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12-17-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 141
Post ID: 17538
Reply to: 14457
ULF-only Sound
This week two audio persons visited me. Both of them experimenting with loudspeakers of own design and during their visit I discounted my Macondo channels and demonstrated to then the contribution of the each channel to Macondo Sound. Both of them did praised my bass and both of them got completely flabbergasted when I disconnect the main Macondo channel and let just ULF channels to play at reference volume. It need to be seen the people sitting in my listening chair, looking at me questionably and not getting the the complete silence they hear is the way how my ULF are working. Well, this is how 20Hz ULF shall work. Listening the Macondo with and without ULF they have no doubt about the benefit ULF but to hear ULF-only working for a first time it, I have to admit, a bit bizarre feeling.  As now, having some experience playing with it, I can to listed ULF-only and be able to say something about the sound, including prediction how it might sound with the rest of playback. To hear the ULF only for a first time is still more like trip to circus during your 5th birthday.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-25-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 142
Post ID: 17572
Reply to: 14457
An easy ULF solution for someone.

I am usually not a big fun of somebody refer to eBay Items and I myself do it very seldom. Still, here I am as I think it is an interesting deal for someone. There is a guy out there that is damping a few of Aura RS-8.1 bass modules.



They are Aura 1808 drivers in already built-in, accurate and nice looking enclosures. The price I think is reasonable for the pair of the boxes and since they are in crates then it will be assurance that they will be delivered in pristine shape. The guy will ship, I spoke with him. Use tracking freight service and ship on pallets if you go for it.

What I find is interesting in that that for $1.5K somebody will have right out of shelf, ready to go ULF channels with very good drivers. Do not think that you will be able to run them to 100Hz. Well, sure you will be able to but if you like THAT sound then you is a deaf Moron. This configuration is not for bass generally but for sub 30Hz bass. Also, they are ported, so do not do fantasize about midbass from those woofers.

If you have 40Hz-60Hz horn then you might play with Aura RS-8.1 bass modules and it is possible that it will do very well, crossing them at let say 30-35Hz and to have pain-free and none expensive implementation. I do not know how good the boxes constructed, I do not know if the ports are re-tunable, in fact I do not know anything about them but frankly if I had space for them than I would try them myself. All investment that needs to be done is to replacement the red front grill with black fabric and it is under $10. I do not want to use this configuration in my room – 22” wide it too wide for me, otherwise I would bite it.

Anyhow, whoever is interested – it is all your. Since the guy has a lot of them he might be flexible in price and if you can pick them up than I am sure he will be more accommodating. If you get them then post how you employ them and how they sound.

Good luck, The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
12-25-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 143
Post ID: 17574
Reply to: 17572
Red Grills
In the Christmas Spirit, a couple of notes in passing:

1) These units might need a LOT of power to make ULF in those cases...

B) "Conventions in Vegas" re: pro speakers = "Little  Old Lady From Pasadena" re: used cars.

Paul S
12-26-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 144
Post ID: 17575
Reply to: 17574
It is exactly what I would like to avoid.
 Paul S wrote:
In the Christmas Spirit, a couple of notes in passing:

1) These units might need a LOT of power to make ULF in those cases...

B) "Conventions in Vegas" re: pro speakers = "Little  Old Lady From Pasadena" re: used cars.
What I would like to avoid is stating at my site to discuss the eBay listing as purchasing items. The information about the Aura woofers was proposed as topological opportunity, nothing else.  It is possible that somebody would like to build the similar enclosure only with slightly different shape to best accommodate the specific room. In think care the ready to go Aura boxed might act as a good and easy pilot project.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-22-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Chicago, IL
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Post #: 145
Post ID: 17874
Reply to: 17575
So I took your advice
I thought I'd let you know that I ordered four of those Aura subs. Thanks for the advice, if I receive them (I hope so), I will install them into my new listening room. This will take a while because I still have a few months away from completing the construction and moving in, but as soon as this happens I will post my findings. My expectations are not set too high, as I was initially planning on building vertical arrays with eight 12" vifa NE bass drivers per side but the ready made Aura solution seemed more practical. We'll see...
02-22-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 146
Post ID: 17875
Reply to: 17874
Ok, let me know how it goes.

