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03-09-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
London, United Kingdom
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Post #: 21
Post ID: 3955
Reply to: 3954
Romy Hi, firstly I have the greatest respect for you, and your beliefs,( vis a vis audio reproduction ) you are absolutely right about drivers Ralph and Thomas listened to every commercially driver , apparently some of the Japanese drivers sounded ok, but specifications and measured response varied wildly from driver to driver, TAD drivers are perfectly matched, and as you said you cannot build a commercial operation on out of production material no matter how much you may like the product, although there are plans afoot to re-start Vitavox production ( not by Vitavox themselves ). Ralph and Thomas are not commercially minded, their only concern is the music, Ralph's speakers are not a commercial business model as say the Avantgardes , there are no huge inbuilt dealer/reatiler margins. I am hoping to get over to the US soon, and it would be an honour for me to be able to listen to your system, obviously at your convenience, take care, yours sincerely,Keith.
03-09-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 3959
Reply to: 3954
Very interesting
 Romy the Cat wrote:

BTW, let me to expand a littlie on my last comment. I always personally with some suspicion and difficulty “get” what German high-end audio does. They frequently target some very “bicepsy” sound but they kid of very liberal, sometimes to a point of complete disrespect to some tonal load. Ironically the “late” German music kind looks at the same direction. German are so damn spoiled with great traditions and legacy of superb tonal music that nowadays they find some “kinkiness” in doing black/white. I kind of understand it and perhaps appreciate it but me being me I looking for something different. I remember once I was lost my driving directions and was wondering across the hilly roads in country side of South Bavaria. I ended up driving up some mountain and found an extremely sexy, almost ruined castle at the top of the hill. There were no people there and I dropped my car and decided to walk around. This led me to a deep forest but it was deferent forest then I knew. It was very clean but at the same time it was “deep” with some natural dramatization. I had no idea where this drama came from but it was physically presented in the very moisture air and forest had own sound. It is hard to explain, but it was very distinct sound of a cold, full with morning mountain dew air and listening of this Sound I suddenly understood how I would like Beethoven’s sound. Since then, listening German music, I always look of that “wet” and “deep”, with mind smell of spruce and pine tone… I know that TAD would not do it for me as they are more on “synthetic” side of the wagon. But for Germans, who might not necessary in search for “my version of the Beethoven tone”, the “bicepsy” and "showy" TAD character might do… It would be similar to that fact that  many Westerners adore Shostakovich and his jumpy and vulgar phraseology but many Russians of my generations, listening in our childhood very many of Shostakovich’s shity compositions (and many equally shity imitations) that were presented to us in context of Communist Propaganda - we really can not stand much of what Shostakovich composed…

Sorry if my post does not contribute much.  Very interesting comparaison between Beethoven and Shostakovitch music.  And Shostakovitch the way you depicted is totally new to me. 
03-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 3962
Reply to: 3959
Cessaros upgrade
Forgot to mention that all the cessaro speakers are completely upgradeable, you do not have to sell your old speakers just buy the extra parts that turn an Alpha into a Beta, bets into the Gamma etc, I think the only part that is 'different' is the side panels on the Gamma, they are taller than the other models, at least it means that you do not have to sell your oldspeakers when you upgrade, I have lost count of the amount of cash I have wasted 'upgrading' with other products! Regards Keith.
03-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Lyon, France
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Post #: 24
Post ID: 3964
Reply to: 3955
'there are no huge inbuilt dealer/retailer margins'
Well romy will probably disagree or maybe find it off topic but I am sorry there is huge margins built in somewhere if someone is trying to sell me wood cabinets with TAD drivers for 140k $.   One of you guys can add it up for me and tell me if I'm wrong.  thanks
03-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 3966
Reply to: 3964
cessaros costs
Typically the ratio of manuacturers costs, ie parts and labour ro final selling price is 10:1 not uncommon with spekers to be 14:1, ie you but a pair of B&W's for £13000, the cost to B&W for that pair of speakers will be just over £1000, they sell to distribuoor for perhaps £7000, on to retailer at £10000 on to you for the final £13000. With the Cessaros the parts are far more expensive, with TADS we are not talking a few bucks for each driver, ask Romy how much he invested in his macondos!
03-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 3967
Reply to: 3964
Cessaros cost is like “reality” in Las Vegas.

