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07-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 401
Post ID: 11097
Reply to: 11094
PP benefits
I am talking about the fans and the capacitors. I have a PP2000 and the more you load it, the more the capacitors "whine".
Nothing from the speakers themselves. It is a pity that cooling is not passive taking into account the efficiency announced. I guess it is because it is expected that you put it in a rack. The same way the capacitors noise is not an issue in a rack but could be boring in the same room. Personally I ended up considering some enclosure around. 
07-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 402
Post ID: 11098
Reply to: 11097

Thanks for the info Meiko41 !

At what load (the percentage on the display) does the noise from the capacitors becomes annoying ? Do the fans stay always on or they kick in when you reach certain temperature ? I guess the fan is not an issue if the temperature is not above say 50 deg C as you can always use some sort of 12v -> 9v adapter like in computer fans to reduce the rotations.

07-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 403
Post ID: 11099
Reply to: 11098
PP Benefit
 Petrasescu_Lucian wrote:

Thanks for the info Meiko41 !

At what load (the percentage on the display) does the noise from the capacitors becomes annoying ? Do the fans stay always on or they kick in when you reach certain temperature ? I guess the fan is not an issue if the temperature is not above say 50 deg C as you can always use some sort of 12v -> 9v adapter like in computer fans to reduce the rotations.

The noises from capacitors bother me as soon as I am beyond 100W (which means in my case, as soon as I turn on my amplifiers).
The fans (at least for PP2000) are always on. I also asked why it was not triggered by the temperature but I have been told that it was silent enough. Which is somehow true, but not by night (unless you can stay more than 5m away from it). For sure, you can install step-down voltage but I would like to avoid customizing devices which deal with main power.
07-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 404
Post ID: 11100
Reply to: 11099
Do not step out of closet with your ASP!

First of all, guys, can you name your posts on more identifiable way?

A few comments I would like to make. I heard that the new revision of PP2000 has fans that do not run at full speed all time but have the speed of fans driven by thermosensor. It is good but not too huge as I did not detect that fans noise in PP2000 was a problem.  The noises that bother your, Meiko, is not the “noises from capacitors”. Capacitors have no noise. The noises you comment upon are the switching pulses themselves go over PP transformers I presume.

The might be loud if you drive A lot of power and if you PP2000 sits right next to your listing location. I hope the APS will look at it in future. It shell not be so difficult to damp the noises at source, putting the source in a little patted sarcophagus. It might be the issues with cooling the thing but I am sure it is resolvable. The APS never care about it as this unit stated as a commercial UPS devise where noise never a problem. Now the APS is a few years in the audio market and I think it does make sense for them to calm down the switching noise. If you look at all class D power amps of 3-5kW for audio then they all run practically silent, not to mention that they run at higher caring frequency then PP2000 does. So, the switching noise might be easily addressed.

Still, at my level of priorities I would not considers it as a big deal. The PP2000 is in away a “radioactive” unit that shall not sit close to playback anyhow. I keep my in closet with open door. The good thing that the switching noise is relatively HF and it is very directional. So, it beams from PP2000’s holes and it is not hard to keep it out of listening area.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 405
Post ID: 11101
Reply to: 11100
Do not step out of closet with your ASP
 Romy the Cat wrote:

First of all, guys, can you name your posts on more identifiable way?

A few comments I would like to make. I heard that the new revision of PP2000 has fans that do not run at full speed all time but have the speed of fans driven by thermosensor. It is good but not too huge as I did not detect that fans noise in PP2000 was a problem.  The noises that bother your, Meiko, is not the “noises from capacitors”. Capacitors have no noise. The noises you comment upon are the switching pulses themselves go over PP transformers I presume.

