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05-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 301
Post ID: 10527
Reply to: 10522
The 'film' caps in PS

I have expressed this attitude before and I think it bites me by my tail again. Everyone tells that electrolytic in POS are bad. Well, I kind of follow this thinking as well but up to the point. The true is that I never was able to beat actively biased electrolytic in my speaker level crossover and I generally have no problems with electrolytic in PS.

The film is better but the question is which film?  The polystyrene, Teflon or polypropylene and foil do very nice but they usually are small values. If we need the PS-level values and not willing to have 1 cub feet of capacitors then we go for metalized film caps. Here is where the debate of film vs. electrolytic is reversed – I hate the metalized film caps.

I can’t even start to describe how much I hate the metalized film caps – they are not mellow but they are rather eat all texture and transients in sound, literally converting my Vitavox into Altec.  I have dozens of MPK caps that I collected over the years and they all sound very identical.

A few days back I put Obblegato film cap into my MF channel.  Obblegato is large and I thigh it might be different but at this point it does the typical “metalized” thing and to listen my channel more or less tolerably I bypass the Obblegato with 100uF 450V Nichicon electrolytic.

Now, the Obblegato is new and it might burn his “metalized misery” over.  Alternately I might get for a large bank film and foil – I do have space in there and I need just 10-20uF. In worse case I will stay with electrolytic that ironically it my best case. So, does anyone have an experience to observe the pattern how the sound changes in the 500V Obbligato MKP cap while the caps are break-in?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 302
Post ID: 10528
Reply to: 10527
Science or religion

 I have to admit that there are as many differences in film caps as there are in electrolytic caps. You can find varying opinions for and against both based on brand, type and usage. As noted, large value film caps get (physically) large so your options become limited by your ability to either afford them or tolerate the physical mass. This makes most look for an acceptable compromise.

 After some period of time, I made some decisions for my smaller 45 and 2A3 SET designs which I've been happy with. Axon brand are actually made by SCR but to their "modified" specifications. I use 3 different types in the circuit. For the power supply I used their HighVolt caps which are rated at 630V and have solid copper leads with violet colored PVC insulation. These are physically quite large. I have them in 100uF, 40uF and 20uF. They have been flawless to date in all power supply applications. For cathode bypass functions, they offer a TrueCap series which is rated at 250V and are more traditional SCR encapsulation and a more reasonable physical size. The leads are basic tinned copper and bare. For signal coupling (of which there is only one in my circuit), I use their Tin Foil and Film cap. These are rated at 630V, have the same leads as the HighVolt caps and quite heavy for their physical size. So far, I'm quite happy with them, but according to my source, they no longer make the 630V HighVolt series and it would seem the Tin Foil and Film types are also falling off manufacturing as well.

 If I am forced to use electrolytics, I generally use Mallory CGS or Sprague DX series as these are well made and will perform within spec for very long periods of time. These are also pretty large and are considered computer grade and hold up well to time and high frequency loads. Granted, there are many other brands and types available, but I simply don't have the time to spend testing endless configurations and the cost would also be unreasonable. One of my main goals for equipment is that the components used don't change over time and you can depend on them lasting a lifetime, sans tubes of course.

 To open another "Pandora's Box", we could add resistors into the discussion....

 Regards, KM

... just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after you ...
05-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 303
Post ID: 10529
Reply to: 10527
Mass Extinction
Even if we all agree that the expensive film and foil or paper in oil caps are the best-sounding varieties available, there remains the problem of the inherent limitations of these types of caps. The paper in oils and the film and foils are not only physically large for a given value but they are also only available up to fairly small values at PS-type voltage ratings.  Also, certain of their electrical characteristics are sub-optimal for high voltage use, anyway.  The metalized film caps are physically smaller for a given value, and they are also available in larger values with higher voltage ratings; but not as high as electrolytics.  Likewise, metalized film caps do not always look like the best choice for HV on paper, compared to electrolytics.   Electrolytics, OTOH, are roundly beaten in terms of performance at low voltages, and especially in smaller values.  This is why I do not use electrolytics for crossovers or coupling caps, etc; there are simply better-sounding caps available that are literally designed for these purposes.