 RonyWeissman wrote:
Well romy will probably disagree or maybe find it off topic but I am sorry there is huge margins built in somewhere if someone is trying to sell me wood cabinets with TAD drivers for 140k $.   One of you guys can add it up for me and tell me if I'm wrong.  thanks

Actually it would be interesting subject to mention the Gamma prices; I think it still within the context of Cessaros thread. I have no problems that “coors” gently brings to the given thread sales, almost marketing agenda. My problems are not with the people who promote what they like but with the people who can not handle the consequences of criticism. In case of Cessaros Gamma, with knowing the more details I do not see lot of rational for criticism, at least from my side.  Very generally I do not support an idea of the “last LF chants” as a horn because it is not open-bottom solution:


Sine it is $150K acoustic system then it should be form my point of view a more or less ultimate statement and 30Hz of most likely EQed bass (even presumably properly done) it is not where I would like to stop for $150K. it would be similar to Lamm ML3: not matter how it might be OK sounding amp but topologically it is not a final solution for SET amplifier and therefore it might cost $126K but it does not worth and an ultimate SET solution.

RonyWeissman is right the Gammas are 3 horns, 4 drivers and it is it. Sure Cessaros oblige anyone who do for Gammas to buy a two sets of the LF horns that are probably more expanse to ship, install and to make then the rest Cessaros horns.  It is possible that the Cessaros LF section worth it I do not know – more data or audition is necessary. If they are stock TADs than we all know this prices and the entire Gammas (with LF) cost around -$10K or pretty much the very same as cost of my Macondo – they basically the very same systems. The Cessaros since it a prediction should twice less expansive to make. How Cessaros went from 10K+LF for 150K? Well, I think it is the way how it works in dan hi-fi. We are not bitching that sneakers that we pay $70 cost 34 cents to make we kind of use to it….

Well, I less concern about the absolute praise of Gammas – I let worry about it to the folks who are considering to but them - but I would rather to look at the Gammas form a different perspective: what options a person who is wiling to spend $100K for acoustic systems has today?  I can name quite a few over $100K speakers that are incredible crap.  There are some over $100K speakers that are not craps but have quite a lot of problems that I feel suck an expensive acoustic systems should not have.  From my point of view if Gammas are properly done than even with TADs Gammas should blow many over $100K speakers out of water and I think this fact would be a good excurse for the Cessaros folks to price their top model at $150K.

It thinks it should be well understood that when we are talking about $150K level then there is not direct rational that relates the price to anything and the price refers only to an abstract number with which the sales people can still get away with. So, warmly accepting the Cessaros I mostly appreciate what they were truing to do form a perspective of horns progress but I completely indifferent and sightless to the prices they are wiling to extort from this customers. Perhaps if I pay my living expenses with  audio sales I would feel different but since I do not I see little difference if Cessaros would cost $15K or $150K…

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-10-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
London, United Kingdom
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Post #: 27
Post ID: 3968
Reply to: 3967
Cessaro Bass
Sorry my post did sound like marketing speil, don't know much about the Cessaro bass horns, I believe they are a back loaded, 8 bass units with the Gamma four with the Beta, I will try and educate myself further and report back when I have heard the Gammas next month , regards Keith .
03-11-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 3969
Reply to: 3968
Some guesses about modular construction of Cessaro line:
(Note: I've neither seen nor heard these speakers)

Cessaro ALPHA:

TAD TD-4001 2" driver on tractrix horn with 56cm bell (approximately 250Hz). TAD claims response from 600-20KHz. Given that the midbass is essentially a direct radiator (therefore no equalized upper knee via fronthorn loading) with backloaded horn augmented LF, and that the lowest recommended xover for TD-4001 is 600Hz, the MF is probably crossed between 600-1000Hz.
* http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/products/45/200/1083/TD-4001/index.html

TAD ET-703 .5" supertweeter, claimed response from 5-45KHz, not sure where HP rolls in
* http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/products/45/200/1083/ET-703/index.html

TAD TL-1601x series woofer in backloaded horn, with stated LF to 35Hz when used as 1 unit/channel
* http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/products/45/200/1083/TL-1601b/index.html

In the past, Bruce Edgar told me alnico TAD TL-1601x woofer sound quite sound nice in ~6cft sealed box, and can make nice living room friendly 2-way crossed around 1-1.2KHz. He and others have said TAD TL-1601x efficiency is actually lower than published ~97.5db/w (around 93-94db/w). Bruce, however, felt TAD TL-1601x are not the best woofers for midbass horns. (Because, for example, due to lower effeciency bandwidth product). (The only woofer TAD makes really suited for front horn loading is TM-1201).

