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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
Post Subject: ML2 Signals AmpX?Posted by Paul S on: 1/21/2025
Plenty has been said about the Lamm ML2s, for good reason. In my first post in 2006, to start this old thread, I obviously had some difficulty describing what I was hearing. I can still remember my early sessions with these amps. What I was trying to explain to myself was not just the sound, per se, but it was "the presentation of the sound". At one point I described a unique sense of the "part of sound that is not music", and really not sound as I tend to think of it, either. Rather it seems like both a background and a sort of format for sound that I regarded at that time as a matter of "organization", simply put. I found the ability to "tune" the ML2s to be indispensable, in order to get their best in my own situation. I reset this thread to give readers access to more information on "the amps that started it all", as we rocket into the future on AmpX.

Paul S

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