Where MODERN electrolytics shine is specifically for PS use, for which use they have literally been optimized.  I hear lots of talk about motor run caps for PS, but I have never heard a convincing demonstration.  In fact, in my experience, at some point the gross physical mass of a cap seems to start working against it, sonically.

Something to keep in mind when using any cap is that some of the little suckers take EONS to break in.  And until they do, HF is too "busy", LF is erratic, and clarity, harmonics and dynamics are compromised.  Basically, a good cap that is not broken in sounds like a bad cap.

If to bypass a large-value electrolytic or metalized film, why not use a film and foil, if possible, to get the best of both worlds?

Best regards,
Paul S
05-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 304
Post ID: 10530
Reply to: 10529
Electrolytics, technology and time

 Some good valid points... yes, they've gotten much better over the years, no doubt to technology improvements. A good example is Mallory CGS caps made in the 80's versus new ones. The newer ones are much lighter physically (same p/n), hence they have been changed internally. In any case, they still have a life span and their actual value tolerance is anything but close with a +80/-20%. I ordered qty. 100 CGS caps from a Mallory distributor in 1988. To date, virtually all have failed, many within 1-2 years sitting the box! Needless to say, all from the same batch and an obvious manufacturing defect. Problems varied from severe leakage (damaging equipment they were in), to dead shorts (causing other component failures) to completely open circuit. As for voltage ratings, I've rarely seen any electrolytic capacitor rated at more than 600 volts (Sprague Atoms). Computer grade types are generally limited to 450 volts. If you know of some that exceed that, please post which ones they are. I would also point to many designs that use them improperly.... the forums are full of scenarios where caps have popped, gone leaky or failed in multiple ways and took other circuitry out with them, electrically and physically. Note that in my design, I used 450 volt CGS caps and they never had more than 300 volts present and to date, every piece of gear I built with them needed replacement and/or repair. In any case, I avoid electrolytics for the above quality-related issues and eventual damage and/or repair requirements. Unfortunately, for DC filament supplies, you really have no other option.

 As for film types, they can have issues as well, especially as you get into the larger values and voltages. You can get film caps in 630 volts and higher, I've seen upwards of 800 volts in larger values, like 40uf or higher. Exceeding this voltage could damage them as could accidently shorting them. The large physical size is also an issue and can be a problem with mechanical vibrations, etc. The better ones use high-tension on the winding so they don't exhibit mechanical excitation, but in short, not all caps are the same. Ensuring they are sealed so they don't become contaminated is also another problem. Still, I'll take my long-term chances with them over electrolytics. One thing is certain, they won't leak and they should not have a limiting lifespan and their tolerance is usually within 5%.

 Oil types, motor-run and industrial lighting caps have also been used. I've seen problems with the latter as well... becoming leaky internally and getting hot leading to failure. One thing I don't like in designs is paralleled capacitors of different types (electrolytic, film, oil, etc.) to yield a "better capacitor". I consider this as the "cure is worse than the cause". In reality, components are not ideal in their function as they are not perfect in operation. If they were , there would be no reason for having so many different types optimized for specific applications. By paralleling multiple types of capacitors you effectively create small "tank circuits" which react to signal. I've actually seen some DIY designs where every capacitor in the circuit consisted of 3 individual caps of different types in parallel. It is my personal preference to keep it simple and use a single capacitor, albeit which capacitor becomes a personal choice for personal reasons.

As for break-in, I'm not too certain that perceived sonic changes in equipment are the result of film caps needing to "break-in", but everyone has their own views and experiences. My view is also from a simple prespective. If the materials used in the construction of the component are effectively inert in operation, then you really can't have a sonic signature change as a result. Electroytic capacitors do change internally over time. A film cap (by definition) should not. The same applies to other components in the equipment. Some resistor types can change from time and heat, wire and component leads can oxidize over time and of course, the tubes themselves change emission and other characteristics over their usable life. I do try and minimize this by prepping every single component used. All component leads are buffed shiny to remove all oxidiation and crud and then a very tight teflon sleeve is "spiraled" on it to seal it so it won't oxidize over time.

