Your latest post got me thinking in a sort of incomplete way about how you might locate the injection channel... If you consider tone as a harmonic of the original source, then (depending on the order of harmonic) it may in fact not be correct to attempt reducing the proximity between the point of origin for your tone generating channel and that of your main channels?
This might or might not be correct... Like I said, I am just thinking out loud here, but have you tried intentionally disassociating the Injection Channels (completely) from the Macondos (both in location as well as direction of projection)?
Regarding the diary of an Audio Psycho :
"Jessie, my site is not a collection of “audio wisdom” but rather a diary of an audio psycho..."
Yes, and I can't wait for the film! I heard that Vladimir Lamm, Michael Fremer, and even Magnetar will be making appearances... I heard John Atkinson is being consulted by the editing director... There is supposed to be quite a hot scene involving an adolescent camel... I just can't wait!
Seriously though, I do understand.
"We all and certainly I do make moves into wrong direction, or in less productive direction, not to mention the very stupid directions. It happens here, my site reflects it (like my attempts to use tweeter attenuation with moving the tweeter on the slope and a few others….)"
I need to go back and re-read your posts on the subject, as I don't recall why you concluded that it is an error to high-pass the tweeter such that the listener only perceives the lower part of the slope (if that's what you mean when you say when you write "with moving the tweeter on the slope" ... this seems a very effective means of achieving attenuation without resorting to various barbarian devices... In fact, I currently (stupidly?) have my tweeters high-passed at something like 16KHz first order.
"When I discover or realize about my wrong or not fruitful moves I always publish the follow-ups but never delete or edit the older posts."
Yes, please continue this practice ; I am certain that I am not alone when I say that it has contributed enormously to my understanding (to say nothing of the time it has saved).
"...I very much might try to use the metal suspension again when I will be driving the MF with a single-stage Milq, direct coupled or ater I try the Duddanization of the cone. The single-stage Milq should be “a cleaner electronics” and it should be advantageous...."
What do you mean by "the Duddanization of the cone"... I would guess you are referring to damping the cone via some sort of coating (saliva from your pregnant adolescent camel... You do realize she has been pregnant for a very long time...)
"...Since you already do have the S2 driver then buy from Mike one single plastic suspension cone and try it next you original cones..."
My S2s have metal diaphragms... In fact, I did not realize that it was still possible to buy the diaphragms with plastic suspension (???).
Thank you for your offer to lend me a diaphragm... It would seem best that I try to buy the diaphragms that I don't have (plastic suspension)... If I heard the plastic suspension in my system, and liked it, but then could not buy a pair, I might just become and Audio Psycho...
How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.