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04-22-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 41
Post ID: 10291
Reply to: 10290
The the right amount and the properly applied type.
my mind does not operate by the categories you employ, I rather think about nature of Sound not about harmonic/non-harmonic distortions. The whole subject about the distortion is intricate, not to mention that it is not know if we in fact are able to recognize and adequately react to distortions. What I am saying that your explanation might explains something but nothing that I have practical or sensual experience with. The feeding system of sinewave tones and observation of introduced of harmonic or non-harmonic tone doe not proved to me anything about compression.  First, are you sure that the harmonic or non-harmonic problems come from compression itself but not from a wrong ways to inflict compression? You saddest to take my favorite digital compressor and set it up for some 'reasonable' amount of compression. Are you sure that in this case the sound will be ruined by compression but not by the DSP processing or by somthing else? Second, if you subtract the source from output during your “feeding system” experiment and hear juts distortions without the souses then what will you hear? I know what you will be hearing but the question is what would you be hearing that would allow you to make a cultural judgment about Sound? The answer is nothing. Therefore I do not tend to think about sound as compellation of original sound and distortion but I rather look at the whole sound, and I really know what to look for. Therefore I think that the proof in the pudding and what I observe is that a right amount and properly applied compression do not hurt sound, and in some cases very much improves it perception. Now, what would be the “right amount” and the “properly applied type” I have no idea.

The caT

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
04-22-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Andy Simpson
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Post #: 42
Post ID: 10298
Reply to: 10291
Right amount of wrong notes?
 Romy the Cat wrote:
my mind does not operate by the categories you employ, I rather think about nature of Sound not about harmonic/non-harmonic distortions. The whole subject about the distortion is intricate, not to mention that it is not know if we in fact are able to recognize and adequately react to distortions. What I am saying that your explanation might explains something but nothing that I have practical or sensual experience with. The feeding system of sinewave tones and observation of introduced of harmonic or non-harmonic tone doe not proved to me anything about compression.  First, are you sure that the harmonic or non-harmonic problems come from compression itself but not from a wrong ways to inflict compression? You saddest to take my favorite digital compressor and set it up for some 'reasonable' amount of compression. Are you sure that in this case the sound will be ruined by compression but not by the DSP processing or by somthing else? Second, if you subtract the source from output during your “feeding system” experiment and hear juts distortions without the souses then what will you hear? I know what you will be hearing but the question is what would you be hearing that would allow you to make a cultural judgment about Sound? The answer is nothing. Therefore I do not tend to think about sound as compellation of original sound and distortion but I rather look at the whole sound, and I really know what to look for. Therefore I think that the proof in the pudding and what I observe is that a right amount and properly applied compression do not hurt sound, and in some cases very much improves it perception. Now, what would be the “right amount” and the “properly applied type” I have no idea.

The caT

Of course the perception is the most interesting part and informs us why it can be dangerous to 'trust' our perception.

Generally, I hear most forms of compression simply as the sound of dynamic 'restriction' or 'stress', but there is an underlying 'dirty' 'unpure' 'unmusical' aspect, which becomes very obvious in the comparison with a real source.

If the musicians are playing a 3 part chord of C major, is there any right amount of dischordant notes for the microphone/speaker/compressor to add? Sharp, flat, off-key tones?

Perhaps, we could say that where the amplitude compression provides a subjective 'improvement' and the distortion products remain below the threshold of audibility or masking, a 'useful' compromise is reached - perhaps a reason for prefering a high noise-floor in a compressed recording.

If compression is used to make up for inadequate gain in playback it could also be argued to be 'useful' but it is a slippery slope to compromise for the worst case.

You might prefer compression for reasons of insufficient system gain, system/acoustic noise-floor or even subjective musical reasons (the musicians played with too much dynamics)....

How do your experiences differ with (sealed) headphones differ from that of the loudspeaker?

05-26-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 43
Post ID: 10593
Reply to: 10298
High-res : Second priority

As things stand today, I believe that the biggest gain in quality is not to be had via the pursuit of higher resolution formats.

