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03-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 821
Post ID: 15873
Reply to: 15872
We have long spoken of the "electrical" event as something that is +/- "routed" by cables rather than being "contained" by the cables.

Whatever the "source" or "nature" of the electricity, the gear does use it.  Sometimes "conditions favor electricity" that we manipulate for hi-fi.

Maybe the PP2000 somehow conditions either the electricity or the immediate "atmosphere" such that it "resembles" "favorable conditions"; or maybe the PP2000 does something to or with the electricty or atmosphere that makes it "less vulnerable" to "degradation" under "less-than-optimal" conditions?

Judging by the almost endless permutations of sound wrought by "electricity", it seems likely that there are several factors at work that result in the performance we "recognize".  Clearly, a "perfect wave form" is no guarantee of what we audio-psychos accept as "good electricity", even though perfect waves" have not been shown to be a sonic problem, either.

I have long thought that humidity and atmospheric/ionic charge were factors, although I have not done anything empirical to delineate or connect either of these "factors" to signiture sound(s), with and/or without other "electrical" considerations.  Shouldn't be too tough to take some readings and keep a log...

How these "external factors" may affect our listening is anyone's guess at this point, although the relationship between atmospheric/ion charge/"count" and "mood" has been reasonably established, I think, and I believe these are also under consideration in establishing super-conductance and super-vision and super-listening connections; anything where "optimal conductivity" is desired.

Paul S
03-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 822
Post ID: 15874
Reply to: 15873
The SOHO data?

Taking about the external events I more inclined to look at SOHO data and to correlate it with sonic results – probably it is  what I need start to do. SOHO is the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory an international project studies the Sun’s solar wind. They publish dally data of Sun’s solar speed and density




It might be a good idea to have a chart of sound quality and to correlate it with chart of solar activity. If there is a direct coloration then it would be a phenomenal discovery, worth a Audio Noble Price, which is equivalent of two free Patricia barber 350g LPs….

So, boys, next time you note some especially bad or especially good Sound then hit the SOHO data and see what is doing on.

Rgs. Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 823
Post ID: 15875
Reply to: 15874
Sun vs "Atmosphere"
Of course, the Sun is a huge factor in terms of "atmospheric" activity, as it may be measured or otherwise quantified.

Do I need to say outright that we are not kidding?

We are not kidding, as NASA, NORAD, and high-tech communications operations around the world well understand.

Paul S
03-28-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 824
Post ID: 15876
Reply to: 15872
Full moon effects
Very interesting theory. I can only ad that when I used to work for a hospital way back when, an increase in emergency room activity was always seen around full or fuller moons. It seems an increase agressiveness or increased energy levels got more people in trouble. The hospital emergency room was actually staffed differently around this time every month in anticipation. I also find myself with a litlle boost in energy levels during these couple of days.

This is not stated as another possible option in your theory as I think the moon effects would be to predictable and not as random in nature as what you suggest. This is more an example of just how celestial bodies or things above and beyond effect us. 
03-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 825
Post ID: 15877
Reply to: 15875
The moon makes things different for me too, on a personal level. No denying it.

Fortunately, possibly because the moon is my birthsign, the full moon is my friend.

But I have not yet assessed its effects on hifi sound. Could be!

So how could I separate the two?
03-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 826
Post ID: 15878
Reply to: 15874
Of course
"So, boys, next time you note some especially bad or especially good Sound then hit the SOHO data and see what is doing on."

Another variable: Mercury void of course.
03-29-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 827
Post ID: 15879
Reply to: 15872
A huge area
"This is a huge area of absolutely not explored territory and no one look into it. Unfortunately.. It is very possible that we need less engineers but more doctors and physicians to understand what bad and good electricity does to us."

Yes. One name: Dr. David Diamond.

Author: The Life Energy in Music (Vols. 1 - 3)

Profession: Applied Kinesiology.

It was he who first measured the untoward effects of CD reproduction on the human system.

