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04-29-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 61
Post ID: 13376
Reply to: 13375
No concerns
Doesnt sound like a problem where you have to make any drastic changes.  Using horns for some time, what is apparent in my system is that it requires quite precise placement especially if you are demanding and have experienced things that few people have and know exactly what you want.  And I think the weaknesses in my system exacerbate this. 

Ive struggled with finding a good balance in my room so I started taking notes with measurements on location.  Ive always had either a rich, dense, focused sound but somewhat compressed smallish presentation versus a drier, boring sound but large, immersive, open presentation.  It took me quite a long time to figure out what effect speaker placement had in the context of sound- moving speakers close together then far apart and then seeing what type of effect the sound had moving them further away from the wall- only I didnt realize I had to literally move the horns away from the back wall to the middle of my room to find the balance I could live with.  And that is with room treatments using DIY wooden QRDs.  I cant really entertain anyone in my "living" room but it is what it is if I want the sound that I want.
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Post #: 62
Post ID: 13383
Reply to: 13373
Speakers and room
ROMY  Your analogy of fitting the foot to the shoe is on the right track... Some times you need is a better pair of sox,,,You dont need to change the decorum of the Symphony hall..When you have a shitty orchestra,,,  Sometimes rearranging the musicions helps...Stakowski did this to make a more cohesive sound..Looking at the stack of your system,,,some rearrangement is needed,,and fireing those groups not needed,,,a tighter and more cohesive size is needed,,,,,JBL,s new EVEREST II speaker is a case in point... They threw everything out redesigned everything,,All drivers were completely redesigned everything,,,,Inside the units do not resemble anything used today,,,Every thing you or I are useing today are like that shitty orchestra.  Yes a new more cohesive BOSTON Symphony musicion talent is now needed.. Just like your drivers and TT horns,,, I now this is a shocking statement,,and you will try to resist,,but your system (and mine)needs replacing... the Vitavox S2 is an old trolly compaired to The JBL 476be,, This is a true fact,,,I will not shit you,,,It has a wider bandwidth with lower distortion,,,and a better propergation horn,,,You have built a Iron wall like the Berlin wall,,and needs to be torn down,,to let in the blinding fresh light... Think about this before responding,,,Take your time forming your words,,  This is now the time for you to catch up,, My analogy is you dont fly in a canvas covered airplane to fly from NewYork to LosAngelous in one hour... it is now possible to do this in a YF12 scramjet airplane...  This is now possible in the new speakers designed today.. I will elaborate more later...      MARON
04-30-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 63
Post ID: 13386
Reply to: 13383
I will continue working on my Macondo.

 zako wrote:
ROMY  Your analogy of fitting the foot to the shoe is on the right track... Some times you need is a better pair of sox,,,You dont need to change the decorum of the Symphony hall..When you have a shitty orchestra,,,  Sometimes rearranging the musicions helps...Stakowski did this to make a more cohesive sound..Looking at the stack of your system,,,some rearrangement is needed,,and fireing those groups not needed,,,a tighter and more cohesive size is needed,,,,,JBL,s new EVEREST II speaker is a case in point... They threw everything out redesigned everything,,All drivers were completely redesigned everything,,,,Inside the units do not resemble anything used today,,,Every thing you or I are useing today are like that shitty orchestra.  Yes a new more cohesive BOSTON Symphony musicion talent is now needed.. Just like your drivers and TT horns,,, I now this is a shocking statement,,and you will try to resist,,but your system (and mine)needs replacing... the Vitavox S2 is an old trolly compaired to The JBL 476be,, This is a true fact,,,I will not shit you,,,It has a wider bandwidth with lower distortion,,,and a better propergation horn,,,You have built a Iron wall like the Berlin wall,,and needs to be torn down,,to let in the blinding fresh light... Think about this before responding,,,Take your time forming your words,,  This is now the time for you to catch up,, My analogy is you dont fly in a canvas covered airplane to fly from NewYork to LosAngelous in one hour... it is now possible to do this in a YF12 scramjet airplane...  This is now possible in the new speakers designed today.. I will elaborate more later...      MARON


You said “The room is telling you that your speakers are wrong” - I do not know why you feel my need for better speakers took place only in context of the new room.  Your comment is wider then juts Macondo in the new room, it does not make them less valuable but in the way your position is irrelevant in context of the room. Regardless how inferior Macondo is - it does not perform as it did in my old room. I am not panicking and consider it expected. I did not work with Macondo in the new room yet, I will, and it will be better.  Still, the concept of Macondo is not a fixed design but a set of axioms that define design, so it is possible that as my familiarity with the sound of my room progresses I will find a need to modify something in Macondo.

