Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Bye-Bye, Fane
Post Subject: M4 hornPosted by mjloudspeaker on: 8/16/2009
My idea is a upright horn like your "midbass hanging thing", at 200 hz for the smaller size of it, and this will be my work for 2009/10. What I would like is exponential curve, not tractrix horn, something like this one perhaps?
this is copyright of someone, if anyone knows who, please give credit to owner, thanks.
The biggest problem is time alignment, my room is not so large actually, and this project will have my hands full for sure. What I like is like you said very small footprint.
See ya, Romy.
P.S. thanks for the help always appreciated, I will post in the future. done for now.
Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site