... from Onafets Ollecnotreb, Roman;-)I agree Andrew's approach is more relaxed and MUCH less self-hyped, deal-only oriented than the average audio chap... Again, thank you.
Jzagaja, a wonderful document about the La-horns:
Are you behind the autotech company? Are you just make the MF horns of are you trying to build compile systems? Anything more interesting than 2-3 channels?
Hi Romy,
I'm Autotech (Lukas Lewandowski) friend who manages technical correspondence and do design part. Personally I'm interested in all horn designs down to 20Hz and I do see some interest in multi-way horn designs from eg. Hungary. IMG_3508male.jpg picture shows my system. As you see Autotech has all axisymmetric JMLC horns and you can easily built 3 way system down to 200Hz (1 meter horn). Our limit is 2 meters. Within few weeks I will get OS waveguide cabinets which I believe have wider sweet spot than usual horns.
Minphase horn at Gelsenkirchen.
Ok. The company name is CubeAudio, You can contact with at cubeaudio.eu.
Today I receive 600hz tractrixs from them... I made structural inside
painting on one of the horns, it looks much better...
Hi Dominic:I hope you may be able to oblige with some additional comments on the specifications of the horns? What's the thickness and weight of the horns? What about the prices of the 420Hz and 600 Hz horns you mentioned above? Do you know what's indicative price for 150Hz horn? Will that horn be thicker than the other smaller horns?Kind regardsRakesh
There is a Russian guy Dmitry Gubchenco who claims the he makes custom installations using horn-loading topology:
I am not thrilled with what I see but it was not made for me. Anyhow, it looks like the guy makes everything from front end to acoustic systems.
dragan wrote:Please, take a look at my work. http://www.beaconos.com/
was a ridiculously simple and very interesting idea.