 noviygera wrote:
I thought I'd let you know that I ordered four of those Aura subs. Thanks for the advice, if I receive them (I hope so), I will install them into my new listening room. This will take a while because I still have a few months away from completing the construction and moving in, but as soon as this happens I will post my findings. My expectations are not set too high, as I was initially planning on building vertical arrays with eight 12" vifa NE bass drivers per side but the ready made Aura solution seemed more practical. We'll see...

Yep, it is interesting how you find them. I need to warn you however, that most frequently people who follow my advise in audio do end up with disappointments as they foolishly feel that following somebody’s path eliminates a need for them to spend own efforts. Anyhow, for all intended purposes I think you got a very good deal.  I pay for my Auras $500-$700 each and it was 10 years back. You got your for $1400, including the boxes and shipping crates – not bad at all. In addition it is my observation that the drivers installed in enclosure are generally in better shape then those that lived non-mounted.

When you get the speaker you would wan to rotate then 180 degree and to break them in a little. Put the speaker face to face, let say 3-4 inch apart, wire then in opposite phase, and driver write noise through then for a few days. Do not overcook them and do not get too loud, user moderate volume. This will softer the suspension for 5-15Hz.

You will need to fine a right power amp to drive them. The power amp type that I use for my ULF I would not user for your Auras, particularly if you have more or less large room at LF. You would need a high current amp able to deal with reverse current and with impedance dive that will coming from that very strong motor when the cabinet port hit its resonance. Also, please, do acknowledge my experience about the crossover – it is very important.  If you remember I did not like at all the harmonics of my bass when I went line level with my SS driving my ULF. I did like the result and it is what I use now when I put a tube crossover into the game. So, the conclusion that I made for a long time ago is that SS can’t drive bass – it has shape but it has no taste or smell. In my case I used the 2-tubes 12AX7 crossover to override with own distortions the tonal impotence of my SS bass amp. The best would be of cause to has a good tube DSET with ultra low output impedance to drive your Auras but good lack to find 250-400W DSET.

Do not even attempt to use them over 35-40Hz. They will work but they will sound not good. Those drivers are 30Hz solution with sharp filter and it is where they need to be used. You might experiment with closing the port.  Aura must be used in sealed box and the ported solution is not good no matter what. For the sealed box you will need 12 cub feet and up. I heard contradictory comments about it and I do not have my own opinion about it. If I did it I would go with 18-20 cub feet but do not hold me labile.

I do not know how and in context of what you will be using them but it for sure interesting to hear your findings.  It would be even more fun if you make them to work and then come to hear my ULF – I need somebody to evaluate my ULF solution and let me know if use of my 18 incher that I have sitting in basemen would do any difference for me. It is not that I can’t try myself but I would like to blame somebody if I do not like them

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-07-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 147
Post ID: 17918
Reply to: 14457
The ULF amp Itch.
Nope, I do not have the itch with ULF sound but I do have a mild itch with ULF concept. The itch is not strong enough to make me to do something but I would like another day to push the boundary of reality and to see what in behind the rabbit hole. Let me to explain.

I have very good bass and ULF and everything else at the bottom. If I have any strong objection then I would make me to do something but I do not have any objections and this prevents me from look into the subject further. Still, I do have a desirer to see how ULF would be different if it was driven by different means. I drive my ULF by SS A/B amp. It is fully DC coupled amp with very good bass and if you remember when I use is with line level passive filer I complained that I did not like the bass.  I do not know if it is my power amps is particularly shitty of anything else but the excuse that I use is that SS can’t produce good bass anyhow. At least I never was able to hear any good bass from SS.