I once heard 2-way Bruce made with TAD TD-2001 on 650Hz tractrix and (I believe) JBL 2220 in backloaded cabinet modeled (but improved over) the JBL C34 (http://www.lansingheritage.org/html/jbl/plans/C34.htm). Crossover was 1200Hz (*12db* LP / 6db HP). Effect of backloaded horns is mainly to increase efficiency of rear wave output from < 50Hz (although the penalty is lower bass is out of phase with rest of woofers' MF output). It sounded suprisingly good (to me, and several people, given my reference points 4 years ago).

I haven't personally attempted it, but if you look at the specs, TAD TL-1601x is less than ideal as (frontloaded) horn woofer, as compared to, e.g., EVM15L, JBL D130, JBL 2220 and Altec 515G. Since I havent heard it, I cant make any assessment how TAD TL-1601x sounds in backloaded horns. Since TAD TL-1601x in Cessaro Alpha is essentially still a direct radiator (albeit LF reinforced via rearloaded horn), upper range extension of the woofer should be same as if it were used in sealed or vented box.

Cessaro BETA

Appears to be exactly the same as Alpha (including height and style of cabinet, MF horn, TAD TD-4001, TAD ET-703 and TAD TL-1601x), accept for approximately 100Hz (90cm bell) tractrix horn mounted to front of what appears to be the SAME back-loaded horn used in Alpha. (The midbass section *may* be a frontloaded horn with sealed back, but given modular construction of Cessaro product line, I'm betting its BOTH front and rear loaded.) From an eyeball measurement, the throat appears to be about 6" diameter. As stated above, the TAD TL-1601x is not the best woofer choice for front loaded horns. But who knows, I have never heard one and it may sound good despite the phasing of the rear wave bass output.

Cessaro GAMMA

Taller main array cabinet than Alpha and Beta, and adds TAD TD-2001 (http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/products/45/200/1083/TD-2001/index.html) on approximately 400Hz tractrix (30cm bell) horn. In addition, the midbass tractrix fronthorn is 100cm, a bit larger than Beta.

I'm currently evaluating TD-2001 on 650Hz poplar wood tractrix and have not yet listened to TAD TD-4001. Bruce Edgar (and others) feel whereas TD-2001 has good depth presentation comparable to alnico JBL 244x, TD-4001 is more in your face, and not as extended and smooth up top as TD-2001.

I believe BACKLOADED BASS/MIDBASS horns used throughout Cessaro product line are EXACT SAME units throughout Alpha, Beta and Gamma...

* Alpha: 1 backloaded midbass horn per channel

* Beta: 1 backloaded horn with 90cm bell tractrix fronthorn + 4 backloaded midbass horns

* Gamma: 1 backloaded horn with 100cm bell tractrix fronthorn + 8 backloaded midbass horns

(Finally, there is one small metal horn + driver shown here (http://www.cessaro-horn-acoustics.com/viewer.html) which I cannot figure out where it integrates into any of the systems. However, I have not taken time to translate whole site into english.)

03-11-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 29
Post ID: 3971
Reply to: 3969
TAD drivers you have evaluated
Hi Romy,

Since you have certain opinions on TAD/Beryllium sound, Im curious:

1) Which TAD drivers you evaluated (2001, 2002, 4001, 4002, 4003) ?

2) With what Fc horns?

3) With what horn materials?

4) With what Xovers?

03-11-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 30
Post ID: 3972
Reply to: 3971
TADs, Cessaros and... it was not me...
 NBC wrote:
Hi Romy,

Since you have certain opinions on TAD/Beryllium sound, Im curious:

1) Which TAD drivers you evaluated (2001, 2002, 4001, 4002, 4003) ?

2) With what Fc horns?

3) With what horn materials?

4) With what Xovers?
They were 2001 and 4001, sometimes during 2000-2001. I used them in AG Trio’s MF horns and crossed them at around 1000Hz. Also, on a different note if I may…. We all in out own and I did not think that it makes sense for you or anybody else to express opinions on somebody’s behave. If you are wiling to present in your posts Bruce’s opinions then you should (trust me, you should - I know what I am taking about) preface your comment with something like this: “It is not what I think - it was what Bruce Elgar found for himself beneficial to share with me”. I hoe you understand where I was coming from.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

PS: Nice write up in the Cessaro guesses, BTW.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-11-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 31
Post ID: 3974
Reply to: 3972
“'...preface your comment with something like this: 'It is not what I think - it was what Bruce Edgar found for himself beneficial to share with me'. I hope you understand where I was coming from."

Yes, I understand what you are communicating to me.