 In any case, I've typed too much again... sorry.

 Regards, KM

... just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after you ...
05-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 305
Post ID: 10531
Reply to: 10529
No more questions about PS capacitors.

 Paul S wrote:
Where MODERN electrolytics shine is specifically for PS use

I have to agree with it. Furthermore when I agree I back up my word with actions. This morning right after I posted my post above I opened the amps and   trued a dozen of caps in the Obbligato position. My original electrolytic was so above of everything that it was not even contestable. I decided do doe not waste my time anymore and let my electrolytic to leave in there permanently. I use my typical Nichicon Low Impedance 100uF 450V 105c, it is know that I am fan of Nichicon. In fact it was so good that I did s0omthing that I did not expect – I removed all film caps from my single stage amp that now drives my tweeters. It is it – there is no film filtration in Melquiades power supplies anymore….

I know that the idiots from DIYAudio would declared me as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse but if they did then I do something right….

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-17-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
San Francisco, California
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Post #: 306
Post ID: 10532
Reply to: 10531
Capacitor choices
This is exactly what I settled on in my SET amplifiers, so at least it  gives some credence that we all seem to agree.
05-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 307
Post ID: 10533
Reply to: 10526
Good time. Welcome back. Thanks God.

I have finished all my frustration frustrations, connected all 12 Melquiades channel to Macondo and quickly, but not finally calibrated, the channels.  I finished in the middle of the Simon Boccanegra’s prelude as they started today an hour earlier and I did not know it. I tune the recorded and eventually dumped myself on my couch for the next 3 hours…

The Verdi’s “Simon Boccanegra” with bass-baritone José van Dam was beyond believes. What also beyond believes was the sound from Macondo. God, I so missed that experience! Live broadcast, the full Sound of Macondo, to spend a couple hours with it, marinating room with a good cigar, without thinking about the means and methods but just to listen the event, to experience live artisticism, to let music to fly you away, to think about Sound… I did not have it over a month as I took apart the left Milq and today the all “invoices were paid” – the Macondo is back, better then ever. Was it better then ever?

Well, this is a complicated question.  I removed the film caps from my right channel and now the single-channels amps of the Melquiades that was not converted to DHT go some transients that I was so complaining last 6 month, since I went for PurePower electricity. Macondo did incredibly well but do I recognize that better sound of my new sexy DHT channel. Well, I have to tell that I am not sure. The sound of individual DHT MF is definitive and in a way distinctive but being incorporated into Macondo 6 channel I was not sure that I can recognize this distinctiveness. Put in this way, listening the whole Boccanegra I did not detect that I had different topology of MF amp in right and left channels. I would tell you even more- after the 2 act of the performance I decided to change the Chinese 2A3 to Valvo LK4110 from 40s. They are very differently sounding tubes but I would NOT say that I was able to recognize this different in the 3 act.

Perhaps I need to fine-calibrate Macondo and Milq differently with respect to satellites that Melquiades has now. I am sure I will learn about it in coming weeks. For now my playback is back fill-time. I have at this point no plans to convert my right Melquiades to DHT. I will keep it as is for a couple months and see where I found myself then.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 308
Post ID: 10534
Reply to: 10533
The minor day of Quartets.

I am in minor scale mode toady and play mostly chamber music and only records. FM broadcasts with all their majesty are hardly objective tool to assess what doing on with audio. So, I play records and tapes. Besides everything I am trying to figure out if my DHT map is working in a way I want. I would like to say that it is but most of the time I do not see a lot of difference “before” and “after”. I think today or tomorrow if I have time I will fine calibrate all channels and perhaps my view change but for now it is how I see the things:

There is not a lot of difference I can recognize between performance of my right channel with single-stage amp (with new no film PS filtration) and the performance of my left channel with DHT. There is some difference and it might be so far described like this:

1)      The DHT plays a bit more flexibly. The tones enter own boundaries kind softer and it is while the channel maintains the same transient and contrast characteristics. It is like you lay down on a floor a toolbox with hammers and screwdriver vs. you lay down on a floor a very delicate vase made from very think glass.  I am sure you would care the vase more delicately, so the DH channel, at lease it appears like this as now.