The technique might work for bad and good electricity as well, who knows?

03-30-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 828
Post ID: 15885
Reply to: 15872
Ps audio ultimate outlets

  I tried quite a few isolation and power conditioner products over the years. The only ones that I still use and feel do more good than harm are the now discontinued PS Audio Ultimate Outlets. They are simply good quality baluns. The advantage is that you can chain them serially and get more (passive) isolation. I have tried them on tube gear, SS and even recording gear and notice  the same effect in all cases - a general reduction in transient distortion particularly in upper midrange and treble and a bit more clarity of spatial cues. They can be had for $200- 300.
04-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 829
Post ID: 15908
Reply to: 2931
PS Audio P10’s ideas
It happens that PS Audio power regenerators, the power plans, have not a lot of welcoming in my home as I think they underperformed sonically. PS Audio has new model P10 regenerators. This is basically the same unit as it use to be: transformers and class A/B amps but in the new unit PS Audio stuffed a lot of secondary functionality the I in fact absolutely love. The new P10 unit comes with a commander center that allows you to get email from P10, schedule powering, Input naming, remote control, record electrical events in power line (including distortions), IP remoting, firmware update over IP, set delays for powering, use turning on sequential turning. I did not heard the P10 and I do not know how it sound but let agree that sound aside the functionality list is very impressive.

Frankly I would buy PS Audio P10 but without the regenerator part. If they have a small and cheap separate devise with only IP remoting/scheduler and power monitoring tool that would log the power event to my PC then I would certainly go for it.


Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-04-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 830
Post ID: 15929
Reply to: 15840
A-b: possibility of comparing files?
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Thos who do not know how audio sound during the Super Electricity Days they do not know. I do know and I wonder: are the Super Electricity Days have own after-mark. I kind of pissed that it did not hit me early as I might wait for net Super Electricity Day who know how long.

So, what I would like to do is to do a recording during a Super Electricity Day. Let play an PL and output the preamp output to the Pacific’s 88K. Then in a few days what the electricity is regular to do the same recording of the same LP to another 88K file. Then to compare two 88K files. There is a remote chance that it will be difference between those two files, and if it be then I would like to see what the difference would be.  That might be very interesting experiment.

The Cat

Why don't you reach out to GBH, CRB and HRB to see if by chance they recorded some of the sessions that evening a few months ago. If so maybe they would agree to replay/rerecord an identical piece this week and you would have two files (great electricity - regular electricity) to compare by taking the difference of the files.

Of course, you can't guarantee that the playback/recording chain/process will be identical but at least it is unlikely they acquired new equipment over the past few months so this might be an interesting exercise to start.
04-10-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 831
Post ID: 15965
Reply to: 2931
Electricity Analyses: Sonic Data

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Those who do not know how audio sound during the Super Electricity Days they do not know. I do know and I wonder: are the Super Electricity Days have own after-mark. I kind of pissed that it did not hit me early as I might wait for net Super Electricity Day who know how long.

So, what I would like to do is to do a recording during a Super Electricity Day. Let play an PL and output the preamp output to the Pacific’s 88K. Then in a few days what the electricity is regular to do the same recording of the same LP to another 88K file. Then to compare two 88K files. There is a remote chance that it will be difference between those two files, and if it be then I would like to see what the difference would be.  That might be very interesting experiment.

Ok, I did it and the results are superbly illustrative I did not even expect that it will be so obvious. Also, it is a first attempt to look at the objective data about sound of electricity that I ever seen. I am sharing all data for you; you make your own research and conclusions.  First of all what it is.  I made 2 weeks ago a recording. I did not use LP as I initially intended but decided to use a CD as it gives more stable, repeatable result. So, it was a very good electricity day (not the Super Electricity Day but still very good day) and I recorded a file from my CD player. Today was bad electricity sound and I recorded the same file again. The path was the following:

CEC TL0 -> Bidat DAC -> Placette Preamp -> Tape Out -> Pacific Microsonic II in Master Mode ->Linx 16 -> Wavelab 6 at 88/24.

