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01-25-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 201
Post ID: 17746
Reply to: 17107
Farewell, ML2s...
Yesterday a nice fellow drove off with "my" Lamm ML2s.  Now it is really sinking in: How will will I find anything else this good, along with more power?

These amps were like a PhD in sound, what might be done with hi-fi.  Yes, I have been over 5 years learning these lessons.  Still, there is no way my understanding would be where it is today without the ML2s, not to mention the joy of classical music in my home during this time!

To say I will miss these amps is an understatement, since I had truly grown comfortable with them.  And despite I have found their "limits", replacing them will likely be my toughest audio challenge to date.

The ML2s remain one of VERY few audio "recommendations" I would make; I recommend them whole-heartedly for efficient speakers.

Paul S
01-25-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 202
Post ID: 17748
Reply to: 17746
Lamm ML2 is like a PhD in sound.
 Paul S wrote:
Yesterday a nice fellow drove off with "my" Lamm ML2s.  Now it is really sinking in: How will will I find anything else this good, along with more power?

These amps were like a PhD in sound, what might be done with hi-fi.  Yes, I have been over 5 years learning these lessons.  Still, there is no way my understanding would be where it is today without the ML2s, not to mention the joy of classical music in my home during this time!

To say I will miss these amps is an understatement, since I had truly grown comfortable with them.  And despite I have found their "limits", replacing them will likely be my toughest audio challenge to date.

The ML2s remain one of VERY few audio "recommendations" I would make; I recommend them whole-heartedly for efficient speakers.
Paul, when you said the ML2 is like PhD in sound it was probably the best thing expired about ML2, of because I am talking ONLY about older ML2.0, not about the later reincarnations.

The ML2 has this superbly authoritative performance with a bit snobby tough – a perfect analogy to PhD status, at least in the way how I perceive many folks why have a need to ad PhD to their last names. (There are a lot of them in Boston).

The ML2.0 are great amps and if I did not go DSET multiamping I wonder if I were still be using them. The biggest “query” that ML2.0 holds to me: does the 6C33C needs to be regulated? I have no answer to it and it is possible that from DSET perspective the answer is not necessary. 

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-18-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 203
Post ID: 18414
Reply to: 15499
Lesson Learned: 6C33C + Teflon sockets
To anyone contemplating the use of Teflon sockets as pictured and described by me in the post at this link:



These sockets cannot deal with the heat generated by the 6C33C.

In the short run they worked great, however, after 6 months of normal use, the pin receptacles had lost their ability to grip the pins and plate current once again became unstable. A couple Audio Mirror users have discovered and posted similar findings.

Needless to say, sound quality gradually went to hell; like what people describe when they have a "really bad electricity day".

The main reasons why these sockets are unable to deal with the heat of the 6C33C are the following:
  • Pin receptacles fully enclose each pin and do not let the pins "breath.
  • Pin receptacles have less mass than the original type sockets and what mass they do have is concentrated around and directly under each hot pin.
  • Heat causes the metal in the pin receptacle to lose it's springiness; it then dilates and starts arcing at the pin, thus generating more resistance > more heat > more dilation and on and on... 

These Teflon sockets also place the soldered connections much closer to and directly under the hot pins than is the case with the original type sockets, so solder is very likely to melt.

Knowing what the problem was, I had bought some NOS (new old stock) American-made sockets of the same design as the originals. However, I haven't had the time to do anything other than listen to audio for the past two years and given the way the system was sounding, I just stopped using it. Finally last weekend I got a break and decided to replace the sockets; I spent a lot of time on the soldered connections, making sure they not only looked good but were done in the same way as when they left Lamm's shop in 1998.

The sound is once again beautiful and engaging. To what extent did I miss that sound? I've been spending every lunch hour this week passed out in my car, trying to catch up on sleep because I just can't bring myself to shut the system off at night and go to bed.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
07-18-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 204
Post ID: 18415
Reply to: 18414
Cold Comfort Form
Jessie, sorry to hear about this trouble.  Another thing worth knowing is that Teflon notoriously "cold forms", meaning it shifts shape over time according to ???, even when "not hot".

Best regards,
Paul S
07-19-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 205
Post ID: 18419
Reply to: 18414
An important statement to make.
I would like to point out to a very important moment that took place in here. I do presume that Jessie account is very accurate and the Teflon sockets were bad. I even presume that they were bad not only from the perspective of cooling but were bad sonically. BTW if they were bad from thermal perspective then it might be addressed by running very think copper wire (let say 4ga or 6ga) right to the socket’s pin and it would sock out the temperature out of the pins. Still, it is not the point. Jessie use vintage sockets and they look like work fine for him. He even reports that they sound better. The point that I am trying to make is the non-reasonable estimation of the improvement that come from the replacement of the sockets.

