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02-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

The Pacific Coast in Chile
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Post #: 761
Post ID: 15521
Reply to: 15519
Some observations .
As im using the regenarator as described and found it well suited for my needs I will keep on posting my personal findings and thoughts . Yesterday I went to a local friends house to try it . This person has a dedicated line inside his house ... but let me tell you first that here in Chile I have found houses with 208V all the way through 230V , they say the "official voltage is 220V" . First measure we got was 218V , but very instable , going all the way down to 206V , please note the dedicated line of this guy was doing nothing about this because we measure the same voltage with his house line , the problem of this guy is that he use a very high current 811 monoblocks and sure they needs 230V for proper filament operation , giving only 24 watts his speakers does not meet the specs for sensitivity , unless that is what I feel . He has around 91dB , so the bass has always been a problem for him , not controlled , superficial , a total disaster . Only one of those pigs load a 30% on the regenerator . We end up with a 70% load .... Anyway the bass was controlled inmediately , goes deeper , and the focus was much better , I told this guy that I will not comment anything for him about my experience because I did not want to wash his brain . He end up tellling me the same changes I found in my system , but in a lesser way . Now I think changes with regenerators can show or not in different degrees depending of proper/improper chain , beyond that the improper matched amp/speakers showed up in voices , because of the clean change we were able to listen clearly the distortion coming from the mid driver when voices ten to be a little high . We did feel this almost always but now it is evident ... so with this experience the bypass that romy likes will depend on each individual home and its own voltage problems . i.e using the bypass showed 206V at the output , but we did not make any comparison , I have talked to this guy again and he confirmed that listening without the regenerator was painfully , now he want the same one . Im not sure if I would recomend this for him or anyone as the first thing he need do is a proper match for his amps/speakers ... the ghost of harsh harmonics during the morning has not come back . (until now?)

02-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Gdansk, Poland
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Post #: 762
Post ID: 15522
Reply to: 15518
Romy, I have not been following this thread very much and
I'm probably too stupid to understand, but how comes that your power supplies with
choke input, tons of quality uF + smart bypassing still make the electricity a concern?
If you don't listen to rectifiers why do you listen to the electricity?
I'm sure you've tried such obvious solutions as isolation mains transformers.
Which part is the most sensitive? Sources or amps with your PS?


02-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 763
Post ID: 15523
Reply to: 15522
Ketchup vs Bliss
N-Set, I recommend that you carefully guard your bliss. If you are morbidly determined to gain working insight into this matter, then the quickest way to catch up is to read the entire thread (all 39 pages of it).

Best regards,
02-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Boston, MA, US
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Post #: 764
Post ID: 15525
Reply to: 15515
A reply to A Message
Quite agree. I have found that most guys (customer guys anyway) are obsessed with a single element -- most usually a piece of gear -- that they imagine (not always falsely) will cure their ills or at any rate afford a terrific improvement. Good luck with that. 
On the other hand I argue that the real improvements come from continuous attention and fiddling -- I call it "fine tuning" -- and not necessarily the expenditure of lots of cash.
02-01-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 765
Post ID: 15528
Reply to: 15519
 manisandher wrote:

I'm assuming when you talk about the PP2000 here, you mean in AC regenerator mode. So what about in battery mode? Is it 100%, i.e. totally equivalent to "super electricity days" in your estimation?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm having a dedicated AC line installed. It would be great if I could measure the success of this project by comparing the new line to the PP2000 battery.

Mani, your question is incorrect in two dimensions.

First of all I refuse to admit that PP2000 running from battery represents any other performing level then PP2000 running from AC. If your PP2000 has different result from battery and from AC the n it an indication of the only fact: your PP2000 is broken.