2)      The imaging that Macondo use to throw is not there. I know, I know. Now some Morons of Joe Roberts begin to complain that I use the word “imaging” and that they heard it 32 year backs. The subject of their protest would be that they were clueless then as clueless now what it all means and thereof I shall not be mentioning it. Well, let leave the audio-handicapped alone, I hope they learn a few new audio-words and will impress the hoodlums at audio trade shows – there is their level. In really imaging is a very first indicator that something is wrong and even a system organizer does not know yet how to USE imaging then imaging might be an early warning debagging tool.  So, Macondo’s imaging is kind of odd. I play Brahms and Schumann by Guarneri Quartet and the Haydn –dedicated Mozart’s quartets by Quartetto Italiano.  The music is there but imaging is in a way very primitive. This effect of mental layering is not there, the way how tone delivered from right to left is kind of mechanic and unmagic, the dynamic of depth is there but it being used kind of vulgar. It is generally friendly sound imaging-wise but not sophisticated. I have no idea at this point what it is, I will look into it further.

Anyhow, I think Macondo calibration will be revised a bit. The channels and filters stay where they are but the arrangement of the outputs will be slightly changed. I have an idea what I would like to go, let see where it might bring me…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-18-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 309
Post ID: 10536
Reply to: 10534
Them's the Breaks

Imaging is usually one of the last things to come correct during warm-up and/or "break in" (providing, of course, one buys into the idea that parts/equipment may need breaking in in the first place...), and who knows how long this piece will take to break in.  Do I remember you saying that the Nichicons take a while, and that they generally follow a pattern that includes a stretch where they are not very good?

In the end, there "should" be a wider range of textures and timbres and greater ease that at first sounds "slower".  On the downside, the sense of "immediacy" might take a hit, even if the music actually sounds more "live" when you really think about it.

Best regards,
Paul S

05-19-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 310
Post ID: 10541
Reply to: 10534
It is finally fine-calibrated (I would need to write-up the calibrations procedures for other who use DSETs and multi-way playbacks), installed and there is absolutely nothing to do with this amp. Eventually!


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-19-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 311
Post ID: 10542
Reply to: 10541
So Soon?

Just like my idle mind to finally start wondering about phase (with the filter and the two stages).  I think I remember you said you don't generally worry about phase: but most of us notice at 180 degrees.

In case of such a serious problem, a serious, sophistocated solution is called for: swap the speaker leads.

Meanwhile, the "new" MF driver is still down on the "main deck" (with those long-ish leads...)?

Best regards,
Paul S

05-19-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 312
Post ID: 10543
Reply to: 10541
DHT MF channel and 6-ch amp: first conclusions

Spending some time listening carefully my new setup after fine-calibration I recognize some inaccuracies in my previous comments and some mistakes of my original objectives. Here are some observations I would like to make. If some of my observations contradict what I observed before then it is what call evolution and refinement.

Sound of a single MF channel when It is driven by one-stage 6E6P (with “new” PS schema) and the sound of my DC-coupled DHT is slightly different but without obvious advantage of any of them.

If any advantage does exist then it becomes practically negligible then MF channel incorporated into 6 other Macondo channel.

The change of the output tube in the DHT channel is well-auditable. However, the values of this change is very different then the values of the same change that might be viewed in an amp that drives only one channel. This is very important observation.

If change of output triode in one-channel operation might be evaluated from a position of full balance of the tube then the same change within 6-channel operation might be evaluated only from a perspective of complimentary balance.

Therefore any fine calibration of sound in case the left channel use DHT and right uses one-stage 6E6P possible only for a single DHT tube. The change the DHT change the flavor of sound and the “flavor”  balance between right and left channel shell be recalibrated and in some case might not be reached.

