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10-05-2016 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 22806
Reply to: 22805
Crossing the Same River Twice
I have not thought much about S/PDIF cable for a while, and I have not thought "seriously" about other digital cable formats at all, since I have no interest in a "digital server", except  -  maybe -  something portable (and cheap). If Acoustic Revive is like other companies that sell a few items, then they will have changed them at some point, for some reason, since I got mine. I still like the idea of a single wire for signal, but  -  of course  -  there's no substitute for trying them out in your system with your music.  I have no experience with server cable to share, apart from the Nordost demonstration I heard at THE SHOW, Newport, 2016, when the benefits of the "upgrades" were obvious to everyone in the room. I did report this in the Industry News section.

Best regards,
Paul S

07-01-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 25499
Reply to: 22806
I am looking for SPDIF Cable better than Purist Annivesary
We have no access to Belkin Synopsis SPDIF cable (Romy use it in his system) and we are not sure how new Kharma digital cables sounds? we had a test between two Purist Digital cables . Purist Anniversary 4600$ and Purist Neptune 1500$ SPDIF Cable. The difference was huge and we can not believe it. the Neptune cable has problem in bass , pace timing and the dynamic was compress. the Anniversary was so much better but i guess it could be even better.

the transport was CEC and the DAC was AMR DP-777.

I think we should look for even better cable than purist anniversary.

kharma and Kubala-Sosna Elation and U-byte (http://ar-t.co/ubyte.html) and Lessloss are in my short list .

Do you have any idea? can you recommend a good cable?

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
07-01-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 25500
Reply to: 25499
A Moving Target
Amir, it is funny to hear that you like $4,600 Purist but would prefer $10 Belkin SPDIF.  The Synapse is basically an effective low pass filter, albeit this seems to help many systems. Like I said up the thread, I have not concerned myself with SPDIF cable for quite a while, but if I started looking again I would start with the assumption that I am as likely to find something acceptable that costs a good deal less than Purist or other "high end" cables.  Again, finding good sounding cable is one very time consuming thing. Finding good sounding cable that stays that way is something else, since most cables change over time.  Again, the "manufacturers" are always changing their cables, for one reason or another, sometimes without telling anyone, so when you find acceptable cables, I recommend you hang on to them.

Best regards,
Paul S
07-01-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 44
Post ID: 25501
Reply to: 25500
"The Same Cable"
Amir, here is a link to "the same" (same appearance, "specs" and information) SPDIF cable I got years ago (for maybe $200).  It replaced the Belkin Synapse after the last round of "factory upgrades" to my iDAT DAC. Prior to those DAC "upgrades", I preferred the Belkin in my system, as the HF filter helped a lot.  I already talked about this, up the thread.

YMMV, of course... it's your system.


Best regards,
Paul S
07-02-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 25502
Reply to: 25501
High price does not mean good sound to me
Paul Thank you for link
I never find Romy solutions useless to me and i believe those 10$ Belkin cables may be even better than 4600$ Purist cable. I think Purist Analog Cables Like AC Cable, Interconnect and speaker cables are good but their Neptune digital cable is not perfect. we have some comparison between three speaker cable of purist design : first Neptune Second Dominus and third Anniversary and all of them were good but the digital cables of Purist may not be the Ultimate Solution.

high price does not mean good sound to me.
I will test Acoustic Revive but i doubt it be ok

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
07-02-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 25503
Reply to: 25502
You are always compensating for something
In regular off the shelf hi-fi system , be it a total lack of LF in your speakers or the "pinch"  of dome tweeters or the midrange mud. Romy like all of us throws money on the problem and he usually chooses  well regarded and expensive solutions. The part where he differs is that he is honest and can justify his choices unlike most of the turkey necks in this hobby. Did you try Kondo or An UK silver wire in your  Living Voice based system (and yes the digital IC too) or went straight into what Roman is using i.e Purist Audio? I also have Living Voice auditorium boxes (Avatar 2) and the work reasonably well (and "beautifull" ) with higher level audio note silver wire. They were designed using that wire.All the best . W
07-04-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 25504
Reply to: 25503
Gryphon Trident 3way EAR 861 Amplifier AMR DP-777 CEC TL1
 Wojtek wrote:
In regular off the shelf hi-fi system , be it a total lack of LF in your speakers or the "pinch"  of dome tweeters or the midrange mud. Romy like all of us throws money on the problem and he usually chooses  well regarded and expensive solutions. The part where he differs is that he is honest and can justify his choices unlike most of the turkey necks in this hobby. Did you try Kondo or An UK silver wire in your  Living Voice based system (and yes the digital IC too) or went straight into what Roman is using i.e Purist Audio? I also have Living Voice auditorium boxes (Avatar 2) and the work reasonably well (and "beautifull" ) with higher level audio note silver wire. They were designed using that wire.All the best . W

we tested digital cables in the System of my Friend: Gryphon Trident 3way Loudspeaker (Active Bass)
EAR 861 Power Amplifier 30w Push Pull
AMR DP-777 DAC CEC TL1 Transport Pure Power 3000 AC Regenarator
I think Gryphon Trident is big Filter and it can not give us good sound and i know EAR 861 is not Perfect but the difference of Cables was clear in this system.

about your question , i will try Audio Note UK Digital Cable . I do not use Romy components (Like Purist Cable or CEC or Pure Power) without listen to them but we have found very good result from Romy Components Like CEC TL0 or Pure Power or Purist Cables.
I am ordering Audio Note UK Components for my System in the future (M8 Pre Sig, TT2 Turntable , Kegon 300b , AN/E Loudspeaker ). Audio Note UK is my favorite Sound, I really Like Their Components.