The might be loud if you drive A lot of power and if you PP2000 sits right next to your listing location. I hope the APS will look at it in future. It shell not be so difficult to damp the noises at source, putting the source in a little patted sarcophagus. It might be the issues with cooling the thing but I am sure it is resolvable. The APS never care about it as this unit stated as a commercial UPS devise where noise never a problem. Now the APS is a few years in the audio market and I think it does make sense for them to calm down the switching noise. If you look at all class D power amps of 3-5kW for audio then they all run practically silent, not to mention that they run at higher caring frequency then PP2000 does. So, the switching noise might be easily addressed.

Still, at my level of priorities I would not considers it as a big deal. The PP2000 is in away a “radioactive” unit that shall not sit close to playback anyhow. I keep my in closet with open door. The good thing that the switching noise is relatively HF and it is very directional. So, it beams from PP2000’s holes and it is not hard to keep it out of listening area.

The Cat

Hello Romy,
I will apply your subject for that exchange. Sorry, I am new on that forum.
About the "capacitor noise" I said hat I have been told by APS. Let be honest, I don't mind what it is, as long as at some point it is solved.
I can tell that I don't need to be anyway just next to it to listen it (fans and pulses). May be my area is too quiet for that device. I would love to have a service room where I could put such items, but I cannot. As you said, cooling silently should not be a problem nowadays based on amplifiers that are available. Which is why I can simply suggest to anyone that plans to buy one, to give a try to ensure that it is not an issue.
Besides that I am very happy by the performance of the device. There is just a collection of small annoyances that at the end spoilt my experience. I probably should have waited one or two more years before buying it.

07-28-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 406
Post ID: 11210
Reply to: 2931
Solar Panels and Sound.

I wonder, does anyone has any experience of runs audio from Solar panels. I do not talking about conservations or environmental impact but I am curios if Solar electricity is different Sonically then the AC from the grid.

I come to this ides reading site of an audio friend of mine who run Stoutridge Vineyard:


I wonder, if to connect to those Solar panels not the distillers or the vinery heaters but plates of SET amps then what will happen with sound?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-28-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 407
Post ID: 11216
Reply to: 11210
Cool Question!
I am presently building a 4-home subdivision that features solar electrical systems.  I will try to think of a way to check this out, and I will follow through if the idea is easy enough to implement.  But the systems I am putting in are like most "solar" systems I know of, in that they are also "joined at the hip" to the grid, as well, and they also share a ground, by code.

Best regards,
Paul S
10-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 408
Post ID: 11998
Reply to: 11216
Hello again !
As I've said a couple of months ago, I got my APS 700i regenerator a few days ago... I didn't "audio-test" it so far but there will be plenty of time for that later. I've fired it up to see if it's workong properly and everything looks good so far. 
There are some notes I would like to point out for those out there that are interested:

1. The unit puts out on "Line Normal" mode perfect voltage readings: Live->Neutral = 230V; Live->Earth=230V and Neutral->Earth=0V (I live in Europe)

2. In the "Battery Backup" mode the voltages are slightly different:   Live->Neutral = 234V;  Live->Earth = 122V and Neutral->Earth=112V
3. The two fans in the unit are transistor controlled and are quite hearable in my entire room. They are not intrusive but somewhat distractive.

4. The unit runs quite cold for the most part of time

5. When the unit is in "Battery Backup" mode the only noise that comes from the unit is from the 2 fans. If I manually stop them there is absolutely no noise coming from circuitry inside

6. When the unit is in "Line Normal" the unit puts out quite an annoying buzz in the entire room even with no load that is significantly more distractive than the fans.

7. The LCD display is erroneous for most of the information displayed so all my measurements were done with a quality digital multimeter.

I'll do some oscilloscope measurements when I have the time and will post back.

10-21-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 409
Post ID: 12023
Reply to: 11998
Regenerating Power options....


Have been going through this thread with great interest. Am also in the market for a good regenerator and have been doing some reading up on the online converting UPS. would anyone have any experiences with any of the commercial online UPS and hence the difference the Purepower has from it (Eg www.apc.com/products/family/index.cfm?id=163) ?
the only difference as per spec is the noise (the audible sound form the UPS)..50dB for the APC 2000 version vs below 17dB for the purepower. But the question is are there any sonic differnces which you could think of ?