There was no editing or processing of files done of any kind and there was no change of equipment of any kind done. Pacific was working for a couple hours before recording. All equipment, including DAW was running from one single PP2000.

Below are both files recorded during bad and god electricity days. The file sound dramatically different.



The visual comparing of the file also indicate that difference is VERY dramatic. The file above is from good electricity day and below is from bad day.


Here is the 3D diference from 20Hz to 20.000Hz


The data above proves that it is perfectly possible to develop a sonic text that will objectively, without any BS or excuses for deafness or ignorance to measure SONIC performance of electricity. The test might be loaded from USB flash card and measure how suitable given electivity for Sound.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

PS: It would be interesting to do it again with and without PP2000. I am sure the amplitude of the differences would be MUCH higher. Now, how to make the difference do not exist?

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-10-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 832
Post ID: 15966
Reply to: 15965
What other dimensions to consider? Comparing to raw digital file?
This is a very interesting post Romy; thanks for putting this together and providing sample files. Looks like bad electricity is stuffing pillows into brass and covering strings with shellac. Or is it?

* On the first chart I thought it would be interesting to see an delta plot (a-b) but given the differences are so blatantly obvious I understand why you didn't look at that. For complex problems, I think these simple deltas are worth looking at anyways and might stir up some ideas. 

* On the 3D animation, I would plot the differences as well and blow up the y axis to better see what is going on. Also I am thinking now beyond the x,y and z dimensions illustrated above what other dimensions might be considered; that may be where the real insight comes from. Hopefully people around the globe chime in here.

**** Given the music is going through processing at home, did you try looking at the raw digital file directly into Wavelab? How did that compare to the good.wav and bad.wav? I've got to think the good.wav file is a lot closer to the raw digital file...but that brings us (well me) to a major assumption that probably is wrong - bad electricity kills sound while good electricity does not necessarily modify sound, just sets the base line.

04-10-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 833
Post ID: 15968
Reply to: 15965
That is very interesting, but surely to know what it means we need to compare the variance both within and across bad and good days. There is bound to be variation from one recording to the next on a good day, and this may be as great as that between good and bad days. So we would really need, say, ten recordings on each type of day. To say this is not to deny a difference but merely to say it need not be captured adequately by your test. rgds, d
04-10-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 834
Post ID: 15971
Reply to: 15968
The sonic difference is night and day
Romy, this is very interesting indeed. I'm assuming that the sonic difference between these two files is in line with the sonic difference you hear between bad and good 'electricity' days when you're just listening to music, with no recording chain involved? If this is indeed the case, then what you've done here is astonishing - a clear indication (to me at least) that what we're calling 'good/bad electricity days' are a bigger determining factor in the final sound than probably the hardware itself.

Surely the root cause must now be explored. You've mentioned before that these differences exist even when the PP2000 is in battery mode (i.e. totally isolated from the AC mains). So can we confidenty eliminate electricity from the equation?

Although I don't want to propose a strong hypothesis right now, can I just say that I seem to experience a similiar (although somewhat smaller, I think) effect by using a 'Schumann Resonator'. Maybe I should repeat your experiment with the SR on and off - I suspect the results might bear a striking resemblance to yours...

04-10-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 835
Post ID: 15972
Reply to: 15971
“…the cause must now be explored.”
 manisandher wrote:
Romy, this is very interesting indeed. I'm assuming that the sonic difference between these two files is in line with the sonic difference you hear between bad and good 'electricity' days when you're just listening to music, with no recording chain involved? If this is indeed the case, then what you've done here is astonishing - a clear indication (to me at least) that what we're calling 'good/bad electricity days' are a bigger determining factor in the final sound than probably the hardware itself.

