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10-22-2024 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 1
Post ID: 27654
Reply to: 27654
We do not have an audio language.
Recently, reading about Hans Deutsch ideas and acknowledging how contrived his presentation is I realizeed from new dimension something that I've been preaching for We do not have an audio language years. All those audio people, professionals and amateurs, or even regular bystanders have absolutely no language to communicate about audio in non artificial way. Since 25 years ago when I discovered all those audio communities online and begin to interact with many people, mostly idiots, I constantly hurt from them the very same idiotic questions: who told you so? How do you know that what you say is correct? Why you feel that your way is better than others? Why you don't do what you advocate? Why you advocate what you do? Why should I listen you and who you are? 

This always was extremely alien to me. I never ever was trying to convince anybody in anything or sell to anything to anybody. All I care is to share my curiosity an interest on the subject of sound reproduction. Yes I love to mock the idiots... because they are idiots. How can I refuse myself to have this fun.  When I was younger I was much more in pursuing of righteousness but that pursue never was focused on being right but was focused on the logical approach what doesn't mean to be more on right side. Honestly, over my entire audio life I'm at maybe two-three people call her absolutely unexpected and obscene statements from me, ask me about my reasons and rationale instead informing me is a time wrong. It was two three people over hundreds I knew. 

Because not particular is a people were bad, sings this I need to mention them one of the most disgusting and psychologically corrupted people I've seen where that assholes who considers himself industry leaders led by a certifiable moron ofJohn Mark's level. It was never the badness of the people as an input material for an observation. But rather that very normal people had absolutely no interface how to interact about audio without exposing on griefs, insecurity or just fears. 

When you talk to another audio person try to make a little psychological experiment. Do not use any reference to any brands, do not even presume that are there equipment might be bought or sold, make absolutely certain that this conversation must not result of any actions of yours of your collaborator, pretend you both live in inhibited island with no electricity, no playback, and pretend you're going to die there never experience audio ever again. Try it. You very fast will discover that your other person moving lips in the air like a fish. Even more to it, you will discover this time that you're on interest old discovering audio subjects is going to acquire a very different perspective. 

I am, being a diabolical asshole, used to love to play interesting experiments with audio species. I used to have a good collaborator about the subjects of audio. We did not talk a lot but when we did I was very impressed with him being able to decoupled himself from who he is. He was superbly prominent audio germanufacturer in UK.  Listening him I did not believe my ears as he was perfect, he even was able very loosely to criticize his own products which have world wide appreciation. For whatever reason, I always felt that it is just a mask and behind there is a very insecure man. So, I begin to dig in until the monster pulled up out of him. This train is never late. 

What I did was kind of illegal in an ethical in my book as I used his language and he's communication interface against him. However, the key in all of it is that neither me or him have any other language to communicate. I present myself from some kind of superior position posing myself as I am the one who does possess a proper language to communicate about audio. I do not. One of the reasons why I know that I do not because when I experience it truly remarkable sound I always semi-violently aboard any further conversation about aidio and continuous communication about food, politics, women, anything else but not audio. 

We do not have an audio language and mechanism for communication to treat the subjects respectively. 

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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