10-21-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 410
Post ID: 12027
Reply to: 12023
Distinction between PurePower and a commercial on-line unit?

Hi, gravetones

I asked myself the same question many time and even bought a few years back one of the APC on-line power supply. It is unquestionable that PurePower is an adaptation of a regular commercial on-line power regenerator and all that PurePower did was accommodating it for audio use. The minimization of noise, handling high inarch currents I guess was one of their objectives but I sure there was many others. As I understand PurePower works for a few years to improve whatever they do – effective or now, true or false but I am sure they know more about sound of the regular on-line power regenerators then the people at APC. Still, it absolutely does not mean that tomorrow you will not buy another off the shelf commercial regenerator that turn out to sound very good.

I have written about it before – the problem with standard commercial APC units that it is imposable to try them. I for installs would like to have 5-10kW, big and noisy PurePower-like regenerator that would be sitting in basement. With PurePower, paying approximately twice what you would pay for a commercial unit you have change to try it, return it, bitch about Sound of the unit and be benefited with whatever PurePower did with it to make it accommodateably -better for audio use. With a standard commercial on-line devise you will not have this option. A few years back I did spent a LOT of time with APC higher echelon support over the phone and I was not able to find people worth taking about audio side of their regenerators.

I think your question shall be an induction for PurePower that they need to put hands out of ass and publish a position paper that would highlight the distinction (in their view) between the PurePower and a commercial on-line unit.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
10-21-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 411
Post ID: 12029
Reply to: 12027
APC regenerator
Hi Romy,

I just talked to someone who has tried the APC 2 KVA regenerator and apparently used it with a plinius SA102 power amp . it apparently is excellent and also able to take the load of the amp. Not sure on how better it is vis-a-vis a Purepower but the output seems to be much better than the mains and with no loss in Dynamics. the only issue is the sound that the regeneration makes which is quite audible... His solution was to put it outside and then extend a connection into the audio room.

From the specs the APC and the purepower seem to have similiar dimensions and weight but the APC only has an LED display although both seem to have the same output tolerances of output voltage and frequency. But yes it would be interesting to know what kind of benefits a Purepower brings over it since they have made it "Audiophile" grade it should have something more for the 3X price tag for the same power.

As you have rghtly pointed out not too much literature available to say what wasdifferent Sad
12-01-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 412
Post ID: 12383
Reply to: 2931
APS Purepower – one year later observations.
 Romy the Cat wrote:

What do you know, today is December, that makes me to use the APS Purepower 2000 for one year. I would like to share some observations about the experiences.

Since I posted my comments last year a few folks I know bought PP2000. To “sell” PP2000 was not my intention, in fact the people who know me know that I hate when it happen. Apparently Gog punished them and reportedly they are not happy with their PP2000 performance. Hey, I do not believe in God but it look like God works!

To my great surprised, and in contrary to experience of others, my own PP2000 worked admirable.  Wonderful sound, caring the whole system, including digital section of DAW and big power input chokes for my Milq. Over the year I had not single problem with PP2000, never turned it down, hundreds and hundreds times plug into it different shoe and stage the playback. My PP200 care now 20 outlets, 19 of them used. I could not expect more. Well, keep your breathe, as I would like to drop a few words about the expectations later.

The upper sinusoid “fuzziness” that I reported last year still was not fixed by APS. I had many conversations with them and they assured me that they knew what was the problem - a bug in the battery charger.  The fix was easy and APS promised to implement the fix in two month, then in 4 months, then to ship in July, then to promise that in the end of September it will be done… As I told - today is December… not results.  I do not particularly bitchy about it as I am accustomed the APS has own definition of “progress” and “pace”, I juts wish then do not promise the specific time if they know that it will not be done punctually. I still think that soon or later then will address the problem, I hope it will happen before my future Alzheimer will make me to forget the problem. Also, as I told that I do not detect any negative sonic consequences of the “fuzziness”, so I kind of afraid that fixing the PS for the battery the ASP might inadvertently  to toss baby along with water….