Now, about your feeling regarding to what I do vs. what JBL does. It is not “shocking statement” and I will not resist. I do not have JBL 476be and I do not know how interesting it is. I did hear a few newly designed drivers/systems and it was not the direction of sound I fund interesting for myself.  I did not near the EVEREST II, I will if you feel I need but I do not expect a lot of revelations and there are a lot of reasons why. You said: “tighter and more cohesive size is needed”? I do not know if it is corrects. In way smaller room the “expanded” Macondo did very good, I mean VERY good. Now in much larger room if does not have this “magic”, so why the tighter and more cohesive size is needed in this larger room?

Again, I do not against the Macondo’s criticism. I would LOVE to hear.  I have even a thread “Macondo vs. the Industry sponsored speakers” where I was trying to share my views on the subject:


I might be right or wrong but I think it is important to understand that in my current state Macondo set and therefore it does not work properly in my current room. Therefore the successes or failures of my current Sound I do not find as something that is indicative about Macondo design ideas.  It would be similar to judging Sound of output tube by plaguing it to any voltage random voltage, driving though it any random current, loading it to any random load and driving it with any random driver…

Zako, I would like to hear your more elaboration on the subject and I hope that with my progress in my room I will be able to battle your view.  I personally do believe in what Macondo stands for and when I bring it to the point I feel it demonstrates what I meant to express then I would not mind to play it for you.  Any competitive and relevant thinking I think worth only by practical results.  Perhaps my experience with Macondo is too isolated and lost track of what is being done out there? Perhaps, I doubt but perhaps.  Last years I do not have a lot of exposure to what is done out there – I do not go to shows, I do not actively travel in people houses as I use to do and I do not go to the demos in high-end salons.  Perhaps the Audio World has moved way beyond of my little room and if it is a sentiment you would like to pass then I would say “possible”. Still, what I know about the “Audio World” makes me to feel that you might be incorrect. I will take you position under advisements and will continue working on my Macondo.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-30-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

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Post #: 64
Post ID: 13387
Reply to: 13359
The loud noise vs. loud Sound.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
Without mentioning the reasons here are a few pointers:

1)      There is no proper  tone
2)      Horizontal imaging is less refined then I would like it to be.
3)      Sound is not wet enough.
4)      At high volumes room can’t dissipate HF
5)      Sound does not have uniformed density and more reminds a dug and raked backyard.
6)      Strenuous and laborious presentation.
7)      Playback does not sound with the room but in the room.

One of the most interesting and unnerving characteristics of my sound is the way how Macondo plays loud in my new room. In my old room as volume of the sound went up Macondo’s sound was very firm and focused. There was nothing changed in Sound just volume went up. The very tip of the dynamic summit was very well defined and much spotlighted. Now, in the new room it is VERY far from what it used to be as instead of focused dynamic accent Macondo has a loud noise. Before if playbacks needed to deliver an accent, a dynamic punch line it was instantly and VERY narrow. It was like a hit of whip, where the very end was inflicting max pain. Now there is no end of the whip and as Macondo gets loud it hit with wide spectra noise, like a pile of garden rakes has fallen on you.

I attribute it to the fact that Macondo drivers are not time alighted for now but it might be something else as well.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-30-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 65
Post ID: 13388
Reply to: 13387
Romy,,I agree with most of what you say....But good audio engineering comes in small tiny increments,,when JBL introdiced the coherent phase plug..I said so what?? then the moved the position of the magnet,,I said so what??But they were getting ready to again make a dangerous design move,, Beryllium... The Be diaphram has certain exceptionally high stiffness and low density to ensure a superior combination of wide pistonic  bandwidth and low distortion,,with high headroom no strain AT ANY LEVEL..Now get this,,, Greag Timbers,,Chief Eng,,says,, the only improvement to be made would be to add  a fifth annualer  slit like the 4001 TAD   SMALL IMPROVEMENTS indeed.
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Post #: 66
Post ID: 13389
Reply to: 13388
The coherent wave phase plug gives time alignment across the full width of the Be diaphram,, No other phram can do this..
04-30-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 67
Post ID: 13392
Reply to: 13389
Specs, Ad Men and Death by Subscription
Zako, you might enjoy the thread about the evils of hysteresis induced by output transformers, where the (so-called)absence of output transformers is supposed to be the "solution".  In any case, your posts remind me of this gambit, more than a little.

Who knows, maybe you're actually on to a good new "product"; but one wouldn't know it from your posts about the Be, the "perfect piston", the "coherent wave phase plugtm", etc, which sounds just like all the other advertisements.  Basically, they are selecting or inventing the "problems" and the "solutions", both, and none of this is news, in and of itself. All this has been said before, and I'm still waiting to hear a Be tweeter that does not induce headaches.

