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Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #5: Cats and Hifi by JANDL100 on 2008-06-11 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Cats and hifi in Audio Discussions  14 Replies 
A nice pic of Lara and one of my newly acquired Quad 57 esl speakers....

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #91: S2 the holy grail of midrange by mark on 2008-02-13 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Vitavox’s S2 Survival Guide. in Horn-Loaded Speakers  123 Replies 
my vitavox S2's finally arrived today.i was not expecting great results with all the warnings i read on this site,especially with the klangy stock 4 cell 330hz vitavox horn.i know refinement when i hear it.i have heard avantgarde's duo, trio,i even h...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #33: 6C33C as single triode. by KOTriode on 2011-09-21 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: A different breed of 6C33C amplifier. in Melquiades Amplifier  84 Replies 
The preamp has the classic tube regulated power supply using 5R4, 6AS7, 6SJ7. It is transformer coupled output and has no capacitor in the signal chain, the gain is about 8db, so it is not a buffer. For convenience, it does has a remote control. It i...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #34: The half life of 6C33C and 6C33C preamp. by Romy the Cat on 2011-09-22 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: A different breed of 6C33C amplifier. in Melquiades Amplifier  84 Replies 
[quote user="KOTriode"]The preamp has the classic tube regulated power supply using 5R4, 6AS7, 6SJ7. It is transformer coupled output and has no capacitor in the signal chain, the gain is about 8db, so it is not a buffer. For convenience, it does...

Read the Post in new Window Read the Post in Threaded view  Post #1: Some analysis of the Joe’s system. by Romy the Cat on 2019-12-16 
Browse the content of the threads in new Window  Thread: Some analysis of the Joe’s system. in Horn-Loaded Speakers  1 Replies 
I was pointed out to Steve Guttenberg’s video “Meet Joe, and his amazing DIY horn speakers” at     I would like to provide some commentary regarding what I observed in there.  Steve Guttenberg is an in...
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