Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004
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I do not insist that
I have the correct answer as now as my greatest fear that I will have my Remedies
assembled I will get nothing close to what I got with Dannoy a month ago. It
would be ugly if the remarkable success with Dannoy would be “just a few days
of super good electricity”. It is possible? Yes. I personally do not think so
and I feel that there was “something” in it and made quite the efforts to go for
it and to “get” it. I still have no idea what I will get in the end. Now, about
the "playback that loves you”. I know it sounds ridicules, but I am taking
about my interpersonal relationship with my own playback, I do not think I seek
understanding from others, I more care about my own understanding. And my understanding
I have presented. I know each minute aspect of Macondo/Milq sound, and they are
in complete control of my mind. I literally can read the history of mt last 20
year by listening Macondo/Milq. I can hear a phrase and listening how a given phrase
was presented by Macondo/Milq my mind attributes it to a specific air-gap of
sole kind of transformer in Milg and the location of the transformer in the
frame of Macondo. Also, I feel those weeks and thousand dollars spent on it and
the hours and weeks of conversations with different design specialist in order
to learn what it all means. It is not the painful experiences that I have
problem with, but I do not want to have these associations while I am listening
to music. I want to be surprised by musical sensation and do not feel that music
is my son who build his own shed and I am very proud of this fact. It is possible
that it is only my personal experiences, still I do not want my playback who act
as a contemptuous nagging wife but I would like a playback each day to acts as people
who just discovered love in themselves and they descending into the feelings deeper
and deeper. For some reasons Dannoy gave it to me, it just embraced me with all
my imperfection and told me “you are mine, I am yours let be together”. That is
so simple… No air-gaps, no retubing, no quality of drivers, no efforts, not even
knowledge about all of it. Just turn a switch and experience streaming love. I
should be an idiot not to go after it. Obviously, I will be singing different songs
when in a few weeks I will not be able to replicate the Dannoy effect… 😊
If to think, as you propose,
in terms of playbacks and romantic relationships then I behave like an old man
who left his five for another person who gave him instant bliss of new feeling.
They are number men who do it for right or wrong reason but how do we know how right
we were before our lifer is over? I have in fa family example as a young girl went
to another city, 2000 miles away weeding salon to pick her weeding dress and instantly
fall in love with weeding dress salesperson. They lived superbly happily for
over 60 years together. Do not forgets that playback is not object with soul
and there is a factor of betraying. The collection of transformers, tube and
drivers feel equally comfortable to sit in listening room or in my basement.
Frankly speaking I care less
about my fate with Macondo or Dannoy. All that I want at this point to get from
Remedies the same that I was getting from Dannoy and I do not lose my sleep. Do
you want I share what I am losing my sleep nowadays? My 5yo some two days ago
asked me to turn TV sound in car down. I ask him why he feal that it was too
load. He relayed “Distortions, Daddy.” So, as I am losing my sleep, I am bothered
with a question to myself: I have two sons, who will have Macondo/Milq and who
will have Dunnoy/SIT. Most likely of cause both of playbacks will end up in garbage
container and I am ok with it, but this is not about playbacks fate or continuation
of narrative but about what I feel now rendered with cable elevators. Some
people write books, some compose music, some paint, I live by amusing myself
with Sound. It is what it is…
"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche