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09-03-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 21
Post ID: 1393
Reply to: 1392
Re: Blame the writers?
Romy --

Well you must remember, there *are* two schools of language. There's the Harry style you talk about, and directly on the opposite shore we have the Ivor style (Tiefenbrun of Linn) that emphasizes pace, rhythm and timing.

We really do have a range of expression, if only we'd use it.

Although I do wish somebody would come out with a translation of Likhnitsky.


PS I once wrote an article (unpublished) called "The Misapplication of Visual Criteria to Audio".
09-04-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 22
Post ID: 1397
Reply to: 1393
The Likhnitsky translations…..

 clarkjohnsen wrote:
Although I do wish somebody would come out with a translation of Likhnitsky.
Hmmmm....  Clark....

I do not think that it would be such an interesting event. I doubt that you for instance, will be able to find in the book anything that you would not know. From a different prospective the 99.9999999% of the audio people out there will not find it worth reading or even comprehendible. For instance that Kwame Ofori-Asante (from your article “Reality Redux”) will be looking at the some of the Likhnitsky references and spinning his 8843th  CD of “a female voice with small saxophone and  large drums” he will be scratching his head and thinking “What tha f..!” From the same article, the Bill "Doc" Gaw will be rapidly employing the Likhnitsky’s “New methods…” reviewing new garbage-audio within the pages of the “Enjoy His Music”. And of course ,the “estimable” Steve Klein will be working with his Jewish-calculator trying to figure out how to wrap up the Likhnitsky’s methods into his “reseller BS” and how to milk a few more dollars out of methodology that I am sure he will not be able to understand. 

Likhnitsky kind of close to Peter Qvortrup and he, for whatever reasons, kisses the Peter’s ass with a force of the Hurricane Katrina. Peter is not fool and he well understands that he can quite profitably cash out  the some of the Likhnitsky ideas, if they would be wrapped up properly. So, a few years ago Peter commissioned someone to translate the book “New methods…” (This is actual not a book but a brochure of sub-100 pages). However, knowing how much Peter agreed to paid for the translation job and knowing the semantic complexity of the subject I am convinced that he will end up with nothing. I told to Peter that to get anything useful from the book it should be translated by someone like me and it should cost at least 20-30 times more then he agreed to pay for the translation job. Anyhow, he promised me that when he finish to work he will send me a couple dozens of the copies, so I would give you one. Still, I do not think that it might be done by the by Peter's efforts

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-06-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul Scearce
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Post #: 23
Post ID: 1403
Reply to: 1397
Re: Music and reviewer lingo


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I had a very rare for me opportunity to hear some live music this weekend. It was a Jazz trio, and in my judgement a very good one. I don't know or care what the PA equipment was, and the ballroom had a noticable echo. Once the musicians started playing, none of that mattered.

What struck me about the music, was how the performers interacted with the music and with each other. By the end of the concert they seemed to be improvising quite a bit, and really having fun. It was quite catching.

Thinking about that later, it occured to me that a good stereo should be able to relay that feeling, and that if it could a lot of music should sound about like 1000 lines of "I will not chew gum in class."

I wonder how effective that would as a reviewers line?
09-07-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 24
Post ID: 1408
Reply to: 1397
Re: The Likhnitsky translations…..
Regarding the worthies mentioned in my article, and your lambasting of them, you got it all wrong, and nastily so. Consider your invitation to visit them withdrawn.

09-07-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 25
Post ID: 1410
Reply to: 1403
Re: Music and reviewer lingo

pregabaline sandoz

pregabaline sandoz
"Thinking about that later, it occured to me that a good stereo should be able to relay that feeling."

Yes indeed. Only, it won't -- because stereos generally play studio recordings, and the spirit does not visit musicians in the studio.

That"feeling" you get is from the music, not from the sound.

09-07-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 26
Post ID: 1411
Reply to: 1408
Quite disagree.

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 clarkjohnsen wrote:
Regarding the worthies mentioned in my article, and your lambasting of them, you got it all wrong, and nastily so. Consider your invitation to visit them withdrawn.

I know this crowd quite well, although I personally never meet Bill Gaw and heard the Kwame’s system juts once.  The Steve Klein’s “circle” is very boring not to say dirty environment and I have enough stories to backup my conclusion. The Steve Klein personally would put his grandmother in pawnshop if it brings him an extra buck. To talk with him about anything more then to collaborate how a new empty audio pop-slogan affect his account receivable is similar to have a discussion with the W Bush about the eloquence of English language. The people of Klein’s circle are not someone who I might agree to visit. I stooped to “do” them 5 years ago and now they should severally intoxicate me in order to me to deal with them.

Anyhow, was my reply related to it “audio industry thread”? Probably it was.  The Steve Klein is the Beauhorn distributor and he was the person who “lobbied” the AA moderating-dirt to vandalize from the AA archives any content that discredit the single-driver back loaded design, not to mention the rest of his “dirty tricks with e human face”.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
09-08-2005 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Pinckney (MI), United States
Posts 179
Joined on 09-01-2005

Post #: 27
Post ID: 1418
Reply to: 1391
Re: Roman ,You got it all wrong.

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No , I don't communicate well enough. I let the low spirit to take over and expressed doubts of all  " morons  and zombies" reading this site. Personally, I don't appreciate Romy's attitude and his rotten tonque ,but I own him or whoever is behind him that I am able now to verbalize (or understand) more of what was bothering me in the sound of many systems I heard, and  why I could not corellate perceived Quality to the sound ("sounds"?)  it produced. (See I'm trying hard to learn this "Eskimos poetry") Thanks anyway! W.
10-27-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 28
Post ID: 17246
Reply to: 1370
Ah, Gramophone?

I wonder when the idiots who run audio publication would do the same:


I personally know a manufacture why claimed that he received a very identical litter from a Stereophile and I personally know a manufacture who was shown two “reviews” of his products, good and bad, and a proposal the one them will go through depends of the amount of money the reviews need to pay in order to keep the reviewed products. BTW, even the review did not go through as the reviewer left the publication AND the reviews nether return product nor paid for it.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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