Second, the "super electricity days" has nothing to do with battery operation anyhow. During the “super electricity days" in my view via the mains is being transmitted a completely new type of force, let call it “elForce” that makes battery operation is a childish attempt. It inhales a completely new live into sound.  I have no idea how it works and what the elForce is but it doe not mean that it does not exist.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-06-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

The Pacific Coast in Chile
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Post #: 766
Post ID: 15541
Reply to: 15528
A little observation and a question
.... last week I opened my ups/regenerator and found some things that deslike me , I know that not always better componenets make a device sound better ,but  I do not want anything that goes against my princples , this is very personal . Tha capacitors look like very generic ones , the same the manofacturing of the PCB , I called the guys and they told me "Taiwan" makes this device so I went back trip to talk about this issue  ... They showed me a unit form a French manofacturer , somebody know it ?? "socomec" I told them to open it because I will not accept bad quality stuff again . For my surprise this time the PCB was excellent quality , very good traces and surface mounting device (smd) everywhere , so the semiconductors were totally different , electrolitics ara from Nichicon and fans are more quiet that the other unit . I now have this new unit and again , yesterday at night electricity was very good I connected everything direct to the wall and thought that the regenerator would not be able to do anything , for my surprise again , the cleaner sounds were present , first connected only the amp , then the dac , in both the same changes and one step forward in each one to a clearer sound . Any way ... this makes me wonder if electrolitic capacitors or any other highend component (resistors) can do a change in the way we listen to this devices and can lower the distortion or what is the component that can lower the distorion , can it be just the design , the hardware or both ?? what electrolitics is using pp ?? not to have them but to know if they design it with "high end components" in mind .
02-06-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 767
Post ID: 15542
Reply to: 15541
Finding What One Looks For
Joaco, so far you have reported only improvements with both of the units you have tried.  If the new unit also has a by-pass switch, then perhaps you will continue to post your impressions over time?

Can you share the stated output distortion of the newer unit?

Best regards,
Paul S
02-06-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

The Pacific Coast in Chile
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Post #: 768
Post ID: 15543
Reply to: 15542
Is this what you look for ?
 Paul S wrote:

Can you share the stated output distortion of the newer unit?
Best regards,
Paul S

Paul , I can´t select manual bypass in this one . The technical data is this http://www.socomec.com/pid/34.html I found THDi <6% but who really knows the exact value ?? they only put what the norm demands ( <X ) but I cant find the exact value ...
02-06-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 769
Post ID: 15544
Reply to: 15479
The electricity fight, another day.

 Romy the Cat wrote:
I would say that nothing has changed since last night. The sound still a bit harder then I would like it to have. This hardness is very interesting and in way different, it is not type of the hardness that I would discard as “bad” attribute of sound but it is also not something that I would do intentionally. I am still on a fence with the result and will see what happen later.
What however is the most fascinating is why bass became so much greater. I would still call this new bass too hard bass but at the same time it is more extended and more articulate., I would say even a bit more over articulate then I would like it to have. If I have this sound I would load the output tube at my bass amp for 25%-50% harder.

Thinking why I got the change in bass I do not see answers. PurePower people insist that one of the reasons why their regenerator sound so good (when it works properly!) because it capacity to react to ultra short reaction of current. So, presumably with core capacitance the energy storage on buttery become able to give away more instant current.  This in a way imposable as PP2000 is by topology not a able to give the instant current.  Also, my system operates in class A with current draw is absolutely steady, furthermore the current is stabilized by a lot of input chokes. So, why the caps affected sound so much? I do not find any sensible explanations.

Ok, there is nothing dramatic in there, the new days bring new success and failures for electricity battles.

There are some good things. Since I put more caps to one of my new fixed PP2000 I did not have bad electrify days. So, it is very possible that the tweak might work out effectively but a week is too short time to make any more or less generalized concussions…. Again if I had the bypass switch…. The absence of the bypass switch really drives my nits!

The dam UPS have officially lost one of my PP2000 that went to PurePower to repair. It was insured and PurePower promised to replace it next week but the units the UPS lost was my best sounding PP2000. Why they did not lost the upgraded unit that still sound very bad even after the repair? PurePower claims that all this following use will be sound the same and that “we are able to supply endless amount of identically sounding regenerators”. Well, I’ll believe what I see it, or on this case hear it. The sad past the on the unit that UPS lost I glue under the bottom the special mark to assures that this best sounding unit never will be confused. And the assholes have lost it! What a pity!!!