05-05-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
London, United Kingdom
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Post #: 32
Post ID: 4353
Reply to: 3257
Interesting Horn loudspeakers

Just a quick note ,I went over to Germany and listened to a pair of Cessaro Alpha's at the home of TW Acoustic's Thomas Woschnick, I thought them absolutely superb, far more 'real' than any other speaker I have heard, ( impossible to hear everything of course ) . I  made the decision to buy a pair almost instantly , going over to collect the speakers after the Munich 'Hi-End' show, I am also going to listen to a set of Cessaro Gamma's, at the designers home, if there is any interest I will post my thoughts on the Alpha's and Gamma's and any other interesting horns I hear at Munich.

05-05-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 33
Post ID: 4354
Reply to: 4353
It might be an experience….

 coops wrote:
Just a quick note ,I went over to Germany and listened to a pair of Cessaro Alpha's at the home of TW Acoustic's Thomas Woschnick, I thought them absolutely superb, far more 'real' than any other speaker I have heard, ( impossible to hear everything of course ) . I&nbsp; made the decision to buy a pair almost instantly, going over to collect the speakers after the Munich 'Hi-End' show, I am also going to listen to a set of Cessaro Gamma's, at the designers home, if there is any interest I will post my thoughts on the Alpha's and Gamma's and any other interesting horns I hear at Munich.

absolutely, it would be very interesting your feelings about the Gammas. What you will be listening then at the designer home please pass my compliments for my nomination of his Gammas design as a commercials “the most promising ‘best’ loudspeaker”. If would be interesting to sit with him to talk about drivers used in Gammas-like designs, amplification, driver-amplifier interfaces, filtration and etc… The next time what I visit Germany I will try to be invited in his listening room. I wish you to have a good electricity what you will be there – it might be the experience….

Rgs, the Cat

PS: I moved you post in this thread, I hope you do not mind.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-25-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
London, United Kingdom
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Post #: 34
Post ID: 4454
Reply to: 4354
most promising new speaker
Romy just a quick post, after the Munich show I had the oppurtunity to spend a few hours listening to Ralph Krebs home system, the Cessaro Gamma's, super sound, the antithesis of almost everything I heard at the MOC, regards Keith.
05-25-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 35
Post ID: 4455
Reply to: 4454
Some curiosity ....

 coops wrote:
Romy just a quick post, after the Munich show I had the oppurtunity to spend a few hours listening to Ralph Krebs home system, the Cessaro Gamma's, super sound, the antithesis of almost everything I heard at the MOC, regards Keith.
Very good.

There are a few areas where I would express curiosity....

1) How he drive the thing. Horns vs. bass channels. Do they consider to supply own electronics along with the Gamma installations
2) Did he try any “open bottom” LF section to compliment his horn-loaded bass
3) Can his TAD driver or the modifications that he presumably use care serious tone and do not be the typically TAD-techy.
4) From which maximum close distance the horns still hold good vertical instigation.
5) What upper bass driver is used and how it loaded.
6) What kind means they provide for an average customer to synchronize the angle of the upper home with the aliment-maintaining exertion of the upper horn.
7) Are any Gamma installations in US?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
London, United Kingdom
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Post #: 36
Post ID: 4457
Reply to: 4455
most promising new speaker
Romy Hi, Raplh uses a 300b push pull, but the power supplies are massive,  parts alone 15K Euros, each channel has a separate supply, the pre-amp again two massive power supplies , he prefers to use eight of the horn loaded bass bins, although I know he admires a friends system, where the bass is stacked and the horn forms part of the wall . He uses TAD drivers, as to tone, a piano sounds like a piano, a trumpet like a trumpet, there is no artifice . Ralph listened to and measured every driver available and he told me that he does enjoy some of the character of the GOTO for example, but when measured their specification is often far from the stated, also each driver varies from the next , Ralph sits about 6 metres away, his room is big enough to sit further away, not sure about the upper bass, compression coupled,conventional driver I believe, I can ask , when a customer buys the Gamma or any Cessaro speaker, Raplh sets up the system personally, Gamma's can take three or four days to install,measurement and by ear, each horn can be adjusted for rake and angle.  I am not sure there is a US distributor as yet, I would value your opinion if you do get the opportunity to listen to the Gamma ,yours sincerely,Keith.
05-26-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 37
Post ID: 4459
Reply to: 4457
The Cessaro Gamma's tone.