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
07-05-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 25505
Reply to: 25504
4 Link Connection vs Neptune vs Anniversary
we replaced the AMR DP-777 DAC with New CEC DA 3.0 DAC (30k$) to test between three digital cables because we could not believe digital cables could have huge difference .The connection between CEC TL 1 and CEC DA 3.0 could be 4 Link (clock data ... they call it Superlink) and we used 4 purist genesis BNC cables for it.Two other connections were Purist Neptune SPDIF coax and Purist Anniversary SPDIF coax cable.

We tested these three cables : 4 link Genesis 1.2m , neptune spdif 1.5m , anniversary spdif 1.5m .

Generally the 4 link connection seems alittle better than Spdif but difference was not important to me .The Neptune SPDIF and 4 Link Genesis both sounds bad and lifeless in comparison by Anniversary Spdif . the neptune had no control on bass and the flow of music was bad . the mid/high was distorted with purist neptune. the 4 Link purist genesis had better control but it was lifeless without body . The purist anniversary was very good.

You can not believe it but the digital cable between CEC TL1 and CEC DA 3.0 make very huge difference.

Could you tell me why there is huge difference between digital cables?

Should we choose longer than 2.5m digital cable for better result?

Do you think other Transports are less sensitive to Digital Cables?

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
07-06-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 49
Post ID: 25506
Reply to: 25505
Cable "Issues"
Something fun to think about is that the length of this sort of cable can change the sound, due to internal "reflections", this sort of thing. I've read a lot about it, as it affects the "communications industry", and laboratories, and it gives me headaches.  Another thing is the cable's inherent shielding and grounding scheme, and how this works (or doesn't work) with your system, including the "electromagnetic environment" the cable operates in. As an example, I will cite again the - apparently -  troublesome run from my phono cartridge step-up transformer to the phono stage.  I simply can't use my "best sounding" cables for that run; hum and noise get into the gain path.  Only some "normal looking" Placette cables keep the noise out, with the net effect being they "sound better" overall in that run than other cables that "sound better" apart from the noise.  What I'm saying is, it's a PITA looking for "better sounding" cable because of all the "other issues" that can make a particular cable sound better in one situation and worse in another one, or a different length of "the same" cable might sound better or worse in a given situation.  Also, tough to swallow the price of your current favorite; but I suppose if it "works best" in your particular situation, and it gives you the peace of mind to stop looking, that's worth something, in and of itself.

Not sure, but I thought Romy replaced his Belkin Synapse at some point, years ago.  Whatever, that cable is a filter, no two ways about it, and it is a great example of what I'm saying about the "sound of cables", such as we are able to determine, such as we find it useful to know.  One thing for sure, pretty much ALL the connectors are crap, no matter the price of the cable.

Paul S
07-08-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Iran Tehran
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Post #: 50
Post ID: 25508
Reply to: 25506
Paul yes , for reflection of waves the cable length is important , Art U-Byte cable is 2.5m and they do not make under 2.5m cable. the BNC connectors are 75 ohm but most company use RCA connectors. i know about them but my test proved me cable length or bnc vs rca will not make huge difference.
check below : http://ar-t.co/ubyte.html

www.amiraudio.com, www.hifi.ir
07-08-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 51
Post ID: 25509
Reply to: 25508
Amir, the RCA vs. balanced can be a huge difference, depending on the application, and the longer the runs, the greater the difference. But I was talking about the materials and construction of available connectors, which are primarily made the way they are not for conductivity or sound sound but to facilitate manufacturing and marketing. Look at a metals conductivity chart, and  - if you can even find out about it -  compare the metals used to make (and "plate") 99% of available connectors. Lots of room for improvement here, and even the most expensive cables  typically use crappy connectors.  I suppose its like everything else in hi-fi, there just isn't enough money in it to justify significant, thoroughgoing R&D.


Paul S
07-09-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Rio de Janeiro, BR.
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Post #: 52
Post ID: 25512
Reply to: 25509

Do you have experience with Neutrik? What were your findings about their products?


Think for yourself, do not be sheep.
07-09-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 53
Post ID: 25513
Reply to: 25512
Manufacturing vs. Assembly vs. Marketing
Alexandre, the web of hi-fi is all tangled up with "standard manufacturing practices".  The people who actually make the parts care more about costs and profits than sound. There are not very many companies that actually manufacture this sort of parts, and they put most of their efforts where they can make the most money.  The marketing at "our level" tries their best to convince us to buy, based on what they think we want, or what they think they can convince us to buy. Neutrik, Switchcraft, other "Big Boys" may still buy parts from baseline manufactures or "jobbers".  Many companies do not and will not give a clear, full account of all materials and processes used, and at the hi-fi level they are very prone to tell only the part they want you to think about.  Go back to the conductivity chart. I can tell you for certain that "other issues" are more important to baseline parts manufacturers, and conductivity and actual suitability for high demands hi-fi are casualties of standard industrial practices and priorities.  The "scale" of high demands hi-fi sales simply does not justify or sustain baseline manufacturers.

Best regards,
Paul S
07-12-2019 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Rio de Janeiro, BR.
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Post #: 54
Post ID: 25515
Reply to: 25513
Better keep with AN cables
Paul, thank you for your input. I think it is better to keep with AN UK cables then. :-)

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