Surely the root cause must now be explored. You've mentioned before that these differences exist even when the PP2000 is in battery mode (i.e. totally isolated from the AC mains). So can we confidenty eliminate electricity from the equation?

Although I don't want to propose a strong hypothesis right now, can I just say that I seem to experience a similiar (although somewhat smaller, I think) effect by using a 'Schumann Resonator'. Maybe I should repeat your experiment with the SR on and off - I suspect the results might bear a striking resemblance to yours...

Yes, Mani.

The result is very interesting and sonic difference between the file is very auditable after the best first note. In real life the difference would be much higher as at good day and bad day the playback truck will be performing differently. What I captured was just the recorded part, which is fracture of the full difference.

If I knew that he difference would be so visible then I would do multiple tests, with PP2000 is in battery mode and a few other. Now to do it I need to wait another good electricity day. I do not have too much motivation to continue this, I have more interest to address the problem generically instead of continue to study problem. What annoys me is total indifference to the problem by the people who are trying to deal with problem proficiently. They make some kind of devises that work good enough to generate sales and they do not go for a full, global, deep addressing of the problem. I do not knock in the door of PS Audio, PurePower, ExectPower, Acuphase, APC and many others. I juts saying that the similar and much deep research had to be done years and years back and very much not at my armature level.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-11-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Kensington, NH
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Post #: 836
Post ID: 15995
Reply to: 15972
It's interesting that the most variation is in the upper bass, lower midrange. By eyeball,the peaks look like  240 and 480 Hz. or about the 2nd and 3rd harmonic of 60 Hz., although there is only a slight peak at 60. Is that a fluke or related to something? Is there a way to determine the exact Hz. for the peaks

Could it be that the really great recordings of the 50's and 60's compared to those today were due to the fact that they had more "great electricity days to record.

Is this result reproducible; meaning you already have a great day recording. Now repeat the recording every day the sound is poor to see if the curve remains the same or varies and how the variance relates to the sound difference.

Also don the bad days, do graphs of the difference between straight from the wall and the pure power both on and off battery to see how its affecting the noise. If you show the pure power engineers these results it would give them a way to quantify what they are doing and may help them in determining how to improve on the product, a plus for us.

I do believe if these experiments are continued, it would present a great paper for the AES. It certainly gives clear evidence that electricity quality does make a difference in the recording chain which they have been disputing for years. 

04-11-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 837
Post ID: 15996
Reply to: 15995
The main answer of the study.
 Bill wrote:
Could it be that the really great recordings of the 50's and 60's compared to those today were due to the fact that they had more "great electricity days to record.
What a brilliant idea! I never even thought about it.

 Bill wrote:
I do believe if these experiments are continued, it would present a great paper for the AES. It certainly gives clear evidence that electricity quality does make a difference in the recording chain which they have been disputing for years. 
Well, to be what I have done very clearly answered the main question that I have been debating for years with a guy I know. I feel that problem with sound of electricity is imbedded in electricity itself and in some laws that we do not know yet. He feel that the problem with sound of electricity are environmental and when electricity is bad then something made us to perceive heard as “bad sound”. The experiment I conducted is clear objective evidence that he was wrong and it is not about our perception but about very tangible changed in the signal itself when electricity turned bad. Spent time to study the differences between two files with your file editor at high resolution and you will see what I mean.

Rgs, the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-11-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 838
Post ID: 16003
Reply to: 15965
Not convinced by this

Thank you for this experiment and sharing the recorded files. This makes for some very interesting analysis.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
The visual comparing of the file also indicate that difference is VERY dramatic. The file above is from good electricity day and below is from bad day.

Can you point out where and how in the picture the two files look very dramatically different? Because they look pretty much the same to me.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Here is the 3D diference from 20Hz to 20.000Hz

Did you do an audio file comparison on the two files posted? Unfortunately one should not do that, because the files are not synchronized/time-aligned. For example, look at this close-up starting at 1m52s:


It is clear that the waveforms for good and bad are identical, but look at how the one for the good electricity (the top one) is late (shifted to the right) compared to the other, by around 2.8ms. This means that a raw diff is meaningless.

