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Thread WITH the new posts.

Legends: "Week" - last week posts, "Bold" - entered last 48 hours.
Accuracy vs. Musicality (and YMMV) 31 
Look at this photograph... 30 
Musical Intelligence 30 
There is definitely truth to that 30 
This is a purely artifactually constructed problem 30 
HiFi it is then 29 
Real vs Emotional 29 
Think about ut. 29 
Thus Spake Zarathustra 29 
I like this subject 28 
Musicality 28 
Magico Gryphon modern systems 27 
Cost vs Complexity vs SOTA vs Personal 27 
Is Audio Personal? 27 
Please Continue! 27 
Is Audio Personal? 26 
I think audio is not about taste 26 
Cessaro vs Living Voice or Real vs Musical 26 
"Taste" vs "Awareness" 26 
It can ONLY be personal 26 
That is a great subject 26 
Maybe 26 
A dead-end objective. 26 
It is not an objective 26 
Some examples 25 
Shaping Sound 25 
My Audio Rule: go for perfect Dynamics 24 
Favorite sound 24 
It's a Long Way to Tipperary 24 
It is a very complex subject 23 
Sure, It is very complex 22 
I think you are very confused. 22 
DPOLS and Tone 22 
Perfect Electricity 22 
Tone vs transparency 22 
Good Electricity vs. Topology 22 
Proper setup meaning 22 
Transparancy vs. Density 22 
Density is an elusive thing 19 
Bingo! 19 
Bad LP or simply another phono correction curve? 18 
Sound Engineers as UberConductors, 18 
I think that the history of microphone placement i... 16 
The Performance vs. Playback 16 
The Play of Differences 3 
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