"I may be wrong to continue here with M4 ideas, Romy, feel free to move this where you want, thanks".
In my very audio eccentric strange mind, there is two concepts for M4 that pop to the surface, and that merit some explorations. See if you can help me out somehow, to make this concept to an actuality of practical design.
CONCEPT 1 for M4 Model Drama™- The use of very complex surfaces to "confuse, diffuse, but not refuse the sound". It is the Stealth.Or simply, Complexity Conception of Sonic Surfaces©™mjloudspeaker
This idea I find intriguing and I hope that some young designers get involved and plunge into audio with some deep designs, and I must always go to the past to understand the future, it is the best thing for me to do. What Stealth means is simple, you see something, but hear nothing, as the system disappears, like the airplane, invisible. This is my hope, to look at this very strange device, but when I make it play, you say, what? Close your eyes, the massive is gone.

Here is a very futuristic looking stylized recent acquisition, the IWATA BUTTERFLY X, the gentleman said it to me, (please let us forget other iwata tradegy on site) with room in back chamber for a 12 inch driver horn good for 300 hz possibly, more likely maybe 400 or 500, does not matter, ears will tell me, these acquired by buzz lightyear aka as yours truly, outdoor use I will. If this looks stealthy, it could be an engine module of the stealth bomber aircraft, I can see the flame come out at supersonic volume of the horn sound! This would be fast! This thing is what? 30 maybe 40 years old, and way forward in design, but it will break the road crews back in 5 seconds flat, it is so heavy and the size of toyota prius, but larger, so no wonder it is gone, left to rot in the field, where I rescued 4 of my little iwata butterflys, for my very grandiose bush wacker sonic needs.
This has nothing, yet everything to do with M4 development, (but I may load them in there for a test pilot run just for fun), makes me ponder still, (that how much previous knowledge is gone, buried with the learned, there has to be a wonderful afterlife where I can talk with them and learn), and has a very unique construction feature for the readership: Sandwich is baltic fir, thick fiberglass lenses, with nice damping injected expanding foam in the middle! This stuff is available anywhere now! This is very "leading edge technology" in some very basic ways, considering the age of this Butterfly X.
Very promising this Complexity Conception of Sonic Surfaces ©™mjloudspeaker, the old iwata has it outside in the form of it, not inside where I want it to be to affect the "Sound", but the biggest impairment wall that I see in the mjloudspeaker copyright/trademark concept listed above, is I cannot visualize this horn yet, so most definitely cannot build it yet. These people do it better than I can explain to you. Would be similar, but different, you know?

Image copyright/courtesy
This is ipod ready, but a large M4 version would be exciting, to say the least. Paint it black, the sound barrier can be broken instantaneously! Very sexy stealthy thing.
p.s. readership may use all info for personal use. young designers, please start engines now