Another disappointment is that I return back to revised Avicenna assembly. The fact that return to Avicenna is not so bad but the fact the I burned it’s transistors is depressing. It is not big deal, I will replace them but me burning the Avicenna’s output stage because of my idiocy will not be the most glorious chapter of my autobiography.  The goo part that I have setups my audio working spare in basement: very comfortable.


This week I will be sending out to PurePower the “upgraded” PP2000. Over that last eek I made two more attempts to use it and in both case it produced absolutely revolting compressed b/w sound. I have no idea why. The November Problem that the unit had was fixed by PurePower, and measurement confirmed it but it still has no sound. I have no idea what PurePower will be “fixing” if it has objectively proper operation. Mystery…

I really wish this saga with my 3 PurePower regenerators be over. I never thought that it will be for 6 month ceremony with unknown outcome. I do not do anything with my ULF channels until I have 3 properly performing PP2000s as I feel that driving everything from one PP2000 vs. 3 PP2000s would screw the ULF results.

Rgs, the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

The Pacific Coast in Chile
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Post #: 770
Post ID: 15547
Reply to: 15544
An e-mail from Japan .
hmmm sorry Romy for the lost of your pp2000 ....
I would like to share one opinion from a technician that lives in Japan and lived in Chile . We were discussing the issues of electricity and he said "Lines in Chile are poor quiality , cables are too thin from the street and from houses" so you change the cables that come from outside and the ones inside your apartment and ask the electricity company to supply you 440V and then buy a good galvanic isolator transformer with step down , now you can use clean , 220V energy . I can understand the use of the isolator transformer but asking for 440V and the step down ?? I do not know , but audiophiles in Japan are fighting the electricity problems asiking the company to supply 220V and then they use step down transformes to 110V . Any conclusion in this aproach ?
02-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 771
Post ID: 15548
Reply to: 15547
I’ve understood the problem in a similar way 15 years back
 joaco wrote:
hmmm sorry Romy for the lost of your pp2000 ....
I would like to share one opinion from a technician that lives in Japan and lived in Chile . We were discussing the issues of electricity and he said "Lines in Chile are poor quiality , cables are too thin from the street and from houses" so you change the cables that come from outside and the ones inside your apartment and ask the electricity company to supply you 440V and then buy a good galvanic isolator transformer with step down , now you can use clean , 220V energy . I can understand the use of the isolator transformer but asking for 440V and the step down ?? I do not know , but audiophiles in Japan are fighting the electricity problems asiking the company to supply 220V and then they use step down transformes to 110V . Any conclusion in this aproach ?
Joaco,  I do not think  that it is worthy direction. I mean it might provide some benefits, like anything else might provide them but it has nothing to do with addressing the electricity problems in a way how I understand them.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
02-14-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 772
Post ID: 15569
Reply to: 15544
It looks like my extra capacitance tweak works.
It looks like my extra capacitance tweak works very well. I have it for 3 weeks and even I do not have the “super electricity days” anymore but I think the general electricity result is more stable. Nowadays my playback runs 2-3 hours each day on week day and 10-12 hours on weekend and I did not note any fluctuation in quality of sound that I would attribute to electricity. This is pretty much the result I remember with my old regenerator during the first year of use. When I got my two another units and if they sound identical to my current then I will certainly add capacitance to my other units.

It looks also that I have burned the Avicenna.  There are no doubts that I have burned it but after replacement of all output transistors the unit did not out the wave as it need to be, pickup up some noise with low load and some odd DC component…. The Avicenna is complex and is way above my head – so it going to Dima  for service.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-04-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 773
Post ID: 15700
Reply to: 15569
The second, upgraded PP2000 is in and up
I got today my second PP2000. This was the worst sounding unit, the one that I used for over 2 year, was fine then was upgraded to the new version and lost it sound. The first fix of the upgraded unit was not successful but this last one looks like made it.