So, if you remember I put a two stage tube capacitance-coupled crossover before my SS power amp and claimed that I got the bass that I was looking. I well understand that I in a way injected into the signal the 2 order harmonic distortion from tubes but whatever I found the result was fine. Now, from purely conceptual and non-compromise point of view of cause the ULF has to be driven by tube amp. With my room I need approximately 150-200W of SS power. To get the same damping of my woofer towers with ultra low out impedance from tubes I would need to burn a LOT of power in transformer, so I guess I would need 400W of tube power.  To have a gaped DSET OPT transformer that will care 400W down to 5Hz let say it will be a monster with core of barrel size to build up inductance. I am not talking about the output tube that would be a high voltage monster….

I am well informed about the insane price and effort to put two of those monoblocks together and I will not do it, in particularly knowing that my ULF kicks at 20Hz. Still, I would LOVE to hear it and to make a judgment it make any auditable difference… I know that it will be no commercially available to borrow from somebody DSET for ULF, so it is possible that the question will never have an answer. Still, I would love to…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-11-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 148
Post ID: 25104
Reply to: 17918
Here is an update for the old thread....
The new IB with Macondo....


"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-11-2018 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Chicago, IL
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Post #: 149
Post ID: 25106
Reply to: 25104
Good highs
Yep, the IB sub does it's job, as I expected because I had an IB sub in my previous listening room. I think you will really like the bass of this configuration because from my past experience -- there is nothing as good as IB sub for low bass, for long term listening sessions. IB is natural bass with natural decay.
But I want to make a comment on something more important. The high frequency response you have above 7k. I think this is a fantastic response curve for a good sound system. There is nothing as annoying as a flat high frequency response. Perhaps the only more annoying sonic experience is a tilted up freq response above 8k. Any system with dignity should have a tilted down response, like you have and I applaud your taste in sound for this reason alone.
As I mentioned in my last post on this site, the only way to get good sound out of TAD 2002 driver is a 6db low pass filter above 12k. That reflects your measured system response, somewhat.

04-11-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 150
Post ID: 26103
Reply to: 16208
 Romy the Cat wrote:
fiogf49gjkf0dI am observing an interesting and surprising fact – I am begging to like my active Marchand crossover. I did a number of modifications to it and it looks like the parts are broken-in now – it does sound very pleasant for my ULF. I feel it is a bit too soft then I would like to have in my final version and I will go for line-level passive what my second B2 will be fixed but this slightly tweaked Marchand today showed off some spectacular result.  

I had today a VERY interesting Erotica’s funeral march, played with so much complexity that I thought that Marchand will lose it. To my surprise the Marchand show off very extravagant ULF sound. The slight of softness of Marchand tubes combined with very idiosyncratic bass of old Brunswick orchestra made some spectacular sounds, truly addictive…

Marchand X26.JPG

Who knows, if to spend some attention to this active crossover, perhaps to put better tubes in then it might be a nice devise to use all time. The way how delicate it opens notes is still in my head….

The Cat
Hello, i have a Marchand xm26, my system is Oris 150 with Aer bd3 and 2x15 ripoles, pset 2A3 for fullrange and ss for bass.Would be a good idea to replace output tube for ecc81? The caps has been replaced for mundorf and duelund in bypass.The idea is to use input and xover tubes with ecc83 and replace last tube.Thanks
04-11-2021 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 151
Post ID: 26104
Reply to: 26103
What truly are you tryin to accomplish?
RLRB, theecc81 is basically the same tube with slightly less gain, if I remember correctly. It is not the problem in your question, the problem, in my view is in different domain. You said: “idea is to use input and xover tubes with ecc83 and replace last tube”. That for sure might be done but the objective here are pure technical. What I do not see is what is your sonic objective, what are you trying to accomplish as a result. You see, whatever we will work, you can put in there even 211 tube and you can make it work. The way how I see it: until your technical efforts are aligned with your sonic or musical objective it all will be shooting blind to non-existing target. How you will be able to evaluate the result if you do know of feel what you are trying to accomplish? What am trying to say the you need clearly identify to yourself what is wrong with your system and what specific property of sound you would like to change and then to see if flipping the Marchand tube from 83 to 91 will accomplish it.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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