Very nice, Keith, thanks. The most interesting would be to access the “Absolute Tone” capacity of the Gamma. Frankly I feel that with TADs it should not be very too advanced as they are at BMS/TOA domain, only with a little TAD syntactic twist. Even the 2440/375 have more interesting “Absolute Tone”…. I am not well familiar with GOTO (I heard only two installations with then but never owned them) but what I cat feel from my accidental and generally empirical evidences suggest that GOTO have to be very sterile in term of “Absolute Tone” with TAD being on the simulated side of the GOTO’ sterile.

With horns everything is very easy: do not make stupid mistakes and everything will work fine. I do not see any obvious mistakes in Gamma and it is probably the only horn speakers about which I might say it. That brings us back to let the acoustic system to sound as good as the drivers are. Sure the Gamma is a series mass-market model but still I have not mass-market interests…

Unfortunately it is imposable to judge tonal capacity of speakers without relative terms. I generally religiously against comparing of audio ands I feel that only the Morons do it but I know that the nobility of tone is a very different category… and there is no other ways to learn it besides to be exposed to better “Absolute Tone”. The experience of the folks that deal with some of vintage drivers is a good illustration…

Your Raplh should know what I am taking about but I do not know if he knows that it is possible to modulate acoustically the more enhanced “Absolute Tone”. Pitch to him my experience with Injection Channel. Perhaps he or someone else would find better solution for the concept or friendlier implementation… Frankly, if I designed the Macondo from scratch now, after knowing about the Injection Channels what I know now, then I might make some thing slightly differently.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-27-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
London, United Kingdom
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Post #: 38
Post ID: 4464
Reply to: 4459
Cessaro's and the absolute tone
Romy Hi, I have heard TAD drivers in several systems, and they  have all quite different, depending obviously on configuration and implementation , everyone is different and have different 'ears' .If a pair of Gamma's finds their way to the US I will let you know or if you find yourself in Frankfurt! Take care of yourself, regards Keith.
07-09-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 39
Post ID: 4718
Reply to: 3257
Cessaro begins to spread…. will US come next?

It looks like Cessaro horns begin to spread this distribution. According to the messages on their blog the Hong Kong shop got Cessaro Alpha. Well, I care less about the Alphas, they are similar to the Avantgarde’s Uno/Duo should be very problematic. However, it is a good sign thet the Cessaro feels that they are ready to go public, outside of their “fatherlend”. I hope another 2-3 years and some kind of distributor at US East Cost will have the full set of Cessaro Gammas in their show room. It might be worth a trip… Or being me: perhaps I need to live in illusions and to avoid a disappointment of facing of reality…  :-)

Anyhow, here are the blog posts from Hong Kong




I wonder, 8 years ago Jim Smith created some momentum with Avantgardes, making some good horn’s noise and (I hope) good money on it. With all Avantgarde’s problems the Trios were a good attempt to inject some “hornynenss” into the mind of US audio public. (Despite that I heard only 2 more or less interestingly performing Trios installations). Since then, Jim Smith retired from Avantgardes and the company went to the deserving dark shadow… The other existing commercial horns projects available in US unfortunately are ether targeted for audio bottom-eaters, or just very crappy horns, or have no access to the high-demanding customers.

So, I it will be interesting to see if a $150K Cessaro Gammas will hit US’s Hi-Fi market. Sure, to do so, the Cessaro need to build up a large traffic of the cheap models Alpha and Betas. Then they will have the Gamma’s installation(s) available in US to “keep the Morons anxious”. I think it is a time for Cessaro to employ the advanced audio-marketing: “the Hairy Pearson”, “the Sunshine Framer” or any other audio-writing whores and to make them to blab a little about horns jeneraly, and the Cessaro’s Gammas ability to deliver to each suburban-boring audio-trash a personal touch of Patricia Barber…..

Hence, I hope the new folks emerge out there who would undertake the labor that Jim Smith did with Avantgardes. I hope with Cessaro it will be easier for that new person, as the Cessaro people (looks like) have more sensible regarding to what they deal with… BTW, it would be interesting to hear Jim Smith about the Cessaro Gammas perspectives in US….

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-09-2007 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Jim Smith
Atlanta, GA
Posts 11
Joined on 10-31-2006

Post #: 40
Post ID: 4719
Reply to: 4718
This one bears watching
I've been following this line (mostly the big one) with great interest since it was first mentioned.

It's definitely the most interesting high-efficiency horn line available, as far as I can see. 

I've been asked to look at distributing/marketing a few speaker lines to date by various manufacturers, but honestly speaking, nothing seemed really serious.

On the other hand, this is the first one that could be a contender...

Jim Smith
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