I have no idea what PurePower did but it does not sound gray anymore. I did not do the final testing but I think it will be accept able this time. If it did then I juts will add to the second unit the extra capacitance to the battery and my current PP2000 has.

Meanwhile, the presence of the 2 properly-operating PP2000 enable me to finalize my power layout and do what I was curving to do for months – to finalize my grounding schema. As now I have 17 power devises. Listening the grounds very careful and changing grounds for some comments I was able to make my playback absolutely silent. It means I can stick my head into MF horn I hear not only no nose of any kind but I cannot even say if the playback is on. With 109dB sensitivity, 14 active amps and a shit of other electronics it is not so simple.
So, what I have now is one PP2000 running all time with only sources and lower bass amp plugged into it. Then I have both of my Melquiades driven from a separate PP2000. This PP2000 I turn one and of when I need it. In fact I keep the Melquiades power switch on and use PP2000’s switch. In future I might review how my PC plugged into my source PP2000 affect Sound and I might decuple it f I feel a need to it.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 774
Post ID: 15716
Reply to: 15700
Equi=Tech? Truly pure power?
I have come across this company mentioned in a preview on '6moons,' and the information on the company's website suggests that this is in theory really a complete solution, and one that makes sense even to the non-engineer that I am to AC problems.
It addresses the problem at the source in a manner which makes it less accessible than Purepower and also, in so doing, means that it does not fall in the neat category of domestically standard and approved electrical devices, although it is possible to obtain authorisation for its use in a domestic environment after appropriate authorisations have been obtained from the local health and safety authorities, correct notification of one's home insurance provider and use of an approved engineer/electrician. In short it requires substantial investment (about $10,000 for the basic 5WQ or $12,500 for the reviewed wall panel units in the US), delay in getting the necessary approvals and it is certainly to be considered a permanent solution.
As a matter of principle, but this is me, I object to throwing money at companies such as APS PurePower, which seem to have questionable quality control and fairly poor treatment of customers, actual or potential. On the other hand a complete solution that would cost even $13,000-15,500 inclusive of installation (not such a large amount when one considers that at least a couple of PurePower owners posting here required 3 of these units in their systems), is certainly a contender and one that I would use if the installation is part of my long-term system and it delivers in terms of performance. Well, it would be nice if there was a distributor in Europe but I am sure that will happen in due course.
Here we have a much more interesting solution. Before anyone scrambles up the chimney screaming "But we do not know what it sounds like!," well that the point of this post, to see if anyone has actual experience of such a system, maybe in a professional environment, and whether they can comment.
For those who are allergic to 6moons and scientific jargon, I would briefly summarise, based on my reading of the technical data on their website, that balanced power operation means splitting 120v down two wires in opposite phase and seemingly in one fell swoop rejecting all ground and common noise problems outside the system.
03-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

The Pacific Coast in Chile
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Post #: 775
Post ID: 15717
Reply to: 15716
From my point of view
 oxric wrote:
I have come across this company mentioned in a preview on '6moons,' and the information on the company's website suggests that this is in theory really a complete solution, and one that makes sense even to the non-engineer that I am to AC problems.

Oxric , the company was mentined before , but I think was not analized in this same thread and briefly another one with a very similar aproach "Torus" . I did not read the 6moons article (i will) but review my self their philosophy and talked to some electronic engeneers about what they are building . It seems that they are using very high quality parts and good philosphy for building , Ive email them for more information about a 230V version of standard type toroidal, theirs "Q" are highly expensive . I do not know but I doubt if one can call their aproach a total solution , I don´t think so , talking mainly on the aproach of balanced current . Anyway if they can ship me a 1KV unit (I do not need more) from their standard class , shure I will post my opinions to let you know ... I think very few people need a "total solution" but we all need "our own" solutions .
We are trying a 3kV galvanic isolator after the regenerator (on line ups) in a friends house and it took detaills and noise floor to another level , I do not feel tones or anything changed to the bad side , but my friends comment was "this is very analitic sound" I do not know if I will like it , sure it was more "analitic" but I think is some of his equipment that is showing ...