Jessie reports that the sound become beautiful and engaging, so engaging that he does not sleep at night and listen all time. I absolutely insist that THIS type of change did NOT come from the replacement of the tube sockets. Here are many factors: musical, social, esthetic and many other that might make a person to spend more time for listening enjoyments. They are valid factors and they might even to be triggered by some kind of trivial changed in audio setup. However, there is absolutely no way that the replacement of tube socket, cable or a tube would open up listening mind and make person to change his listening habits. I do believe that the event of change the sockets coincided with other events in Jessie live/habits and THAT lead Jessie to spend time with his playback. I absolutely do not believe that change the sockets made the difference Jessie claims. This is how the faulty audio legends are born. I would like the readers of this site do not play (even with themselves) the audio legends and to be a bit more intelligent toward to themselves, own motivation and the result of (own) actions.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
07-19-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 206
Post ID: 18420
Reply to: 18419
Well, I can't support the statement, that these sockets are bad.I changed 2,5 years ago to Teflon sockets, use my ML2.1 a few times a week, on weekends it is running the whole day...and never have/had any problems.
Maybe there are different Qualities available, don't know. I bought mine in Germany and they are very good. Stable in Temperature, stable in Voltage, better grip for the Pins...

Kind Regards
07-19-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
United Kingdom
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Post #: 207
Post ID: 18421
Reply to: 18414
Diversity of teflon & making use of the heat
This all sounds perfectly sensible and plausible, but other teflon sockets have a different mechanism of gripping the pins that may not be so affected, e.g. the ones I am using, here:  http://www2.117.ne.jp/~y-s/Teflon%20socket-2p-e.html
I suppose one could add cooling mass to the pins, and perhaps use some of it to generate electricity for a fan that cools them further, with something like this: http://www.customthermoelectric.com/powergen.html
Conceptually economical, if not necessarily so in practice... 
07-19-2012 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 208
Post ID: 18422
Reply to: 18419
Demystifying NOS
Romy wrote:
I would like to point out to a very important moment that took place in here. I do presume that Jessie account is very accurate and the Teflon sockets were bad. I even presume that they were bad not only from the perspective of cooling but were bad sonically..."

Not exactly: if you go back and read my initial post where I had just installed the Teflon sockets, I was equally enthusiastic about the sound then. It took some time for the Teflon sockets to get worse and it was progressive so not the sort of thing that immediately stands out. What eventually did stand out was that I found myself more and more not wanting to listen to the system. I initially assumed this was due to my own increasing workload.

"...I absolutely insist that THIS type of change did NOT come from the replacement of the tube sockets..."

And I would agree. When I first bought the amps, they had the original sockets which I eventually changed due to drifting plate current. The change of sockets DID improve the sound but I'm guessing this was ONLY because the new Teflon sockets were now actually gripping the pins (not micro-arcing) and I could correctly set plate current. I do not think the Teflon material had anything to do with the difference in sound.

When I installed the NOS sockets last weekend, the sound was back to where I remembered it being when first installing the Teflon sockets. I did not mean to imply that the NOS sockets improved sound over the sound when the Teflon sockets were first installed. I am definitely not a mystic. If I'm having trouble shutting off the system and going to bed at night, that's simply because I've lived without a system for several months and am now sort of overdosing.

As for Sitch's findings, I can only assume that his sockets are different than the ones I used. All the Teflon sockets I've seen for the 6C33C have the same architecture as the ones I used, regardless of the manufacturer/supplier/price. Some do have different pin receptacles that do without the additional spring-metal crimp ring (visible in my close up photos); they're basically just a metal post with a hole bored down the center and two slots cut at 90° to each other. These might stand up to excessive heat better but that too may change with time. Either way, this architecture places the soldered connection much closer to the heat source. Keep a close watch on plate current.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
02-21-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 209
Post ID: 19027
Reply to: 2941
Robert Harley and Lamm ML2.2

Robert Harley made a review of Lamm ML2.2 with his Magico Q7 loudspeaker of 94dB sensitivity.


He feels that “Q7 allows to hear ML2.2 at it’s best”, and the fact that he just reviewed Q7 and has them in his room as a trophy probably has nothing to do with that.

I like when Robert Harley makes “smart” comment about SET as he is the one who spend a career hassling industry’s high power SS amplifiers.  It is no surprise that among the speakers that Robert muscled from the industry 94dB was the higher sensitively.