Last weekend I took my measurement equipment and retested the APS – everything, including the DC, was as year ago – no dirt anywhere. I would not say that APS Purepower completely got rid my dependency from electivity. Over the course of the last year I did have 3-4 bad electricity days when I was recognized some problems with sound. However, the problems were orders of magnitude less severe if they would be without he APS. Also, it was 3-4 days of it a year – formerly I had 3-4 days I year of good electricity sound, now I have 362 of those good electricity days.

So, what next. I would probably get another PP2000 or lobby the APS to make 3000-4000 units.  I would prefer to have one big unit as I would like do not have two grounds. I would like APS to eliminate that minor dependency the PP2000 has from the grid. The very first PP1050 that I tried had absolutely indistinguishable sound when it was raining from grid or from buttery. My current PP2000 doe has the different in waveform and in sound. The waveform looses the “fuzziness” when it runs from buttery. Sonically Sound from buttery has more traction and more articulate midbass. The degree of dies is very very very small, practically negligible but it is there. Well, it is negligible during an average electricity day – how about the worse electricity day? It is possible that addressing the “fuzziness” then will kill the dependency to PP200 from the grid quality, well will see how it will go. Also, I would very much love the APS to implement a bypass switch to the unit that would allow a system by flipping a switch in real time to run from PP2000 or from the raw power grid. Did I mention a remote control for this functionally?

All together I am very happy with it and I with horror remember as I was trying listening music only when electricity was more or less tolerable. Who could believe that “freedom” comes to US from Canada and made in China….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-03-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 413
Post ID: 12407
Reply to: 2931
The Red Wine Option.

A 6moon-level company from Connecticut - Red Wine has own solution – to power from low-voltage DC



Probably for someone who run a playback from SS A/B equipment (like 47Lab and alike) it might be an interesting solution. The solution is not controversial in my view but worth to explore. Of course some of the statements the Red Wine makers are very questionable:  “Uses an external charger to physically separate the clean battery power from the battery charger, isolating mains (AC) noise”

So, they claim that their buttery might release current being charged at the same time and it will not have any impact to sound? A bold statement…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-03-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 414
Post ID: 12409
Reply to: 12407
Red Wine DC Supply
 Romy the Cat wrote:

A 6moon-level company from Connecticut - Red Wine has own solution – to power from low-voltage DC

So, they claim that their buttery might release current being charged at the same time and it will not have any impact to sound? A bold statement…

The Cat

No, they say that normally during operation the the batteries are disconnected from the charger. Only if the battery voltage drops too low, the charger is automatically connected to the battery. Then the charger/AC will very likely affect the sound. Connecting the charger automatically is a good solution. A long time I had a simple battery/charger set up and many times I have forgotten to turn the charger on. Then I added an automatic charging switch. Of course, one cannot forget to plug the supply into the outlet and go away for a month...


12-03-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 415
Post ID: 12410
Reply to: 12407
Another DC option - Kingrex
Asian company more know for their amps, dacs, and preamps manufacture same product type. I've been using a couple very successfully for a year now. Most improvement came when using a Idat/m dac.


12-24-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 416
Post ID: 12542
Reply to: 12410
Good; Bad; Not Good/Not Bad
This year marks the first serious inroads of the new "Smart Grid" system around here.  Blah, blah, blah, blah...

What this has meant in terms of hi-fi is fewer really bad days - and fewer really good days.  Since I've taken care of VTA my basis has gone up with respect to sound, per se, and there is less that is really rotten in those terms, anymore.  Still, most days bass and complex fare are rather nebulous and it is tough to read intent.  The fine nuances of expression and dialog, alike, are somewhat fuzzy and too hard to hear to really just enter a piece and relax, most of the time, when what I want is a Real Art Fix.

I spent some time this year thinking of "system shortfalls" and strategies for vaulting them.  And today the electricity was unusually good and it just changed my perspective entirely.