Maybe you are ready to improve your own system and you hope you will be able to get what you want by buying and plugging in a pair of these new JBL speakers.  I certainly wish you all the luck in this, and I would love to gravytrain on your experience.  But I have no idea what you do or don't like about the SOUND you are getting now or what you hope to "step up" to, or why.  If there is anything interesting about these new speakers, it will be the SOUND they make, along with how easy they are to make sound good.  What do you like about these speakers, other than the specs you have repeated so far?  Why do you believe these speakers would do especially well - sonically - in a large room like Romy's?

Best regards,
Paul S
04-30-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 68
Post ID: 13393
Reply to: 13392
Perfect piston
Paul S ,,,I never met a output transformer that i liked. even in microphones..   My point is, good engineering comes in small increments,,not by leaps and bounds...And the wanna be,s follow with inferrior clones..  This driver is not a marketing ploy but based on actual true engineering sonic improvements..over a span of 19 years. In this driver three versions plus three diaphrams designs were developed, including Be....Now a fourth useing a Magnesium diaphram (wich as yet i havent heard) ..Why this new magnesium one,,Probably lower cost in manufacture, but claims of moving the resonent frequency up beyond the Berylliam breakup point,,Now that would be quite a achievement since that one (Be) is extreamly high anyway.  Yes the clarity and musicality to me has always been important,,,At low listening levels or at higher levels,,without the driver changing its sonic character.  Remember if it moves it distorts,,But should distort where i cant hear it.  The" perfect piston" should not collaps,,,,  Your experience With a Be tweeter,,Not too many manufacturs make a true Be. tweeter but cheap clones,, The poor speaker gets all the blaime when the problem is upstream 99.9 percent of the time. 
05-01-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 69
Post ID: 13399
Reply to: 13393
 I woke up last night thinking about ROMY,s speakers..  Why am i writeing about a new driver????  When the problem could be a old tired diaphram..That happens all the time,,I rememberd replaceing mine a few years back,,, The outer edge of any phram flex,s millions of times developing fatigue ond loseing its compliance..When hitting a massive cresendo it distorts not being able to keep up with the music...After replaceing the offending diaphram it was like having a young new speaker.  The new enviroment of a new room pointed to the problem.,,,, before hireing a new decorater that would probably mask the problem check the source first,,,
05-01-2010 Post mapped to one branch of Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 70
Post ID: 13402
Reply to: 13387
Naturally suck-sounding playback or Karaoke Playback Assessment
Today is the last day of BSO season and the first day what my antenna is up and I might listen the BSO in it’s full glory. The azohen-vey Glory! I was listening the programs today before the live broadcast. It is not that I do not like the sound. The sound is OK but it is light miles from MY sound.  It has no meaning and playing it to any of you I would not be able to say “Do you know what I mean?” and this sound is just a good high end sound but it has no esoteric expressivity and I find it boring.

As the broadcast started I was careful listening what BSO under Bernard Haitink and WCRB did with Leonore Overture No. 3.  Well, the WCRB does fuck some this up but I know that with me do not calling them for 2 months and straight them up they would do it. Still, the most important for me now was how my playback would handle the live sound. Generally it is not good and peaty much what I expected knowing how my playback plays CDs.
I will not enumerate the specific problems, they are well-identified and I will be working to address them but in context of this thread there is one more debugging tool that I am employing. My room looks into conservation lend and the listening room has large sliding doors that allow opening the space between the speakers wide to the forest. I am listening now Emanuel Ax playing with BSO the Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4 and during the second movement I use my recently invented “Karaoke Playback Assessment” method.

The Karaoke Playback Assessment implies melting the sound of playback with sound of forests. Listening the sound of frogs, birds and goods know what else lives in the forest and adjusting the volume of playback in orders to make the forest to sound at comparable level with BSO it is very educational to see how the sounds that playback produces compares in trims of neutrality with the screams of the birds. Well, it is not difficult to predict that it does not compare now. Well, it clearly identifies the direction to work with sound.  I do not need the bird to let me know that my playback dos not prodigals interesting sound now (as it did) but the birds are good reference point to polish ego and self-delusions…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-02-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 71
Post ID: 13404
Reply to: 13402
New morning
Yes i know the expierence,,,I too live in the wild,,As I open the sliding doors,,The Deer across the lake look up as Mahler symphony rolls across the water,, A startled redtailed hawk takes flight,,,  Good to be alive and witness a fresh new morning.
05-03-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 72
Post ID: 13406
Reply to: 13235
The first take on the room with RTA
Ok, I found my RTA cable and did some very basic measurements of what Macondo does in the room. The results were in the direction that I anticipated but worth in amplitude.