Another lobule mater was his playing Dave Brubeck “Time Out”. This is kind of subliminal message to all audio white trash out there – sort of a proof of quality according to those people.  Funny, a few weeks back a local audio friend of my, a jazz devotee himself stopped by at my place and after an hour of so of playing my music I played to him his Dave Brubeck “Time Out”, I have some kind of super-duper vintage Japanese pressing. My friend asked me to spot doing it because it was “essentially very boring music”. Why that ML2.2 made Robert Harley to have interest in Dave Brubeck? Was it ML2.2 problem of Harley’s head problem? Was it the Robert intention to make mode audio-idiot out there to buy ML2.2 and by referring to “Time Out” he cover a wide ground of audio fools out there? I do not have an answer.

Another thing is Robert Harley stressing 3% of total harmonic distortions.  If Robert Harley was another new writer then this stupidity would be appropriate or even implied. He however is an experienced guy and he understands that total harmonic distortions number give no picture. To analyze the harmonic context and progression of harmonic context with volume was a bit out of Mr. Harley paying grade. Very unfortunately. It is also very stupid to total harmonic distortions if you know that it means virtually nothing.

Another wonderful thing was to use “Nojima Plays Liszt” by Reference Recording. This disk features an amazingly barbaric play and if Robert Harley has no metal, cultural or esthetic capacity to understand it than what the hell he is doing by attempting to review audio? Well, I shall not be too hard on Robert Harley as my long-trim answer is that the industry reviews are the bottom of the barrel, sort of a waste that builds up on your teeth if you do brash then for long time. The proof in the pudding and the review above is the proof.

In the end I would like to point out that I do not express any negative or positive comments about neither Q7 nor ML2.2. I did not hear Q7. I hear the provisos models and I believe that Magico is a horrible company with horrible sonic, cultural and ethical objective and with sub-acceptable reference points. Therefore I do not have any optimistic expectations toward whatever they produce. I heard ML2.1 in multiple occasions and I was very vocal and persistent critic of ML2.1 sound. That however was 10 years back and it was not ML2.2. The ML2.1 was dead on arrival and it come reportedly from the fact that Lamm “turned economical” on output transformer. I have absolutely no idea what output transformer Lamm used with his ML2.2. He also might install on the “reviewer model” the output transformer that was used on ML2.0 and it would be absolutely different amplifiers. I do know that some manufactures when they send equipment to reviewers make custom version for them. I know about only one of such case in Lamm history and I do not know how wide spread this practice with Lamms. Anyhow, it is not comments about Q7 or ML2.2 but to point out one more time that any audio manufactures can go away with absolutely anything because the QA of the industry, the reviewers who sell the equipment to public are idiots.

Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-21-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 210
Post ID: 19028
Reply to: 19027
Low powered amps and low sensitive speakers ...
When I read raves from low powered amps with such speaker designs I ask myself, is it product placement or is there a different kind of listening among Americans, Japanese, Europeans...?

I made a visit to an audiophile with Lamm LL1, ML3 and Wilson Alexandria (such a System was demoed at CES and got enthusiastic comments - whatever that is worth -...), to be fair, for ME it was 'ok'*, but not better. A desaster with classical ballet music...I mean, there was $400.000,-- in front of me and I asked myself "Is that all what is possible from sonics"?

[*ok means for me, I don't have to cry after 1 minute, after all those years I am very thankful when I listen to a System which does not produce ear cancer after short time...or when I met a System owner who is not a full time idiot]
 Later we replaced the ML3 with Lamm 1.2R and it was definetly better, not because the ML3 were bad, but for the Wilsons the M1.2R was simply a much better match.

Back to Magico, some time ago I got an invitation to an owner who showed me his Q5 (at that time the most expensive Magico I think) with the most expensive Spectral gear and 360W monos. They were not able to bring the Magicos to some life. It was thin, analytical and FAR away from the reproduction of the real thing. It had nothing in common with High End. Like a cheap Kenwood System, but louder and more Hype.

Now I read that super review from an 18W amp with such a speaker and we all know what high efficiency speakers with a simple X-over can do with such low powered amps. It can be simply a total different word sonically. Full of life, not a static and dead. Of course you can hear something with Lamm and Magico, but quick dynamic changes can't be possible. Each his own but I wonder why these review people are not able to do a match.The Altar of price tags works very well I think.

The owner of Lamm LL1, ML3, Wilson Alexandria made also a visit to listen to my System, at that time LL2.1, modified ML2.1 but connected to a 99full range speaker System with a X-over which is not a black hole for the connected amps. He was totally amazed, he heard details, body, Soundstage, tonal differences, he never heard before and at the end it was frustrating for him. He spent so much money in the hope to get the best musical reproduction and then he realized he was far away from that. Simply based on hyped mismatches from the press ...