03-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 776
Post ID: 15718
Reply to: 15717
Not so similar at all!
Hi Jaoco:

It's actually rather reassuring that you have 230v in Chile so that if you report positively on an Equi-Tech unit, I will not have to worry that something could be lost in translation as one goes from a 110V unit to their 230v european counterpart.

 joaco wrote:
Oxric , the company was mentined before , but I think was not analized in this same thread and briefly another one with a very similar aproach "Torus" .

Actually if the post you are referring to is the one below by Romy. i.e. post 180 on page 9 of this thread, I am not sure it is pertinent as it refers to a 2008 review in Soundstage of the Torus RM15 Power Conditioner, which is nothing more or less than a well-packaged isolation transformer, as Romy points out. 

 romy wrote:

It would not surprise for anyone that I do monitor what I going on with power treatment devises out there. Today I was reading Doug Blackburn’s review in Soundstage about Torus Power Conditioner.


The Torus Power Conditioner is a plain-vanilla isolated transformer, similar to Equi=Tech. The Equi=Tech uses Maryland Toroids transformers; Torus uses Plastron transformers – big freaking deal.

Romy refers to Equi-Tech as being a similar device, but I doubt that he could have been referring to the Balanced Power units which although they do and must make use of what appears to be a highly specified transformer goes much further with their balanced power technology. It is true that it looks as if Torus Power, I imagine prompted by the success and competition from Equi-Tech balanced power units, recently started their own balanced power solutions but this being 2010, this could not have been what Romy was referring to in 2008.

Anyway, Joaco, I look forward to your report on any Equi=Tech balanced power unit, if you manage to get hold of one.


03-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 777
Post ID: 15719
Reply to: 15718

Equi=Tech is a know player in the fields of audio electricity. Back in 2001-2002 I had 3 of the Equi=Tech transformers. I was not pleased with results. I do not like the balanced operation for power lines – in my view it does something with harmonics that makes sound less potent. Sound become to behave like Chinese food it feels like I filled up but you then I feel hanger soon. Also, the melody becomes less memorable with symmetric power. The Equi=Tech worked very nice…for the first day… and then each day it was less or more effective. There were some days where it did not help at all. Equi=Tech also did not have the bass that I demanded. I did report it back to Equi=Tech and they told me that my unit might be faulty and they sent me another one unit. To my huge surprise the second unit sounds absolutely different then the first one. I reported it back to Equi=Tech and they sent me third one. The fan part was that last unit did sound absolutely different then that first two and none of them as I needed. I asked the Equi=Tech to take it from me, which they did. Sing that I need to note that Equi=Tech sell honestly, at least it is how it was back then and they did give me my 30 days trail and they did take them back what I found them no usable.

In a few years, I discoverd that Equi=Tech used Maryland Transformers and I accidently got the same Maryland 3KW, isolated double faraday shield transformer that Maryland did for medical applications. It sounded very similar to how Equi=Tech sounded. I think I still have it somewhere in basement…

It is not about Equi=Tech but the application of the “theories”. I did not see any credible theory that explain the contribution of electricity to Sound.

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 778
Post ID: 15720
Reply to: 15470
Use of Multiple PurePower units.

Last week PurePower send me back my “upgraded” PP2000 unit that eventual get right sound. I did test it running my entire playback from it and found it usable.  I found that there was VERY minor difference in sound between them, so minor that I would never consider it as a problem. So, me second PP2000 is fixed.

So, I plugged last Friday all my front-end along with my ULD amp to one PP2000 and my both tube power amps to another verified well sounding PP2000. On Sundays when I have a day-long ultra-successful marathon with my ULF I noticed that I got in way brighter sound, it did not bother me too much. Then I asked myself where the brightness came from? Upon further research I realized that the brightness came from …. PP2000.