My right bass channel that that sited right next to the equipment bay has no bass. The left LF channel is sitting in a very good “hot” spot but the right is in bass hole.  I would need 6-8dB of extra gain across the entire bass bandpass to have to work properly but Milq does not have these 6-8dBs. The bass channel have a strong room mode around 63Hz that severally mask any lower response. I need to find a way to deal with it. Also, I do not think my bass channel do a lot of good in this room in sub 30Hz region. I would need, I would need another 6-8dB to handle it….

The Upperbass channels do not work as well as they did in my old room. In there they were pushing down to 95Hz and loaded a whole room. In the new room they work down to 115Hz-120Hz and very fast loosing amplitude.

The Fundamental channels do not work properly at all. Since the Upperbass is loosing steam much fasted then in old room the Fundamental lower knee does not talks with Upperbass upper knee. Kind of ugly sound that explains a lot of what I hearing and do not like. Currently my Fundamental channels are in narrow bandpass between 800Hz and 1000Hz, first order below and consider 3rd order above. I would say that it needs to be from 400Hz and 800Hz to be more appropriate in current setting.

The MF channels suddenly gave more bass output in this 440Hz horn and 3.300Hz filter. Perhaps zako was right and I need to realign the diaphragms? I do not believe in the “tired diaphragm” but I know that compression drivers have very bad diaphragms pressing play and they need to be constantly realigning them. The last time I did it is over 5-6 years back, too bad…

Anyhow, there is a lot of work that need to be doe and a lot of thinking to make. I was so displeased with the measurement that I… did not do anything with playback since then.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-03-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 73
Post ID: 13409
Reply to: 13406
How to deal with 63Hz mode?

 Romy the Cat wrote:
My right bass channel that that sited right next to the equipment bay has no bass. The left LF channel is sitting in a very good “hot” spot but the right is in bass hole.  I would need 6-8dB of extra gain across the entire bass bandpass to have to work properly but Milq does not have these 6-8dBs. The bass channel have a strong room mode around 63Hz that severally mask any lower response.

Well, I kind of concern what to do with my very strong 63Hz mode.  Surely I will try to put the bass channels in different position but I very my like the current position. What other options I have? Please do not insult my intelligence proposing the bass traps… I might consider but Helmholtz resonator tune for 63Hz but it will not work across the whole room.  The implementation of a series notch filter would contradict my Macondo's Axioms and will affect bass’ tonal and dymick fertility. It is interesting that opening the large sliding good do smooth the 63Hz mode to practically acceptable level but it might not be considered as universal remedy.

So, I wonder what kind option I have. I think the most proper would be to reengage the Macondo's Axioms and to see how the bass channel might be modified in order to work alone with 63Hz mode but not against it. I think the rational proposal would be to divide my current bass to Lower Bass and Mid Bass and to have the deviation somewhere around 60hz. This way the lower knee of Mid Bass will be greatly stimulated by 63Hz mode but the upper knee of Lower Bass might stats from 38-40hz, playing with filter and allowing a  the 60Hz region to be handles properly and with any peak. If the Mid Bass will be a horn then the 63Hz mode will work very nice and might punch the response to the lower 50s but with smaller horn.

I like the idea but I need to model this behavior with the actual room measurements

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-03-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 74
Post ID: 13416
Reply to: 13409

You're on the right track to re-think your x/o curves, tails and overlaps, although it would sure be a big bummer to have to re-do any horns.

Have you fiddled with the floors at all yet?  By tightening the floors you MIGHT be able to boost output under the 63Hz while tailing off power into the 63Hz hump from above and below it.  Of couse the free space around the right channel is going to eat some extra LF, but only to a point.

Time to bust out the ML1s for LF...

Best regards,
Paul S

05-04-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 75
Post ID: 13420
Reply to: 13409
The bigger problem in the new room, as I can see it.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
So, I wonder what kind option I have. I think the most proper would be to reengage the Macondo's Axioms and to see how the bass channel might be modified in order to work alone with 63Hz mode but not against it.

Ok, the last night with time aliment of the driver I had many “weird” problems with sound gone


…and now some “sounds” has the resemblance with what Macondo ought to do. Many aspects of tone and imagine are back and the most important the environment become clean and the problems with sound do not masked but well identifiable.