The funny thing is, I presently think that consistent electricity is critical to building a musical hi-fi.  But if consistency is yet variable mediocrity, then how to approach this?

Perhaps this is the key to "regenerators" for most of us, to simply raise the level of predictable mediocrity somewhat and go on from there.

Paul S
12-25-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 417
Post ID: 12545
Reply to: 12542
I would call you to be more egotistic.
 Paul S wrote:
Of course I have read everything that's been written about fixing bad electricity, and I have tried to get a feel for what all the talk means. In this and other matters I tend to use "reason and logic" right up to the last second, then I make an intuitive decision.
I would call you to be more egotistic about own needs. There are dozens of companies who claim that they have a solution to against electricity problems. If you have problem with electricity and 99.9999% of people do unless you are Robinson Crusoe, then why do not make all those companies to work for you? My point is that most of them, regardless how beneficial they are do sell honestly – they pay shipment two ways and give you 1-4 weeks in-home free, no-obligation trail. I think that this is how the things shall be done. Why do you care about somebody products reputation, customer service or the rest irrelevant BS. You shall care only about own result – did you get a solution from Caltech technical, from fresh-landed Marcians or from Madagascar monkeys is shall be absolutely irrelevant to you.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-27-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 418
Post ID: 12563
Reply to: 2931
The ASP 2000 regenerator, what is next?

The example of the APS’ regeneration and the quality of sound attainable has clearly proved that class D is the way to do the things in audio electricity. I have been asking myself what is next? Well, this is not a question that I ask myself in a normal way but the question that I was asked.  In my post from yesterday I clearly indicated that I will be looking to have an a business on a side


From all options I have a business in audio field is something that I would not even consider, because multiple reasons. However, talking with a friend of mine last night about the subject of my side-business he asked me if I temporarily suspend my aversion to audio and if  feel that there is a niche in the audio market. To my own surprise I told to him that I would conditionally be interested to take offence against ASP 2000.

I have no idea how successful and profitable ASP operation but I do feel that whatever they do I am sure in sales might be multiplied tremendously. In what the APS does in my view there is fantastic opportunity if the APS idea would be developed in right direction.  The APS has a now-how and they know (deliberately or accidently) what makes a regenerator to sound good. So, what I feel is need to be done.

A new company needs to be formed with aim to one single product: the new generation of ASP regenerators.  The idea is to bring onboard of APS one serious designer (it looks like they do not have any now) and to make a next generation of the class D regenerators, using the very same ideas that APS has collected but to package them differently. Pretend a very small (vertical) PS devise, let see 4-6 times smaller then APS 1050. Nicely and homey finished with extensive indication (a full bloom distortion analyzer would cost $5 nowadays) and remote control. No battery, no charging, single power port output. You need more power port then use a power strips. The unit care 2-3kW and futures the contemporary active cooling techniques. It is easy accomplishable nowadays, in fact the space of 4-6 times smaller then APS 1050 might with proper cooling dissipate 500-700W that would make the new APS to care 3kW with a huge reserve. Silent, reliable, indestructible, small, light with default ASP Sound and a silk looking. It is perfectly accomplishable if it was engineered this way. The current APS 2000 is a design from beginning of 90s. It is 20 years passed since then. Add to it a price tag of $1500 and it would be it would be some that would literally put a new APS 2010 in each single audio or HT home.

Ironically it is not too much need to do it. An good design-engineer who would developer all technological documentation cost nowadays $120K per year. It would be good to higher such a person on consulting base: 3-4 months and the unit would be design and tested.  Then to find a right manufacture in China. Nowadays it is not hard. Let say a production run costs $50K with $120 per unit. This will lead to 416 units by $1500 it would make $624K. Let loose 30% for normal peripheral losses – it would be still a wonderful business with option of second year to be perfectly profitable. I said that a new company needs to be formed as it would put the current ASP out of business. I think if APS wants then they can do it themselves by effectively splitting.

