Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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"OEM", "Branding", and Getting Hosed
fiogf49gjkf0d While it may be that a given "basement" operation really means to "do a better job" in terms of QA and/or sonic results, the technical difficulty (and cost) of actually doing this with tiny "critical specification" parts must be daunting, to say the least. Even larger companies are unwilling to take on this sort of operation/expense, and the truth is that most cartridge "manufacturers" are really mostly/only sales outfits, for all the hyperbole attending the marketing of a "high-end" cartridge. I note with tempered sadness that even Ortofon has moved to "standardize" their line-up, even though they still, to my knowledge, produce "in-house" quite a few of their own parts, including critical damping "donuts". Lord knows where other "manufacturers" get their parts, or if those sources are constant/consistent. Certainly, once the burden of overhead sets in there is pressure to "keep 'em coming", regardless of QA. How anyone could precisely anchor (or re-anchor) a stylus to a cantilever or a cantilever to the motor and/or cartridge body while maintaining critical mass, alignment, resonance, etc. is one of the Great Audio Mysteries, and ongoing variability of high-end cartridges is one of Audio's not-so-well-kept dirty little secrets. A friend who bought a new cartridge "like mine" a while back instead got zapped with the notorious "sagging cantilever" and the subsequent scrambling to recover some of his cash. He was forewarned, but he took a chance, and he suffered. Bummer. But this is, unfortunately, the sort of BS that attends the world/process of high-end/high-expectations cartridges. Basically, according to my experience - and as we have already noted hereabouts - with cartridges, you pays your money and you takes your chance.
As for the cartridge in question, is a VTF like this really necessary, or is it a good idea? I ask because it seems to harken back to the Edison/cactus needle. And what's wrong with the SPU that this thing would fix? Or is it the intoxicating allure of the "Underground"? As ever - especially with cartridges - Caveat Emptor.
Best regards, Paul S