I also have some 94dB dynamic speakers from a Designer who made them for tube amps, they work with low powered amps like ML2.1 but from my kind of Standard - because I know what they can do -, even here I say: Forget it. You have to pay me to listen to such a combo.

Are the readers who can afford these expensive items so ignorant that they have absolutely no idea from matching amps and speakers?

Kind Regards
02-21-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 211
Post ID: 19029
Reply to: 19028
Dog Eats Reviewer
Well, the Q5s were everywhere when I was trying to find big amps, and they really have no chance to move me.  Even to do what they might do would take maybe 500W SS, yet Harley thinks he hears them at their best with the ML2.2.  Then again, I suppose he should know...

Harley did note that the Lamm sound is "qualitatively better", and from his other observations I believe he did hear the "Lamm House Sound" despite the power limitations and music choices, where each conditioned the other.

It appears that people will keep trying to use the ML2 series as FR amps, driving mid-efficiency dynamic speakers.  However, even Harley mentioned that he would want more power for LF.  The inescapable problem is, whether large drivers or "sturdy" smaller drivers are used, the reciprocal mass becomes too much for a low-powered amp.

Note: Harley also says that Lamm now uses in the 2.2 a different-from-the-2.1 OPT and 5 (!) [mains] filter chokes.

Paul S
02-21-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 212
Post ID: 19030
Reply to: 19028
Product placement vs. just stupidity.

I think it is both Product placement and stupidity.  Robert Harley has a room with tall ceilings and a lot of open space on the sides that suck out LF very strongly.


It is not huge room but it is way larger room for 94dB sensitive speakers as at LF in this time of room you need a good 150-200W. Well, unless Robert runs the room at 85dB of sound pressure... It is not about volume but about the fact that Lamms are IHT and they behave very ugly without any headroom. It is interesting that all those idiots who use to stocked up Magico and Kharma 4-Ohm crap nowadays are approached by Constellation dealers. As the result they do they are dumping their SET amplification and swear by high power Constellation.  It is as much predictable as laughable.

Anyhow I do not insist that in THAT room with Q7 and 20W Lamm Mr. Harley has bad sound but I do insist that sound of both  Q7 and Lamm might be significantly better if it was driver by power-sensitively appropriate combination.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-22-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 213
Post ID: 19037
Reply to: 19030
.... a Powerhouse ....
Personally I am not interested to talk about reviewers, because it is wasted time (they don't review something, they design a Product Placement and maybe they add that they 'like' it...)
But, I really would like to know what situation they describe as a" ... terrific combination [845 tubes + Magico Q7]..." or as a "...Powerhouse [ML2.2 + Magico Q7]..."

Some time ago I had an email exchange with Reviewer Peter Breuninger, I guess he really lives from writing and Sales support - ahem sorry, I mean Presentations - of Audio Components.... Anyway, we had a few lines about ML3 + Wilson Alexandria, I think, he had it in his house .... I asked "Peter, you are so experienced, you listen to so many years to all kind of units, don't you think after all those years of writing reviews that some Designers are more clever than others? .... when you realized that, what do you think when you listen to units which are well below sonically from those few outstanding ones? There are differences or not?"
His answer was "I never met a Product I didn't like"
Yes, that is indeed the only way to survive that "business" I think ...

Kind Regards
02-23-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 214
Post ID: 19040
Reply to: 19037
….I am not interested to talk about reviewers…
 Stitch wrote:
Personally I am not interested to talk about reviewers, because it is wasted time (they don't review something, they design a Product Placement and maybe they add that they 'like' it...)

Well, it is not about talking about reviewers as people but rather about reviewers as functional entities. You see, in audio reviewers are somebody who develop talking points for the audio people who operate under herd mentality supervision.  If you find an average so-called audiophile and interrogate him about his actions, motivations and objectives (and I did IT many times) then you very seldom will see any reasoning in there besides just parroting the direct quotes from the reviewers’ talking points. So, in the way observing the reviewer’s stupidity one can perfectly predict the development of the industry tendencies for a next few years. I know it looks very cynical but it is unfortunately what it is. If you look for any today’s advancing audio product then you will see behind them just stricture absentminded marketing, in which the stupidity and disqualification of reviewers is well factored in.  