At this point I have a very clear vision that the main problem with Macondo is very much underperforming bass.  In the old room the bass was very well managed, I called it tailored bass, where it was just as much and as good quality as it needed across the bass octaves. The room was literally breathing with LF harmonics and the rest of the music was unfolded on the LF canvas. It was almost the pedal point presentation.


….with HF octaves were drifting above the LF bubbles.  It was very nice and I very much accustom to this type of sound. Reading this people might feel that it was some kind of “constant subwoofers pressure” as most of the morons set up this playbacks. Surely, it was nothing like this. I would have a difficult time to describe the effect as I did not hear it in any other listening rooms. Do I have the effect in my current room? Not even close.

In fact, after the measurements, the bass in this room is not useful and I unfortunately have to recognize that I will not be able to use Melquiades SET to handle bass. My initial sentiment was that I might be looking at the subject deeper I feel that I was mistaken. I do not have proper sound from 125Hz and doe and I need to get it. I think that my complain that the room has “dry” sound does not come from the fact that the room is untreated but from the fact that I have no proper bas and consequentially not proper lower octaves harmonics.

OK, like I it or not but I would need to put a powerful SS amp into the game and to get my “room breathing” back. Probably I would need to put Yamaha B2 to the game for now and make a temp midbass channel….

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-04-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 76
Post ID: 13421
Reply to: 13420
Wetness is about more than reflections
I like your comment about LF being too dry and this not being because room is untreated.

In the past, I have tried to "wet up" sound by making room more reflective ("live") and I am guessing that your room is fairly live now as untreated rooms usually are. Overdamped rooms are dead because of insufficient bloom, but overly bright rooms are not "wet".

Do you have an guess as to how many W your bass amp will need? Maybe it is time to try a Nelson Pass pure Class A SS effort. I think he has a 60 WPC one (aleph 60). I have only tried lower power versions and they were insufficient for my system so not worth commenting on.
05-04-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 77
Post ID: 13422
Reply to: 13421
The size of the bass.
Zanon, at this point I do not think about specific of amplification. I more care about the transducer per location ratio and a filtration in context of it in order to get the “filling schema” of the room properly. The quality of the powerful amp will be a separate subject. What I get the room filed properly then I will be worrying about the amp. I do not want even to listen this bass until it will be measurements-wise comply with what I would like it to be. I do not talk about flatter but rather about the “size” of the bass, midbass, upperbass in context of everything else.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
05-04-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 78
Post ID: 13423
Reply to: 13422
Bass Factory
The annoying thing is that a big, odd-shaped, high-ceilinged room with openings might take a LOT of power before the room gets sufficiently charged in the orchestra's "power band".  Just looking at the room, this might take 600 Wpc as soon as 60 Wpc, before one could begin backing off, in order to finely shape the sound.

In fact, one begins to wonder what sort of LF generator could really charge a room like that, at all.


Yes, most of these guys use DSP, and they do not blink in so doing; that's just how it is these days.  We might use real time bias; but narrow band EQ is just a tool for preserving sanity.  It might be easiest to shape the thing with DSP and then re-visit the temporary "solution" once curves and power requirements are solved.

Best regards,
Paul S
05-04-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Posts 54
Joined on 11-14-2009

Post #: 79
Post ID: 13424
Reply to: 13423
Crude Level, or something more?
Romy: I see. So you are thinking about adding more transducers at this point and not just increasing crude level through more Watts. When you said Milquiades SET was insufficient, I thought you meant just W as you can always build more Milqs and have them run more bass transducers.

PAUL: I am a room like Romy's and it is very hard to charge.

05-04-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 80
Post ID: 13425
Reply to: 13424
I will play with it this week….
 zanon wrote:
Romy: I see. So you are thinking about adding more transducers at this point and not just increasing crude level through more Watts. When you said Milquiades SET was insufficient, I thought you meant just W as you can always build more Milqs and have them run more bass transducers.
Nope, I am not planning to add more transducers but gain of amplification, not power but gain, the power will be as much as necessary to maintain the gain. When I was talking about the insufficiency of Melquiades’ bass channel I was taking about gain, I did not test where and how Milq clipped in power.

My main concern at this point is to assess if my line-arrays would be best option to load this room with more gain/power amplification. I afraid that if I go for 10-12dB more gain at sub 50Hz then my light woofers would not be the optimum solution and I might need to use 18”-24” woofers. The room itself is not huge but since I tear down the wall the room has wide open space to kitchen, living room and dining room. It all together is well above 1000 sq feet and if we consider the floor is LF transparent then 1700 sq feet of basement might be in play as well. So, I need pump some LF into the room and to see how the LF will dissipate… It might be fun to play. I need to find my digital crossover and to use it as filter during the experiments…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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