticize Avantgarde Duo but there is in Avantgarde some very specific design aspects that might mike ML2.0 inferior to drive Avantgarde.  I just think it would be worth to warn you.

The  Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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