The PP2000 #1 forms fine what all system plugged into it.  The PP2000 #2 does the same with let consider identical sound. The half and half system plagued to different PP2000s pick up brightness and not only brightness but what is the most important some upper range compression. I shall mention that both PP2000 are plagued with all 3 pins to the very same power outlet in the wall. Upon further experiments I connected all system into one PP2000s, got fine sound and then just turned on and off the second PP2000s. The brightness of sound on the first PP2000 was exactly followed the power switch on the second PP2000.

So, what the concussion is. It is known that PP2000, as any switching devise, inject a lot of noise into power line from where it sources power. Apparently the PP2000 own filtration can’t handle the noise from the second PP2000. That sucks.

So, I wonder how to use second and preferably third PP2000. I need somehow to decuple their mutual input noise. It might be a good idea to put them both to different halves of 240V but it might be bit dangers as if my neutrals get switch side with hot then I’ve have 240V ingenerate my whole system. So, I wonder what kind AC decoupling I might use. I need some kind AC diode that will work at low frequency… I do not think anything like this ever exist for lower them a few megahertz….There is another interesting question: does this effect with PP2000 mutual influence to each other  will exist with all condition of electricity in the wall?

Rgs, Romy the Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
03-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
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Post #: 779
Post ID: 15721
Reply to: 15719
A Dim Sum even Einstein could not crack
 Romy the Cat wrote:

Equi=Tech is a know player in the fields of audio electricity. Back in 2001-2002 I had 3 of the Equi=Tech transformers. I was not pleased with results. I do not like the balanced operation for power lines – in my view it does something with harmonics that makes sound less potent. Sound become to behave like Chinese food it feels like I filled up but you then I feel hanger soon. Also, the melody becomes less memorable with symmetric power. The Equi=Tech worked very nice…for the first day… and then each day it was less or more effective. There were some days where it did not help at all.

The Cat


Thanks for sharing your experience, quite damning, of Equi=Tech transformers and balanced power solutions. I cannot hide my disappointment as I felt that the theory would suggest balanced power offers a high level of protection from AC noise and ground problems. One would think that physicists who can come up with such concepts as relativity and quantum mechanics, would have sussed out a comprehensive solution for our electricity woes. It is so bad with the Beveridige with their OTL amplification that it is laughable.

When I have your usual high street restaurant Chinese food, which is VERY rare, I feel and stay full for a whole week, but that heavy taste lingers on. of course on rare occasions, it can be quite exceptional...I imagined Equi=Tech might likewise be the exception.

Romy, can you tell whether PurePower have identified precisely what made your units to perform as they do and whether that is now a standard feature of their off the shelf units? I am sure many here who might still purchase their PP2000 units would like to know that they can order a PP2000 that performs as well as your present units seem to be doing without having to enter protracted dispute resolution territory with their customer services department.  


03-08-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
Posts 10,295
Joined on 05-28-2004

Post #: 780
Post ID: 15722
Reply to: 15721
Sharing experience?
 oxric wrote:
Thanks for sharing your experience, quite damning, of Equi=Tech transformers and balanced power solutions. I cannot hide my disappointment as I felt that the theory would suggest balanced power offers a high level of protection from AC noise and ground problems. One would think that physicists who can come up with such concepts as relativity and quantum mechanics, would have sussed out a comprehensive solution for our electricity woes. It is so bad with the Beveridige with their OTL amplification that it is laughable.
 Rakesh, if you feel that theory suggests something then why don’t you discard anything that you hear from anybody and try the Equi=Tech. It is what I would do if I were you.  Equi=Tech extends 30 day trail and payes for shipping. This is very honest way to sell and it gives people like you opportunity do not listen dealer and internet hoodlums but make own judgment.

 oxric wrote:
Romy, can you tell whether PurePower have identified precisely what made your units to perform as they do and whether that is now a standard feature of their off the shelf units?
  There is no “standard feature” and “non-standard feature” – they are all the same units. Yes, it looks like the problem that they had with my November units they fixed, at least my current units (used individually) work perfectly fine after the repair.
The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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