The idea of DHT MF channel is in way a fiasco as it is not significantly better then one-stage 6E6P (with “new” PS schema - that is important). At the same time the DHT MF channel, by virtue of replacing the flavor of output tube is a phenomenal opportunity and a great triumph as it allow to  tweak the contribution of MF channel to the level unimaginable when the one-stage amp was used. The full potential of this would be available only with DHT running on both right and left channel.

That is all for now folks.

Rgs, The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-20-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 313
Post ID: 10544
Reply to: 10543
All Abuzz about Nothing
As usual, I am hurrying to do something else as I write.

Romy, although I think it is too early in the process for final judgements, I do continue to wonder if a long path through an electrical storm, from the driver plate to the DHT grid, is perhaps bringing something to the sonic smorgasbord.  Is this run anything special in the way of wire or shieldiing?  Should it be?  Would making it shorter change anything?

Somewhere you describe the Nichicon sound during break-in, and it did not sound all good from here.  May I ass-u-me you can pretty well "hear around" these changes?

Best regards,
Paul S
05-20-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 314
Post ID: 10546
Reply to: 10544
The wire for DC-coupling

 Paul S wrote:
I do continue to wonder if a long path through an electrical storm, from the driver plate to the DHT grid, is perhaps bringing something to the sonic smorgasbord.  Is this run anything special in the way of wire or shieldiing?  Should it be?  Would making it shorter change anything?

I asked myself the same question. The wire I run is long. The distance between the driver and the output state is 14” and I made is a 3.5” longer and I decided the run non-shielded wire and not direct but around the places where I feel would not be “inductively dangers”.

I consulted with a number of people who feel that they “know” and they stressed that this DC-coupling wire is super significant. They might be right but I did not feel that it is all credible as the loaded me with other “super significant” comments that I personally degree. So, it is very difficult to say what is what. The DIYer might run their mouths about any subject and since I personally did not hear what result they are getting and since they never were in my place we can’t correlate what Sound we consider “acceptable”. So, I have idea what to think about the wire for DC-coupling.

From one perceive it shall be very important as it goes to grid. Anything the goes to grid is critical. If you remember I wrote that changing the path in which my fix’s bias was supplied voltage to 6C33C grid did impact sound. From another perspective the signal already quite robust after the driver stage, so go figure…

I took a regular 22ga pure copper wire with Teflon jacket and juts run it. I do not write DIY books and do not need to be “correct”. If Sound is acceptable then I less care about the “minor things”. The sonic result that I got so far did not make me worry about picking the “little things”. So, I kid of sold for whatever is there, sure it will be more fun to run a vintage Dominus in there… but I do not see myself spending time to do it.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-20-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 315
Post ID: 10550
Reply to: 10546
The Dirt on DIY Backlash
Yes, some of the people who "know the most", and can contribute so much indispensable information - up to a point -  can be simultaneously so generally confused that it's literally wearying.  Imagine gazing into a magic mirror, where everything is so CLEAR for a while, and then... confusion, and finally madness.

But I would say there is a fairly easy "tell":

Simply put, the 2A3 should not add dirt, in and of itself.  Even the (older) Sovteks (that nobody seems to like anymore) clearly revealed all differences in driver qualities, and the overall sound benefitted mightily from using better drivers.

I am saying that if you are getting dirt (compared to the single stage), then it's getting there from someplace other than the 2A3, itself.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-20-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 316
Post ID: 10551
Reply to: 10543
DSET vs. the “better tubes”.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Spending some time listening carefully my new setup after fine-calibration I recognize some inaccuracies in my previous comments and some mistakes of my original objectives. Here are some observations I would like to make. If some of my observations contradict what I observed before then it is what call evolution and refinement.
Sound of a single MF channel when It is driven by one-stage 6E6P (with “new” PS schema) and the sound of my DC-coupled DHT is slightly different but without obvious advantage of any of them.

If any advantage does exist then it becomes practically negligible then MF channel incorporated into 6 other Macondo channel.

The change of the output tube in the DHT channel is well-auditable. However, the values of this change is very different then the values of the same change that might be viewed in an amp that drives only one channel. This is very important observation.

