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In the Forum: Melquiades Amplifier
In the Thread: Single-stage Melquiades vs. DHT amps
Post Subject: Good time. Welcome back. Thanks God.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/18/2009

I have finished all my frustration frustrations, connected all 12 Melquiades channel to Macondo and quickly, but not finally calibrated, the channels.  I finished in the middle of the Simon Boccanegra’s prelude as they started today an hour earlier and I did not know it. I tune the recorded and eventually dumped myself on my couch for the next 3 hours…

The Verdi’s “Simon Boccanegra” with bass-baritone José van Dam was beyond believes. What also beyond believes was the sound from Macondo. God, I so missed that experience! Live broadcast, the full Sound of Macondo, to spend a couple hours with it, marinating room with a good cigar, without thinking about the means and methods but just to listen the event, to experience live artisticism, to let music to fly you away, to think about Sound… I did not have it over a month as I took apart the left Milq and today the all “invoices were paid” – the Macondo is back, better then ever. Was it better then ever?

Well, this is a complicated question.  I removed the film caps from my right channel and now the single-channels amps of the Melquiades that was not converted to DHT go some transients that I was so complaining last 6 month, since I went for PurePower electricity. Macondo did incredibly well but do I recognize that better sound of my new sexy DHT channel. Well, I have to tell that I am not sure. The sound of individual DHT MF is definitive and in a way distinctive but being incorporated into Macondo 6 channel I was not sure that I can recognize this distinctiveness. Put in this way, listening the whole Boccanegra I did not detect that I had different topology of MF amp in right and left channels. I would tell you even more- after the 2 act of the performance I decided to change the Chinese 2A3 to Valvo LK4110 from 40s. They are very differently sounding tubes but I would NOT say that I was able to recognize this different in the 3 act.

Perhaps I need to fine-calibrate Macondo and Milq differently with respect to satellites that Melquiades has now. I am sure I will learn about it in coming weeks. For now my playback is back fill-time. I have at this point no plans to convert my right Melquiades to DHT. I will keep it as is for a couple months and see where I found myself then.

The Cat

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