The disqualification is very much a key in this.  We had majority of reviewers who qualify to do what they do because of completely artificial reasons. There are a huge number of reviewers or juts private reviewers who feel to qualify for anything juts because the spent some money for audio equipment. The reality is – the context of message unfortunately can’t be bought, faked or impersonated. If Robert Harley worked for a magazine where I were an editor then I would feel that the QUALITY of the article about that Lamm amplifier that Robert submitted was a fireable offence.  But it is the argument that we had with my wife this morning – she feel that I have unrealistically high expectations. Well, I was for years discarded irrelevant, simulated women and was waiting unit I found such a sensational miracle as Amy, so something I do right…

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-23-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Behind The Sun
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Post #: 215
Post ID: 19042
Reply to: 19040
Audiophile Business
There is absolutely no other business out there, where you can find so many idiots, be it reviewer, be it customer who sell / buy products they have no idea about.
Talking about reviewers is wasted time, because you and I (maybe some more) know very well how this business works. What amazes me much more is the amount of idiots who believe this written bullshit. Not much intelligence is needed to analyze these "reviews". Sometimes I think a piece of wood has more knowledge.
... just parroting the direct quotes from the reviewers’ talking points. So, in the way observing the reviewer’s stupidity one can perfectly predict the development of the industry tendencies for a next few years... 

Some time ago I was visiting a $600.000 System, the owner had about 20 cartridges, multiple Arms, Turntables,  Phonostages and was proud to present himself as a real - serious - Audiophile. I asked him to describe me the sonic differences between a Lyra Titan i and a Lyra Olympos, he owned both and both were mounted on his Turntables. He went to his library and pulled out the mags....I said, "no, please explain it in your own words, what records you use etc. Can you write me a few lines in the next days?"
I never got the answers. This idiot wasn't able to understand what he hears in his own System. He bought his units based on front pics of the mags and on prices (the higher, the more he was interested to buy). But when you tell such a time waster, what kind of self loving motherfucker he is, he will hate you for the rest of your life. And there are countless of them out there.
... she feel that I have unrealistically high expectations.... 

My impression is, you expect simple common sense and when you find out that you met the 9.563 moronic Audiophile (be it Manufacturer, Dealer, Reviewer, Customer or whatever) with a bubble in the area above his eyes, you simply call them what you think fits best.


Kind Regards
10-07-2013 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Seattle, WA
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Post #: 216
Post ID: 20135
Reply to: 4053
Voltage Divider in ML2 Input Stage
I finally added a -15 dB voltage divider to my ML2s last week to fix the noise problem from my L1 preamp - Why did I wait so long?!!

The result is absolute dead silence.  Nothing.  Nada.  It is almost impossible to tell if the system is powered on, even with my ear at the bell of the horn.  The total absence of any noise results in a black silent background behind the music.  No more annoying noise / hiss distraction.  There is a psycho-acoustic effect of less stress and more relaxation during playback.  The focus is solely on the music.  I really love it!

My attenuation was implemented a little differently than Jessie's, directly imbedded in the amp's input stage, after the input filter cap to ground, C101. I replaced R102 (40.2 KOhms) with:

R1 = 37.5 K

R2 = 8.06 K

...and tapped V101 between the series resistors.

<not working image was here>

(Not certain the schematic will upload properly.  It is .pdf format.  Wasn't able to use the image loader after several tries.)

The input impedance increases from 41K to 46K, or > 10%.  Not confident yet if the higher input impedance yields audible benefits, but I don't hear anything negative.  Just silent blackness.

A big thank you to Romy and Jessie for sharing your experience.  This is a MUST do mod for any high-efficiency system with a similar gain structure and upstream noise problem.

01-21-2025 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 217
Post ID: 27911
Reply to: 2941
ML2 Signals AmpX?
Plenty has been said about the Lamm ML2s, for good reason. In my first post in 2006, to start this old thread, I obviously had some difficulty describing what I was hearing. I can still remember my early sessions with these amps. What I was trying to explain to myself was not just the sound, per se, but it was "the presentation of the sound". At one point I described a unique sense of the "part of sound that is not music", and really not sound as I tend to think of it, either. Rather it seems like both a background and a sort of format for sound that I regarded at that time as a matter of "organization", simply put. I found the ability to "tune" the ML2s to be indispensable, in order to get their best in my own situation. I reset this thread to give readers access to more information on "the amps that started it all", as we rocket into the future on AmpX.

Paul S
01-21-2025 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 218
Post ID: 27912
Reply to: 27911
Please no talk about Ml2 vs AmpX
At this point I would like to avoid any type of comparing between ML2 and what I call AmpX. I have absolutely no idea, at this point, why ml2 sound in the way how it sound neither I understand why AmpX produces the effect it's produces. I have hypothesis for both but not certainty. Also, I do not know if AmpX has a long-term psychological impact that ml2 has. So any comparing between those amplifiers are completely not relevant at this point.

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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