If change of output triode in one-channel operation might be evaluated from a position of full balance of the tube then the same change within 6-channel operation might be evaluated only from a perspective of complimentary balance.

Therefore any fine calibration of sound in case the left channel use DHT and right uses one-stage 6E6P possible only for a single DHT tube. The change the DHT change the flavor of sound and the “flavor”  balance between right and left channel shell be recalibrated and in some case might not be reached.

The idea of DHT MF channel is in way a fiasco as it is not significantly better then one-stage 6E6P (with “new” PS schema - that is important). At the same time the DHT MF channel, by virtue of replacing the flavor of output tube is a phenomenal opportunity and a great triumph as it allow to  tweak the contribution of MF channel to the level unimaginable when the one-stage amp was used. The full potential of this would be available only with DHT running on both right and left channel.

The DSET concept that been advocating for a while gives a lot of surprises and wipes out many barriers. Playing lately with various DHT tubes for my relatively narrow band-pass FM channel I am witnessing how DSET concept in a way converts the idea of vintage super tubes in some kind of absurdity.

Of course I do not argue ageist better quality tubes and in context of a full-range operation the more superior tubes do produces better and in some ways unique result. For instance my RE604 and particularly YO186 produce sound with truly unique character. The uniqueness of this character loses a lot of value when the system is bi-amped.  However, in the situation of the “unique character tube” operates in band-pass between two other fine-adjustable channels then the unique character of this band-pass tube does not expose itself too much. Well it does expose itself BUT using another less “unique character tubes” and recalibrating all 3 channels you might write any characteristic of this “middle” tube.

So, 3+4+2 = 1+5+3 and it looks that it is true not only in mathematics…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-21-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 317
Post ID: 10552
Reply to: 9278
How to test the DH tubes properly?
 Romy the Cat wrote:

I always was kind of afraid of it. Any single zillion years tube I see is “NOS in box”, “measured as new” or “never work”. So, I wonder where those uses up old tubes are gone? Do people trash them or juts sell them “as new”. As many old tubes I ever bought with quoted transconductance figures never were the same after I received the tubes I am not even talking about “match tubes” what is always is a pure BS, they never matched at the necessary for me operational parameter, or gain.

It looks like that with DHT tube it is even worth. I measured the 2A3 and 6A3 that I have and they are so much off the specks what that it is not even funny. When I buy Russian 6C33C then they measure whatever they want then it is fine as they cost nothing. Those DHT tune are expensive but the same crap quality wise – very said. Looking at this I might understand Lamm who sell 6C33C for $100 per tube, assuring it compliance with specs.

I was bitching about it before but the more I think about it the more I released that ether I do not get it of the other people do not get it. People buy and sell alder tube and give to each other the mutual conductance number presuming then it has any objective indication about the health of a tube. However, I feel that it has absolutely no universal value. Most of the tubes tests have AV on filaments that make those testers hardly usable for tube testing. If you drop testing signal from grind of the DHT and try to recalibrate your GM measurement to zero without the signal then your zero will be in respect to AC asymmetry of your filament, even if you externally balance filament. If so, then the GM measurement of any DH tube in our convertibles tubes tester would be the GM of the tube + the residual noise of the tube from AC modulations. Since no one I ever heard talks seriously about objective measurement AC modulations (even if the DC is use on filaments then the heaters tens are not symmetrical and need to be balanced) on the tube testers then I doubt that the Gm numbers that we get from the tube testers are very meaningful. The tube testers would allow to monitor the warring of the same tube with time but if I say that one DHT tube on my tester has GM higher then another DHT tube on another tester then it hardly mean anything. So, if people sell you a DH tube and claim certain numbers of it’s mutual conductance of grid emission then it is not so absurdish idea to look at those numbers skeptical.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-22-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 318
Post ID: 10555
Reply to: 10552
Pairing up tubes for SE use
 Romy, et al,

 I got rid of my tube tester a few decades ago... yet I still need to match sets of tubes for equipment. When you consider many SE designs with no feedback loops, you need to match "sets" of tubes to get matched performance between amplifiers and/or channels. My approach is dirt simple but it works. I use a breadboard amplifier which allows quick and easy voltage measurements as well as scoping of any part of the circuit.