I tried to remove some samples from one file to "fix" the time offset. I was able to reduce the diff amplitude already, but it seems the offset varies with time which makes it so much more difficult to get the real diff between the two signals.

Diff for the original files:


Diff for the files with reduced time offset:


(Scale is the same)

In particular, look at how the large diff near the end (from 2m23s onwards) almost disappears.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
The data above proves that it is perfectly possible to develop a sonic text that will objectively, without any BS or excuses for deafness or ignorance to measure SONIC performance of electricity. The test might be loaded from USB flash card and measure how suitable given electivity for Sound.

Well, maybe this can be done. I am sure that bad sound from electricity can be measured and shown. But I do not think the pictures posted so far do that.

I am pretty sure that normal playback variations can explain differences in the time domain that we observe. We should try to remove that variability to be able to analyze what happens in other domains (amplitude, frequency?). However, that could be very difficult (if not outright impossible) and in doing so we risk losing information about time garbage introduced by bad electricity (jitter? hopefully time variability from playback is slow, so removing it should keep electricity-induced jitter).

I'll try getting better results and will post if anything interesting comes up.

04-12-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 839
Post ID: 16023
Reply to: 16003
You do not see the difference?

I am surprised to see your response. You absolutely incorrectly, in my view, look at the data. The files of cause do not have the same start mark. Why shell they? I did not subtract one from another. You did in phase the files and did the subtraction but what the subtraction shows? You see the delta dose not indicate anything that we as listeners understand.  What I did was zooming the file to the point where the resolution is high, the difference between the file is visible but the resolution still present the note or a phase in it’s completeness. Then you can see how the difference relates to Sound. I did not run subtraction but instead I run global picks extraction into 3D. This way the difference in timing marks is irrelevant. You can make the files absolutely the same starting from a marker of your choose and then run the analyses from there. For picks or average extraction it would not make any difference. BTW, if you cut the file then you do not engaged DSP and the files are still might be conceded as raw.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-13-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 840
Post ID: 16032
Reply to: 16023
Just trying to understand
 Romy the Cat wrote:
You absolutely incorrectly, in my view, look at the data. The files of cause do not have the same start mark. Why shell they? I did not subtract one from another. You did in phase the files and did the subtraction but what the subtraction shows? You see the delta dose not indicate anything that we as listeners understand.  [...] I did not run subtraction but instead I run global picks extraction into 3D. This way the difference in timing marks is irrelevant.
I thought that you had used the audio file comparer to get the signal difference and used that as input for the 3D view. That is why I reacted and spoke about subtracting signals. I was wrong, thank you for explaining what you did to produce the 3D graphics (though I do not see how you can get a 3D view of global peak extraction; also why not run the 3D analysis directly?).
 Romy the Cat wrote:
What I did was zooming the file to the point where the resolution is high, the difference between the file is visible but the resolution still present the note or a phase in it’s completeness. Then you can see how the difference relates to Sound.
I still do no see how the first picture you posted can be used to show any meaningful difference between the two signals. Here is another, slightly more zoomed in view of the same signals:
(first 3.5s of signal instead of 7s; same amplitude around +/-1.5; one frame for the good electricity signal, another for the bad one)
Obviously, there is a slight DC offset (the time offset is also visible). But would you say that this picture indicates a dramatic difference between the good and bad electricity signals?
Note that the DC offset exists only at the beginning, it quickly disappears pretty much entirely.

As to the 3D views, they do not seem to have enough resolution to be meaningful either. For example, this seems to have much better resolution, but is in 2D (this is for the entire good electricity signal):
Note that it would be pretty easy to turn the 2D view into a 3D one.
Does anyone know of a software capable of producing high-res, 3D temporal spectrum analysis?

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