A friend of mine who works for a large media distribution business (like Amazon) recently gave me a bunch of sample CDs that were left over from previous evaluations in their listening room. Record labels regularly send these samples out to large retail operations hoping to secure an order. Many of the CDs are bare, with no cover art, and have only a simple hand written title for purposes of ID. Most have a word saying something to the effect that the material is "not for resale". Listening to these recordings revealed in all cases a total absence of dynamic compression; they actually sound really good.

This is somewhat surprising, as I would have thought all mastering to have been done before issuing even the pre-sale samples, but apparently not, or apparently there are two versions (one compressed and one not). In any case, I interpret this finding as an admission on the part of the labels that the effects of dynamic compression are in fact detrimental, and that people running the labels are completely aware of the damage it does.

Though the material on newer (purchased) CDs seems to have less dynamic compression than was the case with CDs from about 3 years ago, it is still present and widely used, and I fully expect that the commercially available versions of these samples will receive the compression treatment.

This I just do not understand... The original motivation (mastering a recording to sound louder than offerings from competing labels when broadcast over the radio) is no longer valid; as a result of this practice (dynamic compression to increase perceived loudness), broadcast signals are now processed before diffusion such that perceived loudness is held at a constant level. Unless I am missing something, there is no longer any reason to continue the practice of dynamic compression; I just don't get it !

The only possible motivation I can imagine is in the context of an individual listening to music files in a noisy environment (an MP3 player used in the subway for example); such a user might "benefit" from dynamically compressed files where the quiet passages are boosted. So is that it? Is this what's dragging down the quality for all users? There has got to be a better way!


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
05-26-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

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Post #: 44
Post ID: 10597
Reply to: 10593
On compression
Hi jd*,

Unfortunately the minorities always get screwed and this case is not different.
Most people out there listen to music as a background or head banging noise, there's no way around that, and wide dynamic range is not compatible with this.
It would be so easy to have a custom circuit (like loudness) in every single audio gadget that would compress the music for this purpose... It could even be on as default and everyone would be happy.


"Science draws the wave, poetry fills it with water" Teixeira Pascoaes
05-26-2009 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Paul S
San Diego, California, USA
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Post #: 45
Post ID: 10601
Reply to: 10593
The LP Analogy
Jessie, that is hilarious!  For many years I felt so cagey to know to look out for the "white label" and/or "demo" LPs that various record "Labels" sent out to radio stations/DJs, hoping for air time.  In most cases they were "ringers", better in every way than the stuff that the same labels released for public consumption.

La plus ca change...

Best regards,
Paul S
01-04-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree
Romy the Cat

Boston, MA
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Post #: 46
Post ID: 12625
Reply to: 5269
NPR: The Loudness Wars: Why Music Sounds Worse

The NPR program is fine. The 80 comments after are fine, still THEY DI IT!!! Shall it be prosecutable?

The Cat

"I wish I could score everything for horns." - Richard Wagner. "Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - Friedrich Nietzsche
01-06-2010 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

Paris, France
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Post #: 47
Post ID: 12628
Reply to: 12625
Cause for optimism ?
This emission is significant not because it offers new information, but because it aired on NPR, and is as such evidence that the issue is now considered worthy of public attention.


How to short-circuit evolution: Enshrine mediocrity.
01-05-2011 Post does not mapped to Knowledge Tree

The French Alps
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Post #: 48
Post ID: 15382
Reply to: 12628
Mr eno has lost his hearing
I was so looking forward to David Byrne's LP,  Everything that Happens will Happen Today... on vinyl too.. brilliant... I like David Byrne.. but horror of horrors it's all recorded at exactly the same level.  There is close to zero dynamic I think.  I have now quite a few examples of this effect

Mr Brian Eno produced it and seems very proud of the result.

I'd very much like to invite Mr Eno to hear his own "Another Green World"  and then play the David Byrne LP and ask him whether he can hear any difference in recording quality.  Whether or not you like either artists music you'd have to be totally deaf not to notice this, and sadly the David Byrne LP is close to un-listenable.  Luckily I got to see him live in a good sounding venue... but that's hard to repeat in my living room.

Anyway, the point is.. How did Mr Eno and Mr Byrne miss this?  I mean 1 might have gone deaf, but both at the same time?

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