I see it perfectly accomplishable and I wish I had more respect and interest to the industry as I would do it myself. But to recognize that I would need to interact with all those industry cockroaches – it makes me to want vomit. It is possible to run the whole operation and to have some kind of marketing façade, a proxy person, who run sales but I know myself and I know that I will always have “an opinion” about what he does wrong. Anyhow, I think it might be a good opportunity for APS to reinvent themselves…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-27-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 419
Post ID: 12573
Reply to: 12563
If Only...
Hard to say for sure where all the trouble reported with regenerators comes from, but I absolutely agree that the opportunity is still there to make a simple and straight-forward success of a model (not just one example...) that actually consistently passes critical audio muster.  Just because plenty of people buy and use all kinds of worthless crap does not mean at all that there is no pent-up demand for something that really works.  And besides, the herd effect always applies.  Once word of a good one gets around, they'd sell a boatload.

Back to APS troubles, I can't help but think that some plain, old-fashioned, forthright honesty would go a long way.  I recently read some posts from an APS wonk claiming outright to an HT group that there is absolutely no difference in sound from the Pure Power whether the thing is going only from battery or it is running from wall power.  In fact, he cited this as absolute proof that the thing "works", as advertised.  Too bad it is more important to justify than it is to just keep listening and trying to get it right.

Would an honest company with balls have ever gotten so far into it like this?  I don't know.  But I wonder. 

I'm thinking the technical part is probably more do-able than some people make it out to be.  But it sure seems like engineers rarely make good audio evaluators.  Certainly, marketing people do not.  I think what's usually missing during development is ongoing, significant go/no-go evaluations based on sonic results and reliability in use, rather than cost analyses, marketing strategies and production timelines.

Good on anyone who seriously takes this up.  By the way, I'll be OK with a Beta, as long as everyone acknowledges in front and thereafter that it's a Beta...

Since APS is currently all but invisible,  maybe giving it another try for real (or spinning it off...) would actually help them out.

Paul S
12-27-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,294
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 420
Post ID: 12574
Reply to: 12573
Does ASP regenerator has a soft-pin tube socket?

 Paul S wrote:
Back to APS troubles, I can't help but think that some plain, old-fashioned, forthright honesty would go a long way.  I recently read some posts from an APS wonk claiming outright to an HT group that there is absolutely no difference in sound from the Pure Power whether the thing is going only from battery or it is running from wall power.  In fact, he cited this as absolute proof that the thing "works", as advertised.  Too bad it is more important to justify than it is to just keep listening and trying to get it right.

Paul, what APS troubles are you reporting? Also, what problem you have that somebody claiming that there is absolutely no difference in sound from the Pure Power whether the thing is going only from battery or it is running from wall power?  I reported the same things with unit that had no defect with charger. My is unit that has this defect do has a very minor difference between running from buttery and running from wall power but I did stressed that the difference is negligible and has no practical significance. You call that person wonk but frankly I do not think that it is justifiable.  That person (I do not know who it was but he was not a fool) was absolutely right demanding that his unit shell run from battery and from wall with the same sound quality and he was absolutely right assuming that it would be a proof that the thing "works", as advertised.  That was exactly the very first test that I did with my very first PP1050. So, the persons knew what he intended to test, he tested it and he get results. Why are you trying to argue with that person? If you have no objectives in your test and no power devises that would make difference?

Frankly your obsession with being frightened by APS is a bit annoying. I do not think that anybody is trying to solicit you on APS but from the same perspective I do not think anybody pull your for your tang to express an opinion regarding the subject that you are not involved into. I mean you can express any opinion you with but does you think it become subject-less and paranoiac?

On the practical side I know that there were some folks who reported ground problem and I have some emails from the people who reported that the newest APS production do not have those problems anymore. It looks like ASP did find the bug and addressed it. So, I would like to know if the APS has rectified the cases that were on standby for a while.

Anyhow, I know that it cost nothing to make a post but I would like to call people to have at least own reason to make those posts….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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