 What I test for on the output tubes is:
 - gain
 - bias
 - distortion
 - power output
 - hum level balance

 The goal is to get a very close matched pair with the above. It's also critical in my view that the internal construction of the tubes is identical. The 45 and 2A3 DHTs were available from many manufacturers and each had numerous internal revision changes over time, some where actual improvements in the design while others were to reduce manufacturing costs.

 I match input/driver tubes the same way (sans power output) but you also need to measure output noise as a component of filament coupling to the cathode (IDHT). From here, I then matched the pairs into sets for a stereo amplifier to ensure that the performance of each amplifier pair (mono blocks) is tightly matched for gain, power output, distortion and signal-to-noise.

 The plus for this method is obvious... you can get exceptional performance from your designs... the down side is also obvious, it takes a lot of time and your results are better if you have a larger pool of tubes to choose from. I currently have a collection of more than 150 45s and 2A3s... which makes this much simpler. The same applies to input/driver tubes as well as rectifiers, etc.

 As for obtaining NOS and/or NIB tubes... usually impossible to verify this. In some cases, I've managed to buy NOS/NIB which are still sealed. Many brands like Sylvania, Zenith and Philco had packaging which was completely sealed or riveted so it was impossible to remove the tube from the packaging without breaking the seals. Of course you still have an old stock tube and you're now at the mercy of Father Time and how well the vacuum seal has kept plus the soldered connections to the base. So testing as noted above still applies.

 Of course... once you have your preferred sets... the question becomes how to dispose of the remaning tubes which you don't want ;-(

 Regards, KM

... just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after you ...
05-23-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 319
Post ID: 10563
Reply to: 10555
The DHT live reserve

Interesting. I think that with testing just for:

- gain
 - bias
 - distortion
 - power output
 - hum level balance

It is not necessary give an objective picture about resources of a tube. We can monitor the change rate in the tube bias as some of them change it as the tube get older, we can monitor distortion pattern change but we can do it only for a given tube to recognize how it ages. I was under impression, perhaps mistaken, that transconductance is the most objective evaluations criteria as it has voltages, current, gain and impedance melted together, I think it called transfer conductance sometimes…   I have two good testers but I do not measure transconductance for output tubes. My 6C33C out has different criteria that allows me to be more accurate then transconductance. But with the DHT tube I am confused how to measure then objectively. I think that the gain and bias, particularly with my cathode bias do not say anything about the state of tube. IT would show what brand and vintage have comparatively more current or gain but it would not indicate how much cathode emission was used for a given tube, not much cathode is poisoned and how much the tube is gassed.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-23-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 320
Post ID: 10569
Reply to: 10563
Some interestng models
 One of the reasons I no longer use a tube tester. They make a measurement at a specific target operating point(s). You don't really know what it is, so what are the chances they will be close to your actual circuit operating point? So choosing a close match of tubes that perform the same across the noted parameters (in the actual amplifier(s)) just makes more sense to me. If the pair of tubes are the same manufacturer and internal construction (and unused), then they should age well together and remain fairly matched in long-term operation.

 Just for fun, I took the final output stage for the DHT amp and normalized it (i.e., subtracted the DC shift for direct-coupling) and modeled it in the SEampCAD program. I plugged in the details for the output iron as noted. Normalized values result in 1.125K cathode resistor and a 280V plate supply. Values work out to pretty much what you show in measured values.

 Transfer curve is quite good considering the lower current. Maxmum power output is about 1.85 watts with pretty low distortion. I can probably create some PDFs for the output specs and curves and email them to you.

 Based on the values you are currently using, you can put a 45 triode in the circuit without any change and it will be just as clean but less power... about 1.2 watts. Should be an interesting experience. In many respects the 45 is the purer tube design and many prefer it soncically over the 2A3, "IF" you can deal with 2-3dB less output power.

Regards, KM

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