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06-21-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 1
Post ID: 16505
Reply to: 16505
Ortofon MC Anna cartridge “Inspired” by Netrebko

It was kind of strange news:


“This year we are very proud and honoured to introduce our new High End cartridge MC Anna, dedicated to the virtuoso opera singer Anna Netrebko.”

I need to say that I feel a bit surprised.  I was under impression that Netrebko does well beside to license herself to hi-fi manufactures. However, it was not the main point of my surprise.

What I found interesting is that hi-fi manufactures employ the “stars” to push own product. When some kind of cable maker grant to a new product a name Berlioz Super-Shielded then we kind of accustom to this idiocy. But to use a fame of still-alive perfumer as a marketing transport – let agree it happens seldom in High-end audio. Bose is famous for promoting its products by famous musicians but they are off the game as they send the audio industry to hell long time ago and run this own show. I did not see anybody else do it.

I wonder if the move that Ortofon took will open some kind of Pandora box for high-end manufactures chasing the famed music people and make their fame to work for them. My prediction is that it will not happened as high-end can’t feed them, simply there is no money in high-end. Still, I might be wrong and high-end might start the games they played 120 years back. It is interesting to see where the Ortofon new move will lead and if it has any following.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-21-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 2
Post ID: 16509
Reply to: 16505
It is not unusual for famous people to use there name for ENDORSEMENT,,SPORTS MEN HAVE MADE MILLIONS that way..  AMPEX used Frank Senatra..JBL used Benny Goodman...Its easy mony standing next to a product for photo Op and getting paid for it..
06-21-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 3
Post ID: 16510
Reply to: 16509
Endorsements in High-End Audio? Come on!
 zako wrote:
It is not unusual for famous people to use there name for ENDORSEMENT,,SPORTS MEN HAVE MADE MILLIONS that way..  AMPEX used Frank Senatra..JBL used Benny Goodman...Its easy mony standing next to a product for photo Op and getting paid for it..

Sure, but not in the contemporary Hi-end Audio however. I did not know about AMPEX used Frank Senatra but I did not see the today high-end manufactures practice it. AMPEX and JBL are large companies that could do it if they wish. I can see Harman International, Sony or alike would able to pull something like this off but rather for mass market products, like new line of TV or new CD format. They however are not truly high-end companies. The boutique high-end companies that are majority in the business that produce a very narrow products have no money and no target market to employ the big name in the way how Ortofon did. I think is it very new in the contemporary world of high-end audio.

So, will we see Lady Gaga cable elevator, Baryshnikov tonearm, James Levine record cleaning machine or London Symphony Rate Converter? I am not sure but I am sure that we will hear that Otophone new Netrebko cartridge has rolled off highs, or has bloated bottom, need to be less loaded or need to be stripped from it’s current body in placed in a wooden. By saying it I have nothing wrong to say about the Otophone new cartridge but I frankly speaking do not feel that Netrebko is so needy that she needs to go for it. She is not my favorite soprano but even for her to cash own publicity for turntable needles – I feel it is a bit too cheap.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
06-21-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 4
Post ID: 16511
Reply to: 16510
Old profession
I remember one violinist,,,I dont rember her name,,She stripped down to her waist and placed her violin over her breasts posing for cover of her record,,Provacative but she sold many records,,,Being a classicle violinist could be construde as High End and not POP music,,  But this is newer in vogue advertisement for all high end,,,VINCENT AUDIO,,A German company designing amps preamps,,is useing a beautiful dark haired long leggid lady with skirt hem up to her ass,,,She also poses for a audio catalog called AUDIO ADVISOR..You dont have to be a famous saprano to help sell audio products,,,ITS A NEW TREND,,For an OLD PROFESSION,
06-21-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 5
Post ID: 16512
Reply to: 16511
I was flipping through the Absolute Audio magazine May/June, this evening,,,And on page 33,,,A full page ad for MONITOR AUDIO SPEAKERS,,Lo and Behold ,,Poseing next to the speaker was Violinist NICOLA BENEDETTI,,,in a long white evening gown, holding her violin in one hand and her other hand on her hip..So the trend to use performing artists is picking up..
06-22-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 6
Post ID: 16513
Reply to: 16505
No risk but fun
 Romy the Cat wrote:
It is interesting to see where the Ortofon new move will lead and if it has any following.Rgs, Romy the Cat

I think, it is special for European marketing. They think Classic music is normally for a Listener, who does not drink 2x Sixpacks of Beer in front of his TV every evening,you know, more the well educated Academic, nice dressed 58+age generation. Anna is young, successful, Violin Players always had a high ranking in the cultural History and probably she didn't want much money. And she is no risk.

When the US Manufacturers would create a "W.Bush jun. Edition" you never know what will happen, maybe the door will ring and some guys from the NSA want to know something from you, or guys with long beards and sandals have something nice for you...
Personally I would like a "Amy Whinehouse Edition", you know because of easy going of the musical flow, "Schwarzenegger Edition" for example would be a shot on the own foot, but how about dirk Nowatzki...?

Kind Regards
04-13-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Joined on 10-12-2006

Post #: 7
Post ID: 19216
Reply to: 16513
Super Lotto
Fremer finally reviews one (May Stereophile), but first he tries 2 that don't work well enough to review